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Endorkend ,

That's how religious classes went in the Catholic school I went to.

Had a legit Catholic priest as my teacher, he educated us in the history and beliefs of all major and quite a few minor religions (and some extinct ones) and not once told us any one of them was better than the other or we should chose Catholicism over anything else.

It was mostly just History class but rather than "what happened" as the context, "what did people believe".

Endorkend ,

Nah, all schools in my home town are Ursuline schools with the one I went to named after Saint Amandina, who was an Ursuline nun, as she was from the part of town the founders of the school were from.

These nuns have a nack for education and healthcare (a crapton of hospitals here are Amandina founded) and if I recall correctly, even founded some liberal arts schools in the US at some point.

From what I understand from the nuns I've been in contact with through the years, they aren't as bookish as Jesuits, but are 100% behind the idea that "if you teach people the whole picture, they will eventually find God" as the sheer wonder of the universe to them can only mean their deity exists.

Rather than the US Christian way of "indoctrinate to the level of making some people incapable of interacting with a modern society, so they have no choice but to believe whatever we believe".

Endorkend ,

They prefer mandatory practical training in that regard ...

Endorkend ,

It's an age old running "joke" they are gay and effeminate, hence the female looking person gobbling a sausage.

Endorkend ,

Does it happen often, other than by a presidential tier candidate, that one single representative tier politician makes multiple districts flip?

AfD fears losing voters over latest Russia and China spy scandals ( www.euronews.com )

Recent investigations linking top AfD members to Beijing and Moscow have rattled the far-right party voting base in the run-up to the European elections in June, causing doubts about their dedication to the patriotic cause — one of their main talking points....

Endorkend ,

I disagree.

Nazi had principles and stood for something. Horrible somethings, but something.

These fucks don't stand for anything, they want to stir up shit and when money starts talking to them, they are really quick to throw any espoused principles straight out a 5th floor window.

Endorkend ,

The ludicrous thing is that they say they are surrounding them with labs in neighboring countries. There's absolutely no reason to do that.

It's the Internet, all you need is to use the connections that are there, from wherever the fuck you want in the world.

Endorkend ,

She's an open white nationalist.

How is her being racist any sort of surprise or questioned?

Endorkend ,

It's all about "state rights" until it's other states with different politics.

Endorkend ,

Those astronaunts that are supposed to go up with a Boeing launch must be having severe anxiety by now.

Endorkend ,

That's why, although I'm in no way a fan of Macron, I love that he has put the idea out of at the very least starting to put boots on the ground.

At the end of that war, we can not permit it to be in the form of Ukraine losing even an inch of landmass. Because then in 5-10 years, Putin will just do the same thing again, maybe not in Ukraine, but elsewhere.

The only way to stop Putins madness is by making every thing he does cost him dearly.

Endorkend ,

You should replace that thing with something more modern. I had a 5000p chipset system someone gave me with dual quad cores and an assload of ram.

The shitty box idled over 400W. I went as far as getting low power ram and the newest CPU it would support that also supported frequency and power scaling and it still used over 400W on idle.

This while I had a Xeon E5 box that was only a few years younger that uses more in the neighborhood of 50W on idle and utterly decimates the 5000 series box in CPU performance.

You're probably better of fetching some old Ryzen 1800x system of ebay for higher performance and leagues lower power consumption.

As for the raid, don't use it. Hardware raid has always been shit and in modern Linux and Windows is as good as completely depricated.

Endorkend ,

Oh, I get it. But a baseline HP Proliant from that era is just an x86 system barely different from a desktop today but worse/slower/more power hungry in every respect.

For history and "how things changed", go for something like a Sun Fire system from the mid 2000's (280R or V240 are relatively easy and cheap to get and are actually different) or a Proliant from the mid to late 90's (I have a functioning Compaq Proliant 7000 which is HUGE and a puzzlebox inside).

x86 computers haven't changed much at all in the past 20 years and you need to go into the rarer models (like blade systems) to see an actual deviation from the basic PC alike form factor we've been using for the past 20 years and unique approaches to storage and performance.

For self hosting, just use something more recent that falls within your priceclass (usually 5-6 years old becomes highly affordable). Even a Pi is going to trounce a system that old and actually has a different form factor.

Endorkend ,

They have a secondary motherboard that hosts the Slot CPUs, 4 single core P3 Xeons. I also have the Dell equivalent model but it has a bum mainboard.

With those 90's systems, to get Windows NT to use more than 1 core, you have to get the appropriate Windows version that actually supports them.

Now you can simply upgrade from a 1 to a 32 core CPU and Windows and Linux will pick up the difference and run with it.

In the NT 3.5 and 4 days, you actually had to either do a full reinstall or swap out several parts of the Kernel to get it to work.

Downgrading took the same effort as a multicore windows Kernel ran really badly on a single core system.

As for the Sun Fires, the two models I mentioned tend to be highly available on Ebay in the 100-200 range and are very different inside than an X86 system. You can go for 400 or higher series to get even more difference, but getting a complete one of those can be a challenge.

And yes, the software used on some of these older systems was a challenge in itself, but they aren't really special, they are pretty much like having different vendors RGB controller softwares on your system, a nuisance that you should try to get past.

For instance, the IBM 5000 series raid cards were simply LSI cards with an IBM branded firmware.

The first thing most people do is put the actual LSI firmware on them so they run decently.

Endorkend ,

You need both.

Some people won't ever hear anything about the issues until they see some weird kid do these stunts or see that someone their age can have a word in the discussion too.

Others are more likely to pay attention to scientists, the type that read more intellectual literature.

And then there's those who won't ever change their mind because they've been spoonfed corporate propaganda and thanks to religion and just generally being dumbasses, are perfectly primed to be managed in this way.

Endorkend ,

And this is how Skynet was born.

That one Microsoft Twitter bot turned into a full blown Nazi in just one day.

I can't even imagine how fucked up and depraved one trained on Reddit data will get.

Endorkend ,

Even in porn I haven't seen anyone take so many loads with that much gusto as the Republican, NRA and everything related to the right wing has for the past several decades.

Endorkend ,

You're paying Mercedes prices for Lada tier QA.

And with every brand in Europe and Asia now having quality EV models going the whole spectrum of sizes, Teslas just don't compete by anything other than its name anymore. And with better long term respected brands being available as EVs and Musk taking Teslas reputation down with him, only die hard Musk simps will still buy Tesla.

Endorkend ,

The chokehold Israeli Intelligence / Propaganda wing has on reddits worldnews subreddit is freakin depressing (and scary in how total it is).

Post anything even remotely critical to anything Israel did and within minutes you'll have a dozen downvotes and people outright warping reality in their response to you, all on relatively recent accounts that only ever respond to posts related to Israel. They aren't subtle about it in the slightest.

And stories like them murdering foreign aid workers on purpose just get magicked away.

Kremlin says the only way to protect Russia is to create a buffer zone with Ukraine ( www.yahoo.com )

The Kremlin said on Monday that the only way to protect Russian territory from Ukrainian attacks was to create a buffer zone that would put Russian regions beyond the range of Ukrainian fire. The Kremlin was commenting after President Vladimir Putin raised the possibility of setting up such a zone in a speech after winning...

Endorkend ,

Yeah and then in 5 years they suddenly need to create another buffer zone beyond the buffer zone because the old buffer zone is now part of Russia.

And so on and so on.

It's medieval style excuses for territorial expansion.

Endorkend ,

Well, TikTok can't get any worse, right?

Endorkend ,

I tried TikTok some time ago and got bored with it.

I'm the type that prefers long form content. I watch 20-240 minute videos on YouTube,

I never got into Vines or the Vines/TikTok clone thing YouTube is doing either.

So most of the crap I see from TikTok is here, on Reddit and Mastodon.

And normally only the most entertaining crap from a platform gets to other platforms and I'm not impressed by what I've seen, at all.

Trump may have defamed E. Jean Carroll again, one day after posting a $91.6 million bond for last case ( www.cnbc.com )

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday stood by his 2019 statement that writer E. Jean Carroll made a “totally false accusation” against him, despite similar claims resulting in him losing a defamation case in January....

Endorkend ,

The idiot that fronted him that money is, well, an idiot.

E. Jean Carroll expresses ‘very serious concerns’ Trump will pay $83M judgment ( thehill.com )

He could then be President of the United States; he could then be a convicted criminal serving time behind bars; or, given his advanced age, Carroll may be forced to reckon with his estate. Any of these developments could substantially complicate collection efforts here.

Endorkend ,

He's over leveraged to extremes and even his tangible assets, like hotels and resorts, probably aren't worth enough to cover the 400M package if, if sold.

His "I'm a billionaire" shtick was always ethereal at best and a straight up lie to boost the perception of his net worth at minimum.

The bizarre thing with Trump isn't finding out he's far from as wealthy as he and his family like people to believe, but that he's always been able to sucker some new money source into covering his debts with the banks.

Trump says his criminal indictments boosted his appeal to Black voters ( apnews.com )

Former President Donald Trump claimed Friday that his four criminal indictments have boosted his support among Black Americans because they see him as a victim of discrimination, comparing his legal jeopardy to the historic legacy of anti-Black prejudice in the U.S. legal system....

Endorkend ,

It's incredible how weird their racism has gotten.

They were openly racist before.

Now they reverted to some weird form of ignorant racism.

Black people vote for us because of golden shoes.
Black people vote for us because we're criminals.

Endorkend ,

Mushroom dicked people worldwide must be ecstatic knowing there are in fact people who will gleefully fellate their weirdly shaped johnson for nothing but headpats and cheeto dust.

Endorkend ,

I'm with most people I've seen express a big meh for the show.

That show is only Star Trek by name. It's got its own thing going (more science fantasy than science fiction), which isn't my thing, especially not when you're looking for a Star Trek fix which always had a nack for playing with real science but sticking with the plausibility of it.

I enjoy the other Star Trek show(s) and The Orville much more to get that.

So I watch them.

This constant "they are haters because minorities/women/other representation" is getting tired. It's a couple loudmouth incels that have that sort of criticism and people like you seem to love getting baited in then saying everyone that doesn't enjoy what you enjoy must be with them.

Endorkend ,

Your and jorandlunds posts are in exact opposition to each other.

You say the Caucus doesn't matter and Primary does.
He says the Primary doesn't matter and the Caucus does.

Which is it.

Endorkend ,

Took them long enough.

If it was the reverse, the Satanist would've been in jail right away and probably have been charged with a flurry of charges that aren't even relevant to the event.

Endorkend ,

I was wondering about that.

Did they actually ever get security clearance?

The issue seemed to be that they couldn't (due to clear links to questionable money sources and contacts) and still got all the sensitive info.

Endorkend ,

So there's really no point to the review process considering it can be overridden and it doesn't even take the President himself to do it.

Trump Privately Grouses He's 'More Popular' Than Taylor Swift ( www.rollingstone.com )

"Behind the scenes, Trump has reacted to the possibility of Biden and Swift teaming up against him this year not with alarm, but with an instant projection of ego. In recent weeks, the former president has told people in his orbit that no amount of A-list celebrity endorsements will save Biden. Trump has also privately claimed...

Endorkend ,

Taylor Swift is internationally liked and considered a pretty business savvy person, especially for an artist, with all the moves she made to make her music her own again by re-rerecording it.

Trump is an international laughing stock and considered an absolute conman and fraudster who got rich victimizing the rich and poor alike, with all the charity scams, taking dirty money from Russia and reporting fake values for his properties to sucker banks into lending to him.

While he's at least equally well known, it's not because he's popular or liked. It's because he's a big fat orange flag.

Endorkend ,

Every fracture, bruise and STABWOUND I've had as a 6ft1 230lbs dude, in my 45 years on this earth were caused by one 5ft2 woman.

That 18 year relationship left me with serious PTSD, constant anxiety I'll get a call she killed herself, constant anxiety she may seek contact again and severely aggravated my pre-existing dislike for any sort of physical contact.

It took well over a year before I was able to even hug the woman that is now my wife.

Endorkend ,

I've been looking into that here and so far it's not accepted as valid (or legal to use MDMA) and while it looks promising, me being neurodivergent has my psychiatrist and psyhcologist a bit apprehensive to experiment with it.

Endorkend ,

Whadayakno, an opportunistic trash person that made a career out of exploiting the misery of others, is a fan of opportunistic trash people that make careers out of exploiting and perpetuating the misery of others.

Endorkend ,

Its obvious when watching Google and Bing results.

Try to find any sort of objective information and the first 3-4 pages will almost all be AI generated garbage that took most of the information from some other highly outdated source that was garbage to begin with.

And as the engines are AI, they can automatically manipulate search results and keep dates and time stamps updated, so that whenever google visits, the page is always the "newest" information.

Endorkend ,

The most annoying thing is that almost all tech information has fallen victim to this shit.

We now have to go back to pre-2000's methods of searching sites, by first identifying sites as reliable and then by relying on the sites own search engines to not suck.

In some cases, this is workable.

In cases where the sites have integrated Google searches, this is even more useless than using Google itself.

Endorkend ,

I've got exactly that running on my home network for tech stuff.

I've thought of opening it up and even been thinking of building a group of people trustworthy to do the curation of sites, but I generally CBA interacting with people that much, I used to be highly active on forums like Madonion/futuremark, [H], etc, but those days are long behind me and these days, I post a bit on Reddit and talk to my wife and that's about it.

If things proceed to go to shit as much as it has, I may open it up anyway, mostly because maintaining and re-curating sites is a drag on its own.

The amount of sites that were once great tech spots that then got gulped up by the same ol same ol big tech sites to be turned into generic shit, it's not that they become uncountable, it's that it's almost every single one of them.

The best still seems to be simply posting questions on the few OG computer/tech forums that managed to survive.

For hardware and OS, places like ServeTheHome, [H], Anandtech, Techpowerup, etc.

For programming information, it's so murky I can't even suggest any specific sites anymore, not even Stack.

Phone/Tablet info, even XDA is getting murky, mostly because a lot of users there only watch the forum for their specific device, so if yours isn't one that is used by a lot of people, info gets super limited.

It's gotten bad out there.

Endorkend ,

Even as far back as XP/Vista Microsoft has wanted to run the file system as more of an adaptive database than a classical hierarchical file system.

The leaked beta for Vista had this included and it ran like absolute shit, mostly because harddrives are slow and ram was at a premium, especially in Vista as it was such a bloated piece or shit.

NTFS has since evolved to include more and more of these "smart" file system components.

Now they want to go full on with this "smart" approach to the filesystem.

It'll still be slow and shit, just like it was 2 decades ago.

Endorkend ,

That's the problem.

The western democracies aren't weak like TropicalDingDong says, their governments have chosen their side.

And if the neighboring countries do anything about it, the western democracies will take action.

The inaction isn't due to inability, but due to apathy for the Palestinians.

Endorkend ,

It's the other way around.

It only defines Hispanics as terrorists.

Anyone else involved in gang activity will not be labeled a terrorist under this law, only Hispanics.

Endorkend ,

Over here, DPD is the outfit that seems to underbid everyone, maintains their own collection points and then delivers with the worst service humanly possible.

They also use a ton of subcontractors that are outright thieves.

And when they get caught stealing, all DPD does is assign them a different route and they'll only breach their contract if they actually go to jail for the theft, not for the theft itself, but because they can't work.

And when they are assigned a different route, there's a good chance they fill in for their old routes within the month and are right back at your doorstep, not actually delivering your packages again.

Computer store near me caught one driver 4 times in a span of 2 months, the thefts totaled well into the 20K (shitload of GPUs, iPads and other tablets) to then have that same driver show up at his store again 3 months later AND FUCKING STEALING AGAIN.

Endorkend ,




Endorkend ,

The lie is usually accompanied by a truth.

In this case the lie is that he'll give up the power.

U.S. Suspends Military Aid to Ukraine ( www.telesurenglish.net )

"We have issued the last package that we had withdrawn and for which we had funding," John Kirby said. White House National Security Council strategic communications coordinator John Kirby said at a briefing Thursday that "the assistance we were providing has come to a halt."...

Endorkend ,

If Zelensky and Ukrainians actions and words are an indicator, yes, they appreciate the difference between bullshit and saying what's what.

Hardliners pressure Johnson to back off spending deal with Schumer as shutdown looms ( www.cnn.com )

Hardline conservatives are ramping up pressure on Speaker Mike Johnson to walk away from a topline spending deal struck with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a move that threatens to derail bipartisan negotiations with Congress just days from a partial government shutdown....

Endorkend ,

Aren't the Republicans like only 2 or 3 seats away from holding their majority position?

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