Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

Mojojojo1993 , in Doomerism

No. We need doom. It enacts change.

doublejay1999 , in Revealed: Scale of The Telegraph's Climate Change ‘Propaganda’ avatar

Wait till Arabs get it

lntl , in Ban private jets to address climate crisis, says Thomas Piketty

carbon tax on private jets?

ExFed ,


I feel like the "ban X" trend is extremely lazy. The real problem is that carbon emissions are an externality; the cost of emissions aren't factored into the cost of doing business. It's basic economics. Industry, commerce, and consumers have no reason to account for carbon emissions, and so the overwhelming systemic pressure is to continue business at usual.

Carbon emissions aren't "immoral" in the same sense that theft or murder are, but they absolutely impose an ecological cost. Outlawing carbon emissions is not only unreasonable and politically impossible, but I would also argue unethical. As much as we altruistically fight to find alternatives, it's likely that several industries vital to our economy will have to continue to emit carbon. The least we can do is compensate society for the shared ecological cost.

JohnDClay , in Ban private jets to address climate crisis, says Thomas Piketty

We absolutely should, but it's not going to make much of a difference overall.

Transportation is 14% of ghg emissions

Overall co2

Aviation is 13% of that in the EU (I couldn't link the US one, but it's similar)

EU transportation co2

Private jets are about 0.2% of total aviation emissions.

This absolutely should be done, but it's not necessarily going to do a whole lot overall, just low hanging fruit.

ReadyUser31 ,

It's the same argument as banning private schools - if the rich have to use the same infrastructure as the rest of us, they've got less incentive to dismantle it.

Treczoks , in Ban private jets to address climate crisis, says Thomas Piketty

The problem is: There are nearly no private jets. The rich would be stupid to own their own planes for tax reasons. So the planes are usually officially owned by a charter company. That this very plane is only available for that customer - who coincidentally also pays "service frees" or whatever for all inspections, upgrades and checks - does not invalidate that it is technically "chartered".

Any flight done is a chartered flight, performed by a commercial entity.

Alteon ,

Then you write in laws that prevent that sort of exploitation. Start stamping out the loopsholes to address the problem.

PoisonedPrisonPanda ,

Thats practically impossible.

Nobody could execute or enforce such complex laws.

Yet alone the string of events for other parts of legislation.

Edit Im not against the proposed measure, I ghink it just has to be another route.

Like permitting certain emission threshholds per person in transportation.

steakmeout ,
PoisonedPrisonPanda ,

Confidently incorrect

I must admit. Thanks for the link.

While I am surprised that france is so active here I welcome the push for other countries as well.

But as far as I read the other linked article about frances "ban" in detail it seems the regulation itself goes not very deep.

And I am skeptic about the outcome. The talks about this regulation were more directed towards:" give the small people some bait..." and are only impacting 3 routes in france.

But anyway, as its stated, its a small step into right direction.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Yeah I'm skeptical as well

If the assertion is;

Nobody could execute or enforce such complex laws

then a new law yet to be implemented is not evidence to the contrary.

Just like tax laws, it's extraordinarily difficult to legislate the behavior of very wealthy people because they have more resources with which to develop work arounds than the regulators have to restrict them.

theodewere , in Ban private jets to address climate crisis, says Thomas Piketty avatar

also yachts while we're at it

tankplanker ,

Motor yachts, speedboats, super yachts yeah, but not your average privately owned, normal sized sailboat. Average private sailboat sails majority of the time and uses a mix of solar/wind/hydro for electric, unlike that fucking monstrity of Bezos with its fucking chase ship and helicopters.

Alteon ,

They would never register the yacht in the states then. It's a good idea, and should happen, but the loopholes are there for them to exploit, and it needs to stop.

thbb ,

Then a docking tax in domestic harbors matched to the carbon tax would seriously reduce the usage of those yachts.

AEMarling , in Revealed: the huge climate impact of the middle classes | Carbon emissions of richest 10% is up to 40 times bigger than poorest, and ignoring divide may make ending climate crisis impossible

“Transport, especially car use, is a major factor in the sky-high emissions of the richest 10%, with these emissions 20-40 times higher than the transport emissions of the poorest 10% in the countries analysed.”
This is why EV’s are anything but a solution to the climate crisis.

thezeesystem , in How to Boost EV Sales? Pay Drivers to Turn in Old Polluting Cars | US state-level policymakers are rolling out big incentives for electric vehicle buyers who surrender a gas-powered model

Or just invest in public transit instead of more cars?

ohlaph , in Elon Musk was once an environmental hero: is he still a rare green billionaire? The billionaire seems to be at one now with super-emitters and far-right global climate deniers

He has fought against mass transit in favor of electric cars. He's not the environmentalist he claims to be.

ssboomman , in Elon Musk was once an environmental hero: is he still a rare green billionaire? The billionaire seems to be at one now with super-emitters and far-right global climate deniers

Stop saying Elon has done anything positive, he has not

Wabbitsmiles , in Eating less meat would be good for the Earth. Small nudges can change behavior

I'd reckon eating less in general is better for the climate our health

AngrilyEatingMuffins , avatar

Considering red meat and processed meats cause cancer - definitely.

EddoWagt ,

Everything causes cancer

AngrilyEatingMuffins , avatar

Uh, no. I get that that’s a popular thing to say but it’s just that lots of things that are profitable to use cause cancer. You’re just letting megacorps get away with killing us by repeating their nonsensical propaganda. The WHO has a list - you should look at it.

OsrsNeedsF2P , in Shell sues Greenpeace for $2.1 million after boarding oil vessel

Boarding a moving vessel at sea was "unlawful and extremely dangerous," a Shell spokesperson said.

"The right to protest is fundamental and we respect it absolutely. But it must be done safely and lawfully," the spokesperson said.

Lol eat rocks. "We support the right to protest when it doesn't amount to meaningful change"

ARk ,

What meaningful change occured here though

grue , in Rich People Are the Big Barrier to Stabilizing the Climate

I think it's worth noting that being counted among the "rich people" (defined by the article as the world's top 10% by income or wealth) starts at a number a lot lower than most Americans (or Westerners in general) might realize: $122,100/year measured by income, or $771,300 measured by net worth. (Source: World Inequality Report 2022, page 9.) In fact, even that second figure might be (vastly) overstated, because another paper I found claims that it only takes $138,346 net worth to be in the top 10%, and $1,146,685 gets you into the top 1%! (Source: Credit Suisse Research Institute Global Wealth Report 2022, page 22.)

In other words, a Hell of a lot of those global rich people are Americans who are deluding themselves to think they're middle-class and not part of the problem. We're not talking about just Musk and Bezos and shit; we're talking about you and me. Literally, in fact: at least according to the Credit Suisse definition, I myself am one of the rich people @z3rOR0ne wants to eat!

fosiacat , in Trump 2.0: The climate cannot survive another Trump term

but....... biden signed more oil drilling contracts than trump did.

can it survive another bullshit neolib puppet?
we need progressives, not corporate lib shills.


Phanatik , in Michigan House passes climate change reform, mandating clean energy by 2040

That's only checks notes 10 years after we're all fucked.

JohnDumpling ,

don't worry, they will move it another 10 years further!

hotair ,

Maybe for a long tail - but I think there were a few reports from other places that phaseout can happen faster than expected :)
I am just worried that fossil prices drop because nobody buys them, making it super cheap again.

sonori , avatar

It could happen quickly, in theory. Energy also could have been largely decarbonised by 2010, in theory. France accidentally decarbonized most of thier grid in the 70s after all, and we’ve had scientific consensus that it needed to be done urgently since about then aswell. Better panels, heat pumps, and batteries help, but we’re never necessarily. Instead, we built massive numbers of brand new coal plants and we have since added far more carbon to the atmosphere knowingly in the last fifty years than we had in all of human history before that.

There is no magic here, China for all its fault is set up to produce enough solar panels next year to power the entire US grid, and do so every year thereafter for decades to come. Electric cars make up over seventy percent of new car purchases in Norway. There is no magic reason the US and Canada couldn’t have done the same.

Companies like Shell and BP can’t exsist in 30 years, at least not as anything larger than a specialty lubricant supplier, and they know it. They also know that thier jobs depend on the company growing, no matter the cost. They will spend whatever it takes for each delay, each legal battle, massively fund any hate group, take as many politicians to fancy dinners where they lie their asses off about a green transition, so long as it buys just one more day of profits.

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