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platypus_plumba ,

I was thinking the other day that we no longer see bugs around the house I grew up in. When I was a kid my house was always full of bugs, we live next to a protected natural area, so it was impossible to keep them out. Anyways, I've always loved bugs so they were welcome. I moved out and whenever I go there are no animals to be seen. I can't even hear birds or see iguanas walking around. It's so disturbing.

platypus_plumba ,

Don't worry guys, the billionaires already built their bunkers and their space ships! Just as planned.

platypus_plumba ,

I can smell them like at a 1m distance. They smell bad. The first time I realized what they smell like, I took a bite of a muffin that I left on the counter. I tasted the muffin and another bad flavor so I looked and it had ants. From that moment I could smell them, not because I couldn't smell them before but because now I knew what they smelled like.

platypus_plumba ,

As a non-native speaker, I've been calling this planet "your anus" because I never heard it being pronounced before, and these internet jokes made me think it was pronounced the same way. Like "if it's funny it's probably because they sound the same".

If you ever feel stupid just think of this.

platypus_plumba ,

Oh wow, good fun fact.

platypus_plumba ,


What the fuck is wrong with the US?

Devout Christian Mike Johnson shows up to hush money trial to defend a guy accused of cheating on his wife with a porn star ( )

House Speaker Mike Johnson describes himself as a Christian before anything else. He has said his “faith informs everything I do.” He has told people curious about his views to “pick up a Bible.” His wife reportedly runs a counseling service whose operating agreement, which he himself notarized, states, “We...

platypus_plumba ,

Yeha but you know Republicans will just look the other way when confronted with such arguments.

platypus_plumba ,

Do you know how Israel protested the British empire to get their attention and Palestine's land after WWI?

They created a terrorist group to target and murder high ranking officials.

platypus_plumba ,

I know it is a meme, but males are well known for their rape habits, and a bathroom seems like the perfect place for that... So yeha, keep those divided please. Still, allow trans people to go wherever they feel comfortable. The percentage of trans people is too low to be a concern.

platypus_plumba ,

Genuine question. In India train wagons are divided by gender. What prevents a man from going in there?

Is that division pointless? Why don't you ask females how they feel about that division.

platypus_plumba ,

Most rapists are men. That was my point. This is a fact in case you want to get angry at facts.

platypus_plumba ,

I wouldn't mind a gender neutral bathroom as long as the other alternatives are still available. That's fair.

platypus_plumba ,

Enough to be considered a problem.

platypus_plumba ,


platypus_plumba ,

Yeha, I think having a third gender neutral bathroom would be nice. But don't remove the sense of security some women get from women-only bathrooms.

I think most people feel comfortable with the division. I wouldn't mind going into the gender neutral to pee, but if I had to take a shit, I wouldn't want to do that next to women.

platypus_plumba , (edited )

I honestly don't understand your logic. I never said all males are rapists or that it was a high percentage.

I literally said whatever percentage it is, it is enough to be a problem. 70k lives ruined in a year seems like a problem to me.

How many ruined lives for this to be a concern to you?

The point is that changing this might increase the number of rapes. Marginally? Maybe, but why take that unnecessary risk? What's the point?

platypus_plumba ,

Yes rapists are opportunistic. What I meant to say is that males are known for being the main cause of rape, maybe the wording wasn't right because I'm not a native English speaker and I'm doing my best at communicating here. It's obvious that most males aren't rapists.

platypus_plumba ,

In the 3 bathroom scenario, I wouldn't restrict trans people to the neutral bathroom. Everyone can go to the neutral gender bathroom, or they can go to one that matches their gender identity.

Personally, I'd go to the neutral to pee and to male only to the a shit.

platypus_plumba ,

I mean, sure, in an office that would be fine. Just the professional context would prevent people from getting caught by coworkers. Plus, people know each other... Like, if Carl rapes Sharon from accounting, Sharon will likely say something about it... It's the same as in the family. People have no problems sharing the same bathroom for obvious reasons. But bathrooms in public places are different.

platypus_plumba ,

Do you think women aren't getting raped in their own women-only restroom already? Even women in India and Japan get groped by men in their women only train carriage. The point is that mixing them is just going to increase the number of victims.

platypus_plumba ,

Yeha, agreed, I wasn't trying to imply that most men do this, I was trying to say that this is mostly done by men.

So it is a sensitive matter for women, because when it comes to comparing the numbers, they are mostly victims.

I wouldn't mix them just to find out that rapes did increase because of it. I feel there's an unnecessary risk in that.

platypus_plumba ,

No, I'm just trying to make everyone feel safe. I know some women wouldn't feel safe in such a vulnerable space with men moving around.

platypus_plumba ,

The police has become a mafia, they can do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences.

platypus_plumba ,

If I had to present this as an anti-humor joke:

I'll have H2O.

I'll have H2O... also.

The water was very refreshing.

platypus_plumba ,

Yeha, this makes no sense.

This would make more sense if they were asking if open relationships are immoral.

platypus_plumba ,

Right, I hate when people ask me if I want to buy a house to invest or to live.

Bitch, I can barely afford one and if I could buy multiple, I wouldn't because I'm not a piece of shit.

platypus_plumba ,

Hey, don't scare me like that. Imagine a facility dedicated to cloning Trump and ensuring every future generation gets to enjoy his shenanigans.

platypus_plumba ,

I just use wet wipes.

Paper -> wet wipes -> paper.

Just like new.

platypus_plumba ,

Dude what, that comment got removed by a moderator. I just said that I use wet wipes, what the hell.

platypus_plumba ,

Dude, what? You're so lost. Anyways, I don't think anyone is hating on you, it's just hilarious how you tried to get the Israel conversation going, like it was such a fail.

platypus_plumba ,

"They are beautiful worms, big worms too, the biggest worms you have seen. People always say to me 'Donald, your worms are so big, how are they that big? '. And I tell these people, wonderful people by the way, your worms are small because of the Biden administration, they don't care for your worms, Biden doesn't care, everybody know it, he wants to take your worms away. "

platypus_plumba ,

So you don't mind when companies share files with your personal data?

platypus_plumba ,

Well, they just saw a file in your phone and were like "it's a file, so this isn't stealing because we're duplicating the information".

platypus_plumba , (edited )

They never hacked your computer, you agreed to everything. So what's the problem then? It's just a file that can be shared.

I'm not talking only about you. I'm talking about how senseless the "I can share files with anyone" is. If that were true, companies could really fuck their customers, but thankfully it isn't logical, thus it is illegal.

Imagine if a single person could buy a movie and then place it in their Facebook to share with their friends. And then their friends share with their friends. And so on... because it's just a file, nobody is stealing, copying information isn't stealing! ... Who would make a movie under those conditions?

If you want to own the movie, you need to buy a real copy. If you are buying a digital copy, you do not own the movie. There is already a solution for your problem, real copies.

So sure, if you want a bunch of industries to die, keep believing and convincing others of that.

The only reason you can watch your pirated movie is the fact that other people actually pay for the content. So you're really stealing from people who now have to pay more to access the content.

platypus_plumba , (edited )

You're delusional man. Creating information costs a lot of money. Do you think it takes the same amount of investment to create a 10gb file of random bytes as a 10gb file that contains a movie with actors?

Imagine if only a single person had to buy your movie in order for everyone to watch it. Wherevs the logic in that?

The only reason why the industry is surviving is because most people understand that they need to pay for the entertainment they consume. So yeha, paying customers are actually the only reason you get to pirate movies, because if everyone had your same mindset, the industry would be dead.

And I pirate movies too, I'm just not in denial with reality.

platypus_plumba , (edited )

yeha, piracy isn't about buying things. You keep bringing up that ultra specific scenario, again using a specific scenario to defend something more general. Do you think piracy is about buying things and then sharing with friends? No. It is about buying something once and distributing it massively to millions of people you don't even know, who can probably afford the content. For some peiple it is about just downloading content for free.

How much people have a home server that costs thousands of dollars with tens of terabytes to download all the movies they want and then sell a subscription to their NAS, or just share that for free to people who can totally afford paying for a streaming service.

How much people in developing countries pay for illegal streaming boxes that have a return of investment of around 4 years in order to avoid paying for streaming services?

How much people could totally afford one month of a streaming service to watch a series, but instead pirate it?

If you think piracy is about sharing movies with friends, you live in a fairytale.

I pirate movies, I know why I do it and it isn't ethical at all. I do it because I don't want to give my money to streaming services. But I don't lie to myself about what I'm doing. Am I helping someone who really can't afford the movie? Sure, but I'm mostlikely sharing it with someone like me.

platypus_plumba ,

They could say the same about:

  • Ban guns.
  • Don't ban books.

This is a very silly argument. You need to analyze every action individually and not under an imaginary umbrella that provides no context beyond sensionalism.

platypus_plumba ,

I would rather be in the forest with Cthulhu than a woman. It's true because I said it on the internet.

Do you really think given the REAL choice women would be that stupid? This is insulting the intelligence of women. Any rational person would chose to be with another person than a wild animal.

I can't believe we're even taking this poll seriously. Look, I'm all in for women's rights but these are just unbearable (ha) levels of stupidity.

Honestly, what the fuck is happening to society, this is fucking sickening. Yes, we need to improve as a society. No, women would not really choose the wild bear, it's a fucking internet poll, not reality. Fuck.

platypus_plumba ,

Because I called out that the poll is bullshit and women would really pick a man 10/10 times?

What do we need to reflect? We already know what we need to know without this stupid poll. That poll is literally providing zero relevant information to a very real issue.

platypus_plumba ,

Hahaha so funny and original

platypus_plumba ,

Yes, that means that I'm a rapist who will kill a woman if I'm alone with her in a forest. That's very sound logic. I mean, it's true because you said it on the internet. But maybe you should make a poll to REALLY make it official.

platypus_plumba , (edited )

It's not challenging my identity in any way or form, I'm 100% supportive of women and all of their rights. It's just so retarded that people are acting like it is something that we need to pay attention to, that it triggered me.

So, pointing out that the poll is obviously stupid and pointless gets people saying you're the kind of rapist/murderer that would fuck up women even worse than a WILD BEAR.

This is just too retarded. I can't believe people are defending this poll and "calling out" people who criticize the poll as mysoginistic or insecure about their sexuality. It's so retarded. Like I swear I'm face-palming myself in my mind 10 times per second reading all of these white knights.

So now people are fighting over this retarded poll when real sexism is still out there. I just can't deal with how stupid people are in general, this shit is so infuriating, I swear I wish I was never born into this stupid planet.

platypus_plumba ,

I think her point is that people would probably get hurt if they went there for a college semester even if it wasn't a conflict zone, maybe due to religious or gender discrimination.

Which might be right, as a society they still can improve, but it doesn't mean they deserve to be victims of a genocide. I think we're past religion here, we're just humans concerned for other humans.

platypus_plumba , (edited )

Alabama Primes.

Fun fact, in Spanish "prime numbers" is "números primos". Primos can also mean cousins. So yeha, today I found that there are sexy cousin numbers. And apparently there are also the cousin cousin numbers.

platypus_plumba ,

Are Democrats "the left" for you? If anything, they are the center, even more right than left.

The Democrats are closer to the Republicans than they are to the actual left.

SO, if anyone is saying that the Democrats are the same as the Republicans, it should be the actual leftists and the communists instead of the centrists.

I think the center is actually saying "yes, we need more social policies but let's not jump into communism and '0h work week' anti-work shit please". That's it.

I'm pretty sure 90% of centrists would agree with universal Healthcare. I'm not even sure what's the point of this meme. "If you're not with me, you're against me" kind of fallacy? OK.

platypus_plumba ,

Why are you calling him Nazi... Damn, I was gone from Lemmy for 4 months and came back to this childish shit. I'm out again.

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