@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub cover
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar



Husband, Father, IT Pro, service.

If I ask a lot of questions, I might understand why.

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Where to put reverse proxy?

I currently have my reverse proxy on my NAS. That means I forward all of my 443 HTTPS traffic to my NAS. I am using OpnSense for my router, and there are several options for reverse proxies on that. Everything works the way it is now, but I do wonder if it would be "better" if I moved all of the reverse proxy stuff to my router....

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Is this for internal clients?

If no, do you need unauthenticated public access to that?

Would you consider VPN instead?

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

You know, not every American Republican is a Nazi are they?

Would you want everyone to make the worst assumption about you based on one characteristic?

I don't like a lot of things about all the American parties.

It's like listening to mass media, everyone is a fascist, Nazi, communist, etc.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

What about those of us who dislike both parties, but agree with select things from each?

Like being moderate, center, mild, or a republicrat?

There's no party that represents me. Only two groups of people whose ideas I mostly dislike, or that lack the compromise I feel would be necessary to do good.

I still don't think every Republican is evil, same for liberals, or progressive, or Democrats.

If everyone but your group is evil, you'll never get anywhere until you kill all the others. Sounds like Nazis to me?

MSgtRedFox , (edited )
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

I'll play.

What Republican things do you agree with?
The election was a fraud?

Ha, right. Probably not. Didn't seem like any real evidence showed up. I compare this to the assertion that the U.S. government hid aliens from the world for the last ~70 years. That would be the only thing it ever did that well. So I'm in doubt the 'conspiracy' could even pull that off. In my opinion, those die hard trumper nuts are not representative of the majority of that whole party, but I can't point to data, just my experience with other people near me.

Corporations are people?

If they are, they're the greedy fat cat kind of people I don't like. I don't know anyone in the top tier of society like that. I would like to see legal protections from executives and corporations reduced, and more personal liability of corporate leaders. I'm not really sure if that's counter to their entire parties views. If corporate abuses could be better broken down and displayed for people, maybe more rightish people would center on the topic?

Climate change is a myth?

I only know people who disagree with the degree of how bad things are, I don't know any out right deniers. Again, I don't have a feel for an entire nationwide collection of people on that one.

Women are lesser than men?

How and why? I've never heard anyone actually put this into practice or policy. If you're blending with this abortion rights, then you have people who disagree on two different principles ( a person's choice vs people's believe in human life). I don't believe in taking away people's rights, but I also don't like killing babies (insert giant argument about when is a person a person, blah). If I can't have my God given right to drive drunk because it's dangerous for other people, then I also don't like abortion unless there's more reasons. This is way too complicated of a topic for a text conversation, but I think it's a main one for people thinking women don't get the right to make medical decisions about themselves. What else is there?

Slavery had benefits?

Again, who and why? I've never heard anyone actually say this. I don't think the vast majority of rightish people would ever think that. I've never met any.

The rich deserve tax cuts?

I wouldn't frame it like that. Excluding the mega wealthy and whatever that might mean to some, I get the impression most people just don't want to be overly taxed. Again, that's subjective, but highest tax bracket is 37% I think. That's a lot in my opinion. "But they have so much money, it won't affect their lives". Yep, I agree. I just don't think people want to be picked on if they feel they earned it. Did they, I don't know, maybe?

I'd be curious how many right voters earn more than 100K, because I don't think they would say they want tax cuts for 'rich' people. I don't have data on this. I'm curious.

Trans people need to be oppressed as do other LGBT+ people?

Yeah, that one's tough. Most of the conservative people I've heard in real life (not the villains on TV) range from indifferent to disapproving. They don't understand why all the noise and want people to be quiet and go away. One person's freedom fighter is another's terrorist on this one. I wouldn't support policies that limit medical care, ownership, etc based on relationship status. I very much believe most conversative or rightish people that have harsh opinions of the trans issue have never met or had a real relationship with someone who struggled with identify, medal health, etc.

Ultimately, I might agree on this one that there's probably a large portion of people who identify as some kind of right don't have a lot of compassion for the letter communities.

Foreigners are bad, especially the brown ones?

That sounds like trump and bigots. Not sure about the whole. I can suggest a few ways to break that up though. There's a serious issue with immigration policy/system. Whether it's easy or hard is about the constraints we (government) put on it. I think rightish people want less imitation, sure. I am law and order supportive though. The border thing for some people is way more about groups of people intentionally not enforcing laws, picking an choosing. No one likes that, unless it suites them of course. It doesn't suite the right in this case, so they don't like it. I don't like it. I support immigration though. My great grandparents....etc. We need politicians elected that will compromise and change the legislation. I believe we also need border security, but it's not because I dislike 'brown' people.

If brown means middle-eastern, yeah, there's some phobia there. After a few extremist things, people gonna hate, rational or not. Not rational. I wonder how opinions of middle easterner goes across all the political aspects.

Private healthcare is the best form of healthcare?

Says people who have it. I'd like to see data on how many people per political party have health insurance. I'd guess people who never went without health care can't imagine/relate.

I feel like right party people more align with open/free market ideas and believe that's true.

The poor deserve to be?

Close, but no. I think that's flipping it again. I'm guessing there's a lower percentage of unemployed people claiming the right, based on 3 seconds of an LLM search. I assume people who've worked most of their lives and didn't struggle with some kind of mental health issues or other complicating factors that kept from them decent employment don't have compassion for people who have. They probably assume if you aren't working and earning a living, you're maybe lazy or made poor choices. I can see how you'd say that means they think poor people deserve it. I'm guessing they think everyone has a fair chance to succeed and just aren't. That's not the same as wanting people to stay gutter trash.

Police are always to be respected no matter what (unless it’s January 6th)?

How many people stored the capital? I've seen numbers on sites ranging from 20K to 120K. I don't know how many of them committed violence against law enforcement. one figure said there were 38 million registered republicans. I have no idea if that's even close, doesn't really matter if you compare that against 120K. I don't think the vast majority of republicans would have participated or condoned that. Those people in my opinion were extremists and trump worshipers. Cult people do crazy things. That's not the entire political party in my opinion.

Russia is a good ally?

Is that the whole party or Trump?

The elderly don’t need a break?

They've already gotten a break, like that hip. This seems overly generalized. Be more specific.

Hunter Biden’s existence is proof that Joe Biden needs to be impeached?

Same as the Dem party went after all of trumps associates. In both cases, I think they're (the people targeted by an opposing political party) shady at best, and corrupt mega criminals that should all be in prison at worst (best). I'd say that about a lots of politicians on both sides though. The republicans had a grand ol time trying to impeach Clinton. The Dems tried to Impeach Trump. Should yhey both have been impeached? Probably? Was it a huge political special and witch hunt, oh yeah. Both embarrassing for the nation and indicative of electing morally bankrupt or hypocrites, probably.

We cannot allow the Democrats to give us what we want in an election year?

I'm not sure what this means.

Personally, I think a huge portion of the problem is a lack of choice. This two party system is broken. Insert huge discussion about that here, and move on. So I think that leaves a huge portion of people in the middle, trying to chose between two groups of people who seems to have the loudest and most extreme members fighting for the most leadership in the group.

I fact that trump is becoming the leading right extremist blows my mind, and I think it's the movie ideocracy, but in real life. Maybe the other candidates were shitty, but come on. Ultimately, I don't know how many true trumpers there are, versus people who would vote for someone else. I guess if he wins the primary, then points/half?

Maybe the other more sane half would go with a viable third or fourth group?

Maybe outlaw groups/parties and just have candidates?

“Believing that all those who oppose us are inherently evil leads to a deadlock since you can't compromise with evil. It is only through understanding, compromise, and mutual respect that we can move forward and get things done.” - an LLM

For the downvoters, maybe time the time to write something instead of just doing a drive by. Say why you disagree since this is not a low effort comment.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

I have voted for republicans, and Democrats. Am I a nazi?

I like @Rivalarrival analogy. That group is made up of a ton of different people, and I don't think they would all personally support each and every questionable BS policy proposed by the party. But we don't get that level of choice. Maybe if there was more groups/parties, or none at all, they would vote a different way. Maybe they aren't so much voting for things, but voting against something else.

I know people who won't vote for a party over one issue, otherwise they would consider it.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

I don't, not all of them. Unlike some, I don't push a D/R button. I cherry pick. If both candidates suck, I pass. Does it help or matter, no. My state votes red.

I won't personally push the button for someone I think is a piece of crap.

But, the point I was making is there's a range of politicians in these parties. Some chose a party affiliation out of necessity and funding, others are extremely polarized. I think there's both participants on both sides.

I think people vote for one of these two groups again out of a lack of choice.

I don't think all people who claim Republican are Nazis, fascists, etc. especially when you compare that's to historical instances of the past.

I also don't think all Democrats are communists, extremists etc, same.

I find most people want the same things, love, safety, material shit, etc. they differ widely on their greed levels, placing blame for their own problems or other people's issues, etc.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

You didn't answer some of my questions asking for more clarification on some of those issues. I'm curious.

Most of that I have to Google/lookup. Im around a ton of highly conservative or Republican claiming people, but I don't hear some of what you're talking about.

I also don't spend any time with actual politicians to know what they believe versus when they fall in line with party bs.

I wonder what removing funding from the political system would achieve. No more superpacs?

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Which thing is so fascist?

Then I guess I could know who that was?

What's your definition of fascism in the context of American society? I saw your questions, but I don't know that those things are what the whole political party is about.

MSgtRedFox , (edited )
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

So why do you vote for them?

If I vote any republican stuffs, it usually because of these big or little issues:

  • I usually align more with higher defense spending and certain military usage.
  • I'm pretty conservative regarding abortion
  • I support highest border security (which is not the same thing to me as immigration)
  • I usually align more to republican foreign policy
  • I want you to prove you're a citizen and have the right to vote in US elections
  • My views on gun control. I want more controls, but not banning guns by type.
  • I dislike the Russian invasion, but there's flipping on that.
  • I dislike mandated diversity stuff. (Oh God, here we go. That doesn't mean I don't believe there's a problem with bias and such, I just don't think that fixes it. If it would have, it should be fixed by now. Also, I believe all people are the same/equal/human, so don't start down that road)

In some of these cases, I barely lean republican aligned. Or, I just disagree more with the Democratic parties view point/solution. That's why I don't have party affiliations. Me and trump aren't the same. I can't vote for any US presidential candidates this time, because I think they're both wrong. I have an extremely negative view of trump, I'll spare everyone. I don't want Biden either. I have lots of reasons for both of those I don't think people care about.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar
MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Calm down mr sarcasm. I'm using some break time just for this.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

It’s already illegal. How much more conservative can you get? If this is a reason to vote Republican, you must want to arrest women who have miscarriages just in case. Generally not a reason to vote Republican anymore.

That's a terrible assumption of my stance on abortion. Keeping this super easy, I just don't like it. One party is against it, one is for it.

Republicans don’t. They just killed their own border bill. Not a reason to vote Republican.

Yeah, in this election, terrible political moves for party shenanigans over the general good. But surprise. Generally, the two parties won't compromise and fix immigration, so one tries to bypass the issue by not preventing crossing. The other tries to avoid fixing it by putting up a fence. The lesser of two evils for me until the policy gets fixed is a fence. Sorry. Like I said, I want immigration fixed, but until then...

“aid Russia and Israel as much as possible”

I assume you mean Ukraine? I want Ukraine supported, Rs did that until they got pissed about all the money/long. Not sure about Israel/Pal. Long term bad stuff over there I don't fully understand. I don't support mass killings of people in the streets, bombings, rockets, bulldozing people's houses, etc. That statement says I don't support either group since they've both been doing those things from what I can tell. Each's reasons why gets at the root causes, much bigger discussion.

There's more to it than those two recent conflict.

You mean the thing you’ve already had to do my entire 20+ years of voting in the U.S.? Not a reason to vote Republican.

Well, that's why I disagree with any political initiative to frame that as discrimination. It's not. Otherwise, driving, buying alcohol, renting cars, etc is also all discrimination because you have to have a driver's license. Some localities have worked to allow non-residents to vote. Doesn't make sense to me.

Republicans want zero controls. Zero. Not a reason to vote Republican.

Disagree. I think you missed the part about I disagree with eliminating guns as the main initiative. I would be more sided with the D party on guns if they would stop talking about banning assault riffles as one of the main fixes.

As far as I can tell, you have not given a single good reason to vote Republican.

Reason for you I guess. So far, you haven't given me any reason to think that every person who votes for that party is a fascist, hates women, hates poor people, etc.

MSgtRedFox , (edited )
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar
MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

bigoted Republican position on LGBT+ people, which makes me think you agree with it.

and absolutely not.

Trans people need to be oppressed as do other LGBT+ people?

Yeah, that one’s tough. Most of the conservative people I’ve heard in real life (not the villains on TV) range from indifferent to disapproving. They don’t understand why all the noise and want people to be quiet and go away. One person’s freedom fighter is another’s terrorist on this one. I wouldn’t support policies that limit medical care, ownership, etc based on relationship status. I very much believe most conversative or rightish people that have harsh opinions of the trans issue have never met or had a real relationship with someone who struggled with identify, medal health, etc.

Trans people need to be oppressed as do other LGBT+ people?

Yeah, that one’s tough. Most of the conservative people I’ve heard in real life (not the villains on TV) range from indifferent to disapproving. They don’t understand why all the noise and want people to be quiet and go away. One person’s freedom fighter is another’s terrorist on this one. I wouldn’t support policies that limit medical care, ownership, etc based on relationship status. I very much believe most conversative or rightish people that have harsh opinions of the trans issue have never met or had a real relationship with someone who struggled with identify, medal health, etc.

Some are bigots for sure, cake lady comes to mind. Again, if every person ever who claims republican is a community hating bigot, then every (minority/non-white) is a (stereotype/criminal/inflammatory statement).

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Sorry, lastly:

This conversation being geared towards: (why vote for some things aligned with republican?) also omits all the things that would likely align with American democratic party, and personal beliefs and opinions that expand on why. Those things reveal life experience, compassion, empathy, compromise, etc. None of that is represented in a single what do you agree with exchange. Making the whole thing relate back to why a republican lady doesn't like trump. It's also why I don't judge people soley on which button they push (d/r).

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar
MSgtRedFox , (edited )
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Your attitude is poor, or at least your assumption is inaccurate. I understand you want me to admit I haven't personally voted for a politician based on their stance regarding that issue. Why? If I haven't personally voted for someone because they supported that topic, then I hate people and am an bigot?

I did read it. The point was that there were a lot more supporters in the party, meaning they don't all hate a group of people based on bigotry. Some at least try, that's better than rounding them all up in camps as fascist governments might do to a group they want to exterminate.

I'm limited to the people I'm presented with.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

One of my senators supported the marriage act and voted for it, the other didn't. I don't know them personally, but at least one was for it.

I'm not sure if he hates an entire group of people or not. I don't like that they won't just support it, treat people as the same, and get the whole thing put to bed.

I'd love to support a different senator who had proper values about this specific topic, but didn't also contrast with other topics.

Why does this matter? Do you think my voting decision affects over generalizing a whole group?

Clearly there is division amount that party where some are not bogits.

Sometimes things aren't all or nothing.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

What about Islamic religion? Are they bigots? There's a proper way to beat your wife constructively and lovingly.

Are they bigots?

They don't like community people either. I think they kill them? I watched a video of a group of them cutting the heads off two guys over bigot views.

Would rather have mild Republican bigotry then murder I guess.

I'm curious though if that's all of them, or some of them? All one political party,.or some?

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

But can AI be as greedy and put investers dividends above all else? 🤔

Maybe so...

MSgtRedFox OP ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

That's a good point. Maybe I can get an LLM to summarize and count how many he's done over a period of time, and his accuracy.

MSgtRedFox OP ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

I have to agree. The data might have been pointed, but it was entertaining. You don't get that popular by being boring, especially if you're not always right. Since I'm a little fish/big pond kinda guy, I like getting a good overview of world economies and historical trends, or at least one dude's perspective of it.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

This corporate cycle isn't likely to change anytime soon right?

Top tier corps, boards, Cs, ultimately care about share price and growth right?

Isn't it tied to their pay incentives? To keep their contracts and incentives, they have to grow or reduce costs.

They make bad choices or bets among the way, no problem, just reduce costs and still meet the metrics. Only people who pay seem to be the workforce, right?

Or am I oversimplifying?

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Before I started reading that article, I was slightly in support of prison labor. Everything I read about incarceration is that it's incredibly expensive.

I thought it would understandable to help offset the costs, not actually make money. I didn't see anything in the article that put over all costs and profits into context. I can't imagine those systems are actually generating more money than the total costs of incarceration, but I have no idea.

Then I got to the parts about safety, inappropriate/illegal? coercion, and abuse. I know there's some worse places to be in prison in the world, but still.

We used to make people do stupid shit like break rocks just for punishment, but I don't see how that rehabilitates. Learning job skills is good, nice to hear a few people were bettered and got jobs, but legislators in those states probably need to be harassed until we get prisoners treated in appropriate ways.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Too large

I'm not sure that's a justification.

Don't other nations have the same thing?

Canada and others have territories, some are divided into other sub government entities, etc. they all still function. Just semantics.

I'm a fan of states setting their own environment. Some legalized recreational drugs. Others said they was crazy, doom and gloom. Prove it. Let them try, let's see the proof.

States have certain subcultures. I want them to compete. Compete for education, jobs, etc.

Nothing illegal however, shouldn't have to state that.

One of the key issues here is laws being or not being enforced, and interpretation.

Most people here, in my view favor, more open immigration, Texas seems to be insisting the current law isn't being followed.

Sounds like politicians can't get their jobs done and fix it. But hey, they are all still getting paid, and their health care coverage, and their retirements, and legal insider trading, and getting future employment opportunities, etc etc etc rant rant rant. I don't like politicians.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

For real. Once Google and others started killing DNS lookups in mobile devices, think about how many legacy networks had to get rebuilt.

Maybe we could all just make up our minds.

What do you use to track BMCs/KVMs/IPMI?

I manage hundreds of servers at work. They each have a BMC (remote power on/off, reset, KVM, etc) and we need to use those features frequently. I've been using a Google Docs spreadsheet to track their URLs, what each box is used for, specs, etc but it feels like a dynamic web app would be better for this purpose. Does anyone...

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Did you ever use HP SIM? I guess it's not one to one features, but newer. Curious if it's worth the time.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Running personal active directory hybrid sync with azure, hybrid exchange, a separate red forest for management of vSphere infrastructure, using saltstack for Linux config management. ~50 VMs and containers.

MSgtRedFox OP , (edited )
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

I don't feel Indiana is 'Southern', but they aren't New England progressive either, depending on your starting point. We ride the edges I think; enters Bible Belt, borders southern states. Weird 'Hoosier' slogan no one can pin down.

@FlyingSquid, @BrianTheeBiscuiteer,@SandbagTiara2816, I also thought this was maybe a stunt, but I've learned to ask a lot of questions and see what I'm not thinking about, which is mostly why I posted this. It also prompted me to start paying attention to the legislation around school. My kid won't be there for a few more years, but it's something I usually ignored until now.

I looked up Vernon Smith (D) very briefly. He is from a section of the Gary, Indiana area. His bio says he's in academia and history. I wouldn't imagine a professor would advocate for something like this unless it was intentional. I guess I'm curious to what end?

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

A story fit for /r/sysadmin:

Had to script and locally/manually uninstall and reinstall custom application on ~25 computers because:

  • enterprise policies disable remote scripting/powershell remoting even though it an be enabled securely
  • application developer had not finalized silent install
  • dev team wont build the automation themsevles.

If you have any form of automated configuration management, you're blessed :)

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Would there need to be a mirror involved?

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Maybe not. Maybe he's an evil genius. He could possibly be the present...again...

Watching American politics makes me question my grasp of reality.

MSgtRedFox , (edited )
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

religious circles

I've been a member of what turned into a mega church with over 10k Members. I didn't see any insanity like that, but I'm sure I would have disagreed with something if I could have seen it.

...values hardly shared...

I'd suggest that's the whole idea behind some of this. The bad religious people think the whole problem or cause for everything wrong is that people don't subscribe to their values. I'd also argue that there is a way to do religious values correctly, but that's a much deeper thought.

That's a whole thing right there. Every group, culture, society has values that some like and some don't. I have a particular problem with the you're going to hell people. That's not at all how God represents himself in the new testament.(Christian Bible).

I'm betting Indiana's cake lady from years ago is all about swearing Trump is a religious choice, though I have no idea. I'm basing that on their bigoted (my opinion) stance she referred to as religious freedom. I fault dragging religion into an instance of just not liking gay people. I would much rather her just say that. Just be honest.

People thinking Trump is a religious choice blows my mind, and when I ask them why, I don't get much. Your mention of abortion is about it. Seems funny though, because I'd wager he's paid for a few of those based on my evaluation of his conduct.

Unrelated to trump and oversimplified, if people claim to subscribe to Christian values, they should probably follow God's model instead of acting exactly like the only group of people he condemned (Pharisees).

MSgtRedFox , (edited )
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

This reminds me of the movie hackers.

Is it possible the authors or site isn't super familiar with cyber security, or the research side?

I'm mean, it's cyber news, but how is this much different from have I been pwnd?

An I missing something, or was this just a click bait title to scare people?

Edit: so if this was for legit purposes, it should have been secured, otherwise it just contributes it assists with threat actors. I'm guessing this is why the community is upset.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

What do you think about ideology of restricting or criminalizing paying ransoms then?

If paying the criminals was also a criminal offense, aside from companies that would still pay, would that curb the majority?

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Makes sense.

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Google has one too, can't say whether it's good or not, sorry.

Almost 25% of American hiring managers don’t want to advance Jewish people in hiring processes, alarming survey on workplace antisemitism finds ( fortune.com )

Across American culture, politics, and even business, expressions of antisemitism have grown louder in recent years. It’s not just high profile statements made by the rapper Ye and basketball star Kyrie Irving or politicians increasingly cozying up to White supremacist groups. Incidents of antisemitic harassment,...

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

New study results:

If you have money, you can pay any number of "research groups" to prove anything that aligns with your beliefs...

Studies also find that sometimes other organizations whose existence is also predicted on your beliefs will back those studies...

Sources: hold on, I'll pay someone...


The Republicans Actually Want a Border Crisis ( www.messageboxnews.com )

Dan Pfeiffer: “To summarize, Johnson demands a border bill in exchange for passing Ukraine aid; the White House and Senate work on a border bill; Johnson opposes the bill without even seeing it, despite repeatedly declaring that the ‘crisis at the border’ is the House GOP’s top priority.”...

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

OMG, a political stunt that goes against common Sense, the betterment of the people, and furthers party objectives, no one's ever done that before...

...especially not in absolutely BOTH of America's super corrupt two party system /s

If you don't recognize that both parties do this every minute of every day that ends in Y and twice on election years, you're either blind, brain washed, or a hypocrite.

Corporate needs you to find the different between Republicans and Democrats. They're the same...

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

Lol, here was the first result from starting a lookup regarding politicians:


Unfortunately, providing a comprehensive list of all politicians charged with corruption and crimes in the last ten years is impossible due to the sheer volume of cases...

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

In generalities:

Democrats are opposed to passing any voting laws that require ID to vote, or prove citizenship I guess?

They also support legislation that requires ID for substance use, tobacco, alcohol, etc.

I have to provide more ID to buy cough medicine then they want to vote. If discrimination against poor people who can't afford a driver's license?, then those same people can't get their food stamps, wic, Medicare, etc since all those need ID right?

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

So then we both do? 🤔

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

This is frustrating. The person that cuts my hair is self employed. They don't have insurance, so medical care other than emergency is basically just toughing it out or calling in favors from their medpro clients.

I'd think most of us are favor of catastrophic dept prevention due to medical emergency, so that was a good start. Still not offording regular visits or getting a prescription for something easily treated is frustrating in a first world nation economy.

As long as you stay super poor and make no effort to fix your situation, you can get Medicaid/care. So we have that going for us...

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar


This is a podcast that will cover some of the biggest ones.

If you don't want to listen to a dork podcast since they can be long, short version is: https://cisoseries.com/category/podcast/cyber-security-headlines/

MSgtRedFox ,
@MSgtRedFox@infosec.pub avatar

OPM was hacked a while ago all us gov with clearance taken

Chinese hacked Google and Microsoft to help them with zero day development, since Chinese have the source code now

Chinese hacked Microsoft and got us gov office 365 emails

Russia and China hack everything and everyone to steal intellectual property.

Russia has conducted cyber attacks against the places they invade.

If you Google cyber attacks, you'll get endless results

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