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drmoose ,

your tantrum is much more cringe than any complain post I've ever seen lmao

drmoose ,

This judge should be immediately fired. What a utter tool.

drmoose , (edited )

name and shame 👇

Also she's apparently Ana Reyes confirmed as first LGBTQ federal judge in D.C..

Besides this work, for more than a decade Ana has devoted significant time to her pro bono representations of asylum seekers and refugee organizations, including numerous appellate matters for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and impact litigation for Human Rights First,

Lmao, somehow I don't believe this. It's incredibly ironic that she helped people fearing bad government and now she is protecting bad government. What a dunce.

Also she was nominated by Biden which is the most perplexing fact:

Reyes’ Senate confirmation came nine months after Biden submitted her nomination in May 2022.

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' ( kyivindependent.com )

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine's partners "are afraid of Russia losing the war" and would like Kyiv "to win in such a way that Russia does not lose," Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....

drmoose ,

The west is legit afraid of Russia's collapse because once again someone will have to bail Russia out and it'll either be another 1988 mess or a new toy for China.

What will happen to Russia once it's fully in "war economy" and loses the war?

drmoose ,

Ok watching the video and where's the assault? What a clickbait dude

drmoose ,

Eh the article makes it sound like its a more serious attack than a retirement home scuffle

drmoose ,

how about we deport our prisoners to Australia. We're not animals though, so we'll load the ships with a bunch of rabbits to sustain them until they settle in.

drmoose ,

It's mostly nerds who had the spine to migrate from Reddit rather than continueing to feed this machine that clearly brings no good for anyone.

drmoose ,

It doesn't. No network is capable of that and if they say they are you're being lied to.

drmoose ,

no it's not better. It's extremely invasive as you have to fingerprint and store users fingerprint on your servers indefinitely. Not only that but all of this can be avoided by anyone with half a brain cell. Lemmy should not waste their resources on something like this, it's extremely hard to do to the point where literally nobody has a good system even giants like Linkedin. Source, I work in bot detection.

Lemmy would never get this right no matter how many people contributed and would just cause overal harm to the platform through privacy invasion and false positives.

drmoose ,

But Lemmy gives it to any web scraper for free

Which is good. You either have an open system or a closed one. There's no in-between.

If you want to have advantages of public free decentralized network you can't obfuscate and centralize bits and pieces of it. Also, it's 2024, we need to stop this misinformation that email address is supposed to be private. What is private is email address association with the owner and Lemmy doesn't leak or infringe on. The address is literally called address because it's supposed to be public.

drmoose ,

That's the entire game of security, not being perfect, but being good enough

Yes and good enough is so hard to reach that this is no way accomplished with Lemmys volunteer resources. We literally have full time people and massive AI driven systems doing this professionally. This is no way achievable in Lemmy if centralized Reddit with multi-million dollar budgets can't even get close to "good enough".

drmoose ,

nope. You can do IP analysis to ban IP's that belong to particular VPN but you can't ban VPN tech. There are so many VPN services and so many proxies and so easy to setup your own VPN that even Netflix struggles with that.

drmoose ,

Nah it has nothing to do with attitude but with practicality. This would mean people's fingerprints need to be public and shared between servers or some other hack. It's just possible in any safety and its not really a hill worth dying on. Do we really care about users dodging subreddit bans that much? Its silly.

drmoose ,

It simply grew too big and corporate. Reddit is not a niche social network anymore. It's Facebook.

drmoose ,

What it absolutely was a niche network to the point where if reddit was mentioned in mainstream media it made big waves. Dudes even had secret greetings like when does the narval bacon or smt like that I don't remember. But reddit was super niche and that's what made it special imo. The first secret santa exchanges were trully amazing, unique experiences that will never be replicated again and the platform was full of these niche little gems that are forever lost now.

drmoose ,


Threads is actually kinda fun if not all of the spam and straight up harmless idiots. Meta is right for once.

There are plenty of other tools for politics and it's better kept in smaller more mindful communities rather than these pools of random algorithmic shit.

drmoose ,

I really like that theory too. It further expands that vision is what granted us intelligence as creatures coming on land could see significantly further and thus start planning and reacting to distant changes giving birth to modern intelligence. To add, whales developed this intelligence and went back to the ocean to absolutely dominate it.

drmoose ,

Does Palestine even have a reasonable government that could represent them?

drmoose ,

Every tech company names their employees tbf and I think that's a cool way to promote culture. "Employee" feels impersonal and un-team like, it has this conotation of Employer-employee relationship which we all try to delude ourselves is not real lol

drmoose ,

The bigger subject here is that Google is taking on a government contract as a power flex not as a real growth opportunity. It's 1.2B usd contract shared with Amazon so it's 600M right? - that's like 3 days of adsense revenue (or 1 EU fine lol)

Google is not doing this as a direct business opportunity but as a market flex or some ideological goal. I think it's fair that it's being responded in ideological sense as well.

drmoose ,

Probably yeah - in high corporate sense. Googlers however still think Google is different. Sundar Pichai thinks Google is different. The amount of self delusion is quite incredible when in reality it's just another giant souless corporation with self interest.

drmoose ,

Yeah I probably agree with you

drmoose ,

Did someone hurt u or smt lmao

drmoose ,

Alright dude stew in your hate idk 💀

drmoose ,

Alan Ritchson is quite likeable and I say that as an atheist. He's one of the good ones :)

China is giving Russia significant support to expand weapons manufacturing as Ukraine war continues, US officials say ( www.cnn.com )

China is helping Russia ramp up its defense industrial base at such a large scale that Moscow is now undertaking its most ambitious expansion in military manufacturing since the Soviet era as it continues its war against Ukraine, according to senior Biden administration officials....

drmoose ,

So what communist system do they have? Control of idiots? I'm genuinely confused when I encounter "china communism" discussions as it always turns into shrodinger's semantics.

I think China has been very clear with their image projection: it's a totalitarian regime that only cares about Han chinese.

drmoose ,

Country that murders school girls vs country where it's fine to be openly gay

drmoose ,

If you did any more stretching you'd become a kite lol

Despite Israeli incompetence at warfare their values are much more tolerant than murdering school girls for taking their hats off, stoning girls for being raped, murdering people for leaving their religions. Not even touching the whole idea of martyrdom where the muslim culture glorifies suicide murder.

No other culture has this. None. That's not something the west needs fixing - it's muslim cutlure that needs to unify and reject these absurd and evil ideologies and finally drag themselves into 20th century.

drmoose ,

Let me clarify this without judging you: the abstract objects of gods and religions are real, they are here and effect our lives but the religion itself and gods are not real and have no tangible effect on us.

If you can't relate to this think about ghosts - we talk about them, people are afraid of them and might even commit awful acts deluded by the fact that ghosts exist. That's real. But we have no evidence that ghosts exist, so ghosts themselves are not real.

drmoose ,

“All I can say is that we did not receive any positive feedback on the addition from visitors to the gallery,”

Not a strong debut and I understand why museum did this but they're pursuing charges fir drilling 2 holes in a wall? The corporate mentality for an art institution is so cringe.

drmoose ,

Why would you want that? I can't imagine to ever going back to non wireless buds

drmoose ,

Russia is the ultimate loser state. They've mismanaged their basically infinite resources so badly and now not only they're blaming someone else for their absurd incompetence but actively attack other's success.

The recent conflicts are forever changing russian image from "tough weathered guy" to whiny little loser poking sticks into other's bicycle wheels because of jealousy.

drmoose ,

The claim was just so absurd to begin with that it's hardly suprising.

drmoose ,

Electrician, especially if you're ok with relocating. So many places around the world lack electricians when the infra just keeps growing everywhere.

drmoose ,

Benches are just so nice. The value-to-price proposition is amazing and I don't see why any city would disagree with this other than incompetence. I recently ordered a bench for a little public garden in my neighbourhood and plopped it there for 100usd. People love it :)

drmoose ,

That's not always the case tho. Sometimes cities just forget benches exist. My town has no real homeless issues but still lacks of benches for some reason and the public parks team would rather spend the money on touristy shit like "dancing fountains" smh

drmoose ,

It's better tbh. There's so many brilliant music videos out there these days that youtube premium is our main TV app. My favorite music subscription by far.

I just wish Youtube took advantage of this and invested into reviving some older MVs in higher quality and support music videos better through the app itself.

drmoose ,

Hot take but I think tipping culture is one of the main reasons why Americans are suffering from such large class issues.

In Japan tipping is offensive because it puts the customer above the server when it's a fair exchange between the two parties.
It makes sense imo. For people to respect each profession it has to be treated like an equal value exchange. The server that brings my food is not my temporary slave but we have a social contract that they'll be hosting me as the representative of the restaurant and "forced donations" completely ruins this exchange. It's incredibly toxic.

drmoose ,

You know mastodon is 50M++ right?

drmoose ,

Bluesky is a for-profit company. There's zero precedence of a for-profit developing an open protocol AFAIK. I'd love to be proven wrong but I'm not optimistic to say the least.

drmoose ,

I feel like its completely the opposite. Bluesky is just whining and screaming into the void while Mastodon feels like real stuff is actually happening. There are actually working feeds and a news section.

Bluesky has no hashtags or discovery mechanism other than the broken feeds that nobody knows how they work while on mastodon you can literally subscribe to hashtags like you'd subscribe to a community on lemmy. It's not even remotely close.

Mastodon only got bad rap because it started of decentralized and people are just too dumb for that apparently.

drmoose ,

Open data as in publicly accessible without a login gate. Bluesky though does have this stupid login wall option but it can be bypassed very easily so it's still open.

I do agree with you about how Bluesky is still a for-profit American corporation and nothing free or selfless ever came from one so it shouldn't be trusted implicitly.

drmoose ,

I recommend Amethyst which has all of the core features and very natural UX (similar to mastodon apps like Megalodon)

YSK : Moral values of being nice, forgiving and generosity are justified by game theory to be successful strategies ( youtu.be )

Prisoner's dilemma is a problem commonly featured in game theory. Each player is given an option to be either nice or nasty. Each combination of player plays multiple number of rounds. When tested against different strategies, it is found that the best performing strategies are :...

drmoose ,

That's why I say we bring back dueling!

YSK: Do You Really Need That Antibiotic? It’s antibiotic season. Brush up on how you should use them — and when to avoid them. (NYT, Dec 2023) ( www.nytimes.com )

It's refreshing to see a major news outlet discussing collateral damage and not just resistance. Over the past decade, 99% of the time antibiotic overuse is covered and warned about it's always only in regards to resistance....

drmoose ,

Probiotics are basically a meme. Fiber is the new hot thing as unsurprisingly your gut biome wants to eat not new neighbours to compete with.

drmoose ,

Because it's not "disinformation" it's correct. You linking some blog doesn't invalidate me lol

drmoose ,

yeah sure, whatever, go away and stop replying to me weirdo.

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