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cybersandwich ,

...that leech fell. Wtf is this jumping business

Prosecutors say Alec Baldwin was ‘engaged in horseplay’ with gun before fatal shooting ( )

Fewer than three weeks before actor Alec Baldwin is due to go on trial in Santa Fe, New Mexico, prosecutors have said that he “engaged in horseplay with the revolver”, including firing a blank round at a crew member on the set of Rust before the tragic accident occurred....

cybersandwich ,

Woah woah woah. Baldwin should be allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants with a prop gun. If an armorer gives him a gun on a set, why would he reasonably believe it was able to hurt or kill someone?

If an actor is given a prop pipe bomb, and he throws it at a cast member in jest and it explodes...because the explosive expert gave him a live explosive why the fuck is that the actors fault?

Why is is Alec's fault he was horsing around with what effectively should have been a toy. It should have been a fancy cap gun at worst.

cybersandwich ,

Not really though because still, if anything is in the barrel, it becomes a projectile.

cybersandwich ,

I switched the the snap package and it's been rock solid and pain free the entire time.

I welcome any and all comments on why snap is Satan.

cybersandwich ,

It sounds like they need a little more oversight but if you read the article the cop was working around the safeguards and using real case #s and whatnot.

The audit caught him though which is a good thing. The not so great thing is that this was an audit to figure out their usage for re,doing licenses, and not a routine audit to check for...behavior like this.

The biggest issue I have with all of this is that he resigned before the merit board could make a what? That's that? I'd imagine they can still make a determination.

cybersandwich ,

He's actually been surprisingly effective at governing. He's low key been the best president we've had in decades.

Study finds 1/4 of bosses hoped Return to Office would make staff quit ( )

HR software biz BambooHR surveyed more than 1,500 employees, a third of whom work in HR. The findings suggest the return to office movement has been a poorly-executed failure, but one particular figure stands out - a quarter of executives and a fifth of HR professionals hoped RTO mandates would result in staff leaving....

cybersandwich ,

I know this is on the 'work reform' community so I understand most of the comments have that 'bent' to them. I appreciate that.

And I dont want to legitimize giant corporations doing shitty things to employees, so I hope it doesn't come across as defending that behavior.

BUuuuuuttttt, I understand why and how this happens. Lets say hypothetically, you are in a big company or even a public sector/gov't organization. You've moved to remote work across the board. That's awesome!

Now imagine if you had a team that is struggling with competing priorities and limited resources. But you also have 3-4 people on that team that could have retired years ago, but they haven't. Why? Because they can just fucking mail-it-in at home and do little or nothing. As a manager that's overworked yourself, starting the "removal" paperwork process, especially on a public sector employee or an employee at a large company, is daunting. That can be a full-time job in and of itself. Now, multiply that x3 or 4 because you don't just have one employee doing this. That's going to be brutal.

What's a much easier option? RTO. Is it a sure-fire way to get those 3 or 4 to retire? No, they might just come in and be lazy in the office, but there is a good chance that commute, parking expense, extra time away from their family is going to push them over the edge.

There are absolutely, without a doubt, people abusing remote work. RTO is a 'lazy' but semi-understandable way for managers to drive some of those bad apples away. At least in theory. The article suggests not all do.

From my own anecdotal evidence, when people started returning to office, the retirements went up and people moved around more. This freed up positions and let organizations, who were stagnate, grow and promote people.

The down side is: some of your top talent will leave if they get caught up in the RTO mandates.

cybersandwich ,

When I read your post I was expecting something much worse than what you linked to.

It wasn't really all that bad. Imo, it was 1 or 2 emails too many.

Maybe I'm a little biased because I love the product so much. It's a fantastic search engine again and all of the AI extras add value and aren't obnoxious like everyone else's.

I am still happily paying for kagi even if the CEO emails people that write shitty blogs about them.

cybersandwich ,

Bots in the build up to the election here in the states?

cybersandwich ,

There are certainly very dumb people that support trump. There seems to be a willful ignorance amongst his base. That said, dismissing them all as "dummies" hides the really scary problem: they aren't necessarily dumb; they are brainwashed.

Imagine if all you heard was how great Trump was, how much he's accomplished, how badly Democrats want to bring him down, how they are setting him up,that Biden is the reason for these prosecutions, and never hearing any of the facts about the cases or anything remotely negative about Trump.

If you lived your entire life main-lining conservative talk radio, YouTube conservative conspiracy theorists, Fox News, news Maxx...and then have social media magnifying those views by feeding you all the things you already want to Believe (because you've been listening to this shit for years). Now Facebook is saying all of your friends think this way too.

Then you have republican "leadership" lying to you or misrepresenting almost everything because they can't afford to lose their clicks or have news Maxx call them a Democrat plant. They are doing everything they can to stay in power even if it means they have no ethics or values. So they'll sit there and weasel out of having any sort of backbone against obvious corruption or criminal activity.

And because of all that, people who grew up believing the news wouldn't straight up lie or that their party has integrity, ethics, and values...they end up believing what they hear. It's what their friends say on Facebook. It's a massive groupthink.

When people say it's like a cult, it truly is. They need to be deprogrammed. You know how hard it is to break people from their religion? That's how hard it's going to be to reel back Maga people.

But from their absolutely misguided, misinformed foundation, they are acting rationally. If everything they hear on a daily basis is true, of course they are fired up.

This trick is: how do we reach them? How can we even start reeling them back in?

We need things like this guilty verdict. We need actual leadership in the Republican party to stand up for what's right and admonish his behavior. A group of them need to do it together so they can't be picked off like injured gazelle by news outlets whose business is outrage.

cybersandwich ,

Yea, I definitely understand what you are saying. I dont get those people either. Its frustrating and even heartbreaking because they are so misled--but are also so easily "misleadable". Its hard to not fault them for it; its hard not to call them dumb.

I guess historically we called those people "suckers" or "rubes" -- which still may not accurately reflect that they can be very smart people (or even critical thinkers) in most other aspects.

cybersandwich ,

Thank you for posting the actual numbers. This article is pretty shitty imo. I read it just to see if they even included them (I guess, to their credit, at least they did that).

4,3,5 and 10(even though the govt is reporting 6) over the last 4 years.

So even assuming 10 is correct, using the "more than doubled" almost seems like journalistic malpractice. At best it's click-bait garbage. Where was the "ICE sees 25% drop in in-custody deaths" article a few years ago?

Should we watch it to see if it's a broader trend? Yea, probably. Is this necessarily indicative of anything nefarious? No.

There could be (and likely are) legitimate reasons for the increase that have nothing to do with "ICE bad". Like maybe, people coming in already sick, maybe an older demographic, unvaccinated people, etc etc. or literally just random fucking chance.

cybersandwich ,

"in custody deaths" means deaths while under the supervision of ICE. That could be detained at an ICE facility or in a hospital "while being detained".

If you got arrested by your local police for something and were in jail, but got sick so they send you to the hospital (with a cop escort usually)...then you died there. That counts as "in custody".

So don't conflate in-custody with "not being sent to hospitals".

It's been around a year since a lot of us quit Reddit, myself included. I'm happy with Lemmy, but I still feel a bit lost online since leaving the old site. Discussion?

Been thinking of making a post like this for some time, apologies if some of this is not completely relevant: this community seems more like it's about Reddit the platform/product than Reddit the social "thing", but I'm sure a lot of people have similar experiences to mine. Maybe on some instances more than others....

cybersandwich ,

I agree with a lot of this sentiment. My goal is to try to "be the change I want to see in the world".

So I occasionally challenge the dumb group think I see on here. Sometimes it well received but not always.

One thing Ive noticed is how reactionary and un-nuanced a lot of posts are. I guess it makes sense since a majority of the users here self-selected to leave a site in protest. There is a bias towards being "reactionary".

But the vibe feels off on Lemmy and I can't put my finger on exactly why, but I certainly don't feel like a lot of my people are here. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing different opinions and viewpoints but the way a lot of them are presented here feel very "well ackshually!" or sanctimonious. It's less like that on mastodon, but still there. Maybe less "fun" and hearted. It's almost too serious, but even the less serious stuff isn't as fun/funny.

Hacker news feels better. Almost reminds me of old school reddit or even forums.

I think the fediverse and Lemmy would have been better if it was designed where each "subreddit"/channel was an instance. Basically federate the small communities but don't make a bunch of small "reddits" where it's fragmented and watered down.

There could be hubs with curated channels or apps that let you curate channels but each channel is effectively independent.

Anyway, I don't know that that would even fix the vibe problem with the fediverse but I think it would help communities grow, evolve, and mature better.

cybersandwich ,

I don't watch much TV anymore. Actually I've probably watched less than an hour of actual TV this year.

Watching that clip of Noem was shocking. She says nothing. Answers nothing. When she is obviously backed in a corner she says she "doesn't answer hypotheticals" and starts talking about an open border. Obviously South Dakota a land locked, non-border state is very concerned about this.

The reporter did okay, but she should have pressed even harder to push back against all of the lies. But the whole questioning around the jurors and if she would have decided the same way (after already getting her to basically say the jurors decided correctly with the information they had) she even accidentally admitted the evidence was overwhelmingly lop sided because uh....of course it was.

Anyway, that was brilliant from the host.

cybersandwich ,

This is pretty interesting. I wasn't aware of the CA stuff ssh added tbh. That might be fine for my needs but I actually like the idea of recording my ssh sessions because I've definitely had to go look through a history file to see what I did to set something up.

Seeing exactly what I did and what the terminal output would be pretty huge.

cybersandwich ,

Where are these docs? No one ever links to them or says where you can find them

cybersandwich ,

It's fucking Missouri, so I'm sure the warrant for his arrest will be issued shortly. Those idiots have to have a law against paying for others school lunch debt.

cybersandwich ,

It'd really be great if journalists even attempted "educating" readers or providing meaningful context. But then again, would it get this kind of traction?

The interesting story here is that interest rates are raised to SLOW spending and encourage saving. The interest rates spiked to CURB inflation. It has worked, despite most journalists seeming keenness for it not to, for the most part. If consumers and businesses reduce their spending due to higher costs of borrowing, this will bring down prices over time, aligning with the Fed's inflation targets.

No one explains this to the average person, ever. Ironically, the story here should be consumers are spending money even when saving it should be incentivized because they can't afford not to... because of profiteering by large companies, grocery chains, etc as well as stagnate wages for the past few decades. This means that inflation will creep up faster than it should because of demand-driven inflation. This makes the problem worse for low-income earners.

It seems to me that THAT type of inflation might require less of an "interest rate adjustment fix", and more of a wage adjustment fix. Even potentially a regulatory fix to go after price gougers.

cybersandwich ,

This doesn't look like his house, but he defended it so it must be.

He lives up the road from me (I only found out when roe got fucked and a swat team and 3 dozen police were camped out in front of his house).

That said, his excuse could be somewhat valid. People can get dumb with their yard signs up here. The MAGA crowd are a very small minority up here and most people aren't shy about "counter signage" (eg BLM, pride flags, Biden signs).

If his wife was butthurt about signs hurting her feelings, maybe she did this in protest.

Also, and I hate that I'm defending this piece of shit, but flipping a flag upside down isn't a "stop the steal" specific sign of protest. People do it for all sorts of reasons.

I'm not willing to "give" them this symbol/protest.

cybersandwich ,

I know this is preaching to the choir here, but this is so gross across the board.

My wife and I struggled to have our kid. That process is brutal. A lot of women miscarry. A lot of women have unviable pregnancies--like this. An obvious-to-everyone-but-conservatives outcome to banning abortions is that women will lose their ability to have children(like this) or worse they'll die.

My wife has a very high likelihood of miscarriage. Miscarriages can cause all sorts of issues and sometimes doctors need to go in and clear stuff out (this is considered an abortion). If that doesn't happen, my wife could 1. Die 2. Lose her ovaries/uterus/fallopian tube 3. Never have a chance at more kids again.

Abortions mean people have have happy healthy families. Abortions mean women can bring children into this world.

We were lucky we didn't have to go down that path, but it's a serious risk if we try to have another kid.

People act like women go get abortions for shits and giggles. Fuck anyone voting against women.

cybersandwich ,

I use vimwiki and wrote a bash script that pulls all of the Todo items from across my wiki and puts them in a single file with TODO and IN PROGRESS sections.

I have a keybind that pulls up the list and runs the script to refresh it.

It's not linked to any calendar though. I keep my to-do list and calendar separate.

I use Gmail and have that calendar for my personal stuff. At work I am forced to use outlook.

cybersandwich ,

"rocinante" for my proxmox host.

"awkward, past his prime, and engaged in a task beyond his capacities." From don Quixote's wiki page.

It seemed fitting considering it is a server built from old PC parts..engaged in tasks beyond its abilities.

The rest of my servers (VMs moslty) are named for what they actually do/which vlan they are on (eg vm15) and aren't fun or excitin names. But at least I know if I am on that VM it has access to that vlan(or that it's segregated from my other networks).

cybersandwich ,

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we like to call a "non-answer". If you look closely you can see that the poster is obviously full of shit, doesn't actually have a position or isn't cognitively capable of producing one, so he says nothing of value and expects everyone else to fill in the gaps.

cybersandwich ,

Hear hear.

Most underrated President of all time. My expectations weren't high, but I have to admit, he's absolutely blown me away with how effective he's been.

Given the shit he was handed from the previous admin, with a divided Congress, etc. he's absolutely crushing it. Imagine what he could do with a Congress behind him and a supreme Court that wasn't broken.

Senate Approves Aid for Ukraine and Israel, Sending It to Biden’s Desk ( )

The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday night to give final approval to a $95.3 billion package of aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, sending it to President Biden and ending months of uncertainty about whether the United States would continue to back Kyiv in its fight against Russian aggression....

cybersandwich ,

But didn't they have three separate votes, one on each?

cybersandwich ,

Lol what are they going to do? Whine on truth social?

cybersandwich ,

So is homeless a bad word now or something? Why did we invent a new word this?

cybersandwich ,

Don't be so sure. Maybe they'll stop using his name and likeness and those that are "moderate" Republicans will find a way to hold their nose and vote when they otherwise wouldn't.

cybersandwich ,

Biden is still president until the day the new president is sworn in. If he has immunity he should deport Trump.

cybersandwich ,

He's the canonical conceptualization of the anti-christ.

cybersandwich ,

Lmfao at the "vaudeville act reviewer" piece

Who comes up with their stories/segments??

cybersandwich ,

I didn't realize Shapiro was so vocally "against" Trump.

I wonder what he says about him now. I don't really want to go down that YouTube rabbit hole and f up my feeds, but did he get more against Trump after Jan 6th?

cybersandwich ,

I don't understand this at all. Maybe I'm out of touch wouldn't a parent know their kid is trans?

How would a school ever be in a position to "out" a child in that sense?

cybersandwich ,

I understand that but I guess I don't understand being "trans" then. Is Susan going by "Steve" just at school? Are they changing clothes before first period and before they go home?

Honestly at some point that probably should come up in a parent teacher conference or something, but it's a dumb thing to legislate and require.

This whole thing is performative and any legislature spending time on this vs actual meaningful work should be ashamed of themselves. I'm sure the people of Tennessee have bigger fish to fry than trying to force teachers to narc out kids.

And shame on any parent who has such a toxic relationship with their kid that they want the government to require teachers of all people to tattle on their kids.

cybersandwich ,

But is he even smart enough to ensure that he maintains 51%. If his past performance of..we'll, literally anything he's done, is any indication, he's probably left himself open to losing majority stake.

cybersandwich ,

As a Virginian, 1. I didn't know that was still a thing 2. I didn't know our legislature was working on this 3. I'm shocked younkin signed it.

The guy is a grade a clown.

cybersandwich ,

I think my morals and ethics would let me answer "in the spirit" with which they are asked.

cybersandwich , (edited )

I've been using a Macair with 8GB of ram since they came out. It was on sale at Costco and I had a gift card. I think I paid $500 out of pocket.

I was worried that 8GB would limit me but it was the one on sale so I rolled with it. I can say that after several years, the only time it's limited me was when I tried to run an AI model that was 8GB. Obviously, that becomes an issue at that point.

But for all I do with my air, including creating a 1GB ramdisk for a script/automation ml job I run, I have never felt limited by the ram.

I open a bagillion ff tabs. Never close windows etc. it's an air after all, not a workstation substitute, so my use ases arent overly taxing in the grand scheme of things. I'm not editing my 4k video or doing rendering with it. But ram hasn't been an issue outside of the AI workload with the 8GB model--and tbh that's only an issue because of the ML cores. They absolutely scream vs my 1080ti that's in my server. My m1 with 8GB of ram runs circles around my 24 core 128GB ram server that has a 1080ti.

I did just get a MacBook pro for work that I requested 128GB of ram. But that's because I wanted it for bigger AI models(and work is paying not me).

cybersandwich ,

I totally believe you can hit the ram limit on these. I was just saying Ive surprisingly managed to be fine with 8GB.

Android emulators are notoriously memory hungry and there are certain tasks that just flat out require more ram regardless of how well it's managed.

The advice I heard about these a while back is: if you know 8GB isn't enough for you, then you aren't the market segment they are targeting with the basic models.

That said, no "pro" model should come with just 8GB. It just waters down what "pro" means.

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