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tryptaminev ,

It is very limited though. I would consider Germany more on the decriminalized side.

You are allowed to own a small amount. You are allowed to grow up to three plants at home. It is illegal to buy, sell, or import.

There is rules for having cannabis social clubs similiar to Spain, but the rules around them are quite complex and a lot of it remains unclear, until the law will have been interpreted in court decisions.

Some German states have already announced that they will make life hell for anyone smoking weed in legal public spaces or operating a legal cannabis social club. Also the level of permittable THC for driving is still undecided.

Currently any level of blood THC is considered a DUI and can not only get you a fine, but also a suspension of your drivers licencse with an extensive "medical psychological check up" if you want to regain your licencse. That "check up" is run by private businesses who also sell courses on which answers are right and which are wrong. Basically anything beyond "this was the only time i swear, i was in a bad place and i should have never done it and i am so sorry, and i will never do it again" is a wrong answer.

Now we had an expert proposal for a higher level of permittable blood THC. The proposed level has yet to pass but it would effectively be fine for occasional users, but still a problem for regular users, as it is close to the baseline THC level that they have.

So all in all it is a great step forward, especially considering how the "debate" from the political right and fascists was run around 1970s war on drug prohibition and cultural deprevation talking points. However it still creates many aspects to watch out for and it should be noted, that the political right wants to do everything to reverse the laws, when they likely win the elections next year. The problem with that is also that the center right social democrats are still internally devided, with many of them still thinking of weed as the devils lettuce.

tryptaminev ,

I recommend everyone to read up a bit on the Algerian war for independence

In total the estimates for Algerians killed, mostly murdered by the French opression range from 400.000-1.500.000.

The French massacred Civilians, used torture and rape, unlawful detentions, food deprivation and other inhumane tactics to supress and murder the people struggling to live in self determination on their own land.

Meanwhile of course the independance fighters were branded as terrorists and barbarians to delegitimise their political goals and in complete denial about the terror imposed by the French police and army.

Finally the French lost as their population stopped supporting the murder, torture and rape. It also lead to the collapse of the fourth republic, after which the war was lost soon after.

The military tried to coup twice. First to bring de Gaulle into power and maintain the brutal opression of Algeria and a second time to coup de Gaulle out, as he was realising the war to be lost and seeking a political resolution.

For decades after there was no recognition of the French, that a war took place. They refered to it as a police operation and the topic was banned from schools.

In the muslim and arab world what happens in Gaza and the Westbank is often seen in parallel to the Algerian war of independence. In Europe many countries gloss over or just dont teach about the Algerian war for independence or other independance movements in the former colonies at all.

tryptaminev ,

The polarisation created by the agreement thus has the potential to seep into wider society. Indeed, 2023 was also a year of increased riots and protests in Mauritania due in large part to the police killing of human rights activist al-Soufi Ould al-Chine in February and a young Afro-Mauritanian man, Oumar Diop, in May.

The latter instance in particular compounded a sense of racialised exclusion felt by many within the Afro-Mauritanian community. Indeed, it is not uncommon for Afro-Mauritanians to be suspected of being “illegal immigrants” by security forces, given the difficulties many face in obtaining civil registry documentation. In such a context, the EU incentivising national security forces to crack down on “irregular migration” carries acute risks for those already on the margins in Mauritania.

The migration deal, therefore, risks inflaming racial tensions and social polarisation in Mauritania while it is also unlikely to achieve its stated aim of preventing “irregular migration”. Such an outcome would foremost be detrimental to the country itself, and it would also undermine the EU’s own framing of Mauritania as a beacon of stability in a troubled region.

tryptaminev OP ,

For context, the Berliner Sparkasse is a subsidiary bank of the Landesbank Berlin. It used to be owned by the state of Berlin but has been sold to the group of Sparkassen in 2007 to deal with the states debt. It is therefore owned by a few hundred state and muncipality banks.

The bank is in full public ownership. The government of the state of Berlin can remove members of the executive board at any time if it sees the banks actions in violation of any law. There is also an advisory board that is appointed by the state government and members can be removed from the advisory board at any time, without any specified reasons in the law.

The bank is publicly owned and subject to possible direct intereference by the state government of Berlin, which has been particularly strongly cracking down on peace activists including arrests of jewish activists for peace and bans of demonstrations by jewish peace organizations such as the Jewish Voice for Peace in the first month after Hamas attacked Israel on 07. October.

tryptaminev ,

The US is systematically failling. Just going to an election every couple years to decide between two parties who are both reponsible for and defending this current status is not going to cut it.

tryptaminev ,

I think we need to add the consideration, that representative systems put the blame on people, when in fact their actual influence is extremely limited.

Oh you voted for party xy? Then it is your fault that they fucked the people over again. But come next election all the media and political propaganda is telling you how that is the only acceptable party and the other ones are all evil...

Oh you took on the student debt to take the education that you were told by all mainstream voices to be necessary for you to have a decent live, but the cost of living and your debt eat up a lot of your middle class income? Well how were you personally so stupid to do what society told everyone to do. It is all your personal fault!

We life in a capitalist oligarchic society that structurally takes away peoples participation opportunities and their freedoms while claiming to give them all the freedoms and blaming every result of an entrenched system on the individual.

I disagree with the claim that the people who prefer authoritative systems always lack critical thinking. If the actual influence you have is almost zero, alleviating yourself from the blame that is put onto you is perfectly rational.

tryptaminev ,

Like many people with the reddit exodus.

But i also got quite annoyed with the main German communities shifting more and more to the right and the moderators of the largest german subreddit to tolerate and enable transphobic and racist discussions, e.g. when there was some tabloid "news" on either topic shared.

I dont know how much of it was because the communities were more and more targeted by organized far right propaganda and how much was the moderators of the /r/de subreddit sharing such viewpoints.

Those trends already happened for some years, getting particularly worse with covid.

tryptaminev , (edited )

The industrialized meat industry in Europe has very little to do with farming. An industrial stable with tens of thousands of pigs who never see daylight or breath fresh air is a factory, where bought animal feed is input, and manure and pigs are output.

tryptaminev ,

So i take it if you fancy a new "female" you kill her previous partner in a fight and then her children with that partner, so she will focuse her attention on the children you make with her. If necessary by raping her? Also if there is no nee females available you will rape and make new children with your own daughters?

Because that is what animals do.

tryptaminev ,

Are you not understanding that social and cultural evolution is part of evolution and that there might be good reason why not murdering and rapeing each other like animals do, is an evolutionary advantage?

tryptaminev ,

Excuse me what? Someone earning that much money is only living paycheck to paycheck because their lifestyle is that expensive. And then it actually is their own fault for buying the 15$ Latte with a 30$ Avocado toast every morning, driving to work in their leased 100k $ car, while their wive drives her own 100k $ car.

tryptaminev ,

Doublethink is strong in these people.

The leader of the PEGIDA movement that did many far right anti refugee demos in 2015 and 2016 had fled to South Africa in the 90s to avoid a prison sentence for multiple break ins. He then was convicted for robberies, drug dealing, scams, the whole ordeal.

Of course their main "argument" was that all refugees would be criminals and increase the crime rate in Germany.

tryptaminev ,

Isnt the federations key idea to avoid collapse if any single instance it failing? This sounds like the system has become too centralized around

tryptaminev ,

If you water your carpet and do this for like a few hundred years or so, a nice layer of top soil should form on it.

God i miss my little eco-anarchists.

tryptaminev ,

Why wouldn't it? Those sails are 37m tall. I found stacked containes to be at max stacked up to 25m.

tryptaminev ,

You'll be shocked to find that electric cars have been invented 50 years before Benz came around with what today is considered the "invention of the automobile" by slapping an internal combustion engine on it.

tryptaminev ,

If humans are bound to a three dimensional realm it only makes sense that god created angels as higher dimensional beings to intercede between the limited humans and the infinity of god.

tryptaminev ,

The accounts are consistent over a timeframe of about three thousand years, counting from Abraham to Mohammed (s.a.s). Note that Mohammed was an arab who could neither read nor write, leave alone hebrew.

If it was just some birds brought in by merchants that would be an extraordinarily long time to not realise that.

tryptaminev ,

And those stories didn't change over 3.000 years?

tryptaminev ,

So an Arab who lived in a city where Pagan believes dominated and neither read nor write was read the Torah in hebrew that he didn't understand? And that is how he made statementes consistent with the descriptions in hebrew, which again he didn't understand?

tryptaminev ,

Then why are Christian depictions of Angels strongly different from the biblical and quranic descriptions? I.e. looking at the paintings and statues in Rome.

Also then the prophet Mohammed would have needed some sort of elusive Jewish or Christian mentor, that somehow was close to him all the time over two decades, reading the Torah or Bible to him. But no such figure is mentioned, despite the life of Mohammed to be about the best reported on life of a historical figure. There is countless of eyewitness reports about his life and work, yet there is no mention of such a person. The Quran strictly rejects the concept of trinity or Jesus being the literal son of god, but confirms the virgin pregnancy of Mary. So it seems extremely implausible for their to be a Christian who would have told all these things to Mohammed.

The reason why i am so pedantic about it, is because the statements made by Mohammed are not just some general "there is angels with wings and stuff" or "there was this Moses guy" statements, but sharing details with the Torah descriptions in Hebrew, but also distinctly differing on some aspects with the Torah in a consistent way. For instance the differences in the story of Moses or Abraham

tryptaminev ,

What i dont get about Biden running again is that there seemed to be like no democratic race to the candidacy? Or did it just completely fall flat in international media? I know Trump went late to the Reps race and then dominated it, but there was already Cruz and some candidates that tried to win on a "Trump is best" kinda position.

But for the Dems there seemed to be not even a real discussion to send anyone but Biden.

How can people be fine with this? How can the "best" both parties have to offer be more or less mentally unstable men that are clearly too old to lead a country and have a realistic chance of dying in office? How come the Dems have not understood after 2016 and 2020 that they need to stop being a right wing neoliberal party that fucks over poor people just slightly slower than the Reps?

tryptaminev ,

Not that the wealth tax was not ruled unconstitutional by principle. It was ruled unconstitutional because it contained certain loopholes that favored owning houses over owningother assets in the calculation.

tryptaminev ,

Also for wealthy people this practically doesnt apply. We have a flat 25% tax on income from financial investments like stocks. So while the engineer at BMW is paying 42% on all his income above 66,000 the Quandts as largest shareholder pay 25% on their roughly 1,000,000,000 dividend they receive every year.

Considering loopholes and tax evasion shemes billionaires are among the least taxed people in Germany.

The Gaza conflict’s forgotten shipping crew held hostage in the Red Sea ( )

A Houthi-owned helicopter hijacked the Galaxy Leader cargo ship on November 19 in the Red Sea, as rebel gunmen laid siege to the vessel and took the ship’s crew of 17 Filipinos, two Bulgarians, three Ukrainians, two Mexicans and a Romanian hostage....

tryptaminev ,

That is a very good read on the situation. I highly respect the Filipino foreign affair official. He voices his concerns and assessement of the situation realistically and neutrally instead of throwing around sensationalized propaganda claims.

I hope their work brings fruits and all capitve sailors can return home safely soon.

tryptaminev ,

Wir sind jetzt 2 Monate nach den Enthüllungen um die Deportationskonferenz. 2 Monate in denen das Einleiten eines AfD Verbotsverfahrens besonders laut gefordert wird, und besonders leise von der Regierung ignoriert wird. Ebenso wie die regelmäßigen Berichte über rechtsextreme Umtriebe bei Polizei, Staatsanwaltschaft und Justiz ignoriert werden, während man geriatrische ex-RAFler zu einer neuen Linksextremen Gefahr herbeifantasiert.

Empörung und Ältestenrat schön und gut, aber die Ampelparteien müssen endliche ihre Regierung zum Handeln gegen die AfD zwingen, wenn die Regierung es von selbst schon nicht tut. Jetzt wurden 2 wichtige Monate verloren, und die Kommunalwahlen in Ländern wie Thüringen und Sachsen sind in 3 Monaten, und die Landtagswahlen sind in 6 Monaten.

Die AfD braucht keine Mehrheit. Sie braucht keine Regierung zu bilden. Sie muss nur stark genug sein, und die Exekutive weit genug unterwandert haben, um sich selbst zu ermächtigen.

tryptaminev ,

Bigger cars are mostly just more metal. But you can ask prices abouat proportionally to size. The expensive parts are all about the same, whether it is the engine, gearbox, axis, computer...

So by selling someone a car that is twice as big for twice the money, when it only cost 25% more to produce, profit goes "brrrr"

tryptaminev ,

Electromagnetics are dark magic and there is no way to teach it in any simpler terms that make it plausible without dark magic.

Even if you get all the concepts down. If you start asking "why". The only real answer is, because in 73 BC an egyptian, a roman and a greek magician met in a basement in Kathargo to perform the most heinous ritual. But since the roman guy had a lisp in saying his incantation, instead of unleashing the demons of hell onto earth, electromagnetics becamse what they are.

tryptaminev ,

Whenever dealing with exponential stuff i try to just focus on the formula of what is happening in the exponent. logarithms are taking that down to "normal space". E.g. exponential functions are like in a warp drive, but you still have ships that can warp faster than others.

tryptaminev ,

There is also the whole formula set that adequately describes the phenomenon. It is a three dimensional set of differential equations, where you can only ever know five out of six starting conditions, so you need to iteratively adjust the sixth one until your error term is small enough. The formula set was developed 80 years after Johnsons proposal, using the advancements in computing technology, but the results are not better than what we get with the Bill Factor

So we thank Bill Johnson every day we use his Factor.

tryptaminev , (edited )

There is a few things that deserve clarification imo.:

For who it wasn't clear from the pictures, this is not a natural grown forest. It is a pine tree plantage, and as such subject to getting cut. Also there exist plans from the 90s to develop the area for a factory. So the value of the forest is less in its quality as a natural habitat. This is a distinctive difference, from the protests around the Hambacher Forst for the expansion of a lignite mine, where people also built a treehouse camp. The Hambacher Forst was the closest to a natural forest you could get in Germany, before it was cut down for the coal mine.

In ecological terms the damage from the Tesla plant primarily comes from its water usage and possible water pollution in a region under high water stress. The violet means an extreme drought. I circled the region we are talking about, where the Tesla plant stands.

The act of sabotage temporarily cut off electricity to thousands of households in various parts of Berlin.

The households affected werent in Berlin, but in the area in Brandenburg. Berlin is all surrounded by the state of Brandenburg, with what we call the "Speckgürtel" the "fat belt" around it. That is many towns and villages directly outside the city limits, whose inhabitants usually work in the city. The Tesla area is kind of at the outer edge of that belt.

It also halted work at the Tesla factory for at least a week, likely costing the company hundreds of millions of euros.

It is important to note, that this is exclusively the claim of Tesla. It is not yet verified by third parties afaik.

tryptaminev ,

They have a long history. It is also understandable originally as the goal was to achieve a certain level of energy independence in the cold war era (on both sides of the wall). But as that they are relicts of a time long past. We have the means to achieve high energy independence through renewables and every year the mines and coal plants run longer, the damage to the environment is increasing exponentially.

tryptaminev ,

There is suburbs inside the city limits and suburbs outside the city limits. But there is also areas where on the city inside there is a field and right outside the city limits there are houses.

Often your only indication is a sign at the street reading that you enter or leave the city.

tryptaminev ,

This is all nice and well, until your footnotes are half a page of explanation that was impossible to fit in the text directly.

tryptaminev ,

Moving your installation will probably not be worth it simply for the labor effort. However there is also benefits by combining them with traditional crops, as they help to protect the crops from cold winds and the hot sun in summer.

tryptaminev ,

Iran hat im Gegensatz zu Bayern ein weit entwickeltes Raketenprogramm

tryptaminev ,

Zwischen einer erhitzten Debatte und dem was man so auf Lases an Hasssprache, Rechtsextremen Verschwörungstheorien und stumpfen Sexismus, Rassismus usw. liest, liegen aus meiner Sicht Welten.

tryptaminev ,

Bis zum bitteren Ende sagt sich so leicht. Ich werde bald abhauen. Meine Familie muss nicht noch mehr Leid ertragen, und sich am Ende umbringen lassen, damit Horst nicht von den Nazis umgebracht wird, die er selber gewählt hat.

tryptaminev ,

Ich will nicht, dass jemand der mir nahesteht wieder von Nazis überfallen und brutal zusammengeschlagen wird. Und ich werde sicher nicht unsere Leben dafür opfern, dass wir danach immer noch von der tief rassistischen Mitte der deutschen Gesellschaft weiter diskriminiert werden, schlechteren Zugang zu sozialem Aufstieg haben und im Vorfeld noch für demokratisches Engagement von ebenjener Gesellschaft kriminalisiert werden. Warum sollen wir uns von Bullen zusammenschlagen lassen, die von SPD Innenminsitern gedeckt werden, die von SPD Wählern gewählt werden, die meinen mit Regenbogenfahne auf dem Marktplatz stehen ist die Absolution dafür, dass sie wieder einem "Migranten" den Job nicht gegeben haben, obwohl er genausogut geeignet war, wie der weiße Bewerber. Seien wir ehrlich, Migranten sind in Deutschland prinzipiell "braun". Franzosen, Briten, Schweden & co. sind ja eher noble "Expats".

Es ist das selbe wie auf Arbeit. Es macht keinen Sinn, sich den Arsch für ein Unternehmen aufzureißen, dass es einem niemals danken wird. Warum soll man das dann für ein Land tun, wo weite Teile der Bevölkerung in die selbe Richtung wie die AfD denken, nur lieber wollen, dass die Geflüchteten im Mittelmeer ersaufen, wo man nicht hingucken muss, als das Nachts Familie Muhamad von den Bullen aus der Wohnung unter einem geprügelt wird.

Auf den Demos "gegen rechts", die aber in Summe keine konkreten politischen Forderungen haben, laufen SPDler, Grüne und manchmal auch FDPler rum, die einem ohne Hemmung sagen, dass Scholz "im großen Stil abschieben" völlig richtig ist, und sie hinter dem neuen Deportationsgesetz stehen, dass kurze Zeit nach den Enthüllungen über die Deportationspläne der AfD, CDU und Werteunion verabschiedet wurde.

Schaut man sich die Demos weiter an, so lassen sie sich vielfach vereinnahmen, damit verantwortliche Politiker sich dort als Kämpfer für Demokratie ablichten lassen können. Politiker die tatsächlich etwas gegen die AfD, den Rechtsextremismus allgemein, sowie vor allem dem gesellschaftlichen Nährboden des Faschismus tun könnten. Politiker, die aber genau das nicht tun, und was von der Bewegung letztlich nur halbherzig gefordert wird.

Ich war nach den Ausschreitungen in Chemnitz bei der "wir sind mehr Demo" in Berlin mit 250.000 Teilnehmern danach. Und was ist passiert? Wo sind all die Menschen hin, die bei bestem Wetter in Volksfeststimmung auf der Straße waren? Waren sie danach bei der nächsten Demo gegen einen Naziaufmarsch im Randbezirk? Waren sie bei der nächsten Demo gegen Abschiebungen und Gängelung von Geflüchteten? Waren sie bei der nächsten Gegendemo gegen den "1000 Kreuze" Abtreibungsgegnermarsch mit Trixi Storch?

Warum soll ich mich für das Wohlbefinden einer Gesellschaft opfern, die nicht nur ihrem eigenen Rassismus gegenüber grundsätzlich ignorant ist, sondern auch grundsätzlich nur dann für demokratische Werte einsteht, wenn sie selbst betroffen sind und schließlich mit Genugtuung in der Zeitung lesen, wenn wieder eine linke Demo verprügelt oder ein linkes Zentrum geräumt wurde?

tryptaminev ,

Absolute Übertreibung und Verallgemeinerung die AFD hat zwar 10,3% aber auch NUR 10,3%!

Und was ist mit den 20% in aktuellen Umfragen? was ist mit den 30% CDU Wählern? Was ist mit den SPD, Grünen, und FDP Wähler, die wie ihre gewählten Vertreter der Meinung sind, man müsse im großen Stil abschieben, und dafür die Menschenrechte der Betroffenen massiv einschränken?

Das einzige was du hier machst ist Leute zu beschimpfen die was tun während du scheinbar nicht bereit bist selber was zu tun. Absolute Heuchelei.

Nein. Ich habe gesagt, dass ich mich nicht für ein Land opfern werde, dass meine Familie niemals als ebenbürtig respektiert, oder überhaupt grundsätzlich respektiert. Du hast mich dafür angegriffen und ich habe meine Gründe erklärt. Du fantasiert vom bitteren Ende. Ich vermute sehr stark, dass du nicht im Ansatz verstehst, wovon du dabei redest.

Wenn du mir Heuchelei vorwerfen willst, dann kann ich dich nur bitten, dich mal in die Lage von jemanden zu versetzen, der sich um jemandne kümmern muss, der hinterhältig auf dem Heimweg überfallen und zusammengeschlagen wurde, bzw. noch viel krasser selber Opfer so einer Gewalttat geworden zu sein. Wo auf die körperlichen Verletzungen jahre der emotionalen Verletzung folgen. Wo man mit jeder rassistischen Interaktion im Alltag, und diese sind in Deutschland alltäglich, wieder daran erinnert wird, dass es vielleicht nur ein paar Stunden später und etwas weniger auf den Straßen los sein müsste, damit aus der Beleidigung ein brutaler Angriff wird.

Deswegen werden wir dieses Land verlassen. Und du zeigst einmal mehr genau was ich kritisiere. Die Empathie in der vermeintlichen Mitte oder gar Linken in Deutschland reicht meistens nur bis zum eigenen Tellerrand.

Wenn du zu feige bist um für die Demokratie einzustehen dann geh aber dann spare dir aber auch deine Beschimpfungen von Menschen und Mitbürger:innen die TATSÄCHLICH was machen.

Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass ich in meinem Leben auf mehr Demos war, als 99% derer, die jetzt ab und zu mal auf einer "Demo gegen rechts" waren. Daraus wie angegriffen du reagierst, weil sich andere Menschen nicht für dich zusammenschlagen oder umbringen lassen wollen, schließe ich, dass du wahrscheinlich auch noch nicht bei allzu vielen Demos warst, die keine Volksfeststimmung hatten, sondern mehr Bullen als Demonstranten und nochmal genausoviele Nazis auf der anderen Seite der Polizeikette.

tryptaminev ,

Wir haben diesem Land mehr als genug Chancen gegenen. Ich war auf mehr as genug Demos. Und ja, Rassismus ist in Deutschland tief in der Gesellschaft verwurzelt. Das bedeutet nicht, dass alle hier Rassisten wäre. Es beseutet aber auch, dass man sich gut überlegen muss, ob man sich für einen Status quo opfert, indem alltäglicher Rassismus das beste ist, was man erwarten kann.

“Yet another unsavoury EPP chunk of red meat, meant to attract the far-right vote:" EU group backed by von der Leyen plans Rwanda-style migration reforms ( )

The European People’s party (EPP), an umbrella group of centre-right and conservative parties, has said in the final draft of its manifesto ahead of elections to the European parliament in May that it wants a series of deal with non-EU countries with a view to deporting irregular migrants for asylum processing in “safe”...

tryptaminev ,

I'm not equating the EPP to Nazis. I say that they are willing to cooperate with Fascists, coopt fascist ideas and through this give rise to fascism. It is the same thing that the conservatives did in the 1920s and 1930s. The patterns are the same, the talking points are the same. The delusions about being able to control the fascists are the same.

That does not mean that they themselves are fascists. But they are willing to play that game, where everybody except the fascists are losing in the long run. And they do so for short term gains, that will be meaningless, just like the conservatives in 1930s Germany quickly found out.

tryptaminev ,

Wrong, you can do it, asking for asylum to the embassy of the destination country which is present in your country

Which doesn't work in countries that are subject to civil war or politically opressive regimes. What do you think happens if you are surveilled as a political activist and go to the embassy of that country? You will never make it to your second appointment. Or lets take Afghanistan for example. The people who used to work for Germany were largely fucked over and left to now be killed by the Taliban, as they were told to go through a bureaucratic process at an office, that was already closed for month before the Taliban finally took over again.

Or you can go to a border and ask for it.

Except you can't because there is noone processing it there, the offices are all in the country.

Or go to a police station once in the country

And voila, you entered the country "irregularly". It is simply impossible to enter a country regularly to ask for asylum there. That is the whole point of the system.

tryptaminev ,

My mother grew up in an atheist socialist society. There was no particular emphasis on nature as something particularly exploitable or overly important. Still she can point out every tree that is common to our area, most bushes and flowers and all common edible mushrooms.

People would simply know about these things because they were relevant, simply for the lack of a TV and internet to occupy your time.

tryptaminev ,

And that is were you are not recognising the reality, that there is many issues where there is no "rational" or "ethical" middle ground, between two points.

Also i'm not fear mongering. The US right wing is pushing for reestablishing child labor in many place:

In the 21. Century in a developed country there is only one rational and ethical answer to child labor and that is to fully reject it.

tryptaminev ,

There is a regular governmental press conference, usually monday, wednesday and friday where the speakers of the chancellor and the ministries are invited by an independant journalist organization. The organization is called Bundespressekonferenz.

Since about ten years the journalist Tilo Jung is recording most of the press conferences and uploading them to his youtube channel I highly recommend you to watch the latest video on the massacre in Gaza. The current government called it an "tragic use of shooting weapons".

I cannot find the specific video right now, because the topic of mass surveillance through automated scanning of messengers, or by allowing back doors has been a topic since at least the past 5 or 6 years. Please note that i was refferring not to this but the previous german government, albeit the current chancellor party SPD was also in the previous government and the chancellor Scholz was the last finance minister under Merkel.

If you believe my statement to be implausible without video evidence, i'd like to invite you to meet our former minister of defence in the current government, Lambrecht, who resigned after referring to the war in Ukraine as an opportunity to have met many nice people in a social media video.

Before she was defence minister under this goverment, she was minsiter of justice under the previous government. There she demanded that all websites should hand passwords over to the police as demanded. When it was pointed out that there is no use with hashed passwords, she asked to just safe them in plain text then. Alongside where further demands for extensive backdoors, violation of encryption and automatic scanning. It took months of heavy criticism to get her to drop it, despite the main point being that most of what she proposed was in violation of other laws including EU regulation.

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