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Shard ,

Spend a bit more on UL approved brands, those tend to be more resilient to dust.

Photoelectric type is better for home use as your typical fires are smouldering, which photoelectrics are better at catching.

Here's a deep dive if you're interested

Shard ,

I wonder how much was promised vs how much is actually going to be delivered and how long before Malaysia learns they've been shafted yet again.

Shard ,

My left and right testicles(not to scale)

Shard ,

Once I have a way of drawing sounds I'm going to let that cunt Ea-Nasir know how I really feel.

Shard ,

Made sure the butt stuff is not silicone based. Petroleum derived oils or even oils in general will wreak havoc with silicone based materials

Shard ,

OP lied in his interview. Always bad form to lie in an interview.

OP was clearly Tardy.

When did you know a career was either the perfect or the worst match for your personality?

I'm trying to give someone advice on choosing a career that will suit them better than the one they're in and hate. I wanted to get together a list of good questions for them to ask themselves so they can use the answers to compare options like "do you prefer to work sitting or moving around," "do you want to not work weekends"...

Shard ,

You know it when you go to work and it doesn't feel like work. It doesn't feel like an absolute drag to get out of bed.

I'm an HVAC engineer. I love my job, to me it's like spending all day solving logic puzzles or a detective mystery. I found I was pretty good at it about 6 months into the job, when I figured out a problem the senior techs couldn't. I enjoy being out and about instead of chained to a desk.

A job/career doesn't have to be a passion. Just something you don't dread everyday. My passion is in sports but somehow engineering was something I was good at, it felt satisfying fixing things. I'd never make my passion my job cause I know it would completely ruin it for me.

Shard ,

Someone's gonna get jailed for revealing state secrets and embarrassing the party.

Shard ,

Welcome to the Great Leap Forward 2.0

This is a drop in the ocean compared to the centuries of lost physical artefacts and writings.

How to fix Korea's birthrate? Put girls in school earlier, controversial report argues ( )

"Notably, Chang's report claims that biological females develop earlier than males do, so requiring girls to enter school at younger ages will create classes in which the two sexes are of more equal maturity as they age. This, the author posits, makes it more likely that those classmates will be attracted to each other, and...

Shard ,

All it really amounts to is a small headstart. It seems like a big gap initially because you're comparing 0 years of experience vs 2 years of experience.

But across a 30 year career its a mere 7% difference. Frankly after 5 to 10 years of experience it becomes a lot less about how long you've worked, it instead becomes more about how you've spent those years and how that translates into benefitting the company. When a company is hiring for mid level and above, it doesn't really matter to them that someone has 8 years vs 10 years. An extreme example would be someone with 5 years at Google vs someone who spent 10 years jumping between small start ups.

Shard ,

Trump is already a loser president.

Shard ,

Captain obvious! Its been such a long time since we last saw you! How have you been?

Shard ,

It seems to fail the last criteria there. They don't actively escape or react to predation. For the most part they aren't actively "trying" anything other than to just float around and replicate.

Shard ,

Its a messed up system that you can be a convicted felon but still run for president.

Shard ,

This is the Rick and Morty episode where rick becomes a turkey to get pardoned isnt it?

Shard ,

Adding on to that, its not just the surplus produce. Its all the rest of the
produce that's unusable by us humans.

When we grow something like corn, we're only growing it for the kernels that we can consume. We can't physiologically make use of the stalks, stems and leaves, but an animal like the goat? They'll chew up anything green and turn that into usable calories we humans can make use of.

Shard , (edited )

No. Acceleration is not the answer.

None of those reference frames are accelerating.

The difference is whether there is a changing velocity or not.

On a carousel you are not accelerating, you are moving at a constant speed, but with changing velocity thats why you feel it.
On earth, you are not accelerating either, and also at a constant speed. The difference is, this time your velocity is effectively nil, that's why you don't feel it.

Alright since you illiterates don't understand the subtle difference between speed and velocity, here's a PhD to explain it to you


Shard ,
Shard ,

I'm pretty sure Fukushima was their own damn fault with poorly designed back up generator layouts and a seawall that was too low...

Shard ,

Except where there's little opportunity to utilize the highly skilled labor. They are going abroad anyway to find job opportunities befitting of their skill set and the highest bidder. Doesn't matter if the US or EU took them, they're leaving because the local opportunity doesn't exist.

Shard ,

Ford for all his flaws had plenty of revolutionary ideas that actually improved workers conditions. Even if he only did it to capture the workers and "lock them in", it was much better than what any of the competitors were offering and it forced the competitors to improve their conditions to retain workers.

The worst part of that ruling was that some of the minority shareholders were actually competitors and they used that money to start up their own competing factories.

Just goes to show how focusing on the business long term is always in the shareholders interests and most of the time focusing on shareholders interests aren't in the best interest of the shareholders themselves.
Modern day short sellers being the most egregious example of this.

Shard ,

I think you can sing this to the tune of

Your hair never falls in quite the same way, your clothes never wear in quite the same way...

Shard ,

What are you? Some sort stelliferous era primitive?
We of the degenerate/blackhole era use quantum entanglement for daily communication.

Shard ,

High percentage alcohols are extremely toxic to all insects and arachnids.
95% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle will have them rapidly dead.

Yellow jackets are fair game as well. Gandalf didn't give a damn about Uruk-hai, Orc or Balrog.

Shard ,

Everyday we are reminded of the damage that state-sponsored misinformation can do.

The stupidest part about brexit was that it was a non-binding referendum. They could have just ignored it. But I guess sometimes you need your house to burn down before you realize why we need a publicly funded fire department.

Shard ,

I'd argue that the whole damn system was either corrupt or broken beyond repair. The fact that they "won" in the end and got to simply go on with their lives is pretty much evil winning out.

It would also have been a much more interesting story if they let Clyde win or escalated the havoc he unleashed even further. But it seems they ran out of ideas and or budget by the time they started wrapping up the final act. So that's a second time evil wins again.

Shard ,

This boomer needs this joke explained.

Shard ,

I think you mean Raccacoonie, the raccoon?

Shard ,

And that was when I lost me eye that fateful day!

Shard ,

My boi here be asking the real questions.

What if crop circles are just alien penis doodles?!

Shard ,

I'm just waiting for the first dick cave painting to be found. Then I'll know we've always been this way and I'll be able to die happy

Shard ,

I'm starting to think that the saying "anything is a dildo if you're brave enough..." predates 2008 by quite a bit...

Korean researchers unveil new superconductor PCPOSOS [PbxCux(P(OySy)4)601.Sz, x = 3 ~ 6, y+z = 0.3~0.4] and said they will publish the synthesis method for PCPOSOS on arXiv an onlinepreprint repositry ( )

A group of Korean researchers, known for its controversial claim of creating the room-temperature superconductor LK-99, has newly unveiled its discovery of a new superconductor.

Shard ,

This is the sound I make when I'm calling my cat to come home for the night...

Shard ,

I'm conflicted with this one.

If we return it to a country of origin that has no protections for priceless artefacts, we lose an irreplaceable part of our heritage as humans if the piece is lost/sold/stolen or worse destroyed.
Granted it may be that country's right to decide what it does with its history, but its unfair to the rest of us when we lose our shared history because of incompetence.

Like the Buddha statues that were destroyed by the Taliban,

As impractical as it would have been, I would much have preferred they were excavated and shipped to a safe museum or city somewhere, than being destroyed by ideological bigots.
We lost an important piece of history, architecture and craftsmanship that day.

Shard ,

I believe those earlier studies did not factor the cancer risk from consuming very hot beverages. Apparently the damage to the cells of your mouth and throat from getting cooked causes mutations that could develop into cancer.

Shard ,


Ebooks are a tolerable alternative if there is no paper available.

I'm a fairly fast reader so audiobooks are way too slow paced for me and I don't like when they attempt to put emotions into their readings it always comes off as too inauthentic.

But that's just me, I'm a picky reader.

Shard ,

Quantum Tunneling, Quantum entanglement, statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged

Shard ,

Utterly deranged

Shard ,

Everyone has to answer to someone.

Underlings to their managers, managers to senior management, senior management to C-suite, CEO has to answer to the board and shareholders.

Shard ,

Until the YOY numbers aren't meeting targets and then you start sweating.

What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?

So I've realized that in conversations I'll use traditional terms for men as general terms for all genders, both singularly and for groups. I always mean it well, but I've been thinking that it's not as inclusive to women/trans people....

Shard ,

I thought it was mate

I stand corrected.

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