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kugel7c ,

They will not devide us. They will not devide us and so on and so forth.

kugel7c ,

The problem was in some ways invented to cause sociopolitical problems. Or to solve them for the bourgeoise. Whichever lens you want to take to look at it. The water wheel always did exist and was for a lot of the time cheaper than coal, but more prone to strikes because location and labor was so linked.

kugel7c ,

Separated into top 5 and the rest.

  • Slay the Spire
  • BeamNg
  • Trackmania (not any of the games specifically more the concept)
  • Disco Elysium
  • Portal 2

  • Balatro probably
  • FTL
  • Mario Kart (8 and/or Wii)
  • Maybe Baldus gate 3
  • Thalos principle 2

The hearthstone battlegrounds auto battler mode is perhaps also in here but hearthstone itself I've never played.

kugel7c ,

While I agree largely with your conclusion that anti progressive ideas are pushed to undermine progressive spaces, I don't really agree with how you get there and with the examples you choose to arrive at that conclusion. There obviously are actual bad actors, and actual hegemony to get these bad actors into being, but there is also a lot of real people, actually still learning about the topics, or just plainly with a different perspective on some of the issues that you might be discussing.

For it to be an ideology that is self consistent leftism actually needs differences and disagreement, or said in another way: if we were to prescribe beliefs instead of trying to teach them we'd also just be trying to build our "own" authoritarian hegemony. I can invoke successes of or defend the CCP and the soviets just as I can invoke successes of the US or EU or India realizing that all states are fundamentally bad, still sometimes perhaps by accident they do good things. And that examples and mental shortcuts, as well as actual experiments that might be of a socialist nature, are just what they are argumentative tools.

I've been called a tankie just because I see the downfall or backsliding of the US as good thing and don't really accept that china would be as bad as the US has been for the last 40 years or so. Which is perfectly normal for someone who doesn't really reap the benefits of US hegemony, and sort of just ranks authoritarian institutions by size(strength)(wealth) to arrive at a measure of subjective dislike.

It's almost similar to someone calling me a tankie because I purchase Pepsi instead of coca cola on that given day, when we all know I should make my own tea or at least just buy the supermarket/local brand to begin with.

I don't know where you are and what kind of people you meet on a regular basis but to me the simple and fast ways of understanding other people almost never hold true, most of us humans just lead to complicated lives to easily subjectify us. And honestly I wish most leftists would not try to subjectify other people to begin with.

kugel7c ,

I'm having a hard time understanding the perspective of someone who believes that lefties would benefit by having the world's largest army and nuclear arsenal under a government backsliding all the way into theocratic authoritarianism.

Well some leftists would loose a lot obviously, specifically those in or directly around the US, but fascist regimes are not very sustainable, and certainly loose the ability to ally and coerce over time.

And This loss of ability to project power (by the largest and thus likely the most destructive institution of coercive power) is what I see as a critical step towards a communist or just any different way of economic and political organization on a global scale.

I don't want a facist US regime, I would never tell any leftists to advocate for one, but I would tell them to prepare or flee nonetheless because it is still likely, or at least possible that it happens (again).

I'd much rather have a reasonably progressive US voluntarily give up power in good faith, curtail her own economic might to allow her citizens a good life and our shared world a sustainable economy and ecology but given that among many other titles, she also holds the title of the foremost petrostate, and at least one of the largest Tax heavens, in the world I unfortunately don't really see that happening, I still hope for it, but as far as I understand powerful interests aligning and climate change, the world economy... it just doesn't seem particularly likely.

I'm in Germany so not anywhere extremely tied into the US, but at the same time both are imperial core, there is a lot of cooperation, I would likely feel a lot of the secondary effects, but I also believe perhaps naively that not all of the world would , blindly follow the US in it's slow march towards fascism. And with each institution peeling of from US hegemony there is at least a chance to throw a big political lever in the rightish direction, whether it be the EU, IMF, Nato or whatever else, a movement that at the moment is blocked largely by US and perhaps wider western but also sometimes chinese or russian imperialist positions. And of course the Capital that these states (actually) represent.

Like step one is a little putsch, step two is murdering all your political opponents, then it is time to invade neighbors to steal resources. Yes, the US is already invading countries to steal resources, no, I don't think having an authoritarian cancelling voting will help reduce that any. What am I missing?

All of this is already happening anyways, murdering political opponents internally as well as outside of the US,furthering climate change, destabilizing and undermining trust etc. again sliding into fascism is not what I want, but even a fascist US would be bound by physical, organizational, and social circumstances, and thus for the wider world likely less catastrophic than you might believe it'd be if you were raised or resided in the US.

I can't claim for certain that the US is having a Weimar moment, and I cant be certain that a US fascism in the modern era would be shorter and less gruesome, I also can't say it'll be better afterwards, but I feel all of these things to not be completely outrageous predictions, because as leftists probably should, I can try to interpret the historical Weimar moment, and the current political landscape...

Just fuck it, ramp up climate change and war, get it over with, and pray socialism crawls out of the rubble?

Well again, ramp up in war and climate change are already happening, and in my world the wars are already the 20th century ideas as well as their capital, lashing out against 21st century thinking, changes in circumstances, and the very real onset of this era of climate change scarcity that we are entering.

So to some extent from my point of view yes, you don't have to keep trying to be a democracy with institutions and foundational texts as well as family hierarchies from the 18th century, that were made and changed by your political enemies, you can fight for (but hopefully mostly against) the fascism that the powers at be try to impose upon you, but without just believing the popular vote, and the systems it enables, will save you here.

If you crawl out of an actual civil war esque partial collapse as hardened syndicalists, or if you can get rid of FPTP and establish a democratic socialist party that is able to actually make international agreements in good faith, for me it mostly doesn't matter. I'd prefer the second if I look at the human cost of both options, but because the first option I'd guess could be faster in implementation, and the result would be similar from an international perspective, I don't completely hate it, very literally I could likely "live with it", precisely because I likely won't have to live under it, much more than anyone from the US could.

Essentially I don't identify with the US emotionally, I have almost no image of her institutions being good, so I can compartmentalize and write off that particular nation state much easier. For me a fascist or civil war ridden US that is short lived and likely reemerges with better bones might actually be very similar to one that transforms more amicably.

I can just say suffering is going to be inevitable, but that the suffering to change things for the better, to make them work sustainably, to make them work for the people, is the one i hope Americans actually still strive toward deep down, because I by pure circumstance don't need to suffer in that same way, I will suffer differently and for a different reason, fighting essentially the same fight sure, but from a different position with different levers to pull and different pressures to withstand.

We had fascism here openly 80 years ago, it's still here trying it's hardest to grab power and survive, but perhaps obviously it's fastest decent, its quickest downfall was almost the exact same time as it's most emancipated period, in fact they followed each other in lockstep.

kugel7c ,


If you count being able write passable snippets:
Java, JavaScript, C,C++,maybe Matlab and bash

kugel7c ,

Probably because trains are limited in both weight and volume compared to ships and also less efficient. If you have this short route and know it'll need this amount of cargo shipped it likely makes sense.

This single ship can carry more containers than any train could be expected to pull, likely by at least one order of magnitude.

All in all I'd guess the advantages are roughly:

  • Reduced staff
  • reduced energy use (land based shipping is less efficient almost by default)
  • no need for infrastructure except ports (if you assume there is no train line or this shipping would move existing lines over capacity building this ship is likely cheaper or at least in line with 300km of rail)
  • simpler logistics (loading / unloading)


  • Speed (a train would likely move at 3-5x the speed)

I would also not expect the risk for catastrophic fires to be all that high. This ship has the batteries be containers. So once you've designed a container that is a large battery, you've already spent so much that a proper BMS including proper battery fire suppression as well as proper breakers/contractors are things you've built into it without even thinking about cost. The separation provided by building containers as the battery is the next line of defence if one container fails spectacularly, it also allows the batteries to be maintained on land, much cheaper than if they were part of the ship.

kugel7c ,

But if absolutely everyone gets all of that for free, there won't be enough people working just to sustain the ones who won't.

This isn't really a reasonable conclusion though, why could the people doing that work not be incentivised, by being rewarded in some other way than just a bare minimum livelihood? Why would they abandon their station to just do nothing instead ? Doesn't good protection enable the worker to negotiate their work to be fulfilling, rewarding and well compensated? Are the workers not just cogs in the machine if they don't get that power to actually negotiate? ....

It makes no sense to assume nothing would get done if we just had enough to live no matter what, the argument that we'll make more and better things seems much more likely to me. Both are somewhat unknowable until we just do right by people and see it working.

kugel7c ,

Big city for sure, I don't want to need a car and I do want to be able to get groceries 23.40 at a Saturday night. It's nice to have a group of 500k+ people actively trying to supply for all of the needs and wants I might have.

kugel7c ,

There is no revolution coming to save you. We have to save ourselves the difficult way, through voting and incremental steps. Belief in a sudden revolution that will make everything better is childish.

Saving ourselves the difficult way you say pushing the quite dangerous status quo thinking that is leading us into the very catastrophe that you somehow don't see coming. Both climate change and late stage capitalism are real problems and potentially apocalyptic in size.

That is going to cause revolution (with revolution being the fundamental change of culture and social relations) wether we are prepared for it or not. Not because of some vague march of history or whatever but because changes in environment impact our thinking and the viability and security of systems that are currently running the world, and because large changes in environment are coming for all of us.

Trying to just work within the structure to change the superstructure is similarly naive as just waiting idly for revolution. The neoliberal revolution for example was able to change the superstructure in a lasting way fairly recently and fairly quickly, because they were positioning themselves in anticipation of crisis, and not because they were playing only by the rules in the structure.

Yes voting for the "correct" candidates is important in some ways but it completely misses the importance and scale of problems to come and what is needed to protect ourselves as best as we can from their impact. Americans can trust the Democrats fully and be disappointed again and again, but they can also decide to build and change their political landscape in other ways while still voting dem as long as that's the appropriate harm reduction vote.

Voting and incremental change are the "easy" parts, building and protecting for yourself and your community, so that you and your loved ones are able to "not let a good crisis go to waste" is the kind of revolutionary pre figuration that we need right now. There will be violence either way we might as well try to use it to change things for the better for more people afterwards and during.

I don't know how anyone sane could look at the state of the world and think they a) there's some revolution on the horizon, and b) it would result in a better world order if it happened.

To a.) giving myself the presumably 60+ years until my death there is certainly a (couple of) revolution(s) before the horizon
To b.) yes the worst people and institutions you can probably imagine will use everything in their power to make everything worse which is exactly why there needs to be real resistance which the Democrats aren't because they are part of the structure and largely don't have your interests at heart. They could be changed for the better until then, but while they are moving slowly something else needs to be built as well.

Yes, heat pumps slash emissions even if powered by a dirty grid | Installing a heat pump now is better for the climate, even on U.S. electricity generated mostly by fossil fuels. Here’s why ( www.canarymedia.com )

The article doesn't go into it, but a key advantage they have is that heat pumps move heat, rather then trying to generate it. So they can move a lot more heat into your house than would be generated by running the electricity they use through a resistor. This makes them effectively more than 100% efficient (the exact amount...

kugel7c ,

The thing is heat from the outside gets moved inside of the house using a heat pump, and to facilitate this movement you need somewhere between 1/2 and 1/4 of the energy you end up moving. E.g. a heat pump with COP (coefficient of performance) of 4 would move 4kW of heat into your house and use 1kW of electric energy to accomplish this. Gas by comparison moves 4kW of gas to your house and burns it there to get 4kW of heat.

So you could burn a bit more than 1kW of gas in a modern gas electric plant, turn it into electricity and use it to run a heat pump and you would end up emitting less CO2, the real world grid might skew that worse because generally you don't end up burning coal to heat housing but you might still use it for electricity. So generally even though it might be unintuitive the more complicated and lossy way to heat your home (the heat pump powered by fossil powered electricity) , is the more effective one compared to burning the same fossil fuel directly because you use the heat pump to capture heat from the environment.

kugel7c ,
  • YOASOBI | everything is post 2020
  • Paula Hartmann | everything is post 2020
  • Toe | 独演会 "DOKU-EN-KAI

It's a bit hard to find stuff that is new that I've actually listened to a lot, but it's not because there isn't new stuff just because I have no new music entering my rotation except from artists I already know, other media or friends recommendations. And music from other media often doesn't end up being on any album.

kugel7c ,

Altruizine" – a substance that allows individuals within a limited area to completely share all feelings and emotions, including both pain and joy. The idea behind Altruizine is that people who feel each other's pain as their own should treat each other as they would themselves.
Altruizine. Klapaucius produces a large quantity of the substance and sends the above mentioned hermit (who is eager to help others) in human guise to experiment on the population of a single planet. Some of the results include villagers feeling the birth pains of a cow, depressed people being violently attacked and driven off and a crowd storming the house of the newlyweds to vicariously participate in their unaccustomed sensations.
Eventually, the hermit is identified for a robot (because he does not feel the humans' pain), is thoroughly beaten and tortured, then shot into outer space via a cannon. He then lands near Trurl's house, where the story began. Concluding his tale, the hermit assures Trurl that his thirst for altruism has vanished. src

This is the somewhat harrowing conclusion Mr lem comes to in the cyberiad when confronting this same issue in one of the short stories.

Not to say anything against the sentiment, I largely agree just found it noteworthy. Especially if you've never heard of them give them a read/listen.

Dont you think it is horrible how people put their political ideologies / viewpoints over human lives

Something that i find prettyd disgusting these days is how certain people put their political ideologies / viewpoints over human lives, for example, celebrating the russian invasion of ukraine because it is "a blow against US / NATO imperialism" completely ignoring all the warcrimes, the deaths, and the suffering generated by...

kugel7c ,

Every political position mostly tries to define in which ways violence is to be used. Realising this and knowing power is already established before you were even born. Seeing violence being used against your oppressor(s) is often times the only thing we feel we can still hope for.

Or from another perspective, is the war in Ukraine worth it for Ukraine or Russia, can you really say a war with so many deaths is preferable to being a russian subject, or an international embarrassment of the Russian state. Is the self determination of Palestinians really worth the terror and the war. We're the PIRA justified in bombing London for their brother's and sisters discrimination and deaths in Ireland. It's ultimately all subjective, wether the violence of the system you fight against is bad enough you can bring yourself to fight.

Nothing brings back anyone but as long as there are people who want to, and do turn us into their machines, we have to rely on our interpretation of that being wrong, and fight them for it.

kugel7c ,

What you're trying to describe is named public transit not robottaxi, especially the argument that driverless cars will reduce transportation costs doesn't make any sense. It adds complexity to an already incredibly inefficient mode of transport. For road train like trucking on highways maybe it makes sense, for personal transportation on arbitrary streets it just doesn't make any sense.

There is no technology to help aging gracefully, it's in the respect and help of our peers and in our interactions with them, in the structure of our communities... Entering the sterile empty self driving car isn't actually more dignified than being picked up by a real human being. And sitting down in a tram or metro isn't less dignified than being shuttled around by a driverless vehicle.

It's not fuck Progress, it's fuck Cars, just because asbestos or coal power were progress at some point doesn't mean we should embrace them forever, the same goes for cars and self driving changes nothing about that. If cars still rule the world in 100 years we'll be dying even more than we already are.

“Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement ( www.anildash.com )

[…] being able to say, "wherever you get your podcasts" is a radical statement. Because what it represents is the triumph of exactly the kind of technology that's supposed to be impossible: open, empowering tech that's not owned by any one company, that can't be controlled by any one company, and that allows people to have...

kugel7c ,

Because they don't have a perfectly fine business model. They get squeezed hard by both the oligarchs of music publishing UMG, Sony Warner who negotiate the price for the music.
And from the other side by the tech giants google and apple who can cross service subsidize their own streaming.There exists essentially no space for them to make any profit in streaming music. So they have to go other places.

The only reason they'll probably exist for the foreseeable future is because the rights holders are able to use Spotify to have more negotiating power against Google and apple.

It begins: Ethiopia set to become first country to ban internal combustion cars | automobiles cannot enter Ethiopia, unless they are electric [Edit: Strong indications this is unreliable] ( electrek.co )

Edit: It's looking like this wasn't reliably reported

kugel7c ,

The problem is obviously a general over reliance on motorized road transport and a continuing trend towards more.

kugel7c , (edited )

The problem is that we need to for many reasons transition to an international order of democratic cooperation instead of economic and military domination. And if the US can never accept this kind of shared and cooperative approach foreign policy of everyone is going to be forever dragged towards this kind of zero sum bullshit we have at the moment. Even though it's obvious that foreign policy doesn't have to be zero sum.

Even if other countries are potentially less honest with their implementation of global treaties, even a relatively slow movement there and maybe a more thorough movement in the US makes everyone better off.

The only way to actually foster a cooperative relationship is to make yourself vulnerable, otherwise it's just coercion and power not cooperation. And yes if you get hurt too much maybe you'll have to leave again, but this pessimistic outlook from the get go is certainly never going to lead to the changes we obviously need.

How do we solve things that require global attentio and accountability, like climate change, with an increasingly hostile and isolationist country calling the shots on decisions about global economic matters.

Simply put if I want to live in a world somewhat resembling the current one in 60 years, American collapse or integration into global democracy is a necessity.

Also calling a country that has been at war for 80+% of it's history a protector of global peace seems a bit questionable. Similarly I don't think anyone can conclusively say that the US has done more or less harm than good. But by that same nebulous metric shouldn't China hold that same title, as well as the Soviets, the British empire, the Spanish empire,the Romans ?

I would expect almost everyone to feel more ambiguously about the later list than the US, but both the US and empires of the past are exactly what they've always been, a tool for those inside, especially the ones in power to increase their quality of life, while everyone outside gets to be exploited, integrated, subjected to rules that do harm, and be attacked, regime changed and so on. It's not actually the US that is a problem it's the US being a modern empire that's the problem.

That the US tries to be a liberal democracy doesn't really lessen it's status as an empire, especially if the powers at be largely prevent it's people to decide against the status quo of domination.

Almost by necessity the most powerful are the most harmful if there are no systems to prevent their harm, diffuse their power etc.

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