Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

TheBiscuitLout , in UK Net Zero Secretary Claire Coutinho Took Donation From Climate Science Denial Funder

How can this not be a criminal offence, let alone not require her immediate dismissal and repayment of salary?

MrMakabar , avatar

The Tories know they are going to loose the next election anyway. Obviously they are not going to make it a crime, they rather cash in any built good connections with the fossil fuel industry, as their policy has pissed of most of the other industries really badly already. Since Labour is going to do some unpopular climate related policy, this gives the Tories a strong ally to help them out and finance a massive campaign againt Labour.

Thevenin , in Transmission Is Key to a Low-Cost, Decarbonized US Grid

MIT's estimate of about $73/MWh for renewable+transmission is low. It appropriately estimates amortization costs, but purchasing from a transmission operator will always come with a markup. Not much (utilities don't usually behave like corporations), but enough to be significant.

MIT's price for renewable+storage at $135/MWh seems high, too. Lazard calculates LCOE for wind+storage at $42-114/MWh and for solar+storage at $46-102/MWh.

I'm still a big fan of HV transmission, as it enables renewable generation to take advantage of cheap land and/or terrain advantages (high wind speed in the Midwest, concentrated solar in the South, geothermal in the West). But I think we'll still see a lot of local utilities just get batteries and call it a day.

Octospider , in Earth's CO2 Home Page

I appreciate the thought of this website but the design is quite ugly

WashedOver , in 4 things to know about US EPA's new climate damage metric avatar

I'm surprised the EPA has any teeth to do anything these days with how much the Reds have blocked anything they try to do to improve the health and safety of citizens.

Candelestine , in Yes, climate activism can win | Here are four different ways activists went about achieving real climate progress in 2023.

Every last one helps.

Whirling_Ashandarei , in Climate Change in the American Mind: Beliefs and Attitudes, Fall 2023

I mean, isn't this the wrong way to approach it from the jump? Science isn't a matter of belief, but of understanding.

It's not, do you believe in gravity, it's do you understand gravity (to whatever degree). It should then also be, do you understand climate change?

Framing it as a matter of belief falls right into the the hands of the anti science people.

silence7 OP Mod ,

The reality of it is definitely one of understanding, but belief significantly impacts what's politically possible.

mutant_zz ,

Most of us are not scientists or have a good handle on the latest climate research. We have to trust in what scientists tell us that climate change is real and is something we need to worry about. In that sense, acceptance of science relies on people's beliefs.

This kind of research is just trying to measure the nature of people's climate opinions, which people tend to think of in terms of their beliefs.

VikingHippie , in Newsom unveils plan to cut California climate funding

I wonder how much PG&E are paying him for this bullshit 🤬

sonori , avatar

I think he just has delusions of a presidential run and missed the memo that adopting some right wing views doesn’t actually help you’re numbers.

VikingHippie ,

Yeah, it's probably both tbh..

MrMakabar , avatar

Companies like money, so why would they want subsidies to be cut?

VikingHippie ,

Sustainable energy is a competitor to their main income source, fossil gas.

AEMarling ,

Over a million at this point. Google Newsom donations from PG&E.

ChemicalPilgrim , in Missing profits may be a problem for the green transition

The profit margin may be lower, but I don't see how fossil fuels could continue to maintain that margin as renewables undercut them. What utility would run a more expensive generator than a less expensive one, all else equal? Expected profit is higher from a wind farm that can continue to run for decades than a coal plant you have to shutter a partway through its lifespan because new, cheaper energy is available and grid stability functions are taken over by batteries instead of spinning turbines.

silence7 OP Mod ,
ChemicalPilgrim ,

Can't really defend against some backwards legislature passing a law that says, "you can only use coal stoves to heat your house" or something, but it seems like a rear guard action that's fighting a fundamental shift in how we generate energy. If renewables are cheaper, much of the world will just go with that, which is what will drive most of the transition.

silence7 OP Mod ,

It is definitely a rearguard action, but it is a big enough deal that it has the potential to slow decarbonization enough to push temperatures outside of the range where we're reasonably assured of a civilization-supporting planet.

Leviathan , in US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction

About to see a whole mess of dudes wearing wraparound sunglasses in their pickup trucks telling us about how manly, free and American™ loving oil is.

lntl ,

Fuck yeah

ChemicalPilgrim , in U.S. cut climate pollution in 2023, but not fast enough to limit global warming

Here's hoping we're hitting a tipping point for renewables where it becomes uneconomical to run fossil fuel plants over the next couple of years.

NocturnalMorning , in Meat and dairy industry’s attempt to change how we measure methane emissions would let polluters off the hook

I mean, they'll be fucked just as much by climate change as the rest of us. That fact will not change once the real effects of climate change set in regardless of what definition they use.

Lemonparty ,

Yeah but think of all the money they can make before that happens!

iiGxC , in Meat and dairy industry’s attempt to change how we measure methane emissions would let polluters off the hook

hot take:

Fuck animal abusers

JackGreenEarth , avatar

Yeah, trying to make it about the environment is nice in theory, but all it means is that if it's environmentally friendly, these people will still be happy to abuse animals. I mean, sure, being good for the environment is a plus, but it's not the reason I don't eat meat or milk.

iiGxC ,

Yep, speciesism has to be addressed and resolved in order to actually create a just society

symthetics , in Eu Citizens initiative to tax the rich to finance the climate transition

Fuck you brexit.

Hegar , in US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction avatar

Think of how much good you could do with 8 figures, if it wasn't being spent to lie about being good.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , in US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction avatar

The ad blitz – which uses images of farm vehicles, footballers under floodlights and concert goers holding phones lit up

So they spent tens of millions of dollars on stock footage. I've never seen this ad and I know exactly what it's going to look like.

Krackalot ,

I'm guessing from your statement that it sounds like a horrible investment. Unless it's to launder money....

Esqplorer ,

Or their brother-in-law runs the ad agency

silence7 OP Mod ,

The spending is mostly on putting it in front of people

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Clearly. Unlike that crypto exchange they didn't even bother springing for Matt Damon

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