

Mean leftist who believes in magic genders

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exocrinous ,

You mean alleged abusive religion leader bad. Cult in the definition you're currently using is a slur created by Christians to push the narrative that small religions are inherently abusive. Cult didn't mean abuse before the Satanic Panic.

exocrinous ,

There were people asking to take over the sub months ago but the admins said no. Also a lot of drama over the transphobic name. I got pulled into the whole issue by a Blahaj user and saw a couple posts about it. I might PM that person and tell them about this.

exocrinous ,

That's a pretty good intention. If taking bioessentialist slogans out of the feminist movement is your definition of trolling, then I'm very confused.

Apple TV+ officially announces Neuromancer series ( www.apple.com )

About a week ago I posted a rumor that Robert Pattinson could potentially play Case in Apple TV+'s Neuromancer series. That series is now officially announced at Apple TV+ but they only named the showrunners (no cast). I assume this means Pattinson declined the role, otherwise they would've mentioned him. Or maybe they're...

exocrinous ,

The Halo Paramount series was 100% a Mass Effect series until the last minute. Those Sangheili are Krogans

exocrinous ,

Think about it, why is Master Cheeks always getting naked? Cause Commander Shepard always is. Why is Soren (A character who famously cannot manage his own emotions or solve problems diplomatically) a suave pirate king with a wife and kids? And why's he wearing the MJOLNIR he couldn't wear in his story? Cause he's ACTUALLY supposed to be a pirate from Omega. Why do the Covenant have a human? Cause those are actually Krogans wrapped up in some kinda Geth, Reaper, or Collector plot. Why is Miranda Keyes randomly a scientist instead of the captain of a warship? Because the original version of the script had a scientist playing a key plot role. Probably Mordin or someone. Why does Reach not look like Reach at all? Why is it all sleek blacks and whites instead of UNSC blocky green or ONI techy dark grey? Cause it's actually N7 headquarters. Why are they mining deuterium on a fucking DESERT PLANET??? Cause they're actually mining eezo.

exocrinous ,

The government is an illegitimate state. We live in a dictatorship on stolen indigenous ground. Fuck Charles and fuck the government.

exocrinous ,

Humans can't act outside their programming. You can't hold your breath until you die.

exocrinous ,

Gay people can make babies. If a trans woman and a cis woman are together, they're more likely to be able to make babies than a trans man and a cis woman.

exocrinous ,

Equal attention cake

[Fiction Prompt] Solarpunk Factions

We have done it. We are there. A sustainable world. An abundant, renewable clean energy. A recovering ecosystem and a biodiversity that we can now help improve instead of merely defend. Changes happened. Changes in politics, in tech, in culture. We waste less, we consider the long term impact of our decisions, we consider...

exocrinous ,

The soulists are saying we should end humanity's influence on the world by awakening everyone as an otherkin and/or ascending to socially constructed godhood. They think the earth-conservationists are being ridiculously materialistic.

exocrinous ,

You mean "so it doesn't turn to nature". You just think nature is garbage.

exocrinous ,

Personally I respect nature, but don't like it to be near me. So I prefer to live in places without lawns, like apartments. If I found myself by some miracle in possession of a house with a lawn (in this economy???), I would seek to destroy the lawn and replace it with more house. House is much more useful than lawn. Until I had accomplished that goal, it would just be a useless mass and I wouldn't waste any time on it except to keep the footpath clear.

The way white people are like "I want to be responsible for additional household chores so that I can have a useless biological dead zone that 'looks nice'" is nonsense to me.

exocrinous ,

I hate to break this to you but lawns were invented by European aristocrats.

exocrinous ,

Whiteness is a social construct invented to justify slavery. It's not a real race, it's a fake race. Insulting white people isn't a race thing. People who choose to identify meaningfully as white are all racists.

exocrinous ,

All races are social constructs, but the degree to which they're harmful social constructs to self-ID as is variable. There are few good reasons to be angry with someone for identifying as maori or Haudenosaunee, for example. And getting mad at someone for identifying as black would be big time victim blaming and unproductive. But white? It was invented 500 years ago, Europeans already had less bad cultural identities, and it was a direct justification for many of the worst atrocities in history. And white people have garbage culture like lawns anyway.

exocrinous ,

Common everyday people can influence the situation. For example, we can build bombs and set them off inside gas plants.

No, I don't expect you to become a suicide bomber. But this is the truth: how much change you can accomplish is directly proportional to how much effort you put in. I'm putting in effort.

exocrinous ,

Then why the fuck are you building more lanes and less trains?

exocrinous ,

Y'all fuck off now, y'hear!

exocrinous ,

There are enough dogs in the world. Adopt.

exocrinous ,

Bike lanes are car infrastructure. We cyclists are perfectly within our rights to cycle in the middle of the lane at a speed comfortable for us. And it's safer for us to do that than hug the shoulder and risk getting clipped by an impatient driver. A bike lane gets us out of your way so you can drive the speed limit. It's for your benefit.

exocrinous ,
exocrinous ,

There's absolutely no reason to hate on a cyclist when you wouldn't hate on a car polluter, because unlike car polluters, we aren't murderers.

exocrinous ,

None of the furries I am friends with tolerate Nazis


MOST of the furries I am friends with did not ever tolerate Nazis

TBH I do know someone who has a "not checking if the character they're posting porn of is underage" problem, and I've actually only seen them do it with human characters, though they have no special preference between humans and anthros.

exocrinous ,

"Unga bunga me invent new process for food. It called cooking. Make less parasites in meat. Very good."

"Cooking bad, garg. We no want processed food."

exocrinous ,

AI. In the real world, AI is any computer process that can make decisions as if it were smart. Expert systems, genetic algorithms, hell even fuzzy logic. A smart lightbulb is artificially smart. Artificially intelligent.

In movies and bad tech blogs, AI means a sapient machine and that's why LLMs aren't actually AI.

exocrinous ,

For thousands of years, people walked on roads. That's what they were for. They were also for horses, donkeys, and carts, but humans were a big part of it. And none of those four things really goes faster than a bike. Cars are new. Taking people and horses off roads is new. Being able to drive the speed limit is a new, temporary condition, and it can be taken away at any time. Blaming this on cyclists is a reaction based on a misunderstanding of what roads are for. Personally, I support legislature to let people walk on the road however they like again.

exocrinous ,

I don't really think the sexual violence rates in the furry community are higher than in the general community. There's just more awareness of what consent is. I mean I could say "look at r/jailbait, straight people have a pedophile problem", and I'd be right, but only because society has a pedophile problem.

exocrinous ,

Sounds like the Netherlands is doing things right.

exocrinous ,

Excellent point. The Netherlands is doing some things right, but not everything.

exocrinous ,

Well, it's less of them, and at least they're risking their own lives too. If there's an accident I want the person responsible coming with me to the hospital. That might not be rational, but it's how I feel.

exocrinous ,

So this person opposes giving money to Israel, right?

They oppose it, right?

exocrinous ,

Valuing a memory more highly than your actual feelings is weird, but you do you. Just don't expect everyone else to feel the same way.

exocrinous ,

There's tons of women on Lemmy, but a lot of them aren't on this community because they only have one X chromosome. They're hanging out in the nicer places

exocrinous ,

Nah, there were continuous discussions ever since the sub was created on Reddit. Years ago. The mods made a big announcement post one month after they made the subreddit saying "we hear you trans people, but go fuck yourselves". Same thing happened here.

exocrinous ,

"We will not tolerate anti trans hate except in the name of our sub. If you have a problem with the name go fuck yourself."

exocrinous ,

Capitalise on the profits and socialise the losses! That's the American way!

exocrinous ,

Have you ever seen 100 showers going at the same time in an office building? Because that happens every 07:00 in an apartment building.

exocrinous ,

Halo has the UNSC Navy, the UNSC Marines, and the UNSC Army working together in space.

exocrinous ,

Another weird quirk too is that common military rank terms like "captain" and "lieutenant" don't line up between the Navy and the others (at least in the US). So the OG Star Trek guys would be Colonel Kirk and Captain Uhura under Air Force terminology, and that just sounds weird

Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter

exocrinous ,

I don't listen to the news cause I have the big tism. I just read the BBC's report on Aaron and found it quite neutral in tone, though obviously the acts themselves are self-evidently heroic. Can you dish the deets on what lies are being told about him? I wanna hear what the assholes are saying.

exocrinous ,

I'd like to explain it to you. Not as an attack, but because she failed to explain it to you and you deserve to know.

Whiteness is a fake race. All races are social constructs, but at least some of them point to a long history or a common culture or whatever. Not whiteness. Whiteness was invented by slave traders to separate Europeans from the slaves and the indigenous in the new world. Before then, Europeans did not think of themselves as one race. Look at the Balkans and you can still see that isn't the case anywhere. But in America, the identity of whiteness was invented as a justification for slavery.

If you are white, then you have ancestors and a culture and mythologies and a history, and they are not whiteness. Whiteness is the last 500 years of oppression, not the things that came before. You should learn those things if you can, and value them more highly than the racist "white" identity. If you don't have access to your history, or don't value your history, then it's time to invent a new culture to replace whiteness. Because having the cultural identity of "coloniser" just sucks.

exocrinous ,

Purity tests are great. I'm on a political discord server and they ask all new members if they're going to call trans people slurs. Everyone who believes in calling trans people slurs gets kicked, and that means it's a safe space for trans people. That leads to more left unity.

exocrinous ,

Yeah, so you'd be (as an example), french-german-italian-hungarian-swedish-portuhese-irish-syrian. Or whatever. Why do we call the first 7 of those, or the first 7 of your ancestries white? Because a bunch of slave traders said those 7 things are the same thing. If you were haudenosaunee-vietnamese-scottish-maori-jewish-kenyan, we wouldn't be reducing all that complexity to one label. Yes, certain commonalities exist to a greater degree in your ancestry than in my pancontinental example. Yes, it may be fair to call you european. But white? That word is a racist term. It's as fake as the word aryan. Your skin isn't white, it's probably somewhere around a beige-tan-olive. That's not white. If white were a colour, Asians would be white. It's not, it's just racism.

exocrinous ,

Change the lens with which you frame your position in the world from "I am a white person" to "I am a person who racists claim to be white".

It's a very subtle and subjective change and I wouldn't be surprised if you've already done it.

exocrinous ,

Imagine you're standing ten paces from the south pole. It's 12:00, noon. You then start walking south, and continue in the same direction for twenty paces. You're now on the other side of the world, and it's 00:00, midnight. Twenty paces have a 12 hour time difference.

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