@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud cover
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar



Patriotic tuna fish sandwich.

Liberalism is left. Populism is poison. All bigotry is wrong.

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TruthSandwich , to random
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

I am relocating to @TruthSandwich. If you're following me on this account, please follow the new one.

TruthSandwich , to random
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

Pro tip: If I'm following you and you RT anti-Biden BS into my feed, I'm not following you.

TruthSandwich , to random
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

I'm going to be blunt: anyone claiming that Israel's defensive war in Gaza constitutes "genocide" is spouting nonsense.

This article explains why: https://www.newsweek.com/memo-experts-stop-comparing-israels-war-gaza-anything-it-has-no-precedent-opinion-1868891

TruthSandwich OP ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


Too bad there seems to be an endless supply.

TruthSandwich OP ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


Not just allowed but protected.

TruthSandwich OP ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


I believe I have them blocked already, for the same reason. More Biden-bashing left-wing Trumpers.

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Anyone know why Camponotus CA-02 (common name: Giant Californian Carpenter still has a place-holder name? they’re hugely popular with antkeepers out west … odd they remain “undescribed” I’d think myrmecologists would be pushing & shoving to write a description & give these well-loved ants their binomial.

I hope it’s a good name— something w/ indigenous history or something cool. Since they are like mini gigas maybe giglet? Camponotus minimyrmex?

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


Are we allowed to call them gi-ants?

TexasObserver , to palestine group
@TexasObserver@texasobserver.social avatar

“We should all be calling for an immediate return of the hostages, for Palestinians and Israelis on both sides of the border to be protected, and a swift end to the conflict.”

A man was stabbed after attending a pro- Rally in . The city’s elected leaders have condemned the attack but many are still hesitant to address the international conflict. From staff writer Michelle Pitcher: https://www.texasobserver.org/palestine-ceasefire-resolution-austin-kirk-watson?utm_campaign=mastodon


TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

Yes, they should tell Hamas to stop murdering kids.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@cwtshycwtsh @Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

Just a reminder: the only reason there's a war in Gaza right now is because Hamas wanted it and still wants it.

Insulting me can't change this basic fact.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@Runyan50 @cwtshycwtsh @TexasObserver @palestine

Hamas wants all of Israel. That's not going to happen. They're not going to get all of Mandatory Palestine back.

They can settle for a two-state solution, like the UN initially intended but the Palestinians rejected.

Either that, or they can go emigrate to some place that wants them. Hint: Their Arab neighbors sure as hell don't.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@cwtshycwtsh @Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

This is literally what the charter of Hamas calls for: the destruction of Israel so that all of what was once Mandatory Palestine can be a single country run by Palestinians.

Unlike you, they admit that they can only achieve this by killing and/or expelling all Israelis. In other words, genocide.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@Runyan50 @cwtshycwtsh @TexasObserver @palestine

Sure, I'd like to see Hamas and Likud both removed from power so that we can move toward a two-state solution.

Likud can (and should) be voted out. Hamas doesn't allow elections, so they'll have to be forcibly removed.

Fortunately, Likud is doing that for us. Unfortunately, they're being ham-handed about the whole thing.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@cwtshycwtsh @Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

Just going to point out that you compounded the personal attack with an attack on my motivations, but you were never able to address my arguments.

That's because you're a Hamas supporter so you have no moral leg to stand on.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@cwtshycwtsh @Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

Once again, personal attacks without substance. Pathetic.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@cwtshycwtsh @Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

Why do you support genocide?

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@cwtshycwtsh @Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

Dunning-Kruger must hurt.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@cwtshycwtsh @rameshgupta @Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

As I pointed out, you're agreeing with Hamas about their desire to commit genocide against Israelis.

You are in no position to claim the "anticolonialism" moral high ground when you espouse genocide.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@ana @Runyan50 @cwtshycwtsh @TexasObserver @palestine

False. Israel has proposed various attempts at a two-state solution for decades, starting from its creation. Palestinians have always rejected it, holding out for taking over the entire region through genocide.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar
TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@ana @rameshgupta @cwtshycwtsh @Runyan50 @TexasObserver @palestine

I have no tolerance for those who try to redefine "antisemitism" to include non-Jews. Blocked.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@Runyan50 @ana @cwtshycwtsh @TexasObserver @palestine

You seem confused: Israel is a democracy. One of the very few anywhere near that region of the world.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@Runyan50 @cwtshycwtsh @TexasObserver @palestine

Palestinians who are Israeli citizens can vote in Israeli elections. Many of these Arab Israelis are ethnically Palestinian.

The Palestinians in Gaza, EJ, and the WB are generally not Israel citizens. They can vote in Palestinian elections, when those exist (meaning not in Gaza).

These are two separate countries and that's the goal.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@Runyan50 @cwtshycwtsh @TexasObserver @palestine

You blocked me so I couldn't point out that your response was nonsensical. I never claimed that a two-state solution was dead. Instead, I said that I supported it but we need to get rid of Likud and Hamas to get it.

Obviously, reading comprehension and antisemitism don't go together...

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

I was already skeptical about the “pause” in approval of new LNG export facilities announced recently by Joe Biden. My suspicion is that it’s merely a cynical vote-getting tactic and that those projects will still get the go-ahead once he wins a second term as President. (If Trump wins, of course, they’re sure to go through.)

But now another piece of the puzzle is falling into place. Some of Biden’s rich friends in the fossil fuel industry might have given him permission to take that expedient step because they already have a different plan for making billions of dollars in profits — by exporting gas through pipelines via Mexico.

​As soon as next year, the United States’ fossil fuel industry will gain its first foothold on a valuable shortcut to sell natural gas to Asia. The shortcut goes straight through Mexico.

The new route could cut travel times to energy-hungry Asian nations roughly in half by piping the gas to a shipping terminal on Mexico’s Pacific Coast.

Besides being closer to Texan gas fields than California, Mexico’s less stringent environmental rules and cheaper construction costs are some of the reasons these export terminals are being proposed there rather than the U.S. West Coast. But analysts say that these terminals are essentially American ones: They are mostly owned, operated, and supplied by U.S. gas companies.

You see? It’s the Golden Rule: Those who have the gold make the rules. And in the system we currently have, the capitalists will always win.

FULL STORY -- https://archive.is/TkbtE
ALTERNATE LINK -- https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/13/climate/mexico-natural-gas-biden.html?unlocked_article_code=1.VE0.d5j1.H3NEqmJmdIy2

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


This is a bad take that's inordinately hostile towards Biden. Do better.

wdlindsy , (edited ) to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

When your claim to be promoting a moral cause requires you to lie, you may want to reconsider whether you're actually promoting a moral cause. If you cannot convince people to adopt your moral cause by presenting them with facts and reasoning with them, you're admitting that your moral cause isn't as moral as you pretend it is.


TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


In their defense, misogyny was never a moral cause. And, really, anti-choice is nothing but thinly-veiled misogyny.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


Religion is not a legitimate basis for opposing women's rights.

In practice, the major religions are ambiguous on specific topics, such as abortion, and good people manage to somehow find an interpretation that allows them to act as good people must. Bad people, however, hide their evil behind "it's not me; my holy book says so!".

That's why religion has no place in public discourse.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


The moment we let religion take over politics, we have already lost.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


There are a lot of good people who are also religious, but they're not good because they're religious or religious because they're good. It's orthogonal.

You don't need religion to justify morality; it's self-justifying. But religion is ideal for justifying immorality.

Moreover, arguments from religion do not appeal to those not sharing that religion, making them worse than useless.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


I don't attack people with religious beliefs. I attack religious belief.

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

The girls are well and truly awake and active now. When I was fixing the tube they chewed through, I noticed a small crack. Today I sealed the crack with epoxy (the clay kind) and they are NOT HAPPY. They are undoing my work right now. I was worried the epoxy would make them sick, now I'm just worried they will get so angry they expand the crack before it hardens.

I guess I need to get the steel mesh out.


TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


Is this one of those horror movies where the ants escape and get vengeance?

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

I'm having a very normal Saturday night!

What are you up to today?

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


Important ant-related question:

Who wore it better? Hank Pym or Scott Lang?

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


While wingless, he often flew on the backs of winged ants under his nefarious mind control.

His next costume had wings, but he pivoted -- strangely enough -- to yellowjackets. Of course, by then he was mentally unstable.

As for dating, he had a queen he was faithful to. A wasp, technically, and she always had wings, at least when she was small. However, he wasn't very good to her.

Somehow, this scene didn't make it into any of the movies:

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


The writer later claimed that his script didn't call for Pym intentionally hitting Janet, just flailing around and doing it by accident. He blamed the penciler for going overboard.

That's his story, anyhow, but it was Jim Shooter, so I am dubious. Some of us remember the misogyny he demonstrated elsewhere, including the character of Madelyne "Debbie the Duck" Felix.

Anyhow, this is why I'd have gone for Lang. Ex-con, yes, but a doting father and not a wife-beater. Just saying...

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Hard to know whether to be deeply sad or angry as one listens to the responses of young anti-abortion activists interviewed by Carter Sherman, when she asks them how they'd respond to a woman denied an abortion when her life is endangered by pregnancy.

These are young folks who claim — loudly — that they're crusading to "protect life."



TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@wdlindsy @otownKim

All religion is equally genuine. Christofascists are legitimately Christian.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@wdlindsy @otownKim

And every person's orthodoxy is someone else's heresy. There is no true religion for the same reason there's no false religion: they're all just beliefs with no basis in reality.

Now, if you wanted to argue that organizations should distance themselves from those that look similar but are antithetical to their beliefs, that's fine, but it has nothing to do with one being true and other false.

Christofascism is evil, but it's as Christian as any other form.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@wdlindsy @otownKim

Again, if a church that doesn't support bigotry wants to disassociate itself from one that does, more power to it. But this has nothing to do with the former being "true" religion and the latter being "false".

By any objective basis, they're both equally bullshit. And that remains the case no matter how good or bad it makes people feel. There is no "authentic religion" for the same reason there's no "authentic astrology".

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@wdlindsy @otownKim

I'm not here to attract you. I will say the truth bluntly and you can love it or hate it.

I'm an outsider to religion because I reject nonsensical beliefs. I also reject bigotry, which some of these churches embrace and then use their religion to excuse.

If we yield ethics to religion, as Gould infamously did, then we lose the ability to call out bigotry when it hides behind religion.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@wdlindsy @otownKim

Yes, I can see how dismissing the nonsensical beliefs of billions of people might seem arrogant to anyone who can't see how nonsensical these beliefs are, but that's their error, not mine.

Likewise, I am not "imposing" my beliefs on them, although many of them wish to impose theirs on all of us. It's almost as though there was no parity here between atheism and theism...

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar

@wdlindsy @otownKim

I totally am. In fact, I just did. Easy, eh? There is no higher arrogance than faith.

MMRnmd , to palestine group French
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

The United States and more than a dozen other countries quickly moved to suspend funding to UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinian , a vital lifeline for millions of people in , shortly after Israel accused a handful of the agency’s staff of taking part in the Hamas attack on October 7.

But the U.K. broadcaster obtained the intelligence dossier on that shared with allied countries, and found “no evidence to support its explosive new claim.”
The Financial Times and Sky News also reviewed the materials and came to the same conclusion : Israel’s claims about UNRWA are just the latest example of what journalist Jeremy Scahill says is a “deliberate propaganda campaign” to justify its brutal assault on Gaza.

“This is one of the most epic frauds in modern history, reminiscent of the lies told to explain and justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq,” says Scahill, senior reporter and correspondent at The Intercept.


This link goes to a thoroughly documented article from journalist of The Intercept that demonstrate Israel’s ruthless campaign to dehumanize Palestinians.


TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar
wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Robert Hubbell discusses how Biden and the Democrats can't win for losing when it comes to the New York Times:

"After Biden’s commanding, unprecedented win in South Carolina, the NYTimes Pitchbot proposed this headline:

'Biden’s closer-than-expected 95-point win in today’s South Carolina primary could hint at general election weakness.'"



TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


No, the "progressive" wing of the DNC keeps itself in check by refusing to cooperate with liberals to get anything done.

Socialist populists do not believe in compromise, and that's what makes them politically ineffectual.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


Democrats? No, I'm talking about the socialist populists. By their own admission, they are not Democrats.

I wouldn't call this "disarray" among Democrats simply because these are not Democrats for the same reason what wolves are not sheep.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


I don't see them as socialist populist who aren't Democrats: this is how they see themselves.

The JD's, for example, affiliate with the DSA socialists and communists, and describe themselves as populists, all while attacking the DNC as the target of takeover.

These are their own labels for themselves. They're admitting to what they are, so why don't you believe them?!

(Below is an example of them self-identifying as populists.)

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


It's not just that they admit to these labels, it's that they're not lying. They really are socialist and populist. Once they tell you so, it becomes impossible to deny, and yet you keep trying to. Why?

It's not just that populism has negative connotations, for example, it's that these are well-earned and the JD's live up to exactly the aspects that garnered it such a low reputation. That's why most populists don't readily admit to being populists.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


Bluntly, if you understood what populism was, you'd understand why it's generally regarded as negative.

If you want to know, read this:


TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


The article I linked to covers both ends of the horseshoe: socialist and fascist populists alike.

I have yet another article in socialism in isolation, but it would probably offend you.

The radical left sees itself as a threat to the moderate left. And it is, but not the way they imagine. They can't take over the DNC, but they can undermine it, and they have before.

The far left is what's stabbing at us as we face the far right.

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Democrats seem to think they've "won" on the "border issue" because they've offered a plan to Republicans and predictably Republicans don't want to do anything (including things they claimed they wanted to do very badly not that long ago)

But, other than making liberals feel smug I don't think this matters because the only way Democrats can "win" on this issue with the people who care about it is by adopting Republican bigoted messaging about the border.

And then I might not vote for them.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


It's not about impressing anyone. It's about showing Republican and Republican-leaning voters that these candidates do not care about any of the issues that they claim to.

The far right uses xenophobia to excite its base, so its refusal to agree to a deal on immigration is a disappointment to its voters.

TruthSandwich ,
@TruthSandwich@mastodon.cloud avatar


I suspect that Biden would have preferred for the Republicans to grab the other horn of the dilemma, bucking Trump's influence in order to pander to xenophobes, and thus agreeing to a deal that benefits Biden.

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