Is it just me, or have the comments on Lemmy become extra aggressive over the past 3 months?

I feel like things on Lemmy were pretty chill several months ago, and that’s started to change.

People used to talk each other like they would talk to a neighbor. Now I get the sense that people have become quick to be negative, attack, and not be constructive.

Am I crazy in feeling like the vibe has changed?

Yerbouti ,

Comming from Reddit, I find it really peaceful, but IDK how it was before. Except for the people at Hexbear who bullied me for liking South Park. The socalled "dirtbag left" is basically the proudboys pretending to be far-left.

Zirconium ,

Considering a lot of them are anti-Semitic, defend USSR invading Poland, some even homophobic. They're literally just larping fascist pigs

8000gnat ,


Zirconium ,

Idk what that means

davel , avatar

Still conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism, I see. First of all, anti-Zionist Jews and non-Zoinist Jews exist.

There is no fediverse instance more queer-friendly and than Hexbear; what are you even talking about?

AnarchoBolshevik , avatar

There is no fediverse instance more queer-friendly and than Hexbear; what are you even talking about?

I am guessing that the reasoning is as follows:

  1. The short twentieth century’s people’s republics were frequently heterosexist in some way
  2. Many on Hexbear defend the people’s republics (within reason)
  3. Ergo, Hexbear is heterosexist

This reasoning does not apply when defending dictatorships of the bourgeoisie such as Imperial America and the British Empire, because

JimboDHimbo ,

You obviously don't know what fascist means. You should probably stop using the word until you go read the definition.

Zirconium ,

Cool 👍

Neil , avatar

It's never a bad idea to instance block them. They'll endlessly bully you and gang up like a bunch of school children. The only thing that stops it is to stop responding.

davel , avatar

Liberals just can’t fathom the possibility that socialists walk among us, therefore they must be cryptofascists or paid shills of foreign States.

I assure you that we have been here all along, despite two red scares and a cold war to try to purge us.

It’s pretty insulting, considering that American socialists helped bring about the weekend and the eight hour workday.

Tinidril ,

There are socialists, and then there is a fairly new wave of terminally online toxic assholes borrowing socialist rhetoric.

There is a difference between activism and empty virtue signaling. A huge portion of the online left is more interested in letting everyone know how pissed off they are than actually making the cultural gains necessary to improve anything.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Plus they think the stupidest shit matters.

Earlier I saw people complaining about the Hogwarts game because of JK Rowling. Yeah, don't play the videogame based on the book series that was written by a transphobe. Cause somehow that means the videogame and it's developers are all transphobic too?

Someone should tell them transphobic people breathe oxygen, maybe they'll suffocate themselves as activism.


I mean I boycott products if I don't agree where the money is going. Nestle, Amazon, Israel (BDS), etc etc. Everyone who has the capacity should at the very least try to avoid funding people and projects they think are detrimental to life.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

How much of the revenue is actually going to Rowling for the product?


I have no idea or interest in finding out, but it isn't zero

dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

There's people who are constructive and try to be polite who have different world views, and then there's the people who just insult and spam racial slurs. The second category gets a block on offending users and a block on an entire community if it's repeated

Inui ,

What racial slurs?

Aria ,

You know what 'racial slurs' they care about. "White", maybe "privileged", maybe "spoiled", "entitled", "Northerner", "Imperial core".

ComradePupIvy , (edited ) avatar

I do not know what you are talking about, you were the one who came put swinging, they reacted like I would expect,

Also proudboys are Fash, guess who is the most anti-fash

Also ypur political annalisis seems to go from "is like trump suporter" to "Is like proudboy" not very nuanced

P.S. I only found this because I had to track down said hexbear post because of the smearing you do with it while convenently not linking it... so for context, it was not for "simply liking southpark"

Yerbouti ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • ComradePupIvy , avatar

    Track You? No I found this as I was trying to find context to your claim you kept making on Lemmygrad that seemed far feched, but as I said I was giving you the bennift of the doubt, this one poppoed up when I searched the page for Hexbear.

    To bully you, also no I am adding context to your constant claim that is blantantly false, I do not understand how someone with a Doctorate in something and 42 years of life still thinks that providing context to a smear is bullying, but smearing a comunity of people, who is one of the most inclusive and welcoming groups on the internet, is not bullying.

    ComradePupIvy , (edited ) avatar

    And what agian id the deff of dictator, I could easily argue Troudou, Mary Simon or Charly III could be dictators of canada, and Biden the dictator of the US

    Also with the bullying, repeated malicious name calling check, constant, and at this point with how many times we have explained to the post I have to assume intetional and malicious miss understanding, Constant calling us facists, and agian, as was explained to you before Communists are not Facists and we dont support trump, nor do we "enable" him, and calling us all "privlaged white boys" agian I would love to direct you to our demographics survey

    But the behavior you have been demonstrating is the behavior consistant of a bully, not I, not my fellows from Lemmygrad, not those from Hexbear, so I would recommend, as one human to another, that you take a seat, and reflect, because clearly something is stuck in your craw, and I genuinely hope it gets

    ivanafterall ,


    kWazt ,

    Careful with the punctuation it makes you seem rather aggressive

    spaduf , avatar

    Worth noting, the number of people who come here "to escape authoritarian moderators". Nearly all of them were moderated for good reason.

    I also don't think the presence of places like hexbear are doing us any favors.

    SnotFlickerman , avatar

    You can see them jumping from Lemmy server to Lemmy server as they get banned from each.

    Eventually, they'll just set up their own instances so they can bother people with impunity.

    themadcodger , avatar

    And then we block that instance! Or it gets defederated.

    pearsaltchocolatebar ,

    It would be super nice if users could block instances.

    Like, I have no desire to see anything from the furry instance.

    federalreverse ,

    I think that's coming (or is it implemented already!?)?

    spaduf , avatar

    I totally thought that was in 0.19 but I haven't actually seen that yet.

    seathru , avatar

    It's under Settings -> Blocks -> then down at the bottom is the block instances option.

    ShittyKopper , avatar

    the 0.19 implementation is so half-assed I genuinely think the Lemmy devs just don't want that functionality but expected quite a lot of backlash if they outright said as much, so they decided to implement something that ticks the box in the "wanted features" list without having any effect

    afaik it only blocks communities and explicitly lets users from blocked instances through

    nutomic , avatar

    Feel free to make open an issue to improve instance blocking. Or better yet a pull request. We are only a few devs with limited time, and hundreds of issues to work on.

    Blaze , avatar

    Sorry for this kind of aggressivity

    davel ,


    seathru , avatar

    You can on instances running .19 or newer. Settings -> Blocks -> then at the bottom is an option for blocking instances.

    567PrimeMover , avatar

    So there's going to be a fediverse and a mirror fediverse?

    SnotFlickerman , avatar

    That was always a risk of decentralized services, unfortunately.

    Ghostalmedia OP , avatar

    The thing that actually worried me a little bit more was people upvoting the aggressive comments to be top comments.

    I was reading some thread over at !politics today, and a lot of stuff advocating for political violence were the top comments. Mods yanked it, but nevertheless, people were vibing with some comments about dragging people through the street. I felt like I was on X/Twitter.

    spaduf , avatar

    Yeah, I think it's a legitimate and growing problem. I think a lot of folks don't realize, but since growth has slowed from Reddit more broadly, the people who feel they have been "unfairly silenced" are the fastest growing subpopulation around here. If I'm honest, I think the only real antidote is to reestablish growth from communities with kinder dispositions.

    exocrinous ,

    We don't need to take from nicer communities, we need to build nicer communities. Right now there aren't any left wing instances, which is a big problem. It was nicer back when existed.

    d3Xt3r ,

    I was reading some thread over at !politics

    There you go, that's your problem. Political topics always gets heated and brings out the worst in people, no matter the platform. The first thing I did is block all politics (and general news + sports) communities, and it's been a fairly pleasant experience so far for me, except for the odd troll or fanboy that shows up every now and then.

    exocrinous ,

    You didn't block all politics. Everything is political.

    Pratai ,
    CosmicCleric , avatar

    Conflict bots?

    ProdigalFrog , avatar

    At least in the communities I'm subscribed to and interact with, I've still seen it mostly be positive interactions.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    It's been my experience that it's a couple problem instances where most of the toxicity comes from.

    Fudoshin , avatar users are the worst by a long shot. I hear they're mutants who live underground!

    Omega_Haxors ,

    Well i'm here to put the allegations to rest: I do in fact live above ground.

    davel , avatar
    SorteKanin , avatar

    Which ones, if you don't mind me asking?

    Omega_Haxors ,
    • Hexbear: Similar to lemmygrad they have their strong convictions, but don't have the maturity to back it up.

    • LemmyWorld: Users are a mixed bag but the admins seem dead set on turning the place into a nazi bar.

    • sh.itholefor.nazis: The only thing you need to know about these guys is they have a c/ for conservatives

    • feddit de: Literally every user on this instance is dead set on reminding you that Germany never underwent denazification

    • discusstchncs de: same story but to a much less extreme extent

    TheAnonymouseJoker ,

    From my experience I think is fine, and is a victim of large userbase. You have few iffy people on slrpnk and sopuli at times, but things like that are best ignored.

    As long as the political takes do not start to become obviously stupid or have evil moral intent, a basic level of the hot takes should just be ignored. One needs to tolerate a bit of this stuff just for mental exercise and to "know the enemy".

    Omega_Haxors ,

    I still remember that clash I had with an ecofash on slrpnk. Thankfully they were quickly taken care of but even some of the gold star instances can have problem users from time to time.

    exocrinous ,

    Remember that time the World admins removed the rules against discrimination from their terms of service and got rid of the code of conduct? Racism was legal for a while there.

    .ee is my favourite instance because I trust the average user more than the average admin.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    To be fair anything is a step up over LW's antimoderation. They wanted to be reddit and I think they succeeded in the worst way.

    sunaurus , avatar

    lemm ee: The owners don’t really moderate and its users reflect this fact. Universally unpleasant userbase.

    This is categorically untrue. You can find our administration policy here, and we frequently ban users for breaking our instance rules. At most you could make the claim that we are lenient when it comes to things like heated arguments, as we often give warnings or temporary bans to users in such cases, but on the other hand, our "no bigotry" rule is very strict, and violations have consistently resulted in permanent bans.

    We of course don't screen all posts and comments which our users write, so we can only respond to reports, but I assure you that our admin team is constantly going over and responding to the report queue (which is a big effort, and clearly a thankless job).

    By the way, I just want to point out that we have ~3000 active monthly users on, I find it very unlikely that you can make an accurate universal judgement about such a huge group of people.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    That's what the owners of feddit de said too and it didn't stop their users from constantly leaving harassing messages on anything left of hitler. In fact, it was one of your members leaving a shitty comment that spurred me to add ee to the list, it wasn't even included initially.

    EDIT: You do realize that modlogs are public right? I went through them and was less than impressed with what I saw. It seems your idea of "moderation" is to remove when people call you on your shit, which is especially convenient that someone just so happened to call out that your conservative c/ (why is there a conservative c/!?!) is being run by an actual pedo. So yeah, sums up what I expected from you guys.

    sunaurus , avatar

    I am not really interested in discussing this with you, as you already have an opinion about and seem intent on spreading false rumors about us. I've learned several months ago that no matter how much you give to people for free, there will always be users demanding more, so I don't think there is any chance of you being interested in what I have to say. I am just responding here, so other users who may end up reading this thread don't come away with the impression that what you are saying is true.

    First of all, no user has ever been banned from for criticizing the admin team. Our admins have banned nearly a thousand users in the past ~7 months (just think about that for a second - that is a massive amount of bullshit our volunteer admins have had to wade through in the span of less than a year), and indeed the mod log is public, so you can easily check the ban reasons, which are consistently related to violations of our basic instance rules.

    If any moderation team on any of our communities does not follow our instance rules, then such communities are closed. We have in fact had to do this several times before with some conservative-type communities, mainly because they wanted to push the ideas that some people, based on their identities, are less valuable as humans that others. The current conservative community on the other hand is consistently moderating based on our instance rules, and they have incorporated the no bigotry rule into their community rules as well. If this ever changes, then we will take action, just as we have done previously.

    Regarding the allegations against one of the mods, I'm not sure if you've seen the event they were referencing, but I think it's safe to say that this event was extremely misrepresented by the accuser. In any real cases of CSAM, has taken drastic actions. We have purged, banned, defederated, reported to authorities, we have implemented some technical safeguards, and we will continue to take action like this in the future as well.

    Let me just finish off by saying that we are a volunteer team giving up our time for free. I realize that users want admins to be perfect and moderate exactly in line with their preferences, but we are humans, we miss things, we make mistakes, and we can not possibly be available 24/7 or read every single piece of content posted by other users.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    Letting it get just bad enough that it doesn't cause problems for you isn't how anyone should moderate. You have to be proactive and get rid of problem users before it gets to that point, make it clear that isn't welcome, which is something your instance has routinely failed to do.

    Also for the record I know that you're full of shit when it comes to the owner of conservative c/ not being a pedo because conservativism is at its core a pedo ideology, just like all right-wing ideologies; it always comes back to child abuse with those types. CSAM attacks don't happen in a vacuum, they happen when you foster the kinds of people who are into that shit and you make them feel welcome, which is exactly what your "we're going to do the bare minimum of moderating" is attracting.

    I've already made it clear that i'm not going to fold to any of your tricks, and you've made it clear you're aware you're wasting your time on me, so why you even bothered to besmirch your reputation by even engaging in the first place is beyond me, but definitely speaks to the lack of experience and borderline negligence that you carry about. I sincerely hope shit gets better for you and the mod team and hopefully an actually competent moderation policy can go a great step in ensuring you never have to deal with more attacks going forward, because that shit fucking sucks and nobody should have to go through it. I hope whoever did it is rotting in a jail cell and that's coming from a prison abolitionist.

    Oh and BTW just going forward, don't tell someone whose complaining about your instance members being harassing little shits "nuh-uh disinformation" unless you're prepared to get a fatal dose of all that fermented spite unleashed right into your face. Making it about you is the single worse thing you can do in that case and really tells everyone in the room where your priorities are.

    EDIT: and there go the downvotes, well I think that's a good of a place as any to cut the thread.

    areyouevenreal ,

    You think being a conservative is a pedo ideology? Are you serious? Wow.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    Party of lowering the age of consent.

    areyouevenreal ,

    Which country is this?

    Omega_Haxors ,

    All of them, really. Conservatism has its roots in upholding systems of oppression and child abuse.

    areyouevenreal ,

    Definitely has roots in systems of oppression because conservatism by definition supports the current system which is oppressive. The latter part you are gonna have to prove.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    Conservatism doesn't support the current system which happens to be oppressive, they support the current system because it's oppressive. The original Conservatives formed because they wanted to defend the monarchy, which was a system of oppression which makes even capitalism look tame by comparison. The only reason they jumped ship is because socialism became the greater threat.

    As for the ties to child abuse that's a case of just look at the connections and the people they choose to align with.

    KrasMazov , avatar

    I'm only gonna comment on Hexbear and you're completely wrong. They do have less patience with libs comming there saying shit, but everytime that happens, there's always people actually engaging and backing up all of their claims. It's not only dunking.

    WanderingVentra ,

    It's usually buried under the dunking but I think that's because hexbear doesn't have up and down votes, so they have to comment to make their opinion known. It leads to a lot of annoying brigading looking behavior on comments, but at least their good comments tend to be pretty good. Sometimes it's not worth digging through all the sarcasm, pig poop balls, and picture posts to find it, though lol.

    ProdigalFrog , avatar

    If you're talking about the two that I think you are, I agree. I suspect my pleasant experience is due to my instance defederating completely with those, which is pretty swank.

    dessalines , avatar

    We can absolutely do better than reddit on this one. If someone is breaking rule 2 (be respectful), report that comment and we'll get to it as soon as we can.

    dylanTheDeveloper , avatar

    Are reports anonymous? I don't want to report a user that breaks rules only for the offending user to be friends with an admin and get me kicked from a community as payback

    Hubi ,

    No, the mods of the community can see who sent the report.

    WanderingVentra ,

    That can be a good thing, too, to find out if someone is abusing the report feature, as was common on Reddit when people didn't like someone's comment.

    dessalines , avatar

    Reports are not anonymous, but they also aren't public. Only visible to admins and mods of that community.

    It's a tradeoff, anonymous report abuse was a big problem on reddit that I didn't want to replicate here. If the admins or mods aren't trustworthy on your server, you should pry move to another one.

    Sombyr , avatar

    Trigger warning on this. Can't get the spoiler thing to work at all.

    Definitely not imagining it.
    Since I first joined I went from having nice conversations with strangers about the weirdest things, never having a single negative interaction, to nowadays saying I think women deserve a baseline level of respect and being told I should die giving birth to a rapists baby.
    To be fair, the dude who said that did get banned from the instance I'm on for that, but it happening in the first place would have been unthinkable to me a few months ago.

    Smoogs ,

    agreed there is a definite influx of misogynistic incels lately. Feel like I’m spelling out how women are human beings a lot more than I ever had to here before. Conversations are more on the de-evolutionary side.

    dessalines , avatar

    There's no need to debate misogynists here. Downvote and report them and we'll ban as soon as we can.

    omnomed ,

    This. Most of those guys probably got banned on reddit and drifted here and they'll do the same after getting banned here. No point in wasting brain cells arguing with people who can't think for themselves about right and wrong.

    Buelldozer , avatar

    You mean comments like this one?

    Yeah, it's getting worse.

    starman2112 , avatar

    My god. I sit here couching my thinly veiled calls for civil disobedience in "in minecraft" and "this is satire," and here's someone openly calling for a murder. Maybe next time I want to make a joke about billboard burning being a fun pastime for the whole family, I won't be as afraid of getting a visit from the fun police

    Kolrami ,

    And it's upvoted

    HerrBeter ,

    I don't think people thought about it too much. But it shouldn't be allowed, even if it's a joke

    exocrinous ,

    You can just say whatever you want on the internet. Watch this:

    People who eat meat are murderers and deserve to be killed. It'll reduce the number of murders overall.

    See? It's easy.

    negativeyoda ,

    Strap in. It's an election year

    NigelFrobisher ,

    Every year is an election year somewhere.

    vulgarcynic , avatar


    that's like the super bowl of elections

    Sent from my freedom phone motherfucker

    nitefox , avatar

    What the fuck is a superbowl

    Fur_Fox_Sheikh ,

    A really nice owl

    nitefox , avatar

    Can I pet it?

    ikidd , avatar

    Now you've made an enemy for life, buddy.

    Hestia ,

    The enemy of my enemy... also enemy.

    willya , avatar

    It comes in waves. I don’t like the overly sensitive crap either though.

    Pounddc1 ,

    HMU on telegram if you got verified let hit $100k upwards and split @pounddc1

    remus989 ,

    I've noticed the comments becoming more and more hostile and a lot more argument than discussion recently.

    Omega_Haxors ,

    Oh dear day three and this thread is still going and doubling in size.

    Mango ,


    01189998819991197253 , avatar

    I bite my thumb at you, sir! And at you, as well, sir!

    ettyblatant , avatar

    I don't wanna talk to you no more!

    01189998819991197253 , avatar


    GoodEye8 ,


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