medgremlin , to World News in Aspartame sweetener used in Diet Coke a possible carcinogen, WHO’s cancer research agency to say-sources

Oh my fuck. I hate news stories like this. Aspartame falls into the same cancer risk category as eating red meat sometimes and being kinda lazy. A rigorous systematic review was conducted of dozens of studies of aspartame and they did not find a plausible biologic mechanism by which aspartame could cause cancer. Epidemiologically, it's vaguely correlated, not causative of cancer.

Also, in the Reuters article it notes that a 132-lbs adult would have to drink 12 to 36 cans of diet coke a day for the dose/exposure to become relevant to the risk they're talking about. This article is talking about one study that is at odds with the systematically reviewed data from 40 human observational studies, 12 experimental animal studies, and 1360 assay/experimental end points to look for the supposed link.

nzodd ,

Wait being lazy cases cancer? I'm in a lot of trouble then

medgremlin ,

Being lazy is vaguely kinda sorta correlated with cancer... but that doesn't account for the fact that humans who are regularly active are also less likely to make other lifestyle choices that are more significantly tied to cancer like smoking and drinking.

This is the problem with a lot of population based studies. Obesity is linked with a lot of health problems like cardiovascular disease, but only some aspects of cardiovascular disease have causative links to obesity and others are sequelae of other factors that tend to be associated with obesity. For example, extra weight/adipose puts more stress on your heart by there just being more body mass to deliver blood to and more oxygen demand from muscles to just physically move the weight around (also a cause of joint problems)... but it's the poor diet full of cholesterol that clogs up the arteries (aka atherosclerosis) causing myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Hellsadvocate OP , to World News in Climate nears point of no return as land, sea temperatures break records, experts say avatar

I think it's funny that you can't really prep for this. It's going to be a slow collapse, slowly churning and making it impossible for anyone to survive. As critical infrastructure fails, food, water sources dry up, and the only solution anyone is capable of giving: "Try biking to work". Realistically it should be "get ready for an apocalypse." No amount of prep will leave you untouched.

Pons_Aelius ,

It's going to be a slow collapse

I am not so sure about that.

For the vast majority of humanities existence we have been one bad harvest away from famine.

Many countries rely on food imports to feed their people.

Failed harvests in two or three of the major food exporters at the same time grows more likely each year.

One very hungry year around the world will cause chaos we have not seen since WW2.

livus ,

It's terrifying. I think one of the problems we face in getting people to demand change is that the collapse so terrifying and unthinkable that people don't allow their minds to dwell on it for long.

blazera ,

"well we tried nothing, its every man for himself now"

sculd , to Politics in Harvard 'legacy' policy challenged on heels of affirmative action ruling

Legacy admission should never had been a thing.

Rob , to politics in Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus

One good thing to come out of Reddit’s demise is that I hadn’t read her name in about three weeks.

currychaos ,

I just realised how much MTG related coverage there was on Reddit.

slifer , avatar


For a minute I was scratching my head wondering how I missed all the Magic the Gathering coverage when I barely saw any 🤣

fiat_lux , to politics in Exclusive: Head of engineering for Trump’s Truth Social app resigns

Alex Gleason, for anyone wondering he's said he's going to work full time on...

open-source technology for “decentralized” social media platforms that operate on independently-run servers and provide an alternative to Twitter and Facebook. ... developing technology for connecting multiple decentralized platforms

Reinventing the fediverse? Watch out for that, I guess.

JoYo , avatar

Gleason used to contribute to pleroma before the split.

They prob just wanted a tailor made soapbox.fe and once it was done didn't have any more work.

JoYo , to politics in Exclusive: Head of engineering for Trump’s Truth Social app resigns avatar
vis4valentine , to Chess in Iranian chess player who removed hijab gets Spanish citizenship avatar

Rare spain W.

I hope she is ok. Iran is ruled by truly sick people.

rikudou , to World News in Russian, Belarusian players denied entry for Prague WTA event

Nice. We Czechs remember how it feels when Russia thinks your country should be theirs. This won't solve anything but I think it's a nice gesture of solidarity with our Ukrainian friends.

utubas ,

The solidarity with the Ukranian friends is to ban russian or belarussian athletes? Even if they are against the war, which is a pretty dangerous position to be taking if they plan to get back to their country?

Rhodin , to Anarchism and Social Ecology in Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the data avatar

I think they spend most of their time on traffic stops because tickets=money. IDK if it’s true on California, but other states legit have pull-over quotas so local governments can take in that fat ticket loot.

chaogomu ,

Ticket quotas are illegal in every state. So the police chiefs often avoid writing an official policy of ticket quotas, they just punish officers who don't write enough for something like slacking on the job, and then unofficially tell the officer how many tickets are enough to avoid punishment.

Not writing it down makes it harder to prove, which is great when there's an illegal policy that they're enforcing.

leftenddev , to Anarchism and Social Ecology in Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the data avatar

Good thing for Reuters, without them I wouldn't know the sky was blue too. For real, this is something that anyone not with the thin blue boot scraping their tracheas has been screaming for decades.

Rizoid , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Music labels sue Internet Archive over digitized record collection avatar

All these lawsuits do is show me new cool stuff that Internet Archive has.

be_excellent_to_each_other , to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ in Music labels sue Internet Archive over digitized record collection

Ah Sony Music is involved.

Remember the time Sony Music installed a rootkit on peoples' computers via commercially purchased CDs because hacking paying customers' computers seemed like a good way to combat piracy?

Pepperidge Farm Remembers.

FlickOfTheBean , to Technology in Close to half of American adults favor TikTok ban, Reuters/Ipsos poll shows

Hmm can someone tell me if I'm just in a "republicans are hysteric about it so it must not be that bad" mindset?

It's obviously spyware to some degree, but this really seems more like a case of red-scare. I can't put my finger on exactly why, though. Makes me think I might just be reacting to their reaction.

I guess, what exactly are they afraid that China is going to do with this data? It's a missing puzzle piece that I've heard nothing coherent on besides "China gonna spy on muh datas". Like, sure, maybe if you're a government official, and I don't think bans of tiktok on government devices are stupid, but I think the nationwide ban idea is pretty dumb and baseless. So I guess my actual question is, what are they afraid of happening, exactly?

chakan2 , avatar

This isn't about China having the's about the US not being able to harvest the data.

I could care less if China knows about my kinks or what my favorite pizza is...but depending on how the wind blows over the next decade, I really do care if the US knows about my political leanings.

Astroturfed , to World News in London's clean-air zone expansion hit by camera vandalism

Love the intent, but this is just a really silly implementation. Make registering older vehicles with higher polution levels more expensive, and provide a tax credit or incentive for getting rid of them. There's tons of ways to do this with less overhead and without a surprise punative fine for people too poor to buy a new vehicle.

Not to mention, everyone's already fed up with the constant level of surveillance. Always being on camera in some way is something we need to put more thought into before we add to the problem.

Aux ,

Thousands die each year from pollution. Drivers of combustion cars should be declared murderers.

Astroturfed ,

Statements like this really don't help your cause. You know that right? Change happens gradually. We took too long to get there but to call the vast majority of some countries citizens murders is just....

Aux ,

How else do you call people who are actively involved in killing thousands on a regular basis? Mother Theresa saints?

Astroturfed ,

You do realize there are tons of people who are literally forced to drive old gas cars because its all they can afford, and there is no public transportation right? Calling them murderers for trying to feed themselves is just disingenuous.

Aux ,

No one is forcing anyone in London. The public transport is amazing and those who can afford any car are NOT poor at all. The poor are using buses.

Astroturfed ,

So, no one ever visits london from a more rural part of the country? Ever?

Aux ,

In a car? That's a very dumb idea. Even if you can't get by train for some reason, you'll most likely leave your car in a giant parking lot in a nearby town and then catch a train. Have you ever tried driving in London? You'll walk faster!

Pons_Aelius ,

Thousands die each year from pollution.

People who use devices with rare earth metals should be declared murderers.

People who use electricity should be declared murderers.

Will you look at that Aux, you are a murderer!

Aux ,

Nice logic! Well, I hope you'll grow up someday...

KoboldCoterie , to Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. in Shoppers say they want sustainable goods, but won't pay more avatar

Part of the problem is that corporate greed is just so prevalent everywhere that when I see higher prices, my immediate first thought is that they're just shafting us because they can. It could cost $0.02 more per unit to produce, and they'd still charge $10 more, if they thought they could get away with it.

"There is a gap between what people say they want and what they actually do at the purchasing point -- this is a difficulty for us," Oriol Margo, EMEA sustainability transformation leader at Kimberly-Clark, said on Thursday at the Reuters IMPACT conference in London.

"It feels like our consumers are asking for sustainability but they are not looking to compromise on price or quality."

I'm willing to compromise - as in, if it costs them $4 more to produce, they charge $2 more for it, we're splitting the difference. Fine. I don't believe that's what's happening. Maybe it is, but the perception is what matters, and we've been taking it up the ass for so long, it's hard to believe they're going to pull out on this one point.

Mangosniper ,

Uh... from an economic point you just can't split the additional cost in half if it costs 4 dollar more. If something costs 20 dollars to make and they sell it for 25 to price in the other costs and a slight profit margin and then it costs 30 to make when doing it sustainable they can't sell it for 20 + (10 / 2) +5 = 30. They would make a minus then. They could sell it for 35, with gaining the same profit as before.

This is all under the assumption that the original price was a fair price.

queermunist , avatar

(pst profit shouldn't exist)

kmkz_ninja ,

A salary is profit. Are saying we should do away with money?

queermunist , avatar

No, profit is the money left after expenses.

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