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  • dandroid ,

    I don't have advice, just a worthless anecdote.

    I work at a large tech company. We had a Windows XP system on our network get hacked. They used that to jump to our servers. IT had to quarantine off the whole lab, because they didn't know where the hacker had hopped next. So then IT had to do a post-mortem and figure out how they got in and what was affected. That process took 3 months. In the meantime, any team with servers in that lab couldn't use them. The team directly responsible for this couldn't work at all for the full 3 months.

    dandroid ,

    I guess I'm a dummy, because I never even thought about this. Maybe I got lucky, but when I did restore from a backup, I didn't have any issues. My containerized services came right back up like nothing was wrong. Though that may have been right before I successfully hosted my own (now defunct) Lemmy instance. I can't remember, but I think I only had sqlite databases in my services at the time.

    dandroid ,

    Also, The Presidents of the United States of America.

    The song "More Bad Times" came on my Spotify radio playlist a few years back. I had never heard the song before. I was dying of laughter. I was not at all prepared for a song that silly.

    Do you leave a tip for housekeeping if you're only staying one night in a hotel?

    Is it a 'thank you for prepping my room' or 'please clean my room today'? If you tip post cleaning, it's likely going to someone else the next day. Many hotels now only do housekeeping on demand. How do employees feel about this - do they miss the tips or are they happy for a less stressful workday?...

    dandroid ,

    I live in the US and I have never tipped housekeeping, nor have I ever heard of someone doing it.

    dandroid ,

    The 20% is relatively new. It was always around 10%, and then restaurants started "suggesting" higher tips on the receipts, and basically guilting people into tipping more. It was pushed up to 15% in the mid '00s, and then only pushed up to 20% during Covid. I have been called a piece of shit human on multiple occasions because I didn't buy into the restaurants randomly changing it on me. There is immense social pressure here around tipping.

    The restaurants have a financial motivation to want the tips to be higher, so I feel like it's a conflict of interest for them to be suggesting the tip amount. I think the government needs to get involved and regulate tipping or even outright ban it at this point, because restaurants aren't going to stop pushing the envelope at 20%.

    dandroid ,

    I conducted coding interviews for a few years at a startup before moving to a bigger company where I had a smaller role.

    For me, I never cared about if someone got the right answer. I have actually said no to people who got the right answer and yes to people who got the wrong answer (or didn't finish). The purpose of the interview is to see if I want to work with that person. If someone can write a perfect program, but can't tell me why it works, that gives me no insight into how they solve problems or if they even know how to solve problems. What I want to hear is their thought process.

    First repeat the question, and emphasize the key details. Speak an example input and output of the function so the interviewer (and you!) knows you understand the problem. Then start talking about what kind of algorithms or data structures you might use to solve this problem. Reference other common problems that might be similar, and how they differ. Specify patterns that could be used for this problem or even your comparison problem, and whether or not that will work for this one.

    Doing all of these steps with spoken words helps your interviewer understand how you think, and they may give away hints to mistakes in your thought process, or even point out that you are misunderstanding the question entirely. And that's okay! It's better to work out the details when speaking about it before writing any code.

    Treat the interview like you are solving a problem with a colleage in pair programming. Bounce ideas off them and see what they think. They are very likely to give hints if you talk to them in this way. If you are stuck, tell them! They might be able to reword a part of the question to help you think about the problem in a different way, leading you towards the solution.

    AFTER you and the interviewer are both confident that you understand the problem, and you have discussed all the algorithms, data structures, patterns, etc. that you need, maybe spoken through a some pseudocode, or maybe written down a table of example inputs and outputs, only then start coding.

    dandroid ,

    Mine are named after fictional robots, computer programs, or AI. It started with my wifi being GLaDOS for 5 GHz and Wheatley for 2.4 GHz. I thought it was funny that everyone could immediately tell that Wheatley was the slower one. Over time, I continued the trend. My gaming PCs are named after characters from the Mega Man X series (desktop is Zero, laptop is X, steam deck is Sigma). My macs are named EVE and WALL-E. My server is named Sibyl System (from Psycho Pass).

    dandroid ,

    I think soap deserves an honorable mention.

    dandroid ,

    I think "you're welcome" is just too formal. I would say it to a customer, not my friend.

    dandroid ,

    I think it's fine for kids younger than teenagers. Maybe around 8 and up. By the time they are teenagers, most kids are watching anything and everything, included R-rated movies.

    dandroid ,

    Korben my man. I-I-I-I have no fire.

    dandroid ,

    My sister stayed at my place when she was in town for an event. At one point I heard her alarm going off for an hour before stopping. She woke up an hour later and was like, "my alarm never went off! I'm so late!"

    dandroid ,

    At the time, I thought the Sun chips bag situation was hilarious. If I think back on it now, it's really sad. Yes, the bag was significantly louder than the original bag. But I feel like we're going to need to make some sacrifices as a society for the environment. And that seems like a really, really tiny sacrifice.

    dandroid ,

    The song 1985 was not originally recorded by Bowling for Soup, but SR-71

    dandroid ,

    I have a some variety of scratcher on every corner of the couch. I have some rope ones, carpet ones, a low one. My cat really just prefers to scratch the couch. Any attempt to persuade her to scratch the scratchers, she sees as a fun game and scratches the couch more.

    dandroid ,

    I once was at a social gathering where two vegans were arguing about who was more vegan. It was exhausting.

    dandroid ,

    My cat loves being picked up, so she would do it again for that alone.

    My mom uses Linux, btw

    I installed Debian + KDE on my mom’s laptop. She hasn’t had a complaint since. How tech-savvy is she, you ask? I’m sitting with her right now, so out of politeness she put on headphones to watch her favorite soap opera. Mind you, the headphones weren’t plugged into the laptop. She was sitting there, headphones on her...

    dandroid ,

    I don't think I've come across any that I wanted to play that don't work at all.

    The main ones that don't work are the ones with kernel-level Anticheat. The one exception is Easy Anticheat. They made a way for that one to work.

    So that will mostly be multiplayer games like COD, Destiny 2, Overwatch, etc. And EA is making a push to switch their games to their proprietary anticheat which doesn't work on Linux. So I think Battlefield is now on that list as well.

    If those games aren't the types of games you play, then you should be mostly fine.

    dandroid ,

    I don't think owning your home is realistic in all scenarios. For example, let's say because you needed to leave your abusive partner, so you don't have the luxury of going through the whole process of saving money, then researching, and eventually purchasing a home. You need to get out, maybe live somewhere for a year or two to get your feet under you and save some money so you can purchase a home. If you couldn't rent a home, how could you possibly get out of this situation if you had no money on hand?

    If you move to a new city that you've never visited before, sometimes you want to rent in a few areas to find the areas you like before commit long term to a place.

    I really don't think buying a home should be your only option for living in a home. It's just not what's best for some people in some scenarios.

    dandroid ,

    I fixed my refrigerator. 2 months ago I was changing the filter, and I was too lazy to turn off the water first, so the pressure was too high and it didn't seat properly. When I turned it, I broke the filter receptacle. I called Samsung, and they said they'll fix it, but they can't tell me how much it will cost until they make the work order, and at that point I can't cancel it if it's too expensive. I asked if they could ballpark, like $100 or $1000. They said they couldn't. So I told them to go fuck themselves. I ordered the part on Amazon for $60. I had to disassemble a decent amount of the refrigerator to get to the part. But I did it! I swapped out the part and everything works perfectly. All in all, it took about 2 hours. There were multiple videos on the internet on how to do it.

    Fuck Samsung.

    I made wanderer - a self-hosted trail and GPS track database ( lemmy.world )

    Over the last two months, I developed wanderer. It is a self-hosted alternative to sites like alltrails.com or in other words a self-hosted trail database. It started out more as a small hobby project to teach myself some new technologies but in the end, I decided to develop it into a fully-fledged application....

    dandroid ,

    This is an excellent use case for a self hosted service, since location data is frequently used for nefarious purposes.

    dandroid ,

    I have a mesh system made up of Asus Zenwifi ET8s, and I have been very happy with them. They have a lot of cool features, such as having a VPN server and VPN client, with the VPN client allowing me to apply the VPN to only selected devices. It has tons of customization options for those that are knowledgeable about that sort of thing. For example, I can tweak at what signal strength AP steering happens. It has WiFi 6E and 2.5 Gbps wired backhaul.

    When I first got it, it was very buggy, and some features straight up didn't work. But they eventually got all the bugs that I found fixed. It's in a really good state right now.

    To address your desired features, it does have wireguard. I don't know about DDNS, but it does not have pihole built in. It has adguard built in, but it doesn't really seem to do much, tbh. Then again, pihole didn't really do anything for me either. I ended up shutting off my pihole because I didn't even notice a difference.

    Does Reddit shadowban mentions of Lemmy?

    In the months since I deleted my Reddit accounts and joined Lemmy, the lack of user base growth has made it clear that we need some users to stay on Reddit as a means of shepherding more users over on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, Reddit simply got what it wanted: less users who make a fuss about how it manages its platform...

    dandroid ,

    They definitely used to delete links to popular Lemmy instances. I posted a few as a test one time and found the comment to be shadow deleted. It looked like it existed to me, but if I logged out, I couldn't see it. I wasn't banned, though. Idk if this is still happening.

    dandroid ,

    I've tested this on r/lemmy, and it still got removed.

    dandroid ,

    I created my first account in June of 2023, like many of us, I'm sure.

    Now that I have RIF back via Vanced, I spend a lot of time in both places. The communities that I want to engage with just aren't here. But when I want Linux news, this is my place to go.

    I had my own instance for about 10 months. I started it when I was frustrated at the downtime all the big instances had. But now they seem a lot more stable, so I shut down my instance.

    Should I learn Docker or Podman?

    Hi, I've been thinking for a few days whether I should learn Docker or Podman. I know that Podman is more FOSS and I like it more in theory, but maybe it's better to start with docker, for which there is a lot more tutorials. On the other hand, maybe it's better to straight up learn podman when I don't know any of the two and...

    dandroid ,

    As a podman user myself, they're essentially the same. I look at the docker documentation when learning new things about podman. 99.9% of the time, it's exactly the same. For the features that aren't in podman, you can use the podman-docker package. This gets you a daemon so you can have some docker-specific features such as a container being able to start/stop other containers by mounting the socket as a volume, and it allows you to use docker-compose.

    What did you get up to during the COVID quarantine?

    I was in school so when that was put on hold I essentially played video games like it was a job. I remember vividly playing Grand Theft Auto IV in one sitting for the Liberty City Minute achievement and I'm pretty sure I played through Master Chief Collection....

    dandroid ,

    I just worked from home. The main difference was when I was in pointless meetings that I didn't need to be in, I just played Animal Crossing.

    I don't really feel nostalgic about it because it was so recent, but maybe I will once more time passes. It still kind of feels like yesterday right now.

    Hell, it still feels like yesterday that I was in college, and that was 10 years ago. 😬

    dandroid ,

    That's how the question was worded.

    What are Some Good, Recent, and Available Dumb Cars?

    I have a 2010 Toyota Corolla. She's been my trusty steed for the last 14 years and is in good working order. I recognize she won't last forever, and if, god forbid (mostly for her) I get in an accident, I will need to get a new car. So what dumb cars do you drive, and what would you replace them with?

    dandroid ,

    Proud owner of a 2009 Toyota Corolla. That thing is a workhorse.

    dandroid ,

    Does it have no ABS, or VSC or traction control? That sounds like it's only for enthusiasts, because the average driver is gonna crash (including me). Or is there a mechanic implementation for those?

    dandroid ,

    They became required because a dad backed over and killed his own son. That father fought for years to make them required so no one would have to go through the same pain he went through. Why would you not want one? You could not look at it if you don't like it. But it's one of the best possible safety features imo, and it's dirt cheap compared to the cost of a car.

    dandroid ,

    It's just another tool. You wouldn't only look in your passenger side mirror just because you have one. Use it along with all your other tools. Most standard cars have 3 mirrors and a backup camera. Most drivers also have necks they can turn.

    dandroid ,

    There is an admin on lemmy.ml that seems to be banning anyone who says anything negative about China. If I'm thinking of the right person, they are also a large contributor to the Lemmy codebase. That person is why I stopped donating to the Lemmy devs.

    dandroid ,

    1000 up and down. Fiber is great. Actually having competition instead of a Comcast monopoly in my area is amazing.

    dandroid ,

    Piano. I can play acoustic and electric guitar (yes, they are the same instrument, but you play them differently, and I can play both styles very proficiently), bass guitar, ukulele, drums, various percussion instruments, and I sing. I even played a stand-up bass one time and I was able to play it just fine after 5 minutes of dicking around. I have tried many times to learn piano but it's so damn hard. I can get by enough to record some basic stuff with some editing fuckery. But I'm nowhere near good enough to just play a song all the way through with it sounding good and without tons of mistakes.

    dandroid ,

    I get peanuts in return while the king keep most of the loot.

    Well, at least this part hasn't changed.

    dandroid , (edited )

    I'm thinking of the episode of That '70s Show where Kelso's dad is trying to explain to Kelso what he does for a homework assignment.

    Kelso: "OK, let's get started. Question number one, what's your job?"

    John: "I'm a senior executive statistical analysis technician."

    Kelso: "You're a senior execu… what?"

    John: "Well, in plain English, I concatenate the verse statistical information to maximize the potential utilization of data."

    Kelso: "So you give people data!"

    ( Kelso is on the verge of writing it down. )

    John: "A lot of people think that. No. My job's not about output, it's about throughput."

    Kelso: "So you throughput data!"

    John: "Well, now you've lost me, son. Oh, listen Michael, you know the eight tracks you love so much?"

    Kelso: "You make them!"

    John: "No, but because of us, other people who make them are able to make them better."

    Kelso: "So, you fix stuff!"

    John: "You could say that..."

    ( Kelso starts writing. )

    John: "But I wouldn't."

    ( Kelso erases it with frustration. )

    And then it keeps going on the like for a while.

    What do you think about that most big VR technology is owned by big companies like Meta and Tik Tok?

    I mean yeah it's obvious that it's an oportunity for making money on a new marked and so on, but, even if it's a bit silly, dreaming of VR technology like in Ready Player One(minus the distopian world) for real life it feels like the bad guys already won, when we will have the technology. Like the omni One is just about to be...

    dandroid ,

    I always use astrophotography photos that were posted by regular users on sites like lemmy or reddit. Currently my phone's is this one. And the one on my laptop is this one.

    dandroid ,

    I went to my 6 year reunion (they forgot at 5 years) because I loved nearby and thought it would be fun. And I did have fun. It was cool seeing people that I hadn't seen in a while. I skipped the 11 year reunion (Covid delayed it by a year). I moved about 2000 miles away from my hometown, and even though my parents still lived in the area and I could have used it as an excuse to visit them, it just wasn't a huge priority, and I had other trips the same year and didn't want to take more time off work.

    I don't know anyone who lives in that area anymore, so don't see myself going to a 16 year reunion (I feel like it's a tradition at this point to do it one year later) when it happens.

    dandroid ,

    My great aunt has very light hair, and as she got older, you couldn't see her eyebrows at all. She felt people couldn't see her facial expressions as well, so she got them tattooed on. She seems happy with it.

    dandroid ,

    I like podman because rootless and daemonless are built-in and default. Yes, it can be done on docker, but you have to do a bunch of shit to get it set up.

    You could create the alias alias docker="podman" and 99% of the time, you won't even be able to tell the difference since podman is a docker drop in replacement. All the docker documentation applies to podman as well. But since docker runs as root by default, some edge cases might not work out of the box (like binding to a port on the host less than 1000).

    Podman comes with some neat tools like being able to create systemd service files to start and stop containers as services.

    To use docker-compose, you'll need some additional packages. That's probably the biggest drawback to podman imo. Podman wants to use pods instead of docker-compose, but I think they gotta take their heads out of their asses and just support the more popular format on that one. Not to mention docker-compose is just plain better imo. Easier to define, easier to understand, easier to modify. The list goes on and on.

    dandroid ,

    Wow, that's really clever. And dead simple at the same time.

    dandroid ,

    That package actually does a bit more than that! If you don't need all the extras, then I say just add the alias and be done with it.

    dandroid ,

    I'm a millennial. It could also have been regional as well, I have no clue.

    PSA: Docker nukes your firewall rules and replaces them with its own.

    I use nftables to set my firewall rules. I typically manually configure the rules myself. Recently, I just happened to dump the ruleset, and, much to my surprise, my config was gone, and it was replaced with an enourmous amount of extremely cryptic firewall rules. After a quick examination of the rules, I found that it was...

    dandroid ,

    I'm a podman user, but what's the point of using podman if you are going to use a daemon and run it as root? I like podman so I can specifically avoid those things.

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