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garbagebagel ,

Yeah I have terrible allergies and went to a new doctor, he couldn't do much but I mentioned I use an over the counter nasal spray for $40. He's like oh, let me write you a prescription and now I get a prescription one for free in Canada. Too bad my allergy pills aren't covered though but those are still an affordable price at least.

garbagebagel ,

Omg lol I didn't even know I could purchase stuff with the google home. I wouldn't anyway because that's silly to me but that's funny if you're right about it being their intent (I don't doubt that you are). I got my google home for free or very cheap with my music streaming account.

garbagebagel ,

You joke but bulk stores exist where you can literally just take your own container and avoid the crappy leaky bags altogether.

garbagebagel ,

I've only ever seen Quora as a joke, I didn't think people were actually getting good answers there.

garbagebagel ,

I like to call anyone older than me old because it's funny and I perpetually feel like a child.

When I was little I thought my parents were old, now they are in their 60s and I think they are young, and I am the age they were and still feel like a child. Otherwise I'm not sure I really had a concept of age as a tie to mortality when I was younger.

garbagebagel ,

Y'all are just making sopa de tortilla now

garbagebagel ,

MMM I used to put choco krispies (think chocolate rice krispies) into my quesadillas. That shit was fire.

garbagebagel ,

I think my cousins maybe made me try this as a joke when I was younger but hear me out..

Toast. With mayo. Sprinkled with chocolate powder.

I don't eat it anymore because I'm a grown up or whatever but I still get cravings for it sometimes.

garbagebagel ,

So what I'm hearing is, we Stockholm syndrome'd dogs into loving us, but cats chose to love us... So who offers the real unconditional love?

garbagebagel ,

It looks like those lungs they put on cigarette packs

garbagebagel ,

If it has a zipper I'd consider it a sweater not a cardigan. Cardis have buttons.

(Realizing that a cardigan is a type of sweater, but I just mean it's a different kind of sweater)

garbagebagel ,

I know they're essentially the same thing but when you say it that way I think of a hooded pullover, but hoodies are zippered for me.

garbagebagel ,

That AI thing stole my job
A pissed off ex-medical stenographer

I would never have sold your info :(

garbagebagel ,

I definitely have but it was 100% user error :( I was cleaning my toilet and meant to turn on the nozzle clean but turned on the regular wash instead. I screamed so loud my partner thought I was injured. Thankfully I was wearing glasses I guess.

garbagebagel ,

Do you have any recommendations for a portable bidet bottle? Honestly it seems like I could just make one out of a plastic bottle but I'm curious if you've got any fancy recommendations

garbagebagel ,

When I was young, my dad would do cheesy magic tricks and let me walk on his feet. He'd let me and my sister dress him up and put clips in his hair. Growing up he helped with my homework and cultured my love for learning and writing. This all fostered really wonderful memories.

As an adult, the one thing that I would change about my relationship with him is that I'd wish he could better express his emotions. He's very emotionally shut-in and we recently went through the deaths of his brother and his mom and that man has cried once. I know he feels sad but he just acts like everything's okay and that's hard for me to watch and hard for me to know how to be there for him. My mom, on the other hand, is very emotionally open and I always know that she needs me to talk or to just be there with her. I guess more so than expressing his emotions, I just wish he'd tell me what he needs, but we come from a culture of machismo where he learned he's not supposed to need things, especially from women.

Anyways, just be there for your baby girl. Enjoy your time together, and she'll have plenty of great memories with her dad.

garbagebagel ,

I mean, I don't think it's that he's not feeling things, my mom definitely heard him crying at night and stuff. He just does his best to hide it from us.

I know what you mean though about depression shutting you down, and I don't doubt there's plenty of trauma in his past so it's probably just a bit of everything.

I hope you're well <3

garbagebagel ,

Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs!

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

garbagebagel ,

Capybaras. Animals aren't evil but if you're trying to think of a chill animal that does no wrong by human standards, it's capybaras.

garbagebagel ,

Bro can't even go to a restaurant without feeling awkward and you want them to go on a date?

garbagebagel ,

Do not like the Arnold level picture, but I like strong people. From my understanding of muscular & strong people, strength muscles =/= show off muscles, and you can be strong without spending all day at the gym.

garbagebagel ,

Omg yogurt covered raisins too

garbagebagel ,

Jolly ranchers sour misfits. I used to buy the big share packs but I can't keep them in my house anymore or else I eat them until I have canker sores.

garbagebagel ,

That's one of my favourite books. If you take it in the sort of gory comedy horror genre (thinking evil dead), it's actually pretty great and has more depth to it than just horror stories.

Some of his later books get much worse, more gory, and far less interesting. He's really just going for shock value in a lot of them. I stopped reading after the pink sock in Pygmy (couldn't even finish the book).

garbagebagel ,

If you want to start with another less horrifying book by him (that isn't fight club), I'd highly recommend Rant or invisible monsters

garbagebagel ,

Bruh what the fuck did trans people/trans allies have to do with the circumstances that created these issues? Stop using them as a scapegoat.

Anti homelessness is very real and very obvious but I've never seen a fucking pride parade advocating for the removal of safe spaces for the unhoused. I do regularly see politicians advocating for that shit though.

garbagebagel ,

In my experience, the politicians that are out there passing laws to criminalize homelessness are usually the ones that are more outspoken against the rights of LGBTQ people. In any case, trans people's existence has nothing to do with anti homeless laws. Stop trying to conflate the two.

garbagebagel ,

Your story made me think of my own story where my cat got stuck down a tree because we used to live in an apartment on the 4th floor and he'd hang out on the patio, but the little shit figured out he could hop over to the giant evergreen next to us and walk down the branch and down the tree, only problem is he was heavy and the branch lowered when he climbed on it, so he could not get back up to the patio. Thankfully found him downstairs after a few hours confused af.

This was many years ago now and I have since learned all the dangers of kitties exploring outside and our cats do not get unsupervised time outside anymore.

garbagebagel ,

Can someone point me the way of that bot or whatever that changes all your old Reddit posts before deleting them? I thought I had it saved somewhere but I can't find it now and have no idea what it's called.

garbagebagel ,

We have learned to tone down and mold ourselves into corporate hellscape. We're not okay (I promise).

garbagebagel ,

I'd say they were dunked on for getting famous but they got famous for being quite good for the genre.

garbagebagel ,

Yeah, dunked on by the mainstream for being emo and dunked on by the emo scene for being too mainstream, lol.

garbagebagel ,

you'd rather have a slightly less intelligent police officer who tries to relate to you rather than an intelligent quasi sociopath

Sure, I would, but no way the sociopaths at the top would want that

garbagebagel ,

We don't have that brand where I live but if you're talking the liquid treats, my cats love them no matter the brand. We bought a giant pack of 60 for like $20 at Winners of the Churu brand. Also saw a big pack at Costco recently for much cheaper than anywhere else, the Catit brand.

When we buy them in the little packs it usually comes to about 1.25CAD per, but in bulk they're pretty significantly cheaper. It's how we give our cat her liquid medicine.

What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?

So I've realized that in conversations I'll use traditional terms for men as general terms for all genders, both singularly and for groups. I always mean it well, but I've been thinking that it's not as inclusive to women/trans people....

garbagebagel ,

Bud is very rarely used for women (or at least for me), but it is one of my favourite things to hear tbh

garbagebagel ,

Hey white stains!

garbagebagel ,

No way, explorers lying about their experiences? :O

garbagebagel ,

*For sale: baby poop knives, can't dismember dogs

garbagebagel ,

From the ancient origins link above:

While the author Wade Davis admits the story could be “apocryphal”, he cited the autobiography of Peter Freuchen who claimed to have shaped his own feces into a frozen chisel to make his escape.

So he claimed he did it himself as well as saying he knew how to do it because of the "well known account". But also, anthropologists made shit up about the cultures they studied all the time, which is what I was actually referring to.

garbagebagel ,

I wanted to laugh at the idiot cop until I heard the victim's very real screams thinking someone was dead because she did what is supposed to be the right thing to do by calling the cops :(

garbagebagel ,

This post and comment section made me feel like I was back in Reddit. Gross.

garbagebagel ,

It didn't make me "better" but from talking to people I went to college with (that didn't get jobs early), I'd definitely say I was more prepared for the workforce.

Also having money was dope and my fast food job was fun. I still enjoyed my life and summer outside of work, even more so because I could afford to do and get shit that my parents might not have been able to give me. It's not an all or nothing deal it's just a different life experience. I think it would be infantilizing to take the choice away from teenagers, though it is important to regulate it as shitty people will take advantage of it.

garbagebagel ,

This is what I don't understand about all the angry people in this thread. Of course it's not okay to have children working in like fucking coal mines and not regulating the hours they can work and the pay you can give them. Of course that's not cool and should be stopped. But the people doing that (and there are many) aren't usually the ones doing it out in the open in a fast food restaurant.

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