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tamal3 ,

I don't love strawberry jam, but on pb&j it's the best.

tamal3 ,

My style, exactly! But even my $20 grinder works wonders compared to pre-ground coffee. I've thought about updating that component but I make pretty good coffee as is.

tamal3 ,

This is the first I've heard of this device. How fully might it replace my smartphone? I see it does messaging, photos, and has access to the Google Play Store. Does it play music? Does it render Google Maps? I love e-readers, and though while I've been impressed by the Kindle, I do detest Amazon.

I was interested in the Lightphone when it came out, but it was too pricey and I'm still going strong on my Pixel 3a. I'll need to move on someday though... Thanks for any info.

tamal3 ,

Me too! I have a stack of maybe 7 small metal bowls, and they've been amazing for prep. What are the mixing bowls you refer to? Just slightly steeper walls so nothing gets out while stirring?

tamal3 ,

Did you go with a name brand? A refurb? I hope this is my next luxury purchase.

tamal3 ,

Headphones to sleep with. It's a big stretchy headband with flat speakers sewn in, and it works on Bluetooth (speakers are removable with a little effort to wash the band). I've always needed stories to fall asleep, and now I can't believe how many years I spent propping my phone just-so against my ear to not bother my sleeping partner.

Game changer for sleepless me.

tamal3 ,

I set a timer to turn it off after 45 minutes or so, but it's much better than not falling asleep at all. And at 3:00 when I wake up again, I set another 45 minute timer. I'm not sure what the issue would be with my sleep when I'm only listening to droning voices. Maybe if the symphony snare drum kicked in it would be disruptive, but what I listen to is almost white noise with words.

I smoke weed to fall asleep nightly. That's also very helpful.

tamal3 ,

Running. I don't think I ran a consecutive mile until at least age 28, but now i love to run.

tamal3 ,

A good playlist and somewhere interesting to explore make it great, but I also just love running. I bring running shoes when I travel: there's nothing like running through a new city as a tourist.

tamal3 ,

I always research unsafe areas for tourists when traveling to a new city, so when I run with my phone map I have a general idea of where I should avoid. Otherwise, I just turn down random streets, though populated and well lit ones. As to large crowds, I have only had this issue occasionally: just be ready to walk and don't be a nuisance to others. If it's a rural area, I mostly worry about surprise hills, not safety.

If it's a foreign country I am especially cautious as running is not really a hobby in many places. I wanted to go for a run by myself in Guatemala, but eventually decided that i wouldn't outside of very touristy areas or very rural areas. I had a great time running alone in downtown Montreal with minimal research. It depends on the country, so pay attention to local cultural norms and dress codes.

tamal3 ,

A cape with a snack pouch! Sounds like an accessory for a skirt without pockets.

tamal3 ,

My neighbors come in two main flavors: they're all either devoutly religious or think the moon is hollow. I'm just a regular atheist, guys, stop freaking out about fake shit!

What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?

Body positivity is such a strange concept to me. There's efforts to reclaim words while simultaneously calling them bad if used as an insult. Ideally, people wouldn't be offended by someone describing their body with common descriptors, but socially there is so much value attributed to certain body types that it's almost...

tamal3 ,

My city's most common tagging these days might be "dadbob". I see it everywhere.

tamal3 ,

When i need to think something through to myself i often start a recording app on my phone and literally talk it out. It helps narrow down the swirling and distracting thoughts, even if i never go back to the recording later. Is that adhd or a failing inner voice?

I never really understand what people are taking about when they say they have an inner monologue or don't. Sometimes i think in words, sometimes i think in swirls and images, sometimes i don't think...

tamal3 ,

I watched two twelve-year-old children take a four-hour reading exam today. They ran out of time without finishing. Please can North Carolina to get their metrics some other way.

My current theory is that the state of NC so wants to say that public schools are failing that they are giving students near impossible exams.

tamal3 ,

Don't forget the wild cockatoos! Those are a sight. (Source: my ex-step-sister lives in Melbourne.)

tamal3 ,

I love Canada geese! A family used to nest every year near where i grew up, and during breeding season traffic would halt multiple times a day while the whole family of goslings crossed the road. When in a rush in the spring, everyone knew not to take that road.

I think they are the bane of golfers and sports areas, but if that's not a concern they are huge, beautiful birds.

tamal3 ,
tamal3 ,


tamal3 ,

There are also some related wolf behaviors. Pups seem to lick parent faces to trigger them to regurgitate foraged food when they return to the den after hunting. I always imagine that my pup is licking my face to get me to regurgitate a smackerel of something delicious.

tamal3 ,

Eh, I don't know, I don't have any allergies... And I think my gross lifestyle has something to do with it.

tamal3 ,

Yeah, I always thought it amazing that crows could keep track of items up to five. Maybe we read that one wrong if ants are capable of counting so high, or maybe they're not exactly counting. I'd love to know more.

tamal3 ,

He fixed my bike after I smashed the detailer on a curb -- and later texted the number from my form to ask if I wanted to hang out.

tamal3 ,

I hear you, but we were both in college. It was just normal to reach out to new people. Anyway, going great 12 years later.

tamal3 ,

I put a sandwich in the slot... Twice. I distinctly remember thinking how perfectly it fit. Didn't bust, but wasn't a good idea.

tamal3 ,

Rubblebucket, indie dance music from Vermont. Definitely go see them live next time they tour.

What was your most recent dream?

This post was inspired by a dream misadventure I had last night where I was just minding my own business getting gophers out of the rice field, then suddenly on the intercom/announcements (which I did not expect to have in my dream, since I was outside, not in a building), a voice said "attention, this is a representative of the...

tamal3 ,

Do you think that practicing remembering your dreams helps you remember more of them?

I almost never remember my dreams -- the other night, one had something to do with half-n-half, but I haven't remembered any for weeks. My current thought is just that they're just really boring.

tamal3 ,

Oh no, ask and ye shall receive, I guess -- the very next night I remembered a series of dreams about Bluey for no reason at all. I've never even seen Bluey.

Still, it was fun to remember the dreams. I suspect smoking weed to fall asleep makes me less likely to remember dreams?

tamal3 ,

Not sure why you're being downvoted. It's legitimate to wonder in what ways "all life" matters. It wasn't an accusatory question.

tamal3 ,

Now i just avoid getting in line behind someone in their 80s 😹

tamal3 ,

Most recent Ezra Klein podcast was talking about the future of AI assistants helping us digest and curate the amount of information that comes at us each day. I thought that was a cool idea.

*Edit: create to curate

Could We Build a Decentralised Social Platform Rooted in Place? ( carlnewton.github.io )

Over the past year or so I’ve been playing with the idea of a decentralised social platform based on your location. By putting physical location at the centre of the experience, such a platform could be used to bring communities together and provide a source of local information when travelling. Please let me know what you...

tamal3 ,

How to keep it from becoming disgusting like Topix? Vile things were said on those forums.

tamal3 ,

I wonder if there would be enough people locally who want to moderate? That's the biggest issue imo, along with it being taken over by concerns about schools and/or gross gossip.

I believe Topix was completely anonymous and unmoderated, and it was a train wreck. As a citizen of my town I was embarrassed that it existed. I remember specifically that any time a local principal made any changes at her school vile comments and threats would be posted about her. It was a major concern in her life until the whole site was taken down.

tamal3 ,

Dual income, no kids, live in a basement.

tamal3 ,

Marilynne Robinson! "Housekeeping," "Gilead," absolutely stunning writer.

tamal3 ,

I'm actually only surprised that she got the bill after one month.

tamal3 ,

Not voting is still voting, friend. Fix the system after Biden gets reelected, rather than end up in bigger shit than we're already wading through. Not voting has never fixed anything.

I detest them both. I'm still voting for Biden (though I did just send another email to the White House threatening not to).

tamal3 ,

Eh depends on the brand sometimes.

Also my vote is for a hummus wrap.

Texas "physically barred" Border Patrol agents from trying to rescue migrants who drowned, federal officials say ( www.cbsnews.com )

A woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande on Friday while trying to enter the U.S. near a section of the southern border where Texas National Guard soldiers have prevented federal Border Patrol agents from processing and rescuing migrants.

tamal3 ,

Selectively punish policy makers? Um voting. That seems to not be a popular idea though.

tamal3 ,

I think some of us are moving away from such stereotypes, and the conservative backlash is moving full speed in a weird direction. As always.

tamal3 ,

That's me. I live in a shithole country ( Hint: it's the USA ).

tamal3 ,

It's organized so that more powerful operations get precedence, which seems natural.

Set aside intentionally confusing expressions. The basic idea of the Order of Operations holds water even without ever formally learning the rules.

If an addition result comes first and gets exponentiated, the changes from the addition are exaggerated. It makes addition more powerful than it should be. The big stuff should happen first, then the more granular operations. Of course, there are specific cases where we need to reorder, or add clarity, which is why human decisions about groupings are at the top.

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