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Enkers ,

What are you talking about? The billionaires love cheap labour.

Oh, his voters. Yeahhh...

Enkers ,

Studying maths is a good way to pasta time.

Enkers , (edited )

There's a difference between not buying anything from China, which would be nearly impossible, and not specifically having your own merch made there, though, especially when you get to choose the manufacturer. It's not like China is the only place you can have these things made.

Enkers ,

Didn't WaPo recently get bought out? Or was that another paper I'm thinking of?

Edit: Nope, just reorganized, it seems.

Enkers , (edited )

Pushing a solution that requires dependence on animal agriculture is just someone trying to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.

Also, was there supposed to be a linked article?

Why does just a picture and a headline have so many upvotes? Is this community asleep at the wheel??

Never mind, it's fixed now, and the linked article clearly views the "solution" as a negative.

Florida Governor DeSantis rejects climate change rationale for record-breaking rain ( wapo.st )

At this point, it's fairly common for significant rainfall events to have attribution studies showing that they're a result of the higher temperatures that fossil fuel burning has given us. Whether or not we end up with one for this particular event, it's something that we know will be more common if we keep on extracting and...

Enkers ,

"Climate change isn't re-blub blub blub!" >:(

Enkers , (edited )

Drinking milk and eating animal corpses after repeated outbreaks due to concentrated animal agriculture:


Enkers ,

I found the x2 were pretty tasty, but it'd be unpleasant for a few hours before the ring of fire, and that'd usually disrupt my sleep a bit, so it wasn't worth it. I just went with the regular spice level instead. I haven't tried the x3, but it seems like it's getting a bit silly by that point.

Enkers ,

I mean, regardless, the reason he says shit like that is so he can later point to the media and say "look what they're saying about me," and his cultists lap it up. It doesn't really matter much if he meant it or not.

Enkers ,

Why does this seem like the part of an exponential growth curve where it starts to go asymptotic? Like maybe I'm crazy, but this seems real real bad.

Enkers ,

We should be eating cricket flour. [...] And if we got over the “ick” factor, our carb-filled food would be a lot healthier.

The length people will go to, to not eat a goddamned legume.

Enkers ,

I'd punch a human trying to come up to me and draw my blood with a dirty needle as well.

And this may alarm you, but rocks are not, in fact, alive, or sentient in any manner (despite what pet rock enthusiasts want you to believe).

Enkers ,

Short answer: Because it's easier to manufacture a plausible sounding excuse than to rethink a large portion of your life.

Long answer: Read the article.

A new poll shows trouble for Biden with young voters, especially among voters of color ( www.npr.org )

It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said...

Enkers ,

Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points

I think you mean "former President and convicted felon Donald Trump", NPR.

Enkers ,

It's not even veiled. It's pure victim blaming. "Gay people wouldn't be so bad if they just weren't openly gay" type nonsense.

Enkers ,

Eh, I mean Lemmy's not nearly as bad as that other website, but that's also a pretty low bar. Would certainly be nice if overt homophobes were swiftly banned, though.

Enkers ,

You leave that adorable no step on snek flag out of this. It's so cute! Even though it's meant to be a parody of the gadsden, I sadly can't enjoy it without people making assumptions. :(


Enkers ,

Oversimplified explanation: auth right wants to date kawaii anime girl, lib left wants to be kawaii anime girl

Enkers ,

You literally called another human being "it". Seems like you got what you deserve.

Enkers ,


Enkers ,

Reposting a comment I made a few days ago, since it's still relevant:

I was curious about the flag, so did a little reading. Apparently the "Appeal to heaven" is referring to John Locke's writings regarding the right to revolution:

And where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment. And therefore, though the people cannot be judge, so as to have, by the constitution of that society, any superior power, to determine and give effective sentence in the case; yet they have, by a law antecedent and paramount to all positive laws of men, reserved that ultimate determination to themselves which belongs to all mankind, where there lies no appeal on earth, viz. to judge, whether they have just cause to make their appeal to heaven.

(Second Treatise of Civil Government. John Locke)

Locke’s contention was that no man had inherent power to regulate or restrict divine arbitration in civil affairs. Even in dire circumstances, he alleged, natural rights transcended the political process.

Enkers ,

I'm starting to think that RAtM was a bit optimistic with "some" in this one.

Enkers ,

When people say that, they don't mean it literally, but functionally it's correct:

3p   D   R D-R
 0  92  91   1
 2  90  91  -1

A vote for 3rd party is one less potential vote for D, which is functionally equivalent to one more vote for R.

Enkers ,

Trump supporters have way too much free time.

Enkers , (edited )

I'm not the biggest fan of genocide Joe myself, but when it's the only thing you post about 24/7, people are going to start to get suspicious of your motives.

Enkers ,

Hmmmm? So your argument is that since Trump's ridiculousness has become a parody of itself, it's impossible to tell the difference between right wingers and leftists making fun of Trump?

I kinda get it, but aren't there always clues in the subtext?

Like why does the account only have marginally (arguably) leftist memes but no other pro-left content? Why don't they comment on any pro-labour issues? Why are they on the midwest.social instance?

I think there are a lot of clues to give them away, but ofc I could be mistaken.

Enkers ,

As an observer and commentator, you're necessarily a part of the spectacle. It'd probably be better if you took your role a bit more seriously than "Haha silly man said things".

If you don't want to spend time with critical analysis, then maybe you should leave the speaking (or typing) to those that do.

Enkers ,

Here, here. Won't somebody think of the moderates, and their refined sensibilities? After all, they certainly didn't personally blow up aid trucks and hospitals in Gaza.

Enkers ,

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

Enkers ,

Let me guess.... hardstyle?

Enkers ,

Yeah, I figured it was some flavour of EDM, but for some reason hardstyle stands out to me as using more of those idiomatic types of lines. Not sure if that's actually true or not, though. :)

But yeah, I'm sure it been sampled in lots of different dance genres.

Enkers , (edited )

Are all games played to completion? Assuming yes,

P(A) = Sum[1/4^n,{n,1,∞}] = 0.333...
P(B) = 1/8
P(C) = 1/16

One of A,B or A,C is dependent, as it'd flip the polarity of the remaining games, the other is independent, as it wouldn't. I'm not too worried about which is which, as it's just an off-by-one error. xD

Assuming no,
You'd have to know the distribution of when games were abandoned, I'd think.

Enkers ,

after flipping a quarter 20 times and getting Tails every time, I'd be inclined to keep flipping if anything.

It's a sunk cost fallacy, it's never too late to get bored and give up. ;)

Enkers ,

He probably had to promise a free steak dinner to at least get them out there, but his finances are in such a bad situation that he went with the cheapest thing that wasn't a complete lie.

Enkers ,

Trump and his allies are laying the groundwork to contest a potential loss

While that's probably true, Rubio kinda gave a reasonable answer to an unreasonable question. Of course there are possible circumstances that any reasonable person would not honour the results of an election.

Of all the ridiculous shit these guys say, maybe don't pick the one time they're actually in the right. Like they tell on themselves all the time, you generally don't have to twist their words.

Enkers ,

I agree, it's best to not pull at the fraying threads of democracy, but it's not like there's never been a controversial election before. Take the 2000 Gore v. Bush election, for example.

If Reuters wants to expose the laying of groundwork, then they have to do more than baiting a fairly mundane statement out of a single R. They have to collect evidence of republicans doing it themselves. This is just lazy reporting that plays to peoples fears.

Enkers ,

I may be vegan, but the utilitarian calculus on this one is off the charts.

Enkers ,

I was going to give op the benefit of the doubt and assume they meant this post as a criticism of the ultra wealthy and their title was supposed to be "Billionaires:"

Then I looked at their comment history...

Enkers ,

Seeds and amendments. You gotta add more nutrients to the soil or else your yields will start to suffer. Although, there's a lot of permaculture ways to add nutrients for free.

Enkers ,

Oh for sure. You don't need much. I just recently watched a cool video about tossing all your weeds in a couple of small water barrels to make liquid fertilizer. It doesn't take a lot.

Enkers ,

Blessed be our wormy overlords!

Enkers ,

Don't dictate non-dictation to me, bub. I'll dictate to whomever I please, as is my right.

Enkers ,

And then trillian fixed everything, and then Facebook and google broke it again, and then signal kinda fixed stuff, and then they broke it themselves. Or at least that's been my experience.

Enkers ,

Freud is seriously the biggest hack in any field I can think of that went on to get such undeserved renowned.

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