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PorradaVFR ,

I thought oil was the problem?

Their point is absolutely valid. Their method is absurd. This doesn't generate a dialogue, it undermines the point by enabling opponents to rightfully condemn the vandalism and changes no minds.

Attacking art or culture is counterproductive.

PorradaVFR ,

A Norm reference made this much less depressing, thank you.

PorradaVFR ,

“Sorry our nation elected a bunch of morons”.

PorradaVFR ,

If Roberts had any principles or just a spine he'd set an example, instead the SCOTUS legacy is beclowned daily and he does not care. What a failure of a once vaunted institution.

PorradaVFR ,

They know perfectly well but prefer the revenue to fulfilling their journalistic responsibility and acting ethically.

When news is a product to market and not a social responsibility this is the result. They're selling a narrative and horse race delivers profits - also their delusion that kissing the ass of the guy that calls them the enemy might save them could be a factor.

Shameful how their response has been to cower and equivocate and not report objectively and clearly.

PorradaVFR ,

Well geez things are tight but I'm sure I can spare some EABOD for these poor, unfortunate souls.

PorradaVFR ,

Cannon has no ethics to grapple with, she'll quite happily do whatever it is she believes protects Trump. As with Alito and Thomas she's blatantly biased and doesn't appear to care at all about her oath or duty.

They're flaunting their disdain for the very system they purport to protect.

PorradaVFR ,

Never was clear on which direction to push, nor what precisely I was expected to push…but I did understand the pushing was expected to be really well performed.

PorradaVFR ,

This is the first time since joining Lemmy that I miss awards. This was funny as hell! Thanks for the chuckle.

PorradaVFR ,

Or just freaking empty it and only pack what you need. Its hardly difficult.

PorradaVFR ,

Difficult. To check your travel bags for ammo.

How low do we set the bar before we blame the individuals?

I’ve never discovered ammunition loose in a bag or pocket. It’s been used or put away safely. Period. Why? Because duh.

PorradaVFR ,

The race to the bottom getting pretty crowded.

Easier to slither in the muck when you lack a spine I suppose.

PorradaVFR ,

Wrong about another thing.

He may have been right to vote for impeachment but that aside…like Liz Cheney another GOP stooge.

White House Worries Russia’s Momentum Is Changing Trajectory of Ukraine War ( www.nytimes.com )

After months of slow Russian ground advances and technological leaps in countering American-provided arms, the Biden administration is increasingly concerned that President Vladimir V. Putin is gathering enough momentum to change the trajectory of the war, and perhaps reverse his once-bleak prospects....

PorradaVFR ,

Momentum quite literally provided by the GOP, Reagan would be so proud.

PorradaVFR ,

Quite literally only because they would appoint someone even worse.. The House is deeply flawed.

PorradaVFR ,

Unfortunately for him the case is actually not about paying hush money, it’s about lying about the payments in company documents and its direct impact on the election.

Sure you can give money to people, the lying about it on financial/campaign finance documents is what he’s being tried for.

Of course the media keeps calling it “hush money trial” which it is not.

PorradaVFR ,

“I’m going to shoot myself in the foot on principle.“

Not what was said or meant, but undeniably the ultimate result of this approach will be leadership that actively and happily opposes ANY progress for Palestine. Period.

Biden has done poorly on an issue that the alternative would utterly disregard.

I know, the “lesser evil” argument is weak - but Biden is pushing back on Netanyahu where others would encourage and enable him.

It’s your vote - think pragmatically.

PorradaVFR ,

It is. He is standing by our ally while calling out their actions. I don’t agree with it either but recognize that turning our back on Israel would destabilize the mess in the region even more.

Netanyahu is the problem and it’s obvious that Biden wants him gone but for now it’s a shitty situation Iran just escalated.

What would have Biden do? Put troops in Gaza? I wish we’d cut off military aid personally but people far more qualified than me make those calls. It’s a shitshow for sure but opting for worse is not the solution.

PorradaVFR ,

Again, I agree Israel’s response has been excessive to the point of genocidal - but the Republicans would gleefully endorse and encourage worse. Biden has been openly lukewarm in his support and if reports are accurate he’s been railing on Netanyahu. I hate the devil’s bargain we have of supporting Israeli acts no matter what but as trivial as it is on the ground we let the UN measure pass which was telling and unprecedented.

Again, the principled opposition while justified will only promote far worse. Given that what is the logical decision?

PorradaVFR ,

I don’t know that the election would actually turn on this but I shudder to think how much worse it will get writ large if Trump gets back in the White House but I also don’t expect us to turn our back on Israel so….who knows.

PorradaVFR ,

I meant by arming the Houthis and clearly itching to get involved. The attack on their embassy was a dumb move in response which….further escalated things and frankly I think backfired massively as it eliminated the argument that Israel was solely defensive. Phrased that poorly.

PorradaVFR ,

Fair enough, but consider what he's saying is all but unprecedented. He's tying strings to our policy and directly pushing aid to Gaza too. Yes, the air drops have not been anywhere near enough - but that they happen at all is telling.

Again, the point is that the alternative would be exponentially worse. Yes, worse even than the nightmare it already is.

PorradaVFR ,

I’ve not seen support for Hamas…? Who are you referring to?

PorradaVFR ,

No dumb ass, I quite clearly noted I’ve not seen anyone advocating for them as suggested, outside of extremists. Even he usual suspects seem disinclined to support them after the attacks - even Iran held back until conditions in Gaza went so badly and even then until attacked and they’re usually itching for an excuse.

PorradaVFR ,

You have no idea about….everything apparently. But ooh you’re mad and judge mental. That’ll surely foster a dialogue and progress.

Job well done, you solved it.

PorradaVFR ,

He really doesn't want to miss the graduation of the child he ditched to raw dog a porn star because …. ?

PorradaVFR ,

Premeditated and a prolonged tortuous death which could have been stopped in the HOURS during which that poor little girl suffered at the hands of her own mother.

Why the hell is there any debate on charges?!?

PorradaVFR ,

I recall how my heart swelled with pride as they held fast to their patriotic ideals and took a principled stand by saying FUCK ALL at the time and opting not to make their thoughts known when it truly mattered.

Too little, too late.

PorradaVFR ,

While there may well be grounds for Willis to incur professional consequences I still fail to see how her actions would impact the criminal proceedings about which I've heard no evidence her romantic decisions affected at all. The prosecutor may have been inexperienced…ok, did he do his job? Yes, AFAIK.

As with Cannon, he gets leeway everywhere you look. Leeway NOT afforded to others. It's infuriating.

PorradaVFR ,

Agreed. It’s galling how he’s been able to time and again exploit the system up to and including SCOTUS. Such a disappointment how ineffective it turns out our system of justice is in the face of corruption.

PorradaVFR ,

The sure do love the First Amendment until they hate it.

PorradaVFR ,

More like a new puppet master yanking his strings.

Imagine any other politician so blatantly subject to influence. He owes everyone and nobody actually likes him. He'll stiff those he can….but what will he do for those he cannot?

Hypothetically: maybe grab a few boxes of classified documents?

….nah, that could never happen. DOJ and FBI would be all over that.

PorradaVFR ,

I’d say it’s a very reasonable conclusion that would be justified were it not for the migration of wealth. Austerity (as seen in Europe’s sluggish recovery post-2008) prolongs recession while spending stimulated recovery here (and again after 2020-21) but while consumer spending has been robust broadly here - it’s also shown a lack of spending in proportion to wealth in the highest income brackets being a larger issue. The economy is growing but investment and relative wage growth has not. Wages have been going up yes, but not enough to offset inflation.

The argument should be about who has most benefitted from growth and how to best stimulate economic growth where it’s needed.

PorradaVFR ,

The article is basically saying since things are pretty good now the government should save money for a rainy day instead of spending which ignores (a) the economic benefits of smart spending on infrastructure which creates jobs and improves stuff like ports and highways and (b) that wealth is there but not spread around sufficiently so people with millions now have billions and most people are still struggling.

Ironically similar in some ways to the 1920's and….not anxious to see how that turned out happening again.

PorradaVFR ,

In principle, absolutely. But in practice he's yet to actually incur consequences. I'm beyond ready to see them applied.

PorradaVFR ,

I’ve enjoyed their series of videos of abandoned towns - especially the remote Alaskan and Canadian ones with the skateboarder host that is great at making connections with locals. Great content that showed off their skill. Shame.

PorradaVFR ,

Who, aside from anyone with a basic comprehension of inoculation and awareness of its demonstrated efficacy over decades of preventing disease, could have predicted this?

PorradaVFR ,

Of course given it’s the current NYT a follow up article noting how this is bad for President Biden will surely follow.

I mean emboldened fascist ideology normalizing violence to achieve political ends is bad but Biden is old so they’re basically the same threat.

PorradaVFR ,

Narrator: he was, in fact, a criminal and did, in fact, make things worse for himself. He did not, however, gain any wisdom from this experience.

PorradaVFR ,

Both boys have to pay $4m and can’t run NY businesses for 3 years. Not nothing - although I did not see anything about Ivanka.

PorradaVFR ,

Nonsense. He won't tap the RNC coffers. Please.

He will shanelessly gorge himself at the trough. He will decimate their finances completely to try to save his skin with no concern whatsoever for other candidates, policies, goals or anything else beyond his own ass.

Democrats Lose Ground With Black and Hispanic Adults ( news.gallup.com )

The data show the Democratic Party retaining advantages among people of color and young adults, but in 2023 it was in a weaker position among these groups than at any point in the past quarter century. Democrats’ reduced support among Black and Hispanic adults should be especially concerning for the party, given Republicans’...

PorradaVFR ,

Consider further complexity - Ukraine desperately needs funding to fight a resurgent Russia. Put simply keeping that conflict isolated prevents a broader one across eastern Europe and us out of it. A strong Russia helps Iran which makes that conflict worse.

The immigration policy has a lot of bad in it - but it's reform the GOP demanded to pass other issues. They just refused to accept “yes” to their own policy and have to run on that. Consider if that flips the House and retains the Senate actual, far better policy can be enacted.

The GOP is backing Russia and is desperate NOT to solve….anything. Democrats are at least attempting to polish the current DC turd. Biden has to back Israel and is telling Netanyahu to back off Gaza. The GOP sure isn't.

The nuance is the GOP policy should be blamed on them. It was a master stoke to call their bluff and say “ok, pass it”. They never wanted it to actually pass any more than they wanted to lose Roe v Wade as a campaign issue. They're screwing themselves.

PorradaVFR ,

As much as Israel can be a shitty friend they're the only real one we have in the region, so kinda yeah we do. And its not unconditionally - Blinken has explicitly told them to avoid civilian casualties and fostered the cease fire that already occurred. Have they pulled back and deescalated as much as we want? No. Have they done some and continue to do awful shit? Yes. Have they pulled their punches somewhat due to external (our) pressure? Absolutely.

It's a near impossible puzzle - ignore Oct 7 and it escalates. Decimate Gaza and … it escalates. Engage Iran and it becomes a regional war (which the Iran-backed Houthis are trying to trigger). If we say F it and withdraw then what do you think happens? Everyone just chills out? I don't have magic solution, nobody has for 70 years. Biden is walking the same tightrope and so far has things simmering instead of exploding.

PorradaVFR ,

Some great points - Democrats continue to show naive faith that they're dealing with an honest opposition and not an actual looming threat of fascism aligned with our adversaries and not at all committed to the rule of law nor the very concept of Democracy and the will of the voters.

On that i totally agree. It's not business as usual and they've endeavoured ( understandably yet dangerously ) to believe things will revert to normal.

But what's the option? Civil war? I'd like to think an electoral defeat would turn the tide and bring some people back from the cult…which seems to be happening a bit. Biden never had a mandate in Congress and never the Judiciary so I see it as despite massive obstructions he's broadly done a good job. I never expected nor could we have achieved much more under the current circumstances. I blame McConnell, SCOTUS and the insane House far more than Biden for that.

PorradaVFR ,

Actually aid has been slow walked but you’re not wrong that we’d almost certainly come through and not leave them in the lurch.

PorradaVFR ,

I don’t agree with some details but the sentiment is right on. Adhering to norms unilaterally is not helping.

Disney appeals dismissal of free speech lawsuit as DeSantis says company should 'move on' ( apnews.com )

Disney on Thursday appealed a judge’s dismissal of its free speech lawsuit over what it described as Gov. Ron DeSantis’ retaliatory takeover of Walt Disney World’s governing district, as the Florida governor separately called any appeal “a mistake.”...

PorradaVFR ,

I think that's due to the inexplicable resilience of the Democrats belief that there is any shame or principle remaining in current Republican politics. They literally purged a Cheney (!) for not being sufficiently right wing.

It seems to finally be sinking in that precedent and tradition and compromise simply do not matter to the GOP.

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