timewarp , to News in Reuters: US Supreme Court leans toward Jan. 6 rioter in obstruction case, with Trump implications avatar

They did ask some good points. I would like to see justice served here but he is facing multiple charges and the one they are questioning involves trying to prevent official proceedings under specific conditions... Which could potentially apply to pulling a fire alarm, protesting, etc. I'm not sure all the specifics, but it does seem unusual to try to use this charge when it has not been applied in other instances.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Which could potentially apply to pulling a fire alarm, protesting, etc.

Unless you specify, as you should, that this happened IN THE CAPITOL BUILDING.

timewarp , avatar

Where do you think Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm, or that the Ocasio-Cortez protesters that stormed Pelosi's office?

FlyingSquid , avatar

I think that Bowman was in the building legally and I don't know anything about the other event, so I can't comment.

timewarp , avatar

Was it legal for Bowman to be there though if he had the intention of committing a crime? Do people with access to their workplace, have the right to go there with the intention of committing a crime?

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yes, just like it's legal for you to be in a bank if you have the intention of robbing it because it isn't a crime until you actually do it. Breaking into and occupying the Capitol is in itself a crime.

timewarp , avatar

So what about unlawful purpose and abuse of right doctrines?

FlyingSquid , avatar

If I'm supposed to know what those are, I don't, but do they make occupying the capitol not a crime? Do they make intending to pull a fire alarm a crime before you pull it? Because otherwise, I don't know how they would be relevant to either scenario.

timewarp , avatar

So you admit to not knowing law but then make some statement saying that going to a bank with the intention of robbing it is fine until you actually rob it?

Yes they can mean that you don't have a legal right to be somewhere if you went there with the intention of committing a crime.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I know enough about the law to know that no one has ever been arrested for intending to pull a fire alarm, but many people have been arrested for actually breaking and entering.

Just scoffing about my not knowing what you're talking about doesn't explain how they are relevant to these two examples.

timewarp , avatar

People get arrested all the time for planning to commit crimes, even before they actually carry them out. I'm not sure why the fire alarm part is suddenly relevant here. Someone argued that because he had a legal right or what they though to be a legal right to be in a building meant that he can't be charged with disrupting proceedings because he didn't enter the building illegally. I was saying, no that isn't correct... that if he went there with a specific intent it is likely he didn't have a legal right to be there.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I’m not sure why the fire alarm part is suddenly relevant here.

You brought it up!

timewarp , avatar

Yeah, cause it is literally what the article is about. Did you read it or you just here to talk about the weather?

FlyingSquid , avatar

You one post ago:

I’m not sure why the fire alarm part is suddenly relevant here.

You now:

Yeah, cause it is literally what the article is about.

Make up your mind.

timewarp , avatar

Uh, yeah I was talking about "People get arrested all the time for planning to commit crimes, even before they actually carry them out" which I say right before that... the fire alarm part is not relevant to what crime they were planning on committing. Are you even going to discuss in good faith or just try to paint the picture you already have made up in your head?

null , to News in Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic avatar

So basically the people claiming that vaccines are dangerous and part of a secret government scheme to control us were actually the victims of a secret government scheme to convince us that vaccines are dangerous.

Crikeste ,

They are the thing they despise the most: Sheep.

timewarp , avatar

But I thought MAGA could spot what they call "glowies" from a mile away?

FiniteBanjo OP , to World News in China issues rare earth regulations to further protect domestic supply

This effectively makes all minerals the state's property and prevents commerce with other nations who specialize in heavy machinery or electronics including: USA, UK, EU, SK, and Japan.

sunzu ,

prevents commerce with other nations who specialize in heavy machinery or electronics


FiniteBanjo OP ,

Previously, Beijing already started enforcing a ban on exports of REE and related technology exports.

The new regulations include a strict database on REEs outlining when and where they were extracted all the way to where they're exported. The laws stipulate that "no organization or person may encroach on or destroy rare-earth resources."

sunzu ,

So they limited supply to our industrial base?

Aint this something that WTO would handle?

FiniteBanjo OP ,

A bit off topic about who is supposed to handle it, but tbh I don't expect trade relations can get any worse with China even as a result of them banning exports of these. Certainly isn't going to get better.

sunzu ,

I don't see how that is off-topic. If we are having a trade issue, WTO should rule on it so every body knows what is "right"

More preferable to this escalation circle jerk IMHO.

Either way, if do chose this route, then we should call out people who blundered decades of industrial policy that got us here then.

FiniteBanjo OP ,

I explained what China was doing, you asked for elaboration, I elaborated, and then you responded "but but but what about all those other countries?"

That's off topic.

sunzu ,

This is a discussion. China behavior is part of the bigger picture.

Are you here just to plug a specific narrative?

My point mainly is why US allowed this to happened, how US got here, and is this not WTO issue, which you are very carefully tip toeing around tho

avidamoeba , to World News in German car industry urges EU to drop tariffs on China-made cars avatar

Recall, to VAG's major shareholders, it doesn't matter where a VW is made since they would always collect and distribute the profit from its sale. To auto workers and their local communities on the other hand, it makes dramatic difference whether the VWs on their streets were made close by, or a continent away.

maynarkh ,

Close by meaning in Eastern Europe btw.

German car maker lobby has been propping up Orbán since 2010.

sunzu , to World News in China issues rare earth regulations to further protect domestic supply

Well, looks like they are trying to feed their own industry first.

I don't see this either shocking or surprising. China will do what is best for China, we do what is best for ...

FiniteBanjo OP ,

What is best for China is peaceful coexistence and small concessions to incentivize trade and development of the world.

What China is doing is maliciously taking everything they can get their hands on until every bridge is burned, and by the looks of it they're ramping up military production to cross the river and keep taking.

Exactly the sort of shortsighted belligerent actions you would expect from a dictatorship.

sunzu ,

I am not here to excuse China's behavior but this action appears to be part of the trade war that US and EU started... for valid reasons.

We do a lot to make other countries "uncomfortable", there is nothing special about Chinese behavior here per se.

Let's not forget that we enabled China's rise. People within western governments who committed this crime are not held accountable for this blunder.

Now they are gearing us for what appears to be at very least economic conflict but likely a war. This is very concerning.

small concessions to incentivize trade and development of the world.

FYI we don't do this btw

FiniteBanjo OP ,

LMAO, China has been playing games with currency values and undercutting electronics manufacturers for decades.

FYI we don’t do this btw

In 1979, President Carter proposed a Trade Agreement that changed China to favored trader status with much lower tariffs across the board, and in return China agreed to a cap on textile output so as not to flood the market with cheaper goods than the USA was producing.

The 1980s saw even more favorable deals in exchange for similar restrictions as Reagan was eager to work with China.

Trade broke down in the 1990s over China committing crimes against their own people, broadcasted live across the entire world.

In 2000 President Clinton helped China enter the WTO to renew trade again.

And in return they spent the last 24 years shitting the bed, doing everything in their power to mess with any market they can, like sharks drawn to blood.

sunzu ,

From my perspective it looks like US "spent the last 24 years shitting the bed" while enabling this behavior. Again, people who made these decisions are not held accountable.

Fuck china and all but poor leadership is primary reason why we are here... with china being a bad faith actor being no 2.

kevindqc , to Technology in Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks

How can they get anything done? 1.44MB is very little nowadays. Imagine having to split up a word document into dozens of floppy disks.

lemmyvore ,

What would they use Word for? This is about submitting data in their own standard formats in tiny files.

The real crime is that they're not switching to online. Using optical discs is going to be even more ridiculous for those tiny files.

kevindqc ,

Ah that makes more sense, the article didn't mention what was stored on them unless I missed it

motor_spirit ,

I've got .rar file parts of FRIENDS episodes strewn across thousands of floppies, it's a way to give your life meaning during the end times

partial_accumen , to World News in China issues rare earth regulations to further protect domestic supply

And just to remind people. "Rare Earth" materials aren't actually rare. They're common. However, they are distributed in very very low concentrations, so you have to go throw mountains worth of material to extract measurable amounts of Rare Earth materials. This is typically energy intensive and ecologically destructive, which in most of the work equals "expensive" which is why the nations of the world have been happy to shut down their own Rare Earth extractions facilities any paying China to destroy its ecology instead.

China is free to set up its restrictions on exports. Other nations are free to restart their own extraction operations (with the costs that come with it).

FiniteBanjo OP ,

Well, China hasn't been the only producer in recent decades.

partial_accumen ,

That is a true statement. However, as the article points out they produce 90% of the world's supply of Rare Earth materials.

FiniteBanjo OP ,

Sales aren't everything. China has ~44M Metric Tons of REE reserves, Vietnam 22M, Russia 21M, Brazil 21M, India 6.9M, Australia 4.2M, USA 2.4M, Greenland 1.5M.

However, specific metals out of the 17 have wildly different graphs, such as Palladium commonly used in military armored plating being produced mostly in Russia and South Africa. USA produces many times over as much Palladium as China reports.

If China's domestic use concerns are actually for military use then that's troublesome because the metals they have are more useful for automation and electronics than anything else.

user134450 ,


since when is Palladium a REE?

FiniteBanjo OP ,

You're right mb, I was confusing it with another element starting with P, like Pr or Pm, lol

kitnaht , to retrocomputing in Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks

They're moving to CD-ROM!

gaylord_fartmaster , to Technology in Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks

lol Japan invents the three major optical disc storage mediums that became ubiquitous and their government says fuck that and just keeps on using floppy disks

frightful_hobgoblin ,

they invented those too afaik

fluckx ,

At least the floppy fits in a standard envelope ( as long ad we're talking about the 3.5" )

girlfreddy , to retrocomputing in Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks avatar
FiniteBanjo , to World News in EU governments hesitant on Chinese EV tariffs as trade spat escalates

Don't hesitate, fuck em. They want to remove competition by selling at a cost? They can go ahead and sell to India.

FiniteBanjo , to World News in German car industry urges EU to drop tariffs on China-made cars

I'm afraid China hasn't been playing fairly in the markets by producing certain goods at a cost to remove competition. It's going to get even worse after the state just declared all mineral rights belong solely to the nation.

whotookkarl , (edited ) to World News in Hurricane Beryl takes aim at Jamaica as death toll creeps up, destruction widespread avatar

Apparently category four winds are so extreme they uproot or snap most trees isolating affected areas and preventing first responders from being able to access the area after it's passed.

NotMyOldRedditName , to News in US Supreme Court rules Trump has immunity for official, not private acts

So, has there been a more monumentally catastrophic series of rulings like we've had this week?

Presidents are kings and immune to the law

Kickbacks are now legal

Executive agencies completely destroyed

I know other individual rulings may be worse, but in this case the series of rulings.

EatATaco ,

And they are all thanks to the fact that trump, not Clinton, got to appoint 3 to justices.

And there are still people who think voting for a third party is a good idea.

jorp ,

Take some responsibility for how shitty the Democrats are. They're not entitled to people's votes they have to earn them. If my options are shit salad and shit sandwich I'm not worried about carbs.

xenoclast ,

You're entire comment is a shit sandwich and you're a fucking that.

jorp ,

oh no you got me! enjoy the collapse of your nation

wanderingmagus ,

You do realize that if the USA goes to shit, the rest of the world will also go? Not because the USA went to shit, but because the shit-in-chief will be bound and determined to bring said shit to the rest of the world and cram it down y'all's throats while shaking hands with Putin and Kim? He already talked about withdrawing from NATO and telling Putin he has carte blanche to just roll over Europe, and don't be surprised if a few lobbyists in the military-industrial complex convince him that taking a second look at colonization of the Global South for their minerals might just be a good idea while he's at it.

jorp ,

sounds like the American far-right is united behind their preferred candidate, I wonder why Democrats aren't trying similarly to court the left with a good candidate?

aren't you tired of bouncing between right and far right?

wanderingmagus ,

Of course I am. But given the choice between creeping fascism and immediate fascism, which realistically is the only choice this election, I'll choose the one that still has options, however few, for at least a few more years, if only so other people have a chance to get out while they can or make preparations.

EatATaco ,

I said nothing about entitlement, only pointed out the facts. You can both sides it all you want, but the last 10 days has exposed how absolutely ridiculous that position is. Although it's long since been obvious.

jorp ,

there are more than two sides, Democrats would do well to realize that instead of making every election about how not Republican they are.

one of these parties will be gone in the next decade

Zink ,

There are a multitude of sides within the population. Unfortunately, our voting reinforces the two-party status quo.

NotMyOldRedditName ,


Fuck Trump obviously. And everyone who voted for him. (Edit and fuck everyone in the voting doesn't matter camp)

Also fuck Mitch McConnell

But god damnit, fuck Obama for not fighting Mitch, and fuck Ruth for not retiring when she should have.

jorp ,

isn't it fun how American politics is all about the action or inaction of 80+ year old fossils? people society at large ignores when they're family or neighbors but they're running the whole fucking thing

EatATaco ,

I don't know what Obama could have done, but i absolutely agree that rbg should have stepped down in the middle of her term.

NotMyOldRedditName , (edited )

I'm sure he could have done more than he did. Ultimately, they didn't think Trump would win and didn't fight back hard enough because they were worried about the backlash that might cause on the upcoming election.

Now, Republicans have shown that they won't allow votes in the last year, but only if the dems have the presidency. It also set the precedent that they can even do that in the first place.

I guarantee you someone who needs replacing further out than a year will now be denied in the future for some other bullshit reason.

Edit: here's my worst outcome guess. For all future terms where the dems hold the presidency, but not the senate, all future SC nomination votes will be denied since congress and the presidency is conflicted and we can't have a vote while it's in conflict.

CaptPretentious ,

And there are still people who think voting for a third party is a good idea.

Well it is. Because far to many people are simply voting for the lesser of evils, because our options have been terrible for decades. And the longer we keep perpetuation this broken system, the worse it's going to get.

Lets say Biden wins... this exact same shit show is coming about in 4 years again. And when that orange clown was in office, people were already trying to set up a Trump dynasty... that for some fucking reason that family should just be in power. This pattern cannot continue. We need to get out of "lets go with what will hopefully do the least damage" and start voting in people that are actually going to represent the people. Sure maybe POTUS might not be the best place to start with that, but it needs to start somewhere.

And if not the Trump family, it's going to be some other bozo like Elon (somehow) or Bezos because our political system has become that much of a joke.

The rich keep getting away with shit, nothing happens. Corrupting in our government, nothing happens. Corruption in our police, nothing happens. Rights are being taken away from people, nothing happens. In some areas of the country, public schools are now displaying the 10 commandments for some reason. Oh and public taxes are going to help fund private schools. And school shootings.... and nothing happens. Our national debt is out of control. And the state on how veterans are taken care of is pathetic. I'm sick and tired of incompetent and inept leadership. So yeah, maybe a 3rd party might be a good idea. Or we can keep this shit show up until it's too late, which is the most likely outcome.

EatATaco ,

Well it is.

Even in the outside chance that the third party wins, we still immediately revert to a two party system. It solves nothing as the nature of our voting system is to turn into a two-party system. It's a vanity vote, that's it.

This pattern cannot continue.

And voting third party in the presidential election does not stop it from continuing. At best it just switches what "two parties" we are voting for. If you want to stop this from continuing, you work locally to get how we get local candidates elected (like STAR or ranked) and then you work up from there. But you don't want to. You want to just do the simple thing of casting a vote and believing you've "done your part" which is why it's a vanity vote.

The presidential vote is a strategic one that you use understanding the rules of the game you are actually playing, not the one you (and I) wish you were playing.

scorpionix , to Technology in Dutch government scrambling to keep ASML in Netherlands

Same situation here in Germany, where companies are worried about attracting skilled foreign workers while right-wing extremist parties are gaining more and more votes.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s kind of baffling that the saner elements of these conservative parties simply don’t get that all the really smart people who tend to have disproportionately large positive impacts on their country’s economies simply won’t put up with authoritarian governments, and will straight up leave if push comes to shove. The politicians in question are evidently unable to understand the catastrophic impact that brain drain can have on a country in the medium- to long-term.

Furedadmins ,

They don't care. They aren't even looking at the small picture, they are busy trying to decide which crayon to eat.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Hey, the marines would be very upset if they heard you badmouthing their favorite flavor.

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