@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone cover
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



👽Dropped at birth from space to earth👽


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princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I'm sorry, but did we read the same post? I couldn't find where it mentioned that you shouldn't vote. So I dunno, maybe run along to someplace else where people actually care for these sorts of low effort comments?

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Do I seem not calm to you? Or are you just using that as a way to put me down because you don't like being called out for your behaviour.

I pretty strongly believe your comment added nothing to the conversation. I am just starting to become so tired of these low effort comments poisoning the english-speaking internet just because it's a US election year.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The point of the post, from my reading, is that there are other things you can do that are quite punk outside of a political context. I'm not angry, I'm just mildly disappointed that you seemed to miss the point entirely.

I would also daresay that there are far more potent political actions you can take as a punk. Not to discourage voting, I've voted in every single election I've been eligible before. But personally I think it's far more punk to attend protests and rallies to show politicians an overwhelming distaste for their cowardice.

So IMO voting is only punk when it's done in conjunction with other actions.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I strongly disagree that the act of voting, in and of itself, counts as "contribut(ing) to your community". Maybe that's where our opinions differ.

princessnorah , (edited )
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I can believe that your opinion is valid, while still also believing that your comment here in this thread is not. Considering my instance has downvotes disabled, I decided to comment and reply as much. I am sorry for assuming you were American though. I'm skittish as I've seen way too many communities, unrelated to US politics, devolve into toxic debates about voting vs not voting in this year's upcoming election over there.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I mean you're the moderator, not me. If these sorts of posts aren't want you want here, then make a rule against them. I do enjoy the other posts here quite a bit, and wouldn't want to see the space overrun by these sorts of "meme" posts.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That's a pretty messed up thing to say to someone you disagree with. Let alone stigmatising mental health issues.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think that a level of "forc(ing) the hand" is necessary at times to keep a community aligned with it's original vision. It can mean that people choose to unsubscribe, but they can make the choice to create a new community elsewhere if they want as well. Hell, maybe even a more "meme" oriented community here on slrpnk.net

Obviously that would also have to be a discussion to be had with the other moderators to come up with a unanimous vision.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

With Invidious, it would have to block every single accessible instance for that to work. You can proxy the video through the instance to avoid censorship.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I have never seen a roundabout here in Australia that allows for these sorts of conflicting movements, that would be asinine. Are you saying there's multiple lanes that can exit or go straight such that someone in the inside lane can turn out in front of someone continuing around in the outside lane? Is this a North American thing? Of course that would result in accidents, don't build your bloody roundabouts like that!!

I drive through three lane (six lane road) roundabouts all the time and no one gets hurt. In fact I have to drive through two such roundabouts to get to the nearest freeway.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You jest, but we do kind of have something like this in Melbourne, Australia. Except the vehicles that get to cut through the middle of the roundabout are Trams. Plus while they're trundling through, everyone else has to stop and wait for them.


princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I'm bloody sorry but did you just say this is one of the least bad you've seen?? Let me give you a different view:



Trams traverse the traffic lanes at three points, as well as one making an immediate left turn exit. There are four traffic lanes. Royal Parade has inside lanes and service lanes.

But I also don't have to imagine that at all, those are common here too and I've never had a problem at them:


Notice how the approaching lane at the bottom left has an artificial curve added to it? It's traffic calming to help slow down cars before they get to the roundabout itself.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I don't see any conflicting movements here. I have a roundabout almost exactly like this just around the corner. It's not complicated.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think it's probably got more to do with the drivers. There are plenty of roundabouts like this where I am in Aus, and they get used just fine. Over here they have a far lower rate of accidents than other types of intersections. We never have 4 way stops either, we just put a roundabout there.

princessnorah , (edited )
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

What is the speed of that street?

You'll have to be specific, all five of the roads that enter this roundabout are different, none actually continue through it. I think the maximum speed limit in the area is 60km/h though.

Edit: Also, the weird looking building in the first picture? That's the Royal Melbourne Hospital. There is A Lot going on at this roundabout. Though I guess as far as it not being "bad" it is probably the best intersection they could have built for this location. The cycle length if it were a signalised intersection would be insane.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I'm kinda really tired of these inane and inaccurate takes on Musk's tweet. He doesn't tell her to "dial it back" at all. In fact he opens by agreeing that transphobia is great, but that it's all Rowling talks about and she should diversify her content. That's it. He's not distancing himself from her or anything of the sort. These articles are dangerous to suggest otherwise in my opinion.


princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

i've come to really like the term rest in power, and i think it's appropriate here, so...

rest in power Zoey Alexandria ✊

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Anyone that uses the word triggering like that is kinda a dick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I think it entirely depends on your use case and hardware. I have a rack server, I need the extra power relatively frequently, as well as the 16x 2.5" bays and the 4 NICs. A rack server is a fairly power efficient package to get all those features in. However, it means that I am limited to discrete graphics, as Xeons don't have Intel QSV. There's also no monitor connected, and no 3D rendering happening, so the card is gonna idle at >5W and probably only use 20-30W while transcoding. Compared to a system that's idling at ~250W that's nothing.

Nextcloud appreciation post

After months of waiting, I finally got myself an instance with Libre Cloud. I was expecting basic file storage with a few goodies but boy, this is soooo much more. I am amaze by how complete this is!!! Apps let me configure my instance to fit everything I need, my workflow is now crazy fast and I can finally say goodbye to...

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You really should not install those from the distro repositories. They are far less up-to-date. This is the official documentation for adding the Docker repository to a Debian system, there's one for Ubuntu as well. You can just copy and paste the entire code block from step 1. Afterwards you can just use apt to install it, but you want to use this command to make sure you get everything you need:

sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

Installing it this way will mean you need to use the docker compose command, not docker-compose which is deprecated.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I wonder if this also has something to do with the company itself avoiding shame too. Like firing an employee is a sign of weakness, that you hired someone like that in the first place? Or potentially a difference in benefits or a pension that they have to pay?

Why is replacement for home device controls so complicated?

I recently learned about Home Assistant here on Lemmy. It looks like a replacement for Google Home, etc. However, it requires an entire hardware installation. Proprietary products just use a simple app to manage and control devices, so can someone explain why a pretty robust dedicated device is necessary as a replacement? The...

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Wifi smart devices can have that sort of completely local control, not just zigbee. LIFX devices use local control if you don't connect them to the cloud. However, you're then limited in lots of ways, such as you can't then use a smart switch from a different manufacturer to control the lights. Home Assistant takes over the job of Google/Apple Home, which allows different manufacturer's devices to all work together harmoniously. Those services also provide things like automations, turning the lights on when your smartphone arrives within a geofence for example. HA can do even better because those automations will work across Android as well as iOS. It also maintains the advantage of just one app to control your entire home.

As well, as far hardware, I think you're misunderstanding a bit. Nabu Casa, the org that controls the open-source HA project, sells a couple of pre-built devices that run home assistant already. They're designed as turn-key solutions for people with less technical know-how, and provide a bunch of expansibility so people don't waste money needing to upgrade. The proceeds from those go back into supporting the projects costs. But you can go out and buy a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (512mb RAM) for $15 and it'll happily run the kind of basic setup you're after. But you will almost immediately run into it's limitations if you try to do anything more complicated.

My HA server is running on an x86 VM with 2c/4t and 8gb of RAM to itself. Have a full music server running on it serving ~6 devices around the house though. Edit: 6 fixed devices. It can also be cast to a bunch of places from mobile devices. My music collection is in FLAC so it's transcoding to lossy on the fly where needed.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you go to the Meshtastic website, the Beta of the software is listed as Stable, with the Alpha branch considered the testing version: https://meshtastic.org/downloads/

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It entirely depends, but I don't think "Stable" is necessarily synonymous with "Release" versions. You can have a "stable" version where it functions correctly and there's no critical bugs that crash the program.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Hahaha yeah tell that to every other country that has Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and every other American social media company serving it's citizens emotionally charged content. Facebook was even implicated in inciting a genocide. The US isn't any better than the CCP here. Though it very much falls into capitalist rather than state control, the end result isn't much different.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Who the hell would want to watch vertical videos on a smart tv??

princessnorah , (edited )
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Hey, did you know that Facebook is partially* responsible for a more recent genocide? So, considering TikTok's ties to the Chinese government, which is also known to commit genocides, I'm gonna go ahead and say this is probably a good thing.

Edit: changed because Facebook just incited it, people are responsible for their own actions.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Have you like, talked, to a teenager or early 20 year old at all during the last three years? Either you don't understand the huge cultural impact tiktok has had for that age group, or you think every single person that age is a "vertical video crazy".

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Five quick presses of the lock button does this too, but beware as I think the default behaviour also starts a 3 second countdown to calling emergency services.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah I just tested it and you’re right it’s a way faster way to get to power off. Personally prefer the five lock presses as it requires way less dexterity in your pocket. I’ve just disabled the auto-call feature.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

There’s a setting to disable the call, I just did it that long back I wasn’t sure if that’s still the default.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I mean like generally yes but some poly dynamics have (consensual) rules. You might have a triad that’s closed off to other members for example, who would all consider it cheating if any one member had a relationship they kept secret from the other two. It’s not always “free love” all the time like it’s the 60s again.

You also do have hierarchal poly dynamics. People with “primary” partners and such. But it’s not really a competition. I personally don’t vibe with that, but it can be done in a healthy way if everyone is up front about their expectations.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I have had times where people treat “non-hierarchical” as “you should immediately consider me equal to your other partners”. When no, trust takes time and effort to grow. In that sense, the partner that I live with does have some level of primacy over my other partners, because I trust her enough to build a home together. However we don’t share a room, we have our own spaces, and we schedule sleepovers just the same as I would with any other partner.

One person "demoted" her fiance to just a side relationship because she was encouraging her boyfriends to be competitive. It was gross. The idea of making love or sexuality a competition is just gross. These people are gross.

That is indeed ridiculously gross. She completely missed the memo on the “ethical” part of “ethical non-monogamy”. I think I would agonise for weeks if I was thinking about making the decision to no longer live with my nestmate. Months if I was planning on moving straight in with a different partner. I would need to figure out how to communicate that it wasn’t due to any transgressions on their part, that it wasn’t a punishment. That I just, didn’t feel that living together was right for our relationship or either of us as individuals. Especially if the end goal was to continue to be together. I can’t imagine being so careless with someone’s emotions like that.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Poe’s Law. It’s impossible to know (but I’m pretty sure they’re in on the joke).

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This looks like AU$120 to me, just at a regular grocer. Dude shit’s been going through the roof the last 2 years…

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah, I’d say it’s the power for the pump, including the extra power required to push the water through a decent enough filter for human consumption. They might also be using UV-light filtration of some kind in the process that needs it’s own power as well.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’m sorry, do you seriously think that recognition of polyamorous unions would make the tax system even 0.1% more complex than it already is?

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

In Australia we have ‘de facto’ relationship laws so if you’re living together for a certain amount of time you have all the rights that a married couple do, including around property rights and separation. But we also have far less litigious divorces and nothing like alimony here.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Okay, and…? Do you think people in the business of saving lives shouldn’t get downtime at all, just all go from clock in to clock out? Like it’s a concentration camp instead of a hospital?

Your mum sounds like she’s awesome, but she remind me so much of mine. Self-sacrificing to a fault, and potentially like she struggled to internalise that she needed breaks, because otherwise “someone (could) die”.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

No, this guy’s who they named the character in Discovery after. Legit.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You really only havw two choices (for most elections IN THE US) though.


princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

While I don’t disagree that MLs online cause harm, it would be remiss of me not to point out that the root of the issue is decades of intergenerational indoctrination during the cold war that anything democratically socialist was directly equivalent to autocratic communism. There is a deep, cultural cognitive dissonance that occurs in the US about things like socialised medicine and welfare that I just don’t think tankies online influence as much as you think they do.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

As an Aussie I stared for way way too long before I figured it out. We have plain packaging here lol

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

“This customer has a 69% chance of upgrading to a new phone” except those numbers are as inflated as Putin’s election results.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Swap the “www” in the url for “old”. Desktop site but it doesn’t stop you viewing NSFW content.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah, no way to lose my trust faster than abusing your notification privileges to send me spam.

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

While I don’t disagree with the sentiment, the Discord Nitro subscription has been around for a long while. From what I’ve seen using the platform it seems relatively popular. I’d guess adding ads to the free tier is as much about enticing people onto the subscription (which presumably won’t have ads).

princessnorah ,
@princessnorah@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I doubt it. Video ads are worth a lot more. Unless they ad them to live streams Twitch style.

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