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MilitantVegan ,

That carnism is an extremely entrenched mass psychosis or mania, and an insane amount of people need to sober the fuck up.

MilitantVegan ,

I'm a spiritually-inclined person. Also think it's totally legit to be atheist. You'd think that actively wanting diversity of belief would be reasonable, but evidently a lot of people just want uniformity and cultural erasure.

MilitantVegan ,

One popular answer is that sometimes people just experience things that they find scientific answers to not be able to answer adequately. We as a species are still far from knowing everything.

MilitantVegan ,

Refined sugar is generally not good, and certainly whole food sources of carbs are much more beneficial than simple sugars - however, sugar is not nearly as much of a demon as popular health influencers make it out to be. Importantly, it also needs to be kept in mind that the "standard american diet" (sad) or standard western diet is one that's high in animal products, fat (particularly saturated fat), refined carbs; while being low in whole fruits, vegetables, and fiber and phytonutrients in general.

Walter Kempers rice diet is worth learning about. It was a terrible diet - patients could basically only eat white rice, sugar, and fruit. But despite being an absurdly high sugar and high carb diet, a lot of patients saw dramatic improvements in their health, particularly when it came to things like obesity and type 2 diabetes reversal.

MilitantVegan ,

If you're blaming rising obesity on sugar, it shows you're more susceptible to marketing than you are knowledgeable about the relevant science.

MilitantVegan ,

Mainly the people who are profiting from anti-carb diet fads - Atkins, keto, paleo, carnivore, etc.

MilitantVegan ,

Lol. The funny thing is they are kind of technically right. All refined sugars have some harmful effects like blood sugar spikes and inflammation, but corn syrup only has a slightly higher ratio of fructose to glucose as table sugar does. In small, irregular doses it's fine to consume. And for athletes it can even be beneficial since refined carbs can replenish glycogen stores rapidly.

MilitantVegan OP ,

Humans generally don't need to kill animals.

MilitantVegan ,

abstaining from the consumption of animal flesh isn't suffering. Quite the opposite.

MilitantVegan ,

Half the fun of the Christianities is endlessly debating what Jesus did or did not say.

MilitantVegan ,

Implying vegans should be invisible or hard to spot?

MilitantVegan ,

only when it seems to be getting promoted.

MilitantVegan ,

I agree that is one of the more common things to debate, probably more common than what he did say. But that's also only true as long as you confine yourself to the Bible as it exists today. When you look into the history, archeological record, and textual criticism though, things get much more complicated as quite a few more groups wrote about what Jesus was purported to teach than the Catholic and Protestant churches would like you to believe.

Robert Price's, "Pre-Nicene New Testament" is a good introduction to just how diverse and radically different early Christianity was. Bart Erhman is another great author who clearly cares more about what's true, than what fits a churches dogma.

MilitantVegan ,

Humans don't intrinsically know what to eat to for nutrient deficiencies, that's a learned behavior based on finding out what the symptoms of a given deficiency are, and learning which foods have the necessary nutrients.

MilitantVegan ,

That only informs about your bias, which comes from the sum of knowledge and experience you do have. Historically we know there have been planty of cases of people getting scurvy simply because they did not know better to eat the right foods, and did not appear to crave them either.

Cravings appear to have more to do with pleasure, and alleviating stress.

MilitantVegan ,

Both statements are entirely valid, as neither pizza nor burgers require meat or cheese.

MilitantVegan ,

True, restaurant/delivery pizza - even vegan options - are almost universally super oily.

Non-meat burgers are most definitely burgers, and do have the benefits of not only having more variety, but are easily made to be actually healthy if desired.

MilitantVegan OP ,

I was going to post the original wapo article, but then I saw wapo wouldn't even let me read the whole thing. I don't knowingly link to articles that are paywalled.

MilitantVegan OP ,

The interesting thing is finding that maybe not as many animals are "obligate carnivores" than we first thought, though this is definitely something that needs more study.

MilitantVegan ,

A fair amount of vegans might say that their experiences made them change overnight. I was not one of those people, as addiction is significant in me. When I was transitioning, I would go all in and keep abstaining from animal products as long as I could. Then I would mess up, and fall back into bad habits for a while. But the key thing that made the difference is that I never gave up. I'd track how many days I went without animal products and count that as my high score. Then when I tried again I would gamify it by being determined to get an even higher score.

As time went on I became more skilled at cooking plant-based, which helped keep me going since the food I was eating was beginning to taste better. Likewise my palette was growing more accustomed to plant-based foods. Eventually I messed up one last time by eating some pepperoni, but the experience was different. Because I had gotten so used to eating more wholesome meals, the pepperoni was such an intense salt bomb that I found it inedible (and that's coming from a salt-fiend).

But the other thing that changed was in my mind. Consciously I was already well aware that vegan diets are entirely adequate nutritionally. But a lifetime of unconscious carnist societal conditioning gave me this constant feeling as if I could not survive on plants alone. That was one of the things that always got in the way - this strange feeling like I was missing something and had to eat the stuff that was missing or I would die.

But when I bit into that pepperoni I suddenly had this calm recognition: "I don't need this. In fact this isn't food."

And things have only gotten easier over time. Hopefully this helps?

MilitantVegan ,

For more wholesome foods I like Dr Greger's recipe books.

I've had a few dishes from them as well, and they are really tasty.

There's plenty of others too, particularly on YouTube. Sauce Stache, Cheap Lazy Vegan, the Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show, etc.

MilitantVegan OP ,

I don't like the fact that vegans are always pushed into forming echochambers. Everybody else needs to take a hard look and recognize that maybe not abusing animals isn't so radical after all.

MilitantVegan OP ,

I'm just going to keep posting anti animal abuse content and eventually enough people are going to do the same until it becomes too hard to ignore.

MilitantVegan OP ,

If I use a technique that you approve of, will you stop abusing animals?

MilitantVegan ,

Maybe y'all need to consider, isn't it strange to fantasize about bringing extinct (potentially) sentient beings back into existence for the sole purpose of killing them again and carving up their body parts for sensory pleasure?

MilitantVegan ,

Is there any difference? Would killing and carving up the body parts of a dinosaur for your sensory pleasure be any less cruel if it happened in the dinosaur's own time?

What Would Jesus Do? ( )

"Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to...

MilitantVegan ,

The scene in the temple is recently one of the central plot points of the new documentary, Christspiracy. The movie as a whole is a little over-sensationalized in framing their views as some kind of grand church cover-up. But some of their arguments about archeological evidence and scriptural translation differences make for interesting food for thought.

Basically they argue that the temple at that time was a big slaughterhouse, and that the "thieves" Jesus whipped could more accurately be translated as "murderers".

MilitantVegan ,

Historically, different Christian denominations used to rally behind the two political parties against each other, back when everyone was Christian. If I recall, if you had Catholics on one side, you'd usually find Protestants on the other. Of course this was also back when Republicans were the progressives, and Democrats were conservative.

Things are different now, but there is definitely still a more liberal contingent of Christians who are more in line with 'separation of church and state', and the more fundamentalist side whose schools have literally taught their children that it's their Christian duty to vote for Trump.

Reminder: crypto isn’t solarpunk. It’s cyberpunk.

Listening to a recent episode of the Solarpunk Presents podcast reminded me the importance of consistently calling out cryptocurrency as a wasteful scam. The podcast hosts fail to do that, and because bad actors will continue to try to push crypto, we must condemn it with equal persistence....

MilitantVegan ,

This is a little confusing to me. Clearly the arguments are centered around cryptocurrencies and on that note it's exactly right - those are a steaming pile of shit that have no place in solarpunk. But the language of this post sounds inclusive of all forms of encryption, and that's problematic given the essential role of various forms of encryption for protecting privacy, and the security of those with little or no political power.

MilitantVegan ,

Solarpunk is not just about technology, it's specifically about being critical toward new technologies with a special emphasis on the social and environmental impacts they have.

The single largest blindspot that cryptocurrency enthusiasts have is in not recognizing that their systems are inseparable from computers, and that computers in and of themselves are an environmental disaster.

MilitantVegan ,

No mention of Record of Lodoss War yet? Still one of the most underrated Diablo-clones.

MilitantVegan ,

It's possible to believe that both individuals and corporations have wrongdoings they are responsible for fixing. If corporations disappeared and your preferred magically ideal socioeconomic system prevailed, it would still be unsustainable if everyone were still omnivores.

MilitantVegan ,

Get real, early humans were predominantly plant-based as a matter of necessity.

MilitantVegan ,

Dead animal flesh, and animal exploitation is central to fascist identity, dunno why anyone halfway sane would want to be associated with that.

MilitantVegan ,
MilitantVegan ,

Your characterization of events is inaccurate. We have hypotheses about what happened to the megafauna in the last epoch, but nothing proven. Humans probably did hunt them, and it very likely could have played a large role in their extinction. But it wasn't the only factor, nor even remotely the largest. For starters, it was the ice age. It's a pretty safe bet that those conditions would have been the most significant factor in their extinctions.

And it's also the most significant factor when thinking about what humans ate at that period of time. They were pre-agrarian, and living in an extremely cold climate where plant life would have been much more scarce in many times and places. What humans eat in the most extreme circumstances is irrelevant to what we still had the largest tendency to consume throughout history: plants.

MilitantVegan ,
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