Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

Hugohase , in Cop29 will be led by Azerbaijan’s ecology minister who is oil industry veteran

Same shit, different year. I hate them all with a passion. Lets kill the planet for short term profits...

bloopernova , in Where Did the Snow Go? “A visceral feeling of what climate change looks and feels like.” avatar

Yet anyone I speak to is thrilled to not have winter weather to deal with. I have to bite my tongue to stop ranting about how it's not good.

(Sample of people: doctors, nurses, cashiers, neighbours)

bstix , in Where Did the Snow Go? “A visceral feeling of what climate change looks and feels like.”

I don't like using snow as a measurement of climate change.
Snow is weather. Global warming is not weather.

If the gulf stream closes, we're going to have ice ages in Europe and scorched earth and soup like oceans in the Americas.

It's bad, m'kay.

The consequences aren't if we're going to have white Christmas or how well the financial reports are for skiing resorts. It's literally the doom of most life on earth. Don't give me the "The uh planet will be fine". I don't give a shit about a planet in space. I care for the living beings on the planet. Fuck.

silence7 OP Mod ,

There are in fact meaningful trends in snow cover

theneverfox , avatar

Snow is very noticeable. It's weather that is very pretty and visual, but also impacts your daily life.

I remember how many snow days I had back in school, and how kids now often don't have any

It's very visceral and memorable weather - most other things are vague and easy to write off, or they're a life changing catastrophe that is basically up to luck.

If snow is what makes people understand, viscerally, "things are changing very, very fast", then that's fine

That's where we are right now. People generally believe it's happening, but only intellectually - they have no sense of scale or urgency. Most still think they'll be gone by the time it gets bad, and that it's a long term problem.

Any and every way you can make people understand this is a "right now" problem helps

Grogon , (edited ) in Climate crisis is making sugar more expensive around the world, say experts

I don't think that will prevent obese people from being obese since they are mostly the rich people.
The only thing that could help against obesity is better healthcare education and not increasing the price of sugar and food that has high amounts of sugar in it.

Atleast that is my opinion but it might be worth a try.

My bad I didn't read the article. It says climate crisis is increasing price for sugar around the world.
Not something I personally care about because I don't eat a lot of sugar but this still might help against obesity. Allthough I don't think rich (fat) people will care enough and just buy the food anyways since price isn't the problem.

It's already problematic getting a black coffee from McDonalds before nightshift. Way to many people put a lot of effort into getting "ready" and are content with dining at McDonalds. It's not like they have an emergancy. They really get ready and eat there and act like it is a real dinner where I see it as a necessity or emergancy before I starve or am tired (coffee). It took me 20 minutes just to get a coffee cause they ordered food. I always wonder where these people get the energy from leaving home, driving to a McDonalds and eating there. So much better options to cook at home.

bleistift2 , in Germany’s emissions hit 70-year low as it reduces reliance on coal

If you’re adding the context that basically says “it’s all bogus”, why not adjust the headline accordingly? This makes it seem like Germany actually did something to protect the climate.

sic_1 ,

Yeah, we wrecked the economy by trapping it in dead end technologies and killing off innovations for decades under conservative government. Degrowth like a champ!

DeathsEmbrace , in Reducing inequality is essential in tackling climate crisis, researchers argue

Good luck that's like trying to take down capitalism. It's hypocrisy you can't be capitalist and care about inequality.

atro_city ,

Indeed. Unfortunately, what should be done and what will be done are worlds apart.

toaster , in Big oil ‘fully owned the villain role’ in 2023, the hottest year ever recorded | Fossil fuel firms ‘took the mask off’ as they reneged on climate pledges and doubled down on expansion of planet-heatin avatar

They're increasing production each year; they are not under threat but are actually one of the most wealthy, powerful, and influential industries with no need for grassroots support. Don't entertain petroturfing.

CJOtheReal , in 9th Circuit won’t let Berkeley enforce first-in-the-nation natural gas ban

This news outlet is known for engaging in legal measures when people share archive site links which bypass the paywall or copy-paste article text. So please don't post those.

Don't post pay walled articles from them then...

silence7 OP Mod ,

You can beat it yourself. Just takes a couple clicks

CJOtheReal ,

I mean why give that asshole any traffic at all if they behave like that?

JoMiran , in Siberia’s ice is melting, revealing its past and endangering its future avatar
silence7 OP Mod ,
PoisonedPrisonPanda ,

We can but we won't.

We could but we should.

mozz , in 2023 was Earth’s warmest on record. Will this year be even hotter?
spacecowboy , in 2023 was Earth’s warmest on record. Will this year be even hotter?

Yes. Every year moving forward will be “hotter” than the previous.

silasmariner , in 🙄

Assuming this was between gigs - blame the fans

sonori , avatar

It’s not like she could safely fly publicly in a post John Lennon world, and when your job requires you to constantly fly around the world i’d imagine that you get pretty used to it. Maybe once SAF becomes more widely produced and available you could complane if she has the doesn’t use it dispite having the money, but I don’t see many practical alternatives for someone who constantly has to travel on tight deadlines for work and is at high risk of getting shot by some nut.

I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that her jet use became a major talking point right after she started pushing statisiticly left leaning young people to get out and vote for collective action. She’s a hypocrite becuse she flys for work so don’t feel bad about staying home and helping the Republicans win more of the legislature so they can keep squashing any hope of any new climate laws.

Similarly there is an active campaign based on the idea both parties are just as bad and it’s all gerrymandered to hell so no point in going out to vote or trying to pass bipartisan anti-gerrymandering ballot initiatives like the kind that have knocked several purple states into new more inline with thier populations.

If your a unpopular minority party which hasn’t won the presidency by popular vote since the eighties large voter turnout is terrifying, and the most popular musician in the world campaigning to increase it amount her young fans twice so.

lettruthout , in Climate scientists hail 2023 as ‘beginning of the end’ for fossil fuel era

Which should have begun 20 years ago, but here we are.

iraq_lobster OP , in Some Elon spam maybe ?

Also an article with the same spirit as the post: Congress may let jet owners like Elon Musk block flight info

drkt , avatar

All token efforts, given that airplanes broadcast ID and anyone can receive it.

KingThrillgore , avatar

I'm certain the legislation wouldn't block Flightaware (which already blocks requests for fucknugget's plane) but any ADS-B

drkt , avatar

How would you block any ADS-B? ADS-B is broadcast by the airplane itself and can be received and decoded by literally anyone.

quercus , in The core of the climate social problem: stubbornness. The mitigating effect of psilocybin is worth a look avatar
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