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KillingTimeItself ,

armor cookoff is one of the bastardized terms of all time.

KillingTimeItself ,

only if you're dropping explosives inside the tank :)

KillingTimeItself ,

shits heavy as fuck, water would be nasty as fuck, and none of the electronics inside would work for shit.

Plus also it would get uncomfortable for long operating hours.

KillingTimeItself ,

the wet tank is an inverse submarine though. In this case it's more akin with a wet sub, though those are also submersed in water, not just surrounded by it, or filled with it.

KillingTimeItself ,

the submarine might not, the crew probably would.

KillingTimeItself ,

cookoffs are quite a good one, but i'm trying to figure out how the armor is supposed to cookoff.

Unless it's ERA or something? In which case, that wouldn't be changed with the water being inside of the tank now.

KillingTimeItself ,

i love how when you shit on independents it's always "but the independent party is good actually"

And how when you talk good about the independents it's always shit talk back "but the independents are literally bad actually"

Politics is so much fun, isnt it?

KillingTimeItself ,

you aren't a true linux user if you haven't considered living your life alone at least a couple of times, and knew that you would be okay with it.

KillingTimeItself ,

the joke is that you have your priorities set straight.

No time for relationships when you could be learning about the kernel my friend.

also to be clear, it's not loneliness if you're content with being alone. Alone, and lonely, are two separate sides of the same coin. You can feel lonely in a room full of people, and you can be/feel alone when around nobody, without feeling lonely.

KillingTimeItself ,

i would say jstor are cunts, but actually it's the US government that were being cunts here.

KillingTimeItself ,

and the US government was almost definitely trying to make an example out of him: literally anybody who read the case details whatsoever.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah and maybe that prosecutor is tangentially responsible for his suicide now.

KillingTimeItself ,

this one is truly fucking wild to me, imagine lacking this level of self awareness.

KillingTimeItself ,

hexbear the instant someone even so much as dares to comment a dissenting view point.

KillingTimeItself ,

And then shitting on db0 because they’re “not real pirates” because they… don’t support dictatorships or something? Lol wtf?

the dbzer0 shitpost was funny lmao. Cry harder next time.

dbzer0 is honestly one the better instances out here (though im biased obviously)

KillingTimeItself ,

you can always refederate after the fact if you want to, It's not like a fusible cpu in an xbox 360 or something lol.

KillingTimeItself ,

even if these posts were "grilling the admins" it's literally your instance, you don't have to listen to anybody lol.

this instance is by far one of my favored instances though. So i'll continue to use it regardless, and if it does go to shit, i'll just jump ship lol. Freedom to surf is part of federation after all.

KillingTimeItself OP ,

yeah, the closing paragraphs are a newer thing i'm toying around with after being a little off-put by all the self help stuff that's out there now (not saying it isn't good) being almost entirely focused on the habitual and gamified aspects of things. It's a really good way for some people to pick up something, but i also think it's ironic that we try to be a good individual through the same mechanisms that got us working unhealthy hours, having an unhealthy mindset about productivity, and always pushing to do something.

it always turned me away from things like that. Same reason the "gurus" are often looked down upon, except it's a little more fundamental in this case. It also tails off of my last post about improving yourself first and foremost, so that way you can extend the healthy and happy version of yourself to other people in order to spread it effectively.

I think it's important to have the capacity to look at things through a neutral aspect ratio. Only once you fully comprehend it without any external factors, can you effectively utilize it, or use it to better yourself. That's the way i like to look at it, it helps promote contained thought which is often what i find to be most influential. It's really easy to latch onto things from outside influences while ignoring our own very acute ability to comprehend things.

At the very least i'm hoping that it works to plant an idea of something into someones head, rather than giving them a discipline or methodology to live by. I think that's one of the more potent ways things tend to spread, so i'm trying to utilize it productively here.

KillingTimeItself ,

we almost built a really fucking big collider in the US somewhere in the middle of fuck off land texas.

It died.

KillingTimeItself ,

i like to think of the economic trifecta as a triangle.

People often tend to conflate communism and socialism down into one plane, but i don't think they're similar enough, socialism is more inverse to communism than anything. It's also more closely related to capitalism than communism (the modern western conceptualization of socialism at least)

KillingTimeItself ,

i'm not wrong? socialism and communism are often more similar to eachother than capitalism, in the sense that they tend not to like private capital, but modern socialism is more like capitalism if it thought private capital should be collective capital instead, given how entities corpos, and businesses tend to work.

Communism as people tend to refer to is the usual USSR type beat shit or mao's china, modern china is more akin to authoritarian capitalism than it is communism, even though they claim to be communist. Even so called "socialist european countries" tend to be capitalism but without private healthcare and education most of the time.

you must not be very familiar with the concepts of ideological frameworks.

KillingTimeItself ,

and modern political philosophy is much different than it was when the founding fathers were the ones writing it. The times change, it's important to keep that in mind.

Much like any government will, or at least it should be doing, to keep up with it's population needs.

KillingTimeItself ,

idk man you were talking about political philosophy, i was talking about political philosophy. Seems pretty related to me.

KillingTimeItself ,

lightning bugs were cool.

Haven't seen em in a while now that i think about it.

KillingTimeItself ,

i guess we should obliterate the eastern europeans as well. They haven't seen one in a while, i think they might be over due in terms of cultural evaporation by now.

KillingTimeItself ,

mid teens would still be pedophillia though, so.

KillingTimeItself ,

of which were then shutdown about 6 months after. And reinstated later on...

KillingTimeItself ,

well i mean, underage would be a general term referring to people under the age of 18, so that makes sense. Unless they're children i would kind of expect that to be the case. Nobody refers to children as "under aged individuals" we refer to them as children lol, and teens aren't generally considered to be children.

KillingTimeItself ,

i wasn't even aware that was a thing you could do, but i suppose it makes sense.

Oh and it's none just for the record.

KillingTimeItself ,

the yiffit users out in the wild are the funniest ones to me.

KillingTimeItself ,

wait so, can i just deed the title of my land to my land upon my death? Is that something i can just fucking do?

KillingTimeItself ,

as a philosophy and sociology nerd myself (i.e. not at all qualified) i will simply say that there are many better alternatives.

The big five is a pretty good one, a lot of people like it, i really like the enneagram. It's really broad but incredibly specific at the same time, does a pretty good job at concatenating behaviors down into traits.

Other than that, stop taking personality tests. Start quantifying your own behaviorism's, it's fun, just don't take it seriously.

KillingTimeItself ,


yeah that checks out. I'm not surprised people don't like it. It's hard to boil things down into a handful of traits. Specifically shorter ones.

I presume it's a lot less predatory than the MBTI though. Colleges are even starting to use the MBTI and it's a huge cash cow for whoever owns that shit now.

Big five will probably go that way given a long enough period if it isn't already. I only mentioned it because it seems to be out there about as much as the MBTI lol.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah the practices around it. Technically the test itself can be predatory in the sense that it's wrong, and people believe that it isn't.

Similar things in society have caused far worse outcomes. Notably, antisemitism. Though this isn't nearly the same thing. People have a propensity to ascribe themselves to labels, or vice versa. And people like existing in groups. Labels are an incredibly easy way to define and arrange people into groups.

Just being wrong in it of itself isn't technically predatory though, but once you add in aspects like the MBTI pretending to be credible, suddenly now it becomes a lot more predatory on a personable level.

you ever taken an online personality test of any kind? Ever notice how it says that it's just for entertainment and shows no real data/labels? Similar thing there.

KillingTimeItself ,

there we go. This is someone that cements.

KillingTimeItself ,

i mean, it does contain it, so uh.

It just won't contain it forever.

KillingTimeItself ,

i think we should build a giant lava canal and store the lava in a pool.

KillingTimeItself ,

do love myself a good rocky foundation to base things on.

KillingTimeItself ,

damn, you got me there.

KillingTimeItself ,

well there's only one way to help them with that lawsuit so.

KillingTimeItself ,

In this scenario you are also “just existing out there.”

i mean yeah, but if i was just existing out there alone that would be fucking weird. But only just fucking weird. If i was out there but WITH someone else, i would be REALLY fucking confused.

And that is the entire point. The article didn’t say “any man” it said “a random man”. Could go either way, who knows? With the bear it’s far more certain it just wants to leave you alone.

obviously. I wonder what the statistics would be though. Since it's a "random" person, i wonder how likely you would actually be to get a shitty person. Bear stats are even harder though. So it's not even like you could compare it.

people often sight that 1 in 3 woman experience sexual assault (i think that's the correct phrasing) but that's a basic collective stat. And given the fact that it's just a random man. I would have to assume the chances of getting someone who isn't going to fuck your shit up is pretty good. I'd be surprised if it was less than 50% frankly. Now when it comes to bears, there are a few bears, but assuming black bears, grizzly bears, and brown bears, black bears are pretty chill from what i've heard. Grizzly bears tend to be problematic. Brown bears are generally docile, but can be temperamental apparently. So for statistical simplicity we'll just say you've got a 25% chance of getting cocaine bear'd because likewise, the bear doesn't know why it's there. I would feel like if you were to select a man at random from society, you've probably got equal to marginally better chances. I mean you'd have to get a pretty fucked up individual to just throw them in there and the first thing they decide to do is commit rape, or worse.

And presumably there aren't any established rules for how you got there, i like to think of it as if you were just teleported there, and i suppose that's unrealistic, but the alternative is walking into the forest with a fucking bear lmao. Or just being in a forest while a bear is also in the forest, and at that point, i don't think it would make a difference anymore. Given that you're likely to be too far away from each other to be an immediate danger. So i'm presuming we're just dropped within visual/hearing distance of each other.

but naturally, that's not the point of this thought experiment. The whole point is to make a point, because it's actually a bit of societal quip more than anything. But i like thinking about this shit like a thought experiment because i prefer to not think about being murdered generally.

Also here's a fucking nitpick if i've ever had one "any" is literally a synonym to "random" Any is quite literally describing "any one of these things that you could possibly select will do the job" and random is quite literally" pick one of them, at random, in a mathematical sense" So from the point of the argument, they mean the same thing.

KillingTimeItself ,


KillingTimeItself ,

i would fuck with it ngl, sounds like fun lmao

KillingTimeItself ,

oh it's simple, don't capitalize and it's immediately harder to do.

KillingTimeItself ,

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

KillingTimeItself ,

i mean listen we've got priorities here. We're capitalizing, not capitalizing.

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