sibannac ,

I did voter drives in 2016 and 2020 The people I met say the same things. I am in now way saying that voter interference is not a thing. Encouraging voter apathy is a easy way to influence American elections.

LazyPhilosopher ,

When Martin Luther King Jr said the white moderate was the biggest stumbling block of progressive politics he meant shit like this That favors order over Justice.

When it said that you cut a liberal in a fascist bleeds they mean you.

I'm an American that lives in a very blue state. I will be voting third party this election because my state and my vote will end up going to the blue team anyway. What I know is that if a third party gets 5% of the vote they get funding in the next round. I don't know about all you guys, but I am tired of constantly picking the lesser evil and having every election I participate in be the most important election of our lifetime (so far

But sure Just say I'm a Russian bot. I'm sure that won't distance people even further away from your politics.

violetraven , avatar

That's because you have the privilege of living in a blue state and our votes going towards an electoral college rather than popular vote in most cases. I voted Green Party before seeing her in the Russian op photo. National doesn't matter as much as local votes do

kinther , avatar

Donate and campaign for your local ranked choice voting groups - if you aren't engaged in changing the system, you should be.

Until we have change like this, I'm still voting for the person who sucks the least, because I know only one of the two mainstream candidates will win.

goldenlocks ,

I'm proud to express democracy by voting for Jill Stein, no matter how much liberals don't want to accept that.

Honytawk ,

The situation is actually quite simple.

If you want Palestine to survive, your best bet is to vote Biden.

Literally every other option will only lower their chances. You can't have everything you want, welcome to life.

"Genocide Joe" doesn't matter when the other option is Turbo Genocide Donny.

So if there is anyone who tries to convince you to not vote Biden, they either want Palestine to die, or want to cause chaos in your country. Which is most likely a Russian bot.

fiend_unpleasant , avatar

this is the wildest lie I have ever seen.

StaySquared ,

Russian bots are to Republicans as illegal immigrants are to Democrats. Lose/Lose.


deltreed , avatar

Nothing to do with rigged elections or propaganda. People are realizing that neither party represents the people. It's a fact.

RubberElectrons , avatar

Would you like to put out the house fire while on fire yourself, or not?

Dainbramage in the wild, folks.

Zink ,

Neither party representing the people is very very different then saying both parties are equally damaging.

rsuri ,

That's pretty misleading because it depends on what you mean by "the people". And the more complicated, less-emotionally satisfying reality is that both candidates were essentially chosen by different groups of "the people" in contested primary elections in 2016 and 2020. The system is inefficient and in fact designed to uphold the status quo, but still allows people to change it. And trying to change it by voting is a far more effective strategy than not participating and hoping the extremely status-quo biased corporate media somehow gives you attention and takes your side as a result.

uis , avatar

Lol, this is new. Olgino trolls in uniform.

I can imagine their daily checklist

  1. Paint grass green
  2. Paint dirt black
  3. Write comments about not voting for Navalny
anticurrent ,

It is naive to believe that the empire was built without the support of its citizens, they know that all wealth they enjoy comes from their and their allies imperialism around the world, so murdering brown people around is just a collateral. and if you bring that up you are either a bot or lack enough intellect to understand the need for western imperialism around the world.

Linkerbaan , avatar

Zionist bots in full force to keep their two party system in place.

TheFonz ,

"you're a Zionist! and you're a Zionist! And you! You're a Zionist too!"

Linkerbaan , avatar

Thanks for showing up here person that actively defends israel committing Genocide.

You'd do best deleting your post history before proving my point.

theonyltruemupf ,

First of all what the fuck does Zionism have to with it. Keep your conspiracy bullshit. Second of all how do you believe you can personally influence whether or not the first past the post voting system may be replaced?

Linkerbaan , avatar

Isn't that crazy. Everyone is allowed to scream about Russian bots in order to defend Genocide without any proof and people upvote it to the top.

But pointing out that the biggest Biden apologists are notorious Zionists and actively defended israel committing Genocide the past 7 months triggers all the concern trolls asking for conclusive evidence

theonyltruemupf ,

I was asking what any of that has to do with the two party system

Linkerbaan , avatar

Oh did you know that you can actually vote for a third party? Cornel West and Jill Stein are great choices.

theonyltruemupf ,

It's completely delusional to vote for a third party candidate in the US election system. The chance of winning is 0%. It won't happen. Absolutely impossible. The only thing it does is strengthen the candidate with the more committed voter base or in other words: the republican candidate.

If you had ranked choice voting or the president was elected by a parliament that is elected by proportional vote like in most of Europe, that wouldn't be a problem. It's not like that though. If you vote third party in the US, all you accomplish is making a Trump victory more likely.

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar
Linkerbaan , avatar
Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

Wow it's almost like Russian bots are directly relevant to the topic of Voter Suppression and there are more reasons to vote for Biden than wanting to perpetuate a genocide. Inconceivable!

Linkerbaan , avatar

That's crazy, my conspiracy theory would only make sense if there was a giant israeli lobby donating billions of dollars to bribe American politicians so they can keep a two party system going. And we all know that doesn't exist. But if it did they surely wouldn't publicly flaunt about it

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

Yes, Isreal is lobbying the U.S. government and that's bad. It's also entirely irrelevant to the discussion.

PoliticalAgitator ,

If you don't have preferential voting, the only party worth voting for is the one pledging to introduce it. It would solve this bullshit overnight.

Instead, people are fighting over which neoliberal to elect; the slightly more progressive one or the significantly more fascist one. Both of them are going to put the profits of wealthy donors ahead of human lives and neither is a true solution to mounting problems.

Fuck, not only will this not stop the genocide (because Israel doesn't actually need the weapons in the first place), you won't even solve the bots and propaganda. Israel has an extremely sophisticated cyberware unit and they'll just join the Russians trying to get Trump elected.

Objection , avatar

Hey, fellow Russian agents of lemmy, does anybody wanna form a union?

These working conditions are shit. We have to deal with insufferable liberals repeating the same pro-genocide arguments over and over. Yeah yeah, if we try to strike they could send us all to the front, but tell me honestly - can you really say you fear death after interacting with "vote blue no matter who" people all day?

Honestly, this whole thing seems like a waste of time. How are we supposed to convince Americans to oppose genocide, especially when the victims aren't even white? Like, come on, they didn't have a problem when their government was slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, they're not gonna suddenly turn into moral actors just because we say the right set of words. When in history have these people ever cared how many foreigners die because of their government's actions?

In conclusion we deserve a raise if we're going to keep dealing with these people and if our bosses decide to shut the whole thing down in response, that's probably for the best because frankly this whole "convince Americans to oppose genocide" thing seems like a complete waste of time.

ssj2marx ,

RuSsIaN bOtS

Russian bots have maybe an 0.1% effect on the election. You know what has a 90% effect on every single election? Corporate donations.

Anyway it's not our job to fall in line for Biden, it's Biden's job to appeal to voters, a job which he and his team have seemingly abdicated.

homesweethomeMrL OP ,

Okay tankie

ssj2marx ,

Ah yes, the thought terminating cliche of the current political cycle.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar
  • Leftists are abandoning Joe Biden and this will ensure Donald Trump's victory

  • Actually, Joe Biden is very popular and he's going to win in a landslide. Anyone who says otherwise is a Russian shill.

Rolling these two ideas in my brain like a pair of baoding balls

Maggoty ,

It's legitimately possible the left abandons him and he picks up enough conservatives to win anyways.

AhismaMiasma ,

This is a cool post.

Still won't make me vote for genocide. Please give me a candidate to vote for.

TheBat , avatar

And that candidate will lose, republicans will win, and give free reign to Netyanyahoo.

Good job mate. Important thing is you didn't let small things like nuance or reality get in the way of riding the high horse.

Dems have people like Sanders and AOC openly voicing their disgust over Israel's genocide. Can't see any GOP member saying that.

theonyltruemupf ,

Not casting your vote for Biden is equal to casting half a vote to Trump, who will ensure there is not question left whether it actually qualifies as genocide or not. It will be horrible. Please vote Biden. Lesser evil means less evil.

givesomefucks ,

Having standards is a bad thing, just vote for your team even if you'd hate what they do.

Republicans did that decades ago, and now have trump.

The only thing stupider than them doing it, is all the "moderates" saying it's easier to convince millions of people to follow them off the cliff than convince the DNC to start running candidates that Dem voters want to vote for...

The fact that trump has won 50% of his elections and looks to be 2/3 in a few months should make everyone reconsider the quality of candidates we're running against him.

Not getting mad at the people honest about the situation while there's still time to do literally anything to prevent trump.

Skua ,

The fact that trump has won 50% of his elections and looks to be 2/3 in a few months should make everyone reconsider the quality of candidates we’re running against him.

After the Dems last lost an election, you got Biden as your next candidate. Why are you expecting this approach to suddenly produce a candidate you would like?

givesomefucks ,

I don't, that's my point.

"Blue no matter who" always ends up with candidates more conservative than we want.

So even like in 2020 where we all and together and get a Dem president, House, and Senate, nothing gets done.

Because too many Dem incumbents just don't agree with the party platform.

The only time the party pushes is when progressives try to have standards.

The only result is the party keeps getting more and more conservative. It's not a valid long term strategy

Skua ,

I think you've misunderstood me. Last time the Democrats lost an election, you got Joe Biden as the next candidate. Why would making the Dems lose this election produce a more progressive candidate?

audiomodder ,

Because, they’re saying, WINNING sure didn’t do progressives any favors.

FWIW, we ran Hillary Clinton as a moderate candidate and lost.

masquenox ,

FWIW, we ran Hillary Clinton as a moderate candidate and lost.

You call that Kissinger/Thatcher mashup monstrosity "moderate?"

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

You are describing a ratcheting system.

There seems to be no voter action that can produce a more progressive candidate.

masquenox ,

There seems to be no voter action that can produce a more progressive candidate.

It's almost like they don't want you to have one.

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