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To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board ( www.inquirer.com )

"But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office.”...

FlexibleToast ,

He has even said he is slowing down and can't debate as well as used to. This doesn't technically disqualify him, but it should be a huge red flag that he isn't and wasn't the best candidate. That's the real problem.

FlexibleToast ,

Oh I know. I live in a swing state, so I have to plug my nose and vote.

FlexibleToast ,

Technically I'm voting for Biden, in reality I'm voting against Trump. I really wish I had a better option...

FlexibleToast ,

Undecided Latino voters specifically according to the article. I don't think that should be too surprising based on the lies Trump was spewing about illegal immigration.

FlexibleToast ,

Airlines have a mandatory retirement age of 65. I could support that for politicians and judges.

FlexibleToast ,

And greater than the profit the company has ever made and a couple orders of magnitude higher than the salary they saved from their layoffs.

FlexibleToast ,

Both of them had both feet off the ground with every stride. I don't know what the point of race walking is...

FlexibleToast ,

It seemed pretty clear to my human eye. The fitness required is incredible, but calling it a fast walk seems disingenuous at best.

FlexibleToast ,

So the problem with her work is you, not her.

FlexibleToast ,

Being a convicted felon, can he even vote for himself now? I'm pretty sure Florida doesn't allow felons to vote.

FlexibleToast ,

Interesting, thanks for the info. I guess we'll see on July 11th.

FlexibleToast ,

Sentencing is July 11.

FlexibleToast ,

July 11th from everywhere I've seen. I don't know why it takes over a month.

FlexibleToast ,

Yep, it's very clear there are two legal systems. One for us and one for the rich.

FlexibleToast ,

They're asking the wrong question. The question should be who the economy is thriving for? The answer to that question will tell you everything you need to know.

FlexibleToast ,

You're reinforcing my point. The economy has improved for people who were already well off. The people on the low side are getting pinched even harder.

FlexibleToast ,

You've decided you only want evidence that agrees with you.

A single anecdote is not evidence.

FlexibleToast ,

I've heard the argument that it isn't genocide because Isreal doesn't intend to destroy Palestinians. I guess their defense is that Isreal is just incredibly inept at fighting a war? I don't buy it. How anyone can deny the genocide after the World Central Kitchen incident is beyond me.

Pelosi accuses MSNBC host Katy Tur of being ‘apologist for Donald Trump’ ( www.thehill.com )

During an appearance on the network, Pelosi touted President Biden’s record on the economy, saying, he “created 9 million jobs in his term in office. Donald Trump has the worst record of job loss of any president. So we just have to make sure people know.”...

FlexibleToast ,

Honestly, I think this is the only reason Biden won in 2020. Trump once said he was like a war time president with the pandemic. If he had kept that mentality and rallied to battle it, I think he would have won. However, I'm not sure which scenario is worse in the long term... I suppose the darkest timeline is yet to be seen. If Trump wins in November, we will truly be in the darkest timeline.

FlexibleToast ,

But you could replace just about any product with that statement.

FlexibleToast ,

But OP just said it's not a job in the meme. Which is it?

FlexibleToast ,

The lender would have to be a moron to offer that loan.

FlexibleToast ,

Not yet. As part of the IPO, he can't sell stock for 6 months. It being high at any point before that does nothing for him.

FlexibleToast ,

"A bit". Do you realize the sheer number of trees you would have to plant to offset our carbon? And then, eventually, those trees die and the carbon is reintroduced. Trees never have been and never will be the answer to CO2 that was previously sequestered underground over millenia.

FlexibleToast ,

Yeah, like I said, a ridiculous amount of trees according to that calculator. That calculator said I'm in the top 5% and would take just over 200 trees a year. If we make the assumption that all of the top 5% also need 200 trees a year (it'smuch more likely that number sky rockets as the percentage gets lower), that's 70,000,000,000 trees a year. To put some scale to that it looks like 14m hectares were lost to deforestation in 2010 and from what I see the most generous number is about 900 trees per hectare. That's 12,600,000,000 trees. Stopping all deforestation won't even come close to covering 5% of the CO2. Again, trees never will be enough to make up for the CO2 being pumped out of the ground and into the air.

FlexibleToast ,

Yep, that was my original point. Trees just can't cut it. They have such a little impact they're almost not worth even discussing. Far larger gains can be found elsewhere.

FlexibleToast ,

I didn't say I don't like trees, just they aren't the solution. They're often used as green washing and delay actually effective things like carbon cap and trade. I don't know what the solution will be. If it were simple enough for me to solve it, it wouldn't be a problem we're facing.

FlexibleToast ,

Well, kind of... Reducing carbon emissions would be far more effective than trying to capture the emissions we currently use.

FlexibleToast ,

I didn't say you can't do both. The real danger is the green washing. In fact, it's not a danger, it's currently already used to subvert carbon cap and trade regulations. Scams of companies that sell carbon credits for protecting forestry that aren't endangered to begin with. There is little to no oversight of this and is hurting our progress to fixing the issue.

FlexibleToast ,

You’re ready to hand over the USA to christofascists

I have never once said that. I have said the opposite several times.

FlexibleToast ,

It’s the voters fault that whoever wins, wins.

Hey, you got that part right. It is up the voters to pick the winner. Which is why it's up to the party to pick a candidate that can earn the votes to win.

FlexibleToast ,

Unaffiliated voters expecting him to appeal to them specifically is on those voters, not the Dems.

Except if the Democrats want to win.

FlexibleToast ,

It is up to the voters... Hence the choice of the word "party" there and not DNC. The party includes the DNC and their members (their primary voters). Silly you indeed.

FlexibleToast ,

If you want to win, you have to appeal to the majority of voters. That's how voting works... You can do that by energizing the base to overcome the middle or by appealing to the middle. If you pick a candidate that can't do either, don't expect to win.

FlexibleToast ,

If a party chooses a candidate that loses, yes it is the parties fault. Its the DNC that put their thumb on the scale and not encouraging others to run against Biden and it's their voters fault for not picking someone else.

Ultimate if Biden loses you can blame the voters and keep putting up candidates the voters don't want, or the party can decide to adapt to what the majority of voters want. In a winner takes all, FPTP voting system it's really that simple.

FlexibleToast ,

Nice strawman you have there.

FlexibleToast ,

In that case, nice anecdote you have.

FlexibleToast ,

Eh, that's not exactly how that works. There are single issue voters. If neither side appeals to them they will likely either not vote or seek a third party candidate. That is why the Green party had any sort of relevance until the Dems started really taking climate issues more seriously with things like "the green new deal".

FlexibleToast ,

it sounds like we’re in exact alignment with each other on this topic and i’m wondering what your response is to the inevitable finger pointing at leftist from liberals after the election.

That's what I've been talking about in this thread. It's up to the party to look inward and realize why they failed and field a better candidate. If they want to point to the finger else where they're just going to pick more losing candidates.

i’d like to hear your thoughts on the group think talking point that a protest vote against biden is a vote for trump.

It's a cop out. You vote for things. If you vote for say a third party then it's exactly that, you voted for a third party you didn't vote for Trump. It's up to the party to win your votes.

FlexibleToast ,

folks you refuse to vote for?

I never said that... I've said the opposite. Now you're arguing against points I never said or made.

FlexibleToast ,

and how the DNC is everyone’s real problem

I didn't say that either. I've simply said that if Biden loses, it's not the fault of the voters, but it's the fault of the party and the candidate for not earning enough voters to win.

FlexibleToast ,

Yes, but also no. It has always been pumped up as the most important election ever, but this time we literally have someone in the ballot that incited an insurrection and says they will be a dictator on day one. It's like the boy who cried wolf and this time there is actually a wolf.

FlexibleToast ,


And what does that have to do with this election? Biden won when voters were fed up with Trump's poor handling of COVID-19. Those were very different times.

you are painting the whole party as bad

Except I'm not.

you’re constantly saying “dem party is bad, it’s not the voters fault”

Again, I'm not saying that.

trying very hard to paint a picture of how bad Biden is

Again I'm not

Like I said it’s hard to tell you apart from the guy saying don’t vote.

Because you're not reading what I've written and have built some weird strawman in place of it. I have very clearly said that I will vote for Biden, but if Biden loses it is the party's fault for not having a good enough candidate. Pay attention to the words in that last sentence, specifically the if. I have not said he will lose or that I want him to lose.

FlexibleToast ,

I don't think you replied to the right person. I would argue against any of this. In fact I brought up points that support what you're saying here.

FlexibleToast ,

he literally told those people to go home

Just like the mob boss literally said, he's worried about the safety of your family. Nobody with any sense is buying that BS.

FlexibleToast , (edited )

but you think that shouldn’t count because you know what every voter thinks

Do you even read what I write? I didn't say that either.

you expect him to lose

I didn't say that either.

You are certainly not saying anything good about Biden and in a thread full of “BuT HiLlArY ChEaTeD!” You def seem eager to shit all over Biden and how stupid the dnc is to run him

You are projecting a lot of insecurities on me that I haven't said.

I’m not making a straw man out of you not making any point other than associating negative shit to Biden and his party, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Except I haven't done that either.

you also feel compelled to shout is the main reason dems would lose

I haven't said that either.

What about this are you not getting? I have only said that IF Biden loses it is not the fault of the voters it is the fault of the party, this includes the DNC and the primary voters, for choosing a candidate that wasn't good enough. This in no way applies only to Biden. It in fact applies to all candidates that have ever run. It is not the job of the voters to vote for who a party, any party, wants them to vote for. It is the job of the party to earn the vote of the voters.

FlexibleToast ,

That's not at all what I said. There are people who are strictly single issue because that one issue matters more to them than anything else. Telling them to look at other issues doesn't solve their problem. They're more likely to look at other candidates.

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