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KillingTimeItself ,

guys, im starting to think that this ronald guy was kind of a shit head.

KillingTimeItself ,

schoolwork builds habits and work ethic?

If anything it just taught me that life is bullshit and nothing matters because it's all manufactured, but maybe that's what i get for not being impressionable.

KillingTimeItself ,

its probably a series of bonks intermixed with EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

KillingTimeItself ,

damn, they finally shook off the space gremlins, i was enjoying them.

KillingTimeItself ,

wait until you find out what they didn't do with shit like websites.

KillingTimeItself ,

ok to be clear, maintaining and upkeeping a property IS actually a job.

However it also requires that you well, do the job. There are a lot of people that housekeep for others, that's a job. Landlording is theoretically, a subset of this, in the other direction. But in reality, it's not.

Regardless, i think renting homes should be illegal.

KillingTimeItself ,

people keep telling me that i should just "do things"

But i don't think people understand how my brain works. "just doing something" is not something that is possible. The line between me doing something, and me consciously doing something, is very very big. To be honest, i don't even know why i do shit sometimes, i just fucking do it.

amusingly enough.

KillingTimeItself ,

man i can't wait until 20 years from now when scientists find out that this is actually like, really fucking common or some dumb bullshit like that.

Or at least i hope that happens, because it would be very funny.

KillingTimeItself ,

i'm guessing the generic is very common, but the specific event here is very rare. Like a unix time party for instance.

KillingTimeItself ,

i just want to hope that tumblr never fucking changes

KillingTimeItself ,

i'm surprised these guys still exist even.

Hopefully they're actually doing proper e waste "recycling"

KillingTimeItself ,

so far the best e waste recyling i've seen so far is warehousing it and reselling it to nerds who want it for cheap.

And anybody else who would ever want it also i suppose.

KillingTimeItself ,

too bad we can't prevent these massive companies from producing shit loads of e waste or anything.

If only that would help.

KillingTimeItself ,

hmm, let's see.

It's not java.

It's also not a scripting language.

also to the repeat grammar nazi in the comments here, hi, "its"

hi hello some thoughts and personal beliefs.

i regret to inform you that you have probably created one of the more interesting communities to me, and i will almost certainly be back. I have a lot of thoughts in regards to living life to a productively healthy state. anyway, for the first post, since it's late and i have things to be doing, I'll be keeping this short....

KillingTimeItself ,

is that, anthony fantano, the notorious music review guy?

I don't remember steve looking like that.

Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

KillingTimeItself ,

i would teach my kids that piracy is the natural market force to push corpos and companies into ethically (or at least more ethically) distributing content.

I would also teach my kids that if one were to pirate media, they should also find a way to support whoever it came from directly, assuming it's a band or small artist, rather than something like a TV show, where it'll make no difference.

KillingTimeItself ,

in regards to privacy using something like windows already has you fucked up. As opposed to something like using KDE which might rm -rf your system.

KillingTimeItself ,

i just want to be left alone, and i want other people to be left alone, and i want rights, and i want other people to have rights.

Revolutionary concept.

KillingTimeItself ,

idk it's an interesting conversation to have, but it's also like saying that owning swords should be illegal or at the very least highly regulated because they can be dangerous.

I don't have a fundamental problem with people owning guns, or dangerous things, i have a fundamental problem with people who have a violent history getting access to guns however.

KillingTimeItself ,

So where are all those gun people with their guns given all this government tyranny going on? What are they doing?

pissing and shitting themselves over the concept of liberals and queer people owning guns because it makes them quake in their boots.

(not all of them to be fair, a lot of them are pretty chill, and i respect them for that, but there is a CONCERNING amount of these people regardless.)

KillingTimeItself ,

I get that you’re in a social group that is more at risk of attack, and I really wish it wasn’t that way. However, the kind of mindset you’re espousing here is the same justification people use to shoot minorities, or shoot children for walking into their lawns, or to shoot people turning around in their driveways. Too often, people are jumpy, racist, and not mentally equipped to handle guns. There are other things that can be used to defend yourself.

ok, but there's a difference between your rights being actively infringed upon, and being an entitled piece of shit. This is why things like prison exist. And laws.

That guy in florida that mag dumped on the middle of the fucking highway? Definitely shouldn't own a gun, but he also got no punishment for it That shit should be illegal. There are a lot of states where stand your ground laws aren't a thing, my state for instance has pretty specific and strict laws around when you can and cannot shoot people in your own home.

KillingTimeItself ,

guns to me, are more about sport and the potential for them to be useful to you in rare circumstances, more than shooting at an f35 that is launching a nuclear warhead at me from three miles away.

KillingTimeItself ,

specifically crafted, to not hinder or disable,

specifically crafted to be a significant impediment to living*

KillingTimeItself ,

me personally, i like the fact that i have the capability of owning one. Much like anything else in life, i like being in control of things i interact with and use from day to day life. It's why im a linux user, it's why i self host a lot of services that i use. I do not like being dependent on others for things that i know i adequately provide for myself.

It's no more than feeding my individualism at the end of the day. And i don't think that's a negative thing. I'm sure people would tell me im a shitty person for not wanting to contribute to society, but i also never wanted to exist in the first place, so i think it's a little fucking daft to claim that i owe something to a thing i'm not particularly fond of to begin with. But that's a different rant altogether so.

KillingTimeItself ,

this is the perfect answer to the entirety of this thread.

KillingTimeItself ,

Anything really, if you live rurally that be quite a number of things, hell even if you live in an urban environment. Queer people have been arming themselves as of late, given the more restrictive nature that legislation has taken against them. POC and other minority groups have been doing this regularly for decades. None of this is new.

KillingTimeItself ,

actually, someone should start a biological clean up crew for pro gun people. That would be fun.

KillingTimeItself ,

that would have been the joke, i believe.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, that's not my point though, do you think swords were designed to sit on a wall and look pretty? They were an instrument of war.

My point is pretty explicit. Also, melee weapons, in particular ranged melee weapons can be incredibly dangerous. You need to be close sure, but you can be behind someone, or they could simply not be paying attention, or you could be concealing a knife as you walk past someone for instance. Technically you can do it with a gun also, but a knife is vastly easier to control.

Likely not as dangerous, but idk how good those stats would be to begin with, a well placed knife wound can fuck someone up proper. Even a center of mass shot with a gun can be trivial to survive.

Also i'm pretty sure 10 a second is hyperbolic, 1 per second i suppose.

Even pistols are way to dangerous. Also, swords are highly regulated in some states.

im pretty sure most states highly regulate guns as well, there are a few that have pretty lax carry laws. But it's questionable how much impact those have.

KillingTimeItself ,

you would have incredible difficulty in landing ten rounds per second, into ten different people, per second. Especially from distance.

KillingTimeItself ,

spaces are for cowards, wait fuck

KillingTimeItself ,

of course.

KillingTimeItself ,

How are guns going to solve oppressive legislation?

they aren't. At a federal level, and even a state level, they won't. As for the doing it for decades part, it's because they're pansies who like to dick ride on a concept that makes them feel better. For some reason.

Regardless, it's technically a non answer, but this is also a form of a non question. "why would you need to own a gun" can range from literally anything to "i hunt" to "sport" to "self protection" to "self protection but from the wild" to "the sock pill" There are a million and one reasons someone could own a gun. And a million and one purposes for it to serve.

KillingTimeItself ,

when did i use a homophobic slur? I'm genuinely confused.

For what it matters, which is probably none, i'm ace. And pretty fucking gay for one.

KillingTimeItself ,

to be clear, i googled pansy prior to this, and the only thing that came up was the flower, so i figured it must not be important. Anyway it's literally defined as "a weak man" Which is exactly how im using that, specifically to describe a specific type of right winger. Who could arguably be defined as "weak men" oh and also, i've used that word a lot to define people. I've never once been yelled at for using it, even though i hang around quite a few queer people on the regular. This is my first instance of such, maybe it's becoming a slur now? I don't know. I would think it used to be a slur about 30 years ago, but probably not anymore. I could be wrong, if you have the etymological history of the word at the ready feel free to bring it out.

also i know it doesn't matter, i just thought it would be funny to mention it. The usual "i can't be racist because i have a black friend" joke type beat. I mean, it's the internet after all, if we can't shitpost, then why bother doing anything at all. Right?

Anyway, I can claim to be absolutely anything on the internet, perhaps you should go have a look through my post history, and find out that i'm relatively neutral to everything, except for people explicitly denying others rights. I'm unsure if you're calling me pro-gun, i'm not, i would appreciate it if you didn't pull shit out of your ass, and try to define me as such when i could literally just be making fun of you to amuse myself (i'm not) seems rather hypocritical for you to tell me that i can't state who i am, and then for you to explicitly state who i am, if you are doing that.

Speaking of the pro-gun community, there are a lot of problems in it, notably the fact that there seems to be a specific subset of people who fully "back" 2a, only to immediately double back on it when they realize that it means queer/left leaning people get to own guns because "well it makes me feel unsafe" which for someone who opposes all forms of gun control because "it violates 2a" seems rather authoritarian to me.

but yeah no, continue to tell me how i'm a piece of shit righty, even though i'm not, and continue to exclaim that i'm homophobic even though the contextual usage of that word makes literally zero sense in a homophobic manner. How many gay pro 2a "the government isn't going to take our guns away" conservatives do you know? Definitely not enough to classify it as such.

KillingTimeItself ,

if i had a nickel for everytime i heard someone say "both parties are the same" i'd have a few dollars, which isn't much, but it's weird that i'd have a few dollars.

If i had a nickel for everytime i heard someone reference "both parties are the same" I'd have a lot more than a few dollars, and i'm not sure why. And honestly, it kind of scares me.

KillingTimeItself ,

damn, gun violence is crazy, as a gun owner i guess i should just shoot myself huh.

(hello mods, hi, this is satire, i'm satirizing, pls don't kill me, kthnx bye)

KillingTimeItself ,

is that 10% a one time thing or does it stack per incident?

KillingTimeItself ,

hee hee, whoops, don't tell that group of furry hackers that's been making rounds recently about this one.

KillingTimeItself ,

ah damn, my rights to not go into the bathroom i please. oh no. I'm losing them.

KillingTimeItself ,

the only place a teen could ever possibly "experiment" in according to you is a school bathroom, by that definition at least.

There is no other possible place where this could be done, everything except for the school bathroom is a void and doesn't exist.

Emergency rooms refused to treat pregnant women, leaving one to miscarry in a lobby restroom ( )

One woman miscarried in the restroom lobby of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to admit her. Another woman learned that her fetus had no heartbeat at a Florida hospital, the day after a security guard turned her away from the facility. And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency room...

KillingTimeItself ,

you didn't hear it from me, but, so far, no has said that you can't miscarriage in public.

So, for the two people that would ever want to do that. Have at it.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, but a large part of imagination is being able to visualize something in your imagination. Otherwise doing things like 2 + 2 in your head would count as imagination.

Also technically, not visual/sensory imagery, just the ability to visualize things in your mind. But that's semantics so meh.

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, that's fine. I don't care, i even advocated from removing individual taxes altogether but i dont think you read that part.

As long as i'm not filing them, and the IRS cant sue my ass, i'm fine and i don't care.

KillingTimeItself ,

a simple solution is a solution to the problem, it's redefining the problem in such a manner, to make the solution possible. It's called compromise. A thing that exists in either one of these situations. In complex solutions you compromise by making a shitty solution mostly cover a shitty problem, in a simple solution you make it comprehensively cover the problem, and in a simple manner, but it doesn't cover the whole problem, because the problem is simple.

The problem here is that tax is overwhelmingly complex, we just need to forcibly simplify it in a manner that makes it more functional, and more apt, while not losing too much control. It's absolutely possible. It's just scope control.

KillingTimeItself ,

well no, see that's where you're mistaken. Tax is currently overwhelming complex BECAUSE of the tax law.

Simple tax law makes taxes simpler, complex tax law makes tax more complex. Much like a simple solution solves a simple problem, and a complex solution solves a complex problem.

You can generally force a simple solution on a complex problem by simply altering what the problem is. You might argue that tax is inherently complex due to the fact that it's applied both to individuals and corporations/companies, however i would argue that it should only apply to one of those, making it vastly simpler, because it only has to focus on the one group. Repeat ad nauseam and boom simple tax law.

You think tax was just as complicated back in the days of pre industrialization? It sure as hell wasn't.

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