Texas Governor Pardons and Frees Far-Right Gunman Who Killed Garret Foster Who was Pushing Girlfriend’s Wheelchair at a Black Lives Matter Protest ( itsgoingdown.org )

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/9685932

Texas Governor Pardons and Frees Far-Right Gunman Who Killed Garret Foster Who was Pushing Girlfriend’s Wheelchair at a Black Lives Matter Protest

Full article

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

"The board [the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles] did not elaborate on why it issued a full pardon."

Gee, I wonder fucking why they didn't elaborate on why they pardon a man, who texted his friends he wanted to shoot protestors and then went and actually did it and killed a US military veteran. Fuck Abbott now and forever.


boatsnhos931 ,

Pushing your gf around in a wheelchair while you have your AK at a BLM protest. Then you probably have a staring contest with some psycho extremist and think about taking the AK off your shoulder. Then you ded. I can't make this shit up. LOL

chetradley ,

Read the article and try again.

boatsnhos931 ,

"Foster, who at the time of his death was open carrying an AK-47, legal under Texas law, was taking part in a Black Lives Matter march alongside his fiance, who he was pushing in a wheelchair. Perry who was also armed, drove his vehicle through a red light and into a group of protesters, before shooting his revolver through his car window, killing Foster." What did I miss?

chetradley ,

You seem to have missed where the article doesn't say anything about "having a staring contest with some psycho extremist and think about taking the AK off your shoulder." Speculative bullshit like this makes it seem like you're supporting the shooter.

boatsnhos931 ,

You are right, there is no way they made eye contact or he thought about reaching for the rifle when the guy started plowing through the crowd. every detail was mentioned in the article. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't hurt me 🙏🙏🙏

20hzservers ,

Thanks for the easy block. (Btw this comment isn't for you it's so other people reading this comment to do the same.)

boatsnhos931 ,


chetradley ,

Deflect, project, double down. This is exactly the level of discourse I expect from someone who replies to a story about a racist, child-grooming murderer being set free with "LOL".

boatsnhos931 ,

I said please don't hurt me

LaserTurboShark69 ,

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. He had it coming?

chetradley ,

People like this don't have the guts to actually take a side and say what they're thinking. They're content to blow a dog whistle implying the victim was somehow wrong, then when they get challenged on it they throw their hands up like, "I never said that!"

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

How does the family of the victim get justice? Or was there a settlement? Does he not have anyone to get justice for him?

Edit very sad situation just wondering what the family is going thru

Cryophilia ,

How does the family of the victim get justice?

If the family is white, apparently they can just kill him

fukurthumz420 ,

where does daniel perry live? i'm sure we can make this right. send a real message to these sociopaths in a language they clearly understand.

Scotty_Trees ,
@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

Advocating for violence makes you no better than him...

fukurthumz420 ,

incorrect. getting rid of these assholes makes the world a better place. don't let goose and gander arguments confuse simple truths. that's how they keep getting away with this shit. embrace chaotic good.

Fades ,

Don't forget he's a pedophile as well, which is undoubtedly is what pushed Abbott over the edge and saved a fellow monster.

todd_bonzalez ,
UnderpantsWeevil ,
@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Texas signaling the penalty for crossing the color line.

Burn_The_Right ,

Conservatism is a vile plague of bigotry, oppression and death. It always has been. There is no place in a modern culture for such a hate-fueled ideology.

Teach your children why it is unethical to keep relations or do business with conservatives. Speak openly about the evils of conservatism. We can exclude hate in our lives by excluding the haters from our lives.

fukurthumz420 ,

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Burn_The_Right ,

    Please edit your comment. Your sentiments are more useful here when you are not banned.

    Stay on this side of the line with us so your voice continues to be heard.

    fukurthumz420 ,

    i was saying the most important thing there is to be said. if i can't say that, we're doomed.

    Fedizen , (edited )

    setting a murderer back on the streets.

    If democrats don't run ads on this they're useless.

    ThatWeirdGuy1001 ,
    @ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world avatar

    It would just end as another Kyle Shittenhouse. Conservative media would blow him up until he's a star with a chance at running for congress.

    You can't keep adhering to the rules when your opponent threw them away years ago.

    Land_Strider ,

    On the one hand, your Democrats need to run ad/announcement/propaganda campaigns about both their new achievements they brought about this term, like all the domestic fund allocations that are at least aimed at progressive and environment protection departments announced by Biden, all the while showing whoever they can reach about the apparent evil aspirations of the Republicans or conservatives, like pardoning this fascist murderer and potential child abuser before he served his appropriate and law-ordained sentence.

    I'm not a U.S. citizen, I am Turk living in Turkey. But even news like this helps me evaluate what's what in the U.S. and who's who. Even though I'm living this far away and getting my news about there from a rather low-people count platform like Lemmy, I'm sure there are a lot of people in the U.S. that don't get news like this on their word of mouth or cable tv information sharing networks, so Democrats utilizing all avenues to make this incident known to everyone would be a better idea than thinking it is a risk about blowing the popularity of this guy.

    How else would the achievements of Biden and Democratic government reach me without me seeking it myself otherwise? The genocide part is spread all over the world naturally, and if it were just that reaching me naturally, I'd be demonizing Biden naturally, like any conservative.

    Semi_Hemi_Demigod ,
    @Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

    And the ads need to be regular people who got help. None of this mellow voiceover in front of patriotic stock images. Just real people who were actually helped by the policies. Film it like Apple's old "Switch" commercials, with ordinary folks on a white background telling us their story.

    UnderpantsWeevil ,
    @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

    If democrats don’t run ads on this

    On which network? Sinclair Media owned local news? Clear Channel Communications, in between Rush Limbaugh reruns and Sean Hannity rants? Bezos's WaPo? Murdoch's FOX? One of the other 15 billionaires who own our public media?

    I mean, yeah. Go for it. Tell West Texas good'ole'boy indie voters that a right-wing nut killed a white guy with a black girlfriend in a wheelchair and the sitting Texas governor let him back out to do it again. See how they respond.

    T00l_shed ,

    Stop. My Penis Can Only Get So Erect. - the good'ole'boy indie voters.

    inclementimmigrant ,

    This says so much about the morals and values of the Conservative Christian Republican.

    chetradley ,

    In case this dude wasn't despicable enough, he was also in the process of grooming a minor when this happened. Republicans really are the party of projection.


    Edit: he was 35 when he sent this.

    platypus_plumba ,


    What the fuck is wrong with the US?

    chetradley ,

    How much time do you have?

    vinyl ,

    Why is the word grooming in quotations

    fukurthumz420 ,

    the world has understood this clearly for decades. we need to stop talking about the kind of people they are and instead start talking about what we're going to do about it.

    gmtom ,
    @gmtom@lemmy.world avatar

    We're actually only a couple of steps from someone openly saying the will immediately pardon anyone convicted of killing the """others"""

    fukurthumz420 ,

    yep, and us liberals are going to be caught with our pants down when it happens. ya'll need to start preparing.

    Ibaudia ,
    @Ibaudia@lemmy.world avatar

    This guy drove into a crowd of protestors and shot someone randomly out of his window for open-carrying at a protest. He admitted in court that it was not self-defense. He also had a ton of shit on his phone talking about "the blacks", and how he wanted to kill protestors to send a message.

    MrVilliam ,

    I can guarantee that the governor of Texas would feel very differently about pardoning somebody who sent texts and acted upon wanting to kill the governor of Texas "to send a message".

    unreasonabro ,

    which is sad because i'd really like to hear that message

    most of your leaders, tbh, especially the corporate revolving-door "thought leader" motherfuckers

    Son_of_dad ,

    Fuck the entire state of Texas. I don't wanna hear "but there are good ones". When I grab a loaf of bread that's moldy, I don't dig through it to find the one piece that's ok. I just toss the whole thing.

    ameancow ,

    I agree but in a more rational sense regarding the governing system that we've allowed to go almost unchallenged across the country.

    A lot of people with a lot of data realized that if they turn the presidental election into a huge WWE spectacle with narratives and villains and heroes and "everything on the line" then the average American will basically tune out the boring, local community, state and county elections.

    Your local elections, your community, those are the places that prop up these corrupt judges and congresspeople and senators and everyone in the highest seats of power who create and block legislation.

    It's wild because we're all screaming and crying that Trump has placed judges across the country in key positions to get him off of criminal charges, when we have the same power to shape the same systems with our involvement.

    I know it sucks and sounds like there's no real way to tackle the local government problem, especially if you're not social and don't know your neighbors. But volunteers make a huge difference and it's very likely we would have already had a second Trump victory if it wasn't for volunteers in key states making calls and coordinating with the local democratic groups. We're not trying to argue our way to victory in this kind of work, we're just pushing a needle, you don't need to be persuasive or even social, you can make a difference just by educating people around you who is running for what, and what their values are, it can be with phone banking or distributing clever memes in local message boards, just start caring about the world outside your door and someday we won't be faced with these depressing choices every four years.

    Soulg ,

    So literally every person who lives there is bad now? I'm sure all the people directly suffering under abbot and Paxton will be thrilled

    Son_of_dad ,

    Yeah I'm kinda done caring about Texas. Uvalde county overwhelmingly voted for Abbott and the sheriffs/politicians who caused their kids to be killed while police did nothing. This Texan county had a chance to bring about change and instead they just went back to their party.
    If they don't care about their own people and children why should I?

    Good people in North Korea too but fuck North Korea right? Fuck China and Russia right?

    aStonedSanta ,
    CreativeShotgun ,

    I live in houston, one of the blue oasis in this horrible place. I'm trying as a brown trans woman to stay up, care for us at least. There's great stuff here that I'd miss if i could leave but i can't. Its not all hate but enough are doing it to make it suck. Don't blame us, im born and raised texan and I'm a good person and i appreciate so many things about the land and the people. Ive learned so much growing up so blue collar, southern, and poor. blame the sad scared sacks of shit that drank the flavoraid. I'm stuck so I'm trying to make the change and we could use more people like you to change their outlook and believe in those of us who fight from the inside out.

    Ragnarok314159 ,

    One of Abbott’s cronies openly admitted the state would have gone for Biden unless they intervened. The state is very purple, but the red traitors have gerrymandered on the state level as well to maintain power.

    Son_of_dad ,

    Right , but the state got carved up cause people originally voted in the Republicans who did it

    boatsnhos931 ,

    Replace state of Texas with a race of your choosing, that's the same mindset they have.. How ironic 😼

    Cryophilia ,

    Yeah, except they're wrong and he's right. People can choose to not be in Texas.

    boatsnhos931 ,

    You have something on your mouth..is that hair gel?

    20hzservers ,

    To further your analogy, the mold you see on the surface is just the tip of the iceberg it's mycelium has already dug much deeper into the loaf.

    ElfWord ,

    For anyone else who was concerned like I was about the credibility of reporting by "The Grouch," here's an alternate source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/16/texas-greg-abbott-pardons-daniel-perry

    kameecoding ,

    least fascistic US state.

    Sweetpeaches69 ,

    Actually probably the most, but the joke is funny.

    cmbabul ,

    Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Idaho are all in the running, but that is just gonna drive Texas further

    riodoro1 ,

    The US is fucking fubar.

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