A Boring Dystopia

mozz Admin , in Going insane watching conservatives realize that sometimes cops go insane for no good reason
mozz avatar

How did the police go insane?

They shut down traffic to work a fatal accident, he ignored a detective who told him to stop, something happened that led to the guy getting dragged for 30 feet and sent to the hospital with minor injuries, so they arrested him and from the only video I was able to see they were walking pretty calmly with him during the arrest. Once they realized who he was, they let him out of jail in time to play golf, but he's still facing some charges.

Am I missing context where something crazy happened? That all sounds pretty straightforward.

(Aside from the conservative person being shocked and appalled that a wealthy golf player with a little white-person smirk on his face is being subjected to the rule of law as if he was one of the poors, that part I can agree is pretty funny.)

partial_accumen ,

How did the police go insane?

They shut down traffic to work a fatal accident, he ignored a detective who told him to stop, something happened that led to the guy getting dragged for 30 feet and sent to the hospital with minor injuries, so they arrested him

I have no idea who this guy is but for the couple of decades that cheap video cameras have existed we've seen dozens (hundreds?) of cases where the stated police narrative doesn't even come close to the captured video. Usually the targets are minorities and they rarely see justice against the police that make up the false narrative.

I give ZERO credibility to the written police narratives. Show me the video that they should have captured from a dozen different car and body cams. Its entirely possible the police description is correct, but I won't believe word of it without the video to back it up.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

IDK man. I'm having trouble coming up with a scenario where the police just decided out of nowhere "Fuck this PGA vehicle, I hate it now! And will arrest the driver for no reason" when the driver was just following all their instructions exactly and all of a sudden the cops all got angry and it was all very confusing (which was more or less Scheffler's version.)

I also note that Scheffler and his attorney didn't say anything that sounded like "nobody got dragged by his vehicle, that part didn't happen" or anything that directly contradicted what the cops said. He just said that when it happened it was confusing and scary.

I'm happy to wait for the bodycam footage too, though. Presumably we'll be able to see exactly what happened during the critical events.

_number8_ OP ,

it would take someone particularly stupid, even for a cop, to try to stop a moving car by grabbing the door handle and then maintaining grip on the handle while getting dragged by a moving car

i can't even blame scheffler for being panicked and just hitting the gas reflexively there, i dunno what i would do if a guy with a gun was trying to break into my car despite me having an all access pass to the area

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

See this is why I don't like ACAB. Once you start taking this cartoonish version of any given type of people, you start looking at things in this really skewed perspective. People could be good or bad or a mix of both or whatever, sure, but once they're "the enemy" and everything they do is stupid and evil and wrong, the kinds of things you start thinking are plausible start to become off kilter.

I think there is about a 0% chance that the cop just didn't say a word and ran up to the car with his gun out and started trying to break in like a crazy person, and that was the first thing that happened. Maybe it's 100% true that the cops miscommunicated and one guy had told Scheffler to go, and another then told him to stop, or something like that, but I'm still real curious about this blank space between "He was proceeding as directed by another traffic officer" and then there being a cop attached to the outside of the car and Scheffler still moving the car forward and it being a "chaotic scene."

I mean, he stopped after 30 feet, instead of continuing on his merry way through their accident scene or whatever. Sounds like if what happened was the cop grabbing the car and not letting go, then his strategy worked. My bet would be that the bodycam video will show some other less chaotic things they tried to do to get him to stop, as a first step, and the majority of the chaos stemming directly from Scheffler's actions. IDK, maybe not and maybe it's silly to talk about what the video will show before seeing it, but that is my feeling.

_number8_ OP ,

but if a guy's just driving on a road he isn't supposed to be on, is trying to break into the car really part of the protocol on that? surely at least drive after him or just radio the plate or something, it's just a event security for a golf tournament, it's not the president speaking

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

Part of the point is that they were working a fatal accident. There could have been medical people walking around in unexpected places, or still a body in the road he could run over, or who knows what. If he was driving towards the road that was closed for that reason, then absolutely yes; physically stopping the car if the guy isn't responding to verbally stopping the car is part of the cop's job, not just letting him go and good luck to anyone walking around in the accident scene. (I don't really know, so maybe it wasn't that, but also as far as I know maybe it was.)

It's actually really common that cops have trouble getting people to understand that there's some urgent physical reality that overrides their "but my house is right there" or "but I have to get to work" or "I'm too important to have to stop" argument that in their mind is way more important, and so they need to be able to drive right through the place with the gun battle or the dead body or the downed electrical wires, or whatever.

orrk ,

I think you'll find that there are a lot of crazy reasons for the police doing something,

almar_quigley ,

This guy has major emotional control issues. I’ve seen him yelling and destroying equipment on live tv on course. ACAB but sometimes so are citizens. Both can be true at the same time. This guy is a fuckin prick.

SkyezOpen ,

And yet he's still getting the entirety of the benefit of the doubt in this situation because it's still somehow more likely that the police did something wrong. My mind will be changed by video and nothing else.

almar_quigley ,


hexdream , in Having to score strangers on their 'empathy' and 'courtesy' and 'knowledge' (anything less than a 5 star is a 'bad grade', I am sure)

As someone who is directly affected by this system, I do want to say it is a vast improvement over the previous system they used.

Dirk , in Don't give them ideas
@Dirk@lemmy.ml avatar
DMBFFF , in Don't give them ideas
@DMBFFF@lemmy.world avatar

maybe take a picture of your face and hold it in front of the camera.

lawrence , in Don't give them ideas

This is cool. Also, is when I will stop using smartphones.

DoucheBagMcSwag , in This is going to set back medical trust for years

What's ironic is that THE BOYS AMZN SPOILER

Tap for spoiler

The Boys on Amazon predicted this

ShaggySnacks , in The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax

Warren Buffet is hypocritical piece of shit.

No one among the 25 wealthiest avoided as much tax as Buffett, the grandfatherly centibillionaire. That’s perhaps surprising, given his public stance as an advocate of higher taxes for the rich. According to Forbes, his riches rose $24.3 billion between 2014 and 2018. Over those years, the data shows, Buffett reported paying $23.7 million in taxes.

That works out to a true tax rate of 0.1%, or less than 10 cents for every $100 he added to his wealth.

damnedfurry ,

My "true tax rate" is a low single digit number too, if you measure it the same way, and I make ~$50k a year.

It's extremely disingenuous to talk about taxes paid as a percentage of income, and as a percentage of total wealth/net worth, in the same breath, as if they are anywhere near the same thing.

It's also extremely disingenuous to say someone is 'avoiding tax' by not paying tax on their unrealized gains in net worth. He doesn't OWE any tax on that. NOBODY in the US does.

This is like calling someone a draft dodger, who was never drafted, lol.

AlotOfReading ,

Normal people regularly owe taxes on unrealized gains. That's what property tax increases are.

damnedfurry ,
  • Property taxes are not levied federally, but on the state level
  • Buffett pays property tax too

Not sure what point you were trying to make here, lol. There is no type of unrealized gain that "normal people" are taxed on (federally or otherwise), but Buffett isn't.

ShaggySnacks ,

Nothing steps Warren Bufffet from taking an income instead of relying upon their wealth.

damnedfurry ,

He does take an income ($100k, very modest compared to others even in the same company: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-warren-buffett-only-gets-174730982.html ).

And why shouldn't he continue to own things that are becoming more valuable over time, exactly?

nikaaa , in The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling

I didn't read the article.

From a technical viewpoint, all types of plastics can be recycled; it just costs a lot of energy. So instead of supplying this energy through fossil fuels to re-cycle old plastics, they just used the fossil fuels directly to make new plastics.

In the future however, when there's abundant amounts of cheap solar energy, it will make sense to re-cycle plastics.

jpreston2005 , in The Delusion of Advanced Plastics Recycling

In Europe, they do a much better job at recycling, because they drive home the importance of sorting the material you recycle yourself. There are multiple bins for different types of recyclable materials, whereas in the US it all goes into a big blue bin. Glass, tin, aluminum, paper, and every kind of plastic, all in one bin. Conventional recycling, that involves shredding the plastic into pellets, and then reforming them into a usable container, is 55-85% effective.

I feel like all we really need to do is advance recycling at the community level, with different bins. Subsidize mechanical recycling while regulating/limiting use of new plastic in packaging. If your product needs plastic packaging in order to ship, then a regulation should require that packaging be at least a certain percentage recycled. Additionally, they can enact rules around the right to repair your own devices, that could pave the way for legislation aimed at curbing "planned obsolescence" and the production of single-use electric devices like vape pens.

samus12345 , in This is going to set back medical trust for years
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Anti-trans doctor

First guess was Florida, second was Texas.

Holzkohlen , in This is going to set back medical trust for years

And we are revoking his license, right?

OldChicoAle ,

Probably a slap on the wrist. You know, cuz trans. :(

meep_launcher ,

At least in this administration.

Don't forget to vote in November. I know we all said we aren't voting for Biden but the realities for project 2025 are beginning to set in.

gdog05 , in Report: Literacy Rates in the United States Have Declined Significantly in the Last 30 Years

I guess we're just creating more Boomers now. Boomers 2: Illiterate Boogaloo

masquenox , in This is going to set back medical trust for years

The people that are desperately clinging onto the hope that this is any kind of victory needs a reality check.

In the extremely unlikely scenario that he actually gets jail time they'll be high-fiving him all the way in - and you better know that any parole hearing he's going to get (which will probably be sooner rather than later) will be staffed by people who think exactly the same way he does.

Hierarchy is the bedrock of reactionary politics - and it doesn't get any more hierarchical than the (so-called) "justice system."

Nog00d , in Report: Literacy Rates in the United States Have Declined Significantly in the Last 30 Years

One wonders if some states are more affected than others

ImplyingImplications ,

I couldn't read the OP paywalled article but other similar articles mostly cite students from low-income families struggle the most. My guess is there are now more kids living in low-income families than before, and declining literacy rates is just a byproduct of growing wealth inequality.

WoahWoah ,

As I recall, over half of all American children live in homes with a household income below living wage.

ExtremeDullard , in Report: Literacy Rates in the United States Have Declined Significantly in the Last 30 Years
@ExtremeDullard@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Literalicy? Ain't nobody got time for dat.

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