

Mean leftist who believes in magic genders

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exocrinous ,

He says afroeurasia and the Americas are three continents, but these days we know they're only two.

exocrinous ,

Hell yeah they are!

exocrinous ,

Did he come back out?

Edit: https://twitter.com/shaun_vids/status/1447283076757872644?t=qhX7zMu_ao1scPw_BGBWRw&s=19


Actually the only pro-nft shaun content I could find on Google was "Shaun the Sheep® Gaming NFTs drop on The Sandbox NFT Metaverse"

exocrinous ,

I for one think LLMs are more intelligent than an ant. The writer of this piece is using the movie definition of AI instead of the real world definition of AI.

exocrinous ,

Yeah, bruh is using the Halo definition of AI. Probably played too many video games instead of actually paying attention to the history of computing.

exocrinous , (edited )

AGI is the stuff you see on Star Trek.

Clarification. AGI describes Data, Moriarty, and Peanut Hamper, but it doesn't describe the Enterprise's computer. Which has speech recognition, but is less intelligent than an LLM.

exocrinous ,

I shall amend my comment to say clarification instead of correction.

exocrinous ,

Left Unity means solidarity with every oppressed worker. It means being an ally to every member of the movement. Trans people who are disrespected by "leftists" and ask it to end aren't being disunifying. The guilt lies with the bigots who decided to attack their fellow workers.

exocrinous ,

Elden Ring isn't that popular. You should be looking at AAA mass market masterpieces like !warframe

exocrinous ,

In all seriousness the reason Warframe moved to the Fediverse is that it's a leftist game. The core gameplay loop is slaughtering capitalists, monarchists, and imperialists using an array of sci-fi and ninja weapons. The player character in Warframe is someone who's been burned by the control of an empire, and now manages their own tech. It's the same situation as with the Star Trek community moving here because Star Trek is woke. /pos

exocrinous ,

When you get to The New War you'll meet an awesome Grineer character who gives us a similar look into Grineer leftism

exocrinous ,

I have 1000 hours in Warframe and have spent a grand total of 5 dollars on it. I never felt like I needed to spend any more. Sure, it's annoying getting a platinum discount as a daily reward instead of something useful like tellurium, but that's the fullest extent of the advertising. The market has a button to hide all items that require platinum to buy. And Darvo's Deals isn't even relevant anymore.

I'm sure Warframe does have whales, but that's in the same way weed has addicts. Some people are going to form an addiction no matter what. I'd rather those people be playing warframe than something else, because my gut says there's a better chance of recovery in a less predatory game. My thinking is those kinds of people develop an addiction because something is wrong in their life circumstances. They're already looking for something to get sucked into, doesn't matter what it is. I never felt any kind of pull from Warframe, and while I do have a non addictive personality, I also felt much less annoyed at the game than at other freemium games.

exocrinous ,

You should try talking to your spouse. I have two effective strategies:

The Honest and Straightforward: "Hey, I'm at a really thrilling part of this book, can you give me an hour to myself to finish it? We'll do whatever you want to do afterward. Thanks."

The Infodump Overwhelm: Turn your autism up to full throttle and keep talking about the book without letting them get a word in edgewise until they get sick of you and leave for an hour.

exocrinous ,

This is a fallacy. You find one area in which the two presidents are the same, and you extrapolate that into saying they're exactly the same in all areas. It's not a bad faith attack or trolling. It's just the result of someone whose thoughts are too simple to grasp the fact that people are similar in some ways and different in other ways. It's the thought process of someone who just doesn't get nuance.

exocrinous ,

Okay, well if we agree that Biden and Trump are different in other areas, then what is even the point of this comic?

Let's imagine that Anna and Peter are competing for the Vancouver regional tapdancing championship. They both had really good performances, and now the judges have to make a decision. Is Anna's flawless execution of traditional tap integrated with the forgotten styles of the past worthy of winning, or does Peter's bold new interpretation of an electronic tap genre deserve to take the gold?

No matter who the judges pick to win the regional tap championship, people in the middle east will still be bombed by US drones. Are you going to make a comic about how the tap championship is meaningless because it won't make a difference in the middle east?

exocrinous ,

Fun fact: Cortana is named after a French sword

exocrinous ,

That's called extrajudicial killing, and it's generally frowned upon

exocrinous ,

In the 18th century. That's when capitalism really got rolling and when Adam Smith wrote his crap.

Alternatively: 1493

exocrinous ,

What kind of amoral, selfish monster, would know full well that car emissions are exterminating life as we know it on earth, and still decide to drive a car?

The same kind of monster who develops this technology.

exocrinous ,

Ah, so there we go. You have a perfect set of excuses for your own actions and why they're someone else's fault, but you struggle to understand how someone could develop software like this. The answer is: the same way as you. Excuses.

exocrinous ,


Aren't you taking this all a bit personally? I'm just using your own experiences to explain a situation you find difficult to understand. The douchebags are the same as you. Hope that helps.

exocrinous ,

Yeah, you're taking this way too personally. I'm out here explaining how people can justify doing bad things to themselves, and you're having a whole identity crisis over whether you're a bad person about it. Look, your personal difficulties excusing your own actions are none of my business.

exocrinous ,

If you're not taking this personally, why all the personal questions about my transit habits and finances? It seems like you're trying to use me as some kind of gotcha for why you don't have to introspect. Leave me out of it.

exocrinous ,

When a conservative says "think of the children", what they mean is "think of the queer kids that will be outed to their parents and sent to conversion therapy".

exocrinous ,

I hate to be the one to break this to you but the Berlin Wall fell. Russia is capitalist.

Are there goldilocks zones for tidally locked planets?

A tidally locked planet does not rotate in relation to its sun. One side is always day, one, always night. This is caused by tidal forces pulling all planets towards this same equilibrium, so it's completely stable once it does occur..a tidally locked planet at an earthlike distance from the sun would be scorching heat on one...

exocrinous OP ,

What about a planet so distant from its star that the day side gets as much light as earth at twilight? 2AU from a sol size star, there should be a quarter as much light during the day. What about there?

exocrinous OP ,

Been doing some googling. Most stars are dwarf stars, and the habitable band of a red dwarf is so close the tidal forces are way stronger. It might turn out that most habitable planets are tidally locked.

There's a book called The City In The Middle Of The Night that takes place on a tidally locked planet. It has politics, science fiction, and lesbians.

exocrinous OP ,

It also kinda makes you feel like shit, but in a really good way.

exocrinous ,

Fun fact: Reddit is claiming it has full rights to distribute and sell any content posted to Reddit. So if you've ever posted to r/gonewild, they're claiming to have a fill licence to do whatever they want with pictures of your naked body.

exocrinous ,

Feed them to Google's AI for data. Your boobs will be source material for the next generation of AI porn.

exocrinous ,

No, many people do sex work on the internet and depend on distribution rights to their own bodies to make an income. I'm not usually a fan of copyright, but I make a big exception for people's bodies. This also isn't just a matter of money, it's a matter of personal dignity and social integrity. Nobody should be coerced into giving up creative rights to their own body. It's sexual harassment at best. If my nudes are used to train an AI in some way with a profit motive, then I'm engaged in what is essentially prostitution without my own consent.

exocrinous ,

The reason Reddit shouldn't be selling other people's pornos is that the users didn't knowingly consent to being a sex worker. The distinction between free sex (in which I include open distribution of nudes) and sex work (in which I include paid distribution of nudes) is emotionally important. And it's especially important when someone is being pimped without their knowledge.

exocrinous ,

Actually it's not the logical conclusion. Reddit's terms of service violate the GDPR and many other laws. A client can't sign a contract by logging in to a website, that's not how contract law works. Legally, these terms of service are utter nonsense. The only reason these companies get away with it is nobody's sued them yet.

exocrinous OP ,

I don't think it would be evil to ban gendered pronouns in Florida schools. I think it would provoke a great deal of careful thought in these schools and broaden students' horizons. And I also think the Republicans would immediately undo it to "save the kids" by repealing the Don't Say Gay bill inside of a month. So ultimately no harm done, and quite likely some good for the students. But on a broader level, it would do a lot of good by repealing the bill and making Republican policies look hostile to Republican voter interests, delegitimising the party's image in Florida and swinging the state left.

exocrinous OP ,

I've seen that story before, and it doesn't answer my question. I don't think this is an issue teachers can solve by malicious compliance doing the right thing. This is an issue that parents need to solve. Because the bill allows parents to sue (and therefore establish legal precedent), not teachers. If a teacher uses genderless language, as you say, they'll get fired. But if a parent sues a school for having the words he and she, and wins, it is now an incontrovertible part of the law that he and she are forbidden in Florida schools. This means teachers can no longer be punished for following the law, it means they have to follow the law, and this will have a much bigger impact on headlines due to its wider and firmer scope.

Why hasn't a parent done this?

exocrinous OP ,

Side note:

If marriage is between a man and a woman as Republicans claim, then Mrs is not only a gender identity but also a sexual identity, and is doubly prohibited.

(Arguments that Mrs entails allosexual identity are equally predicated on Republican misconception, in this case lack of understanding of the sex/romance distinction)

exocrinous OP ,

Introducing yourself as a Mr means informing students you identify as a man.

Also the words man and woman are banned according to law.

exocrinous OP ,

Nah, because of one word. Or. That means no gender for grade 3 and under, OR no gender that's developmentally inappropriate. So yes, gender pronouns are allowed for the big kids, but not for the little ones.

exocrinous OP ,

Or you need a lawyer to make the very easy case, and the judge to have a shred of integrity.

Why haven't they tried?

exocrinous OP ,

So you're making the argument that if I were a Florida teacher, I introduced myself as Mx Endocrinous, wore nonbinary and trans and gay flag pins, had an it/its pronoun pin, and referred to myself as dronegender, this would all be perfectly legal so long as I didn't explain what any of these words or symbols meant?

exocrinous OP ,

Well if the bare minimum is identification, then all you need is a first name and a last name. No gendered pronouns or titles necessary.

exocrinous OP ,

This plan doesn't need Republicans to cooperate. It only needs one parent to try, enough money to hire a lawyer, and a judge to do their job of following the law.

exocrinous ,

I keep saying we gotta fight these laws through the power of malicious compliance.

Get a job as a clerk with the department of marriages. Say "I'm an atheist, and I don't believe in marriage as in my mind it has a religious character." Sue the state for 10 years salary for firing you.

It's the same as those Florida laws. Sue your kids' school for referring to your child with a gendered pronoun. Sue the library for stocking the Bible. Establish precedent that these laws go both ways. It's the same stuff the Satanic Temple has been doing for years.

exocrinous ,

No, those are all extremely reasonable policy positions for an anarchist to have, and we are currently on slrpnk.net

exocrinous ,

The reason LLM is like a child is that it doesn't have critical thinking. It doesn't think before it opens its mouth. LLM is the part of your brain that comes up with the first, most obvious answer. It's Wernicke's area going wild.

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