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takeda ,

I would say it has more to do with the size of a pool of candidates. If an Amazon warehouse employee is not happy Amazon can fire them and get another one. If an investment banker is not happy the company will accommodate them.

As a software engineer though, while I'm not paid as an investment banker I still feel like I'm paid well, I think my job would be better if it was unionized.

takeda ,

He was going to face a trial and likely prison, but trump pardoned him and the rest.

takeda ,

We messed up when we allowed Ford's pardon of Nixon before he was convicted. We should only allow pardons after the person was convicted. That created all kinds of paradoxes:

  • creating a blanket pardon "from any crime that we don't know yet about"
  • possible pocket pardon, where a president could pardon themselves secretly
  • hiring thugs on president benefit and giving pardon right before leaving office. They know they can do anything and will receive a blanket pardon. If president had to wait for conviction then there was no guarantee he would be there to pardon them. So it would make whole escapade more risky
  • total immunity which trump is arguing about would be even less likely if there was no blanket and pocket pardon and he had to wait until being convicted before being able to be pardoned
takeda ,

We should never have allowed a pardon before a conviction. What Ford did for Nixon created all kinds of paradoxes.

takeda ,

Well, you should have lit up your cigarette 20 minutes earlier.

takeda ,

If it wasn't working, OP would have 20 minutes to smoke his cigarette, but if it was, he would get his bus immediately.

takeda ,

Greed is preventing them. Our news are no longer news, those are entertainment stations looking for spectacle and trump provides plenty of it.

If our news would just report news, this actually l act wouldn't be an issue.

I would encourage to subscribe and support real news sources that do actual real news reporting like AP, Reuters, NPR etc.

Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid. Kyiv rejects it ( apnews.com )

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised Friday to “immediately” order a cease-fire in Ukraine and start negotiations if Kyiv began withdrawing troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced plans to join NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected what he called an ultimatum by Putin to...

takeda ,
  • Russia already made peace offers in the past. So far they always did them when things weren't going well for them.
takeda ,

The initial plan of US was to weaken Russia and make putin withdraw on its own.

With recent delivery of long distance munition, changing policy on hitting into Russia and imposing sanctions on banks it is clear that the policy changed to let Ukraine defeat Russia even if it would result in a collapse of RF.

takeda ,

Oh, don't worry, there will be full permission. In a few weeks, and it will be without headlines.

takeda ,

It's not.

The red line was placed by US itself as a response to Russia threatening using nuclear weapons if Ukraine gets any help.

Russia of course didn't, but adopted that red line itself and used it on its propaganda.

As they started offensive on Kharkiv, and started bombing Ukraine from behind the border so Ukraine wouldn't be able to respond, they essentially forced change of that red line.

US allowed to use of its weapons in that area.

Now the problem for Russia is:

  • it was easy to say "no Western weapon can be used on territory of Russia", but now they can't say "it was fine to use Western weapons on Belogrod, but Rostov-on-don is a red line" that doesn't work well in propaganda, is putin saying Belogrod isn't Russia?
  • other Western nations gave permission to use their weapons anywhere in Russia with no restrictions
  • the actual agreement where Ukraine can hit and where it can't are secret and known only to US and Ukraine

This means Russia (including maga politicians) once it stops with this sabre rattling, won't really have much way to use propaganda about future changes.

The agreement being secret will also allow to be modified without much headlines. We will only learn after the fact. For example Russia reporting they saw fragments of US weapons in different areas. Most won't care anymore.

takeda ,

The picture shows Biden but the text says House which is controlled by Republicans.

Very disingenuous. Not even the same branch of the government.

takeda ,

Well Mike Johnson would be most fitting as he is the speaker and decides which bills are up for a vote.

takeda ,

This one talks about it:

takeda ,

In the first minute of the video he talks about the pool done by Echelon Insights where they actually checked the exact same people.

takeda ,

No, that won't do any rehabilitation. It needs to be jailed or maybe cleaning the highway.

takeda ,

That's why we have a trial by jury of peers.

An executive branch can issue a pardon, legislative branch can create a law making the crime no longer being a crime and impeach judges.

If those things are not enough, then we have a much more serious problem.

takeda ,


Compare MAGA talking points with news on Russia Today or Sputnik.

Ask your MAGA friends what they think about the EU, NATO, UN, Ukraine, Zelensky, Putin, Biden, Trump then compare with Russian interests.

It couldn't be any clearer. What are the odds that MAGA views nearly in 100% overlaps with Russian best interests?

takeda ,

Well, as you see, they prefer doing the terrorist things.

takeda ,

The business records fraud case ("hush money" is misleading what it was) is just the first case that nothing blocked it from proceeding.

Documents case is blocked by Canon, J6 is blocked by SCOTUS, I guess the Georgia case could proceed too, but was maybe more complicated than this one.

takeda ,

Are you suggesting to not vote in protest and let those people win?



They made sure Israel is supported, Biden mostly cared about support of Ukraine and Taiwan, but Israel was bundled because of Republicans.

takeda ,

The SCOTUS issue is real, but even if we ignore it, trump is openly pro Israel. His 2017-2020 record shows that too. I can't comprehend how someone would think it could be possibly better with trump for Palestinians. I'm convinced that if he was in charge he would actually send US soldiers to fight with IDF in Gaza. He nearly started war with Iran, because (his words), Nethanyahu told him to.

takeda ,

I understand that, but the First Past The Post voting method doesn't allow more than two parties. The third party doesn't act anything but a spoiler, it is impossible for it to ever win and your vote for a 3rd party is essentially the same as not voting at all. This is how disinformation is used to persuade people who don't want trump to not vote or essentially throw away your vote in protest.

I've been fooled this way in 2016 and don't want others to make the same mistake.

We should push on local levels to adopt RCV (Ranked Choice Voting) to allow voting for candidates that closet matches our goals without worrying about spoiler effect and someone who we really don't want winning.

Also a lot of how our delivery degraded was thanks to SCOTUS. Conservative judges ruled that money is free speech and sending money to politicians should not be restricted.

Second big hit was destroying voting rights act making out harder for unrepresented minorities to vote.

And guess what, during trump presidency he appointed 3 conservative judges and now it is 6-3 (conservative vs progressive) this is why Roe vs Wade was repealed and other shenanigans.

Those judges are appointed for life (so those 3 will affect us for decades) and there are another 2 judges that are at age that could be replaced.

takeda ,

Zionism is a movement that believes Israel should exist. I would imagine the majority of Americans support that too even if they might be against the current operation in Gaza.

takeda ,

We saw other similar news from China which turned out to be a bunk. I wouldn't hold my breath. I would love to be wrong though.

takeda ,

I just recently learned about liquid calories and why are they dangerous when you care about weight.

For those who are not aware. A liquid will be processed very quickly by our body. For example you get your favorite soda that has 150 calories your drink it, and your body processes it quickly, you urinate it but the 150 calories stay with you and you feel hungry again really soon so you eat another meal to fill your stomach.

takeda ,

You know what's crazy? We don't allow convicted felons to vote, but with trump we are told there's no law preventing him holding the office. Bananas.

takeda ,

The judge. The jury decides if the defendant is guilty or not and then the judge comes up with the sentence.

takeda ,

In the USA third parties make no sense until we change voting from FPTP to for example RCV.

I similarly got fooled in 2016, and while my state voted for Hillary, I still regret voting 3rd party after realizing that with FPTP the only purpose of a 3rd party is to steal votes from your 2nd choice.

takeda ,

Why are we discussing a screenshot of a title and not the article?

Why did OP take the effort to take a screenshot of a title, upload it then post this instead of linking to the article?


takeda ,

I think this bullshit is more prevalent today than in the past. Companies found more loopholes to go around (for example unlimited vacations[1]), the worker protections aren't enforced as strictly.

I believe this phenomenon is likely US specific.

[1] unlimited vacations look great on paper, but with them the company no longer needs to track of 2 weeks of vacations, so they no longer need to pay them when you leave the company and not used them and also doesn't have to force you to use it. The peer pressure makes you unlikely to take more anyway to not look like a slacker.

takeda , (edited )

I think related to trials, Jon Stewart, Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and others are far more effective than Biden ever would be in his campaign ads.

The thing is that being a former president with 91 felony charges is quite pathetic.

takeda ,

I highly recommend the book The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America by historian Timothy Snyder. It gives a much bigger picture of what is going on, what the goal is and how it is being accomplished.

takeda , (edited )

I'm wondering how much did it cost to change her opinion. When she suspended her campaign she had such a beautiful speech about holding values and doing what's right.

Edit: this is a reminder that all Republicans are corrupted to the core and vote for any is not much better than voting for trump. She didn't have to endorse Biden, but kissing up to trump makes her pathetic especially after her speech. A good president supposed to have some kind of principals.

takeda ,

Well, just goes to show that you don't need to be white to be a total piece of shit. (Though it sometimes helps.)

Did you forget about Ajit Pai?

He is a good example that pieces of shit come in all different colors and shapes.

takeda ,

Also Barr.

takeda ,

Given his connections to the Russian mafia I'm wondering if retiring was an option.

takeda ,

Also to add that Raisin was groomed to take his place, and apparently the guy Raisi was grooming to take his was also in the helicopter.

Khamenei is 85 years old.

takeda ,

He was also largely dismissed as a clown, like trump in 2016, that there was no way he would win.

takeda ,

It is supposed to be, but I don't think it has the effect they think it has

takeda ,

Unless you have Alzheimer's, that only means you are not involved with your kid. I know exactly how old mine are and when their birthdays are and I'm normally not good with dates. The thing with birthdays is that the dates stay the same so there's no excuse not to remember it.

takeda ,

The equal rights were 1947 borders set by the UN, which Arab nations rejected and started a war which they lost.

If you look at the map, "from the river to the sea" clearly means the whole area.

The original slogan also was "from the river to the sea Palestine is Islamic/Arab", but that would be far less catchy in the West.

As for equal rights in democratic state, that has to be a joke. Just look at population of Israel where almost 25% is Arabic and compare it to Palestine which is very homogenous.

Nethanyahu is a MF, far right politician that should spend the rest of his life in jail, but let's not pretend the other side are saints. They would would do exactly same (maybe even worse) if they had the means.

There are no good guys on either side of that conflict, just innocent people caught in the middle.

takeda , (edited )

The land was changing hands for centuries: https://youtu.be/8tIdCsMufIY
(and if we care about silly things about who was first, that would historically be Jews)

In fact before the British, it was actually owned by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) which sided with the central powers in WW1. The British enrolled Palestinians and Jews to fight them and promised to give them that land in exchange for conquering it.

Edit: I meant WW1

takeda ,

You're right my bad

takeda ,

Yes, I never said there weren't, just that people picking up specific point in history and forgetting there was anything before that.

takeda ,

Would be before Palestinians.

takeda ,

Well, by the definition you are suggesting, the Jews would also be Palestinians.

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