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Iceblade02 ,

That's usually the argument leveraged against platforms that don't fold to demands to deplatform individuals with reprehensible views.

The good old "You're either with us or against us" spiel is excellent at destroying any nuance.

Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal ( )

Following the UN Security Council vote to approve a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza, U.S. officials and other international allies of Israel are cynically placing blame on Hamas for a stall in current ceasefire negotiations — even as Israel has insisted on indefinitely continuing its massacre in Gaza and Hamas has said its main...

Iceblade02 ,

Would still be better to agree to a temporary ceasefire whilst a permanent one is negotiated.

Iceblade02 ,

Netanyahu is not the end-all-be-all of Israeli decisionmaking. Unlike Hamas, the Israeli state is a democratic institution. If an agreement is formulated between that guarantees the Israeli citizenry that Gazan islamic terrorists won't repeat an october 7 massacre in the future, Netanyahu will not be able to stop it. Time is what is needed to create such an agreement.

However, as always, Hamas prioritizes their own interests above those of the Gazan populace. They know very well Israel can not realistucally agree to an unconditional, permanent end to hostilities, as that was the situation that led to october 7th in the first place.

At the minimum I would expect a permanent end to the war to be conditioned on Hamas releasing the remaining civilian hostages.

Iceblade02 ,

An Apartheid is not a democracy.

Even if it were, those aren't mutually exclusive. Most, if not all democracies are flawed in some fashion.

But still the war cabinet fully supports what Netanyahu is saying here.

So much so that members have been on the verge of resigning several times. You underestimate just how frail Netanyahus position really is.

So you are correct to point out that it is not just Netanyahu but the israeli government that does not want a ceasefire.

It does, just not at the terms Hamas demands.

The rest of your comment makes no sense.

I'm perfectly willing to clarify. If there is something you fail to understand, please highlight it.

Iceblade02 ,

Here's what the UN says on the matter.

Israel is a democracy with well-established and independent institutions...

In the occupied Palestinian territory...

So at least in the reality where the UN exists, Israel is a democracy and the Palestinian territories are occupied (as opposed to annexed).

I'd love to hear more about the reality that "we" (you and your woefully uninformed friends I presume?) are present in.

Iceblade02 ,

The fact that there is a "Yes" in the violence box (regardless of target) makes them violent extremists. Besides, from what I've seen, plenty of antifa folk will use violence and vandalism against people unrelated to the supposed target group.

Iceblade02 ,

That's a terrible comparison. The same can be applied to any state with an aggressive foreign policy - or violent group intent on assailing a legitimate, elected government.

Political violence instead tends to fuel and enlarge these sorts of radical, violent movements, ultimately worsening the situation even further. The antidote is de-legitimizing their entire strategy by enforcing non-violence on an institutional level, a peaceful transfer of power. This shows the general populace that the most dangerous thing in the room is in fact the violent extremist, who needs to be locked up the moment they break the social contract of non-violence.

Iceblade02 ,

I do, and where I live being the first to throw a punch towards anyone for almost any reason is generally frowned upon.

The reason that violence is dangerous in this context is that it can allow a violent minority to oppress and subjugate a majority. By removing it from society in general and de-legitimizing its use the influence of these sorts of people can be effectively minimized.

Iceblade02 ,

I prefer lemmy but miss the niche communities. The Swedish national community for instance, roleplaying communities, niche game communities etc.

Iceblade02 ,

Liberty means freedom, not only from government,s,but from authority in general. Corporations, religious organizations, criminal organizations, political organizations and other people.

Iceblade02 ,

Yeah, I honestly give very few shits about the political opinions of the lemmy devs as long as it doesn't taint the project itself -and if it did at some point in the future, forking an open-source project is stupidly easy.

I even donate a smidge of money to the development effort via librepay - man does need it to live after all.

Dessalines & Nutomic put a lot of effort into building and maintaining the lemmy codebase. I respect that.

Iceblade02 ,

French culture has a long and bloody history specifically centered around getting rid of religious rule (read christianity), and implementing laws that essentially amount to freedom from religion. This is unlike a lot of other countries which focused on freedom of religion.

When large muslim communities form, this often leads to the imposition of their religious expressions upon others. This specifically clashes with French culture, where religion is a private matter, for private spaces. Hence why many french react strongly when muslims complain about how the very laws they relied on to rid themselves of the yoke of Christianity is somehow specifically discriminatory against them.

No, it's not discriminatory against islam or muslims in particular. It's a defence mechanism against the imposition of regressive, anti-humanist values on the general population by organized religion.

Iceblade02 ,

The real protip is always in the comments 👍

Iceblade02 ,

Not necessarily. Folks in developed countries have much greater opportunities to rack up debt and large negative equity. I would not be surprised if the bottom % are made up of students and gamblers that in practice have a far higher standard of living due to their access to money, relative to the developing world where people with a "net 0" balance are starving to death.

Iceblade02 ,

Was there even a ceasefire to begin with?

Hamas has been shooting rockets at Israel for years, and Israel has been bombing Hamas as well.

Iceblade02 ,

I hope you realize that you in your comment advocated for the killing of at least half a million people.

Iceblade02 ,

Why exactly would they remove the fence? Lots of countries (particularly ones with hostile relations) have similar constructions on their borders.

Iceblade02 ,


not op but

Religious school wants to teach creationism rather than evolution because it "goes against their beliefs" - law says they have to teach evolution because it's part of the national curriculum (which in turn is science based) and are not allowed to give creationism equal weight.

Religious school cries foul, says the government is bigoted and discriminating against their religion.

Is this a case of intolerance that needs to be bashed?

Iceblade02 ,

Oh for sure. Child marriage and genital mutilation is also an issue within this scope.

They're stuck 2 centuries in the past and expect to be able to impose their barbaric "beliefs" on everyone around them.

Iceblade02 ,

Yeah, there's a huge difference in tactics depending on whether you're trying to comvince the person you're arguing with, or the audience.

The latter is soo much easier - often it's enough to back them into a corner where they out themselves as wrong whatever they say, and they'll quickly descend into a ball of rage.

Iceblade02 ,

Nah, I doubt they'll manage what they say. Some maybe, and shit'll suck no doubt, but there's a lot of inertia in the bureaucracy. My real worry is what the CCP & Russia will do once they have a green light that the US won't intervene in their expansionist ideals.

Iceblade02 ,

Yeah, tragically that's the case with many of the enviromental movements where I live as well.

Iceblade02 ,

Uh, yeah?

Civil disobedience can be illegal, and engaging in it can land you in jail. Many famous activists did end up in jail at one point or another for doing illegal things. It's a risk you have to accept if you want to engage in those protests, and if a little bit of jail-time is sufficient to deter folks from the movement, then they probably aren't particularly invested in the cause.

Iceblade02 ,

That's always the case with laws (they can and will have unintended consequences). My personal opinion is that laws should expire unless explicitly renewed.

Anyway, if the law as it is written is a problem, it should be changed - not selectively applied. I really have a problem with the american legal system where law is primarily made in court and not in parliament.

Iceblade02 ,

Civil disobedience is not inherently criminal in the western world (that would be horrible) - criminal acts are. In this case, the civil disobedience involves crime, and the organization explicitly plans illegal action, fitting the bill of what that law prohibits.

If them being convicted based on those laws are a problem -change them. That's often part of the purpose of civil disobedience, highlighting problematic laws, swaying public opinion and getting lawmakers to change them.

Iceblade02 ,

Whilst cool, I don't really think the problem in the case of wikipedia is that it needs a different platform.

Iceblade02 ,

If certain jobs aren't valuable enough to pay a living wage, then maybe they should be done by robots instead of humans.

Iceblade02 ,

First off, I'd argue that there are vanishingly few truly unskilled jobs - merely that the entry barrier to them are so low that most fully able adults can pick them up in a short amount of time.

I ran into this exact topic roughly half a year ago - so here's a somewhat rewritten version of what I wrote up, specifically about the skills of company executives - a group which CEOs are a part of.

So, executives. There is no ‘exact’ skill set specific to executives, as there are many types. There are however skills and traits that many have in common that are useful.

I’ll split them into three vague groups.- “politicians”, managers and industry experts.

The first category are social power players more than anything getting into their position due to connections and charisma. Their importance is playing the loyalties of other people - widely considered the most useless execs, even in business circles. If they’d be categorized by “skillset”, it’d be people skills (leadership) and connections to important people.

Managerial executives are usually focused on economy (i.e resource management) and the running of an organization. They’ll often have both experience and academic knowledge of organizational structures, asset management and economics, helping their organization (at least on paper) make the most of their resources. They can be good at their job, but if they get too focused on the “on paper” economics they fall into the category of “greedy, money grabbing fucks who ruin everything they touch”.

The last and (in my mind) best category are the industry experts. Often they’ll have come from within a company or organization and have in-depth knowledge of how things work and what is “important” in a business. These sorts are the “boring” ones we don’t hear much about, often having started their a business and grown it, or climbed the ranks from within and sat in leadership for decades. On the flip side they’ll have opinions without any obvious basis, “This is just how it is done”, which is in many cases important, but in others pure BS.

In all three categories you’ll find execs who are good and bad in different ways and also offend your sensibilities in different ways.

Iceblade02 ,

Yeah, the way we do this in Sweden is pretty decent. There's no minimum wage, but if you are unemployed you (A) have access to unemployment for a few months via your unions income insurance, and (B) if unemployed for a long time & do not have the means to otherwise support yourself will qualify for a basic subsistence support from your municipality along with housing benefits - on the condition that you keep looking for a job (if you aren't disabled).

Iceblade02 ,

Honestly, it sucks. I've been increasingly falling back on regular SMS, because a lot of people seem to prefer cutting me off to the slight effort of a different communication medium. I was thinking that everyone has a phone, but there's a lot of resistance to using it in my age group.

Iceblade02 ,

It's a case of efficiency. Stalls and urinals take less space than single occupancy bathrooms - which translates into smaller buildings costing less money to build, maintain, heat, a lower impact on climate and also allowing a higher efficiency usage of land.

Besides, most places that have stalls also have at least one large gender neutral single occupancy bathroom with extra features such as a baby station and disability adaptations.

Unless there suddenly becomes a huge demand for gender neutral bathrooms, I don't see why that additional bathroom wouldn't be sufficient to serve people who can't use the regular bathrooms.

Iceblade02 ,

Given that you have posted this comment and distinguished it by speaking as a mod, would you please cite external sources for the following claims in it:

  • Israel is executing (this implies intent, so there needs to be proof that it is deliberate) civilians and aid workers, who furthermore are innocent (i.e not combatory participants in any way).

  • Israel is factually recognized to be comitting a genocide (using the UN definition here as laid out in article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide). Remember, this includes proof of "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group" as well.

I apologize if this comment seems confrontative, but as a moderator of another community on lemmy I feel thay we need to be held to a higher standard than the rest of our community members, particularly when using the "speak as moderator" feature, and particularly in a community such as world news, which (I hope) wants to have a basis in objectivity.

If you can not, or do not want to cite sources, I would very much appreciate keeping non-sourced controversial statements out of featured posts and "speak as moderator" comments. Simply making a second non-moderator comment and putting those statements there would suffice.

Thank you.

Iceblade02 ,

Hi and apologies for the late reply - /c/ moderator @jordanlund removed my comment and gave me a temporary ban for the comment you replied to citing that it was "Pro-Israel propaganda".

First off, thank you for posting this link - and no, I'm not interested in discussing them. My point was that users should be held to a higher standard when posting as moderators than the rest of us.

I will however give a comment on the contents of the cited webpage. I read through the statements from decision makers (These seemed most relevant), and they did (in my personal view) not amount to intent. However, as law4palestine highlights:

The ultimate adjudication of this matter is contingent upon the determination of a competent court.

Personally, I want to see a full investigation by the ICJ conducted, and if they do end up with an indictment, those responsible brought to justice.

Iceblade02 ,

You know... that actually doesn't seem that bad when you consider that the global GDP was 90T in 2022 - assuming linear scaling, sequestering the entire global carbon footprint would take 30% of global GDP.

Assuming that the economy grows (let's say 3%/yr) with lower carbon intensity (i.e we do some of the other things on the climate change bucket list) and manage to prevent emissions from growing, the global GDP surplus by 2030 would cover sequestering the costs for capturing all global emissions.

Now that's just napkin maths - and carbon capture is terribly inefficient and seems like an upper bound of cost. So, now consider how much less it might cost if we use efficient methods: Renewables, nuclear, HVACs, hydrogen steel, co2-binding concrete etc etc.

Eh, just a thought.

Iceblade02 ,

If it sounds too good to be true - it probably is.

How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?

To those from the Western hemisphere, it's always fascinating to hear that some homes and businesses from the times of the Greek philosophers still have inhabitants, and then you remember that the Western hemisphere is itself not without its own examples, for example some Mexican villages still have temples from the times of the...

Iceblade02 ,

There are archaeological finds of buildings from more than 9000 years ago (oldest in the region).

There's a church that was finished sometime during the 1200s and is preserved in its original form in the municipality, but technically it's not within town limits.

The main church was also initially built around that time but was rebuilt in the late 1700s - nothing of the original remains.

The cellar of a royal farm still remains, which was built in 1552, though it's more a ruin than a building.

A castle/royal manor was built in 1652, and although it has been renovated and expanded in the early 1700s, parts of the structure are still from the original.

So, I suppose it depends on what you're looking for.

Iceblade02 ,

I just hope there won't be a terror attack in Malmö during Eurovision. There's a huge amount of police and security involved, but Malmö also has a problem with islamic extremism.

Iceblade02 ,

Scandinavian countries are not "super socialist" - sure, we have robust social welfare systems, but these are funded through taxation on regulated market economies with private ownership. That is not socialism.

I know that there were some experiments with trying to transfer into a socialist system here in Sweden during the 70s (I think?), but those failed in a spectacular fashion and were rolled back. They are the reason that many famous "Swedish" brands such as IKEA aren't actually based in Sweden.

Iceblade02 ,

Nice, now we just need to increase non-fossil fuelled energy production another 900% in order fo get rid of fossil fuels!

Iceblade02 ,

Yep, and if I wanted a filtered feed I'd view subscribed.

Iceblade02 ,

Where I live, there's usually a union rep on the board if the company is sufficiently large - so it's sort of getting to vote on who your boss is, in a roundabout way.

Iceblade02 ,

Yeah, getting rid of malaria in large parts of the world was one of the great successes of the 1900's, and a large reason for that was the drainage of wetlands. Part of the reason I personally cannot at all sympathize with folks who want to restore the wetlands. Particularly with the world heating up, it's likely to result in a surge of mosquito-borne disease.


Iceblade02 ,

I fundamentally disagree. Our mastery over nature is what allows us to even care about such esoteric things. As a humanist, I consider climate change a problem because it poses a threat to humans, much like mosquitoes do.

Iceblade02 ,

Yup, and slavery was already illegal in much of the christian Europe at the start of this timeline. Serfdom (which primarily affected european peasants) would however continue well into the 1800s.

Iceblade02 ,

Part of maintaining a free market is regulations that punish anti-competitive behaviour.

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