Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.

thefartographer , in NASA Analysis Confirms 2023 as Warmest Year on Record

What sensationalism, they say this every year! If this were actually true, that would imply that there's some sort of warming on a global scale and that can't be because of abortions, trans rights, and feeding children over the summer. GO OIL!!!

silence7 OP Mod ,
NaibofTabr , in Where the world warmed the most in Earth’s hottest year

“It’s very likely that in 20, 30 years time, we will look back at the climate of the early 2020s as a period when [the temperature] was still manageable, when it was cold, in a sense,” Buontempo said.

This right here scares me more than anything else going on right now.

sonori , in US Tax-credit rules leave key 'blue hydrogen' issues unanswered avatar

Can we just stop Blue and Grey from receiving subsidies? Like, if Shell thinks they can get it to work they can do it, but they can do so at their own expense. Focus the money towards projects that are definitely helping, and let the private market figure out a way to prove the probably greenwashing actually meets zero emissions.

silence7 OP Mod ,

That would take changing the law. You'd need a lot more Democrats in the House and Senate to do that.

sonori , avatar

Well yes, but it’s the sort of thing that could be spun as a compromise with the Republicans in that you are rolling back a ‘green’ energy subsidy, presumably in an effort to get something else passed that’s more effective.

silence7 OP Mod ,
Five , in Study: Climate migration will leave the elderly behind avatar

The aged are also the primary victims of heatwaves.

Petroleum society - euthanasia with extra steps.

Sterile_Technique , in Study: Climate migration will leave the elderly behind avatar

They made their bed, now sleep in it.

The rest of us aren't far behind them.

MrMakabar , avatar

The rich countries, were the elder are actually responsible can built proper dykes and so forth to deal with it or they can just move. It is going to be the poor elderly who will suffer and most of them really did nothing wrong.

TheBiscuitLout , in UK Net Zero Secretary Claire Coutinho Took Donation From Climate Science Denial Funder

How can this not be a criminal offence, let alone not require her immediate dismissal and repayment of salary?

MrMakabar , avatar

The Tories know they are going to loose the next election anyway. Obviously they are not going to make it a crime, they rather cash in any built good connections with the fossil fuel industry, as their policy has pissed of most of the other industries really badly already. Since Labour is going to do some unpopular climate related policy, this gives the Tories a strong ally to help them out and finance a massive campaign againt Labour.

Sheeple , in US oil lobby launches eight-figure ad blitz amid record fossil fuel extraction avatar

Should be handled like cigarette ads where an equal amount has to be donated to repair damage

catboss ,

Get out of here with your reasonable suggestions for real life problems.

Instead the state should raise taxes on poor people and give the money to the oil companies, cause freedom or something.

arymandias ,

I think the damage done in this case is a little bit more profound.

HawlSera , in Eating Meat Is Bad for Climate Change, and Here Are All the Studies That Prove It

There were studies that "proved" vaccines caused autism, take your psuedoscience and shove it.

Gloomy ,

One study. Only one. Compared to study after study after study coming to the same conclusion: Meat is bad for the environment.

Cuttlersan , in Where is the ice? Great Lakes ice cover is nearly non-existent and reaches 50-year record low | CNN

That’s crazy! Was just up at Superior in September and it felt surreally warm for that lake (like 60-65F, compared to the icy 45-50F it usually is even in the summer). I wonder how long before the temperatures at the lakebed begin to turn up too; normally the cold depth keeps decomposition away, but if it were to start to heat up down there, then that could all change drastically.

Infynis , avatar

September is honestly around the best time to swim in Superior. It's at its warmest, because it gets heated all summer

bzarb8ni , in World EV Sales Now Equal 19% Of World Auto Sales

Queue all the deniers rushing in here to point out every little issue with EVs...

parpol ,

I'll start. Not specifically an EV problem so much as manufacturer and distributor problem, but I would appreciate if when I buy a new electric vehicle, I don't have to pay a subscription service to use features like seat warmers, or essentially pay for a new car if the battery protector cap is slightly bigger than it is supposed to, and be told I'll be raped in a parking lot if I ask a third party repair shop to fix it, or lose all warranty if I fix it myself.

bzarb8ni ,

Fair enough, but that's not going to be unique to EVs, is it?

canis_majoris , in Cummins pickup truck engines systematically tricked air pollution controls, feds say avatar

Lmao this is the same thing Volkswagen did years ago.

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe , avatar

Yes and it was widely known at the time that they were specifically being targeted while most manufacturers were using defeat devices because they were outcompeting American auto makers.

bleistift2 , in Germany’s emissions hit 70-year low as it reduces reliance on coal

If you’re adding the context that basically says “it’s all bogus”, why not adjust the headline accordingly? This makes it seem like Germany actually did something to protect the climate.

sic_1 ,

Yeah, we wrecked the economy by trapping it in dead end technologies and killing off innovations for decades under conservative government. Degrowth like a champ!

Thevenin , in Transmission Is Key to a Low-Cost, Decarbonized US Grid

MIT's estimate of about $73/MWh for renewable+transmission is low. It appropriately estimates amortization costs, but purchasing from a transmission operator will always come with a markup. Not much (utilities don't usually behave like corporations), but enough to be significant.

MIT's price for renewable+storage at $135/MWh seems high, too. Lazard calculates LCOE for wind+storage at $42-114/MWh and for solar+storage at $46-102/MWh.

I'm still a big fan of HV transmission, as it enables renewable generation to take advantage of cheap land and/or terrain advantages (high wind speed in the Midwest, concentrated solar in the South, geothermal in the West). But I think we'll still see a lot of local utilities just get batteries and call it a day.

Whirling_Ashandarei , in Climate Change in the American Mind: Beliefs and Attitudes, Fall 2023

I mean, isn't this the wrong way to approach it from the jump? Science isn't a matter of belief, but of understanding.

It's not, do you believe in gravity, it's do you understand gravity (to whatever degree). It should then also be, do you understand climate change?

Framing it as a matter of belief falls right into the the hands of the anti science people.

silence7 OP Mod ,

The reality of it is definitely one of understanding, but belief significantly impacts what's politically possible.

mutant_zz ,

Most of us are not scientists or have a good handle on the latest climate research. We have to trust in what scientists tell us that climate change is real and is something we need to worry about. In that sense, acceptance of science relies on people's beliefs.

This kind of research is just trying to measure the nature of people's climate opinions, which people tend to think of in terms of their beliefs.

Octospider , in Earth's CO2 Home Page

I appreciate the thought of this website but the design is quite ugly

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