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flashgnash ,

This is the internet happiness is not allowed here

flashgnash ,

Think you got downvoted by a butthurt hexbear there lol

flashgnash ,

Made the mistake of using react for a mobile app and my god why is it this convoluted, why are the error messages always along the lines of "something went wrong with networking 🤷"

Unfortunately I'm stuck with it now

flashgnash ,

Do android stans exist? Had always thought android was the lesser of two evils for most people

flashgnash ,

I used to be one of those fanboys when I was younger, but that was driven more by the fact that they weren't iPhones than anything particularly good about Android

Used to be a fan of OnePlus but they've become like every other phone company now from what I hear

In Buddhist view: If all misfortune/suffering is deserved due to bad karma of past actions in a prior life, why advocate ahimsa/nonviolence?

A Buddhist was saying to me that anything bad that happens to someone is deserved because they must have had bad karma as a result of having done something bad, either in this life or a previous incarnation. I don't believe in any of this personally, but I think it would be helpful to understand the idea of karma a bit better,...

flashgnash ,

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Buddhism, is in fact, GNU/Buddhism

Someone left a 4 inch rock rock with a line circle carved in it in the dirt next to my door

What do you guys think was the intention with this? I recently had an episode of mania, and was behaving a bit oddly, but I confirmed with my mother (this was her condo I'm renting it) that it wasn't here when she left and I've never seen it before :|

flashgnash ,

Seems like op is trying to do that by sanity checkinh with others though, think that's a good idea

flashgnash ,

Only way we solve all of our problems is fundamentally changing human nature imo regardless of what system you try to put in place

flashgnash ,

I'm not suggesting changing human nature would be anything but a terrible, dystopian idea, just that it's the only way to solve certain problems

The real solution is just to live with the flaws and try minimise the damage

Is There a Way to Officially Disable a Lemmy Account?

I would like to know if there is an "official" way to set an account as disabled. For now, I am plan on posting this on Asklemmy, changing my password to some random string that I won't remember, and then logging out. If I'd like to come back later, there's a chance of my account being revived through the "forgot password"...

flashgnash ,

There's no way to stop yourself from making a new account

If you really have no self control might be worth getting someone else to put a password on the app (assuming you use it on mobile)

There are browser extensions that can block time wasting sites for you but you'll always be able to disable them

But hey you could always just start being horrendously racist until someone bans you

flashgnash ,

Not going to happen I don't think not while hardware is cheaper than development costs

flashgnash ,

All well and good but at the higher end they're writing applications in JavaScript and electron and using many times more system resources than C or rust, and it will always be cheaper for them to develop in higher level languages (especially when the performance problem can be offloaded on the user's machine instead of their own servers)

flashgnash ,

It's not laziness it's economics.

It's cheaper for companies to have their developers spend less time developing in higher level languages and just throw more hardware at the problem than spend more money developing in a more difficult language

They aren't concerned with energy or material efficiency, only financial

flashgnash ,

It was going so well until it started talking about white privilege and the Holocaust...

flashgnash ,

Easy way to verify, ask it about vaccines

flashgnash ,

Did it get taken down or something?

flashgnash ,

I'm still of the opinion all of these viewpoints should be heard out at least once even if you dismiss them immediately

flashgnash ,

I'm not sure a view or opinion can be correct or incorrect though except by general consensus

Absolutely things being presented as facts that are just incorrect should be blown out of the water immediately but everyone's entitled to their opinion whether it's well founded or not imo, censoring that's just gonna drive them into echo chambers where they'll never get the opportunity for someone to change their mind

I feel relief after pulling off my toenails, whats wrong with me?

When I pull off my toenails I feel relief. It still hurts to do but afterwards I get a sense of overwhelming calm. Ignoring the pain aspect, It's kind of similar to the feeling of having a blocked nose become clear. Is this indicative of anything?/ does anyone else experience something similar?

flashgnash ,

I somehow don't think OP is clear minded in their decision to do this

flashgnash ,

Watched the first ep and it's pretty good. You can really tell the writers played and appreciated the game

flashgnash ,

It's good enough and everyone has it and knows it

I'm not about to even attempt to ask someone in a game if they've got matrix because the answer is going to be no

flashgnash ,

Depends on the tea. Black tea with a little milk is the classic, bonus points if loose leaf

flashgnash ,

The thing that's making me kinda want to leave is it feels like even more of an echo chamber then Reddit was, especially when you see someone calling for the death of someone at least once a week or so

Quite often see people getting downvote bombed and dogpiled for having different political opinions

flashgnash ,

Given op said it was a bipolar episode I doubt they did it thinking it was a good plan

flashgnash ,

Does the whole encryption/decryption thing still bother you if you self host?

I tried out the app, the value there is that it's ready to go straight away, though I took it all down again because my messages being unencrypted on someone else's server makes me uneasy. May end up self hosting it for that reason and not using anything closed source

flashgnash ,

Kind of is though, if it quacks like a duck

flashgnash ,

Given it's all entirely self host able if you use a different client I'm not sure how they could be

Unless there's some binary blobs hidden in the repo but you'd think someone would have pointed that out by now

flashgnash ,

Discord's own Linux client is kinda ass and keeps breaking my build using old insecure electron versions/forcing you to update before you can use the app while not being up to date in my package manager

Gotta use a custom client anyway to keep my sanity intact

Can someone demystify computer Ports for me? Please? Blocking, unblocking, opening, allowing, VPNs and their effect, what ports are and what they do, step by step, when you have to interact with them?

It's the one thing when I'm configuring things that makes me wince because I know it will give me the business, and I know it shouldn't, but it does, every time. I have no real idea what I'm doing, what it is, how it works, so of course I'm blindly following instructions like a monkey at a typewriter....

flashgnash ,

A port is basically what it sounds like, a hole in your network to allow traffic to get to your pc

When you forward a port you send all traffic trying to get into that port to the computer you configure it to forward to. I believe forwarding and opening are synonymous, I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong

There are two protocols for transmitting data you can open/close individually, TCP and UDP. Depends on the application, some want one, some want the other, some can use either or some want both

Opening ports allows anyone with your IP address to get at your computer, which means they have a chance to exploit any vulnerabilities there might be in your os, networking stack, software etc, so generally it's a good idea not to leave them open unless absolutely necessary

Personally I use tailscale to get around having to open ports, makes it as if they're all on the same network

flashgnash OP ,

We can use neurons. I'm not sure we're very good at it but people have used them for small tasks

flashgnash OP ,

But if we can train neurons to emulate human emotions and then put them into the neurolink, I can finally know what emotions are

flashgnash OP ,

Can we train the neuron LLM to participate in a CoD lobby, that's the real question here

flashgnash OP ,

Think you might've commented on the wrong post

flashgnash OP ,

I've always thought we have something resembling an LLM as one components of our brains, and the brain has the ability to train new models by itsself for solving new problems

flashgnash OP ,

Cool idea, though existing computers are also an inorganic way to representing a neural net

Bone conduction headphones?

I just recently learned that this is a thing that exists. I've had a couple audiology tests that use these weird headphones with firm rubber balls where normally expect to see the speakers; the rubber balls sit on your temporal bone, and there's a metal bar the wraps around your head connecting them and giving them pressure to...

flashgnash ,

Someone at work does this, and I can never quite tell if he's talking to me or is he's on the phone when he starts talking

I had a pair of trekz titaniums before and wanted to wear them all the time but felt kinda rude if I were to talk to someone with them on

flashgnash ,

Have you seen shokz open fit? They're more the wireless earbuds form factor, those might work in bed

flashgnash ,

The guy doesn't have the one with the boom mic, it's work related calls and the office is not big enough to go to another room

flashgnash OP ,

True, you'd think Amazon would have the talent to do it though if they wanted to

flashgnash OP ,

Come ooon hurry up and tap your cars this could be PB!

flashgnash OP ,

I feel like such a dork hearing about everyone doing this stuff, because then there's me who actively pressed the help button cause it wouldn't let me register a second pastry (the first one counted for both because they were in the same bag)

I live in a rural area and there are only two supermarkets I can get to easily so I'd much rather not risk getting caught out and banned and just pay the usually pound or so I would've saved by doing this

flashgnash OP ,

It's a chain, but as much as I dislike chains I don't want to steal from them. Supermarkets don't seem nearly as evil as a lot of other companies to me and they provide a genuinely useful service that smaller companies couldn't do as well

flashgnash ,

Virtual desktops, multi monitor and tmux allow me to go full ADHD, everything open at once, multiple projects on different desktops with like 5 windows open

Bonus points when I've got multiple terminals connected to the same tmux session because I forgot I already had it on another desktop or wanted it split with something else

My home setup is an ultrawide and a 1080p monitor. I find with tiling and virtual desktops more than that is surplus to requirement (even the 1080p monitor usually just has a browser open)

flashgnash ,

Pretty much exactly the same for my work setup except flip left and right .

I can't effectively use 3 for personal stuff, one monitor at work pretty much exclusively is for teams and outlook

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