@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social cover
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar



Unrepentant socialist, ERB & Godzilla fan, semi-retired writer & editor, ukulele player, aficionado of tequila, Chaucer, Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Stoics, Homer, scifi, trilobites, Horace, & Wodehouse. Pro-science, pro-vaccine, avid reader, skeptic, bread baker & pasta maker, anti-creationist. Tax the rich! #NeverVoteConservative

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CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

In 2016, Putin helped Trump win the election. A Russian ally - and arguably Putin's puppet - was in the White House. What influence does Putin have over the election now? I suspect a great deal: he wants his asset back so he can finish accomplishing Putin's agenda.

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

from Xitter:
It will, and soon...

futurebird , (edited ) to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

How bad off would you be if you had just one genome?

An alien sends you through a transport device— on arrival every fungus, bacteria, mite, virus and plant has been eliminated from your body. You are now at the alien spaceport which is sterile, you can NOT acquire earth faunetta and floretta here. How sick would you be? Are you gonna die from this?

CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

Yes, we are all symbiotes. In 10% Human, author Alanna Collen discusses all the various types of microbes we co-exist with and where they reside. Fascinating stuff. Rather than a single microbiome, we have many, some very specific (like our navels) with unique bacteria populations.

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Lost in all the jokes about "I'd rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark." -Trump

(It's right up there with "But let me tell you something that I found out: A werewolf can kill a vampire. Did you know that? I never knew that." - Herschel Walker Ah, yes, Republican wisdom!)

But lost in all the kerfuffle was another curious comment from Trump about sharks:

"I watched some guys justifying it ... They bit off the young lady’s leg ... These people are crazy."

So, about THAT. 1/

CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

Trying to make sense of Trump's meandering monologues is like opening a bag of salad greens trying to deduce from the mix what day of the week they were picked.

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

After getting billions from the Saudis months after leaving office, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner now has a deal with pro-Russian Serbs for $500 million where he promises to “construct a memorial dedicated to all victims of NATO aggression”

rbreich , to random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

50 billionaire families have already poured $600M+ into this year's elections — mostly in support of Trump.

That's only 0.6% of their total wealth. It essentially costs them nothing to drown our democracy in dark money.

CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

Jane Mayer's book Dark Money documents the billionaires spending hundreds of millions to influence politicians, policies, and elections, and to buy politicians outright. Worth reading.

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Many have pointed out that Trump did not choose the defense that stood the best chance of working: "Some of this happened, but the way that it happened was not technically illegal." opting rather for the near impossible "Nothing they say is true, it's all lies. I'm innocent."

This is only a confusing choice if you miss the real way that Trump himself views this case. It's not illegitimate because he "didn't do it" it's illegitimate because he's too important of a person to be charged. 1/

CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

Prosecutors revealed that deceiving tax authorities was a component of the conspiracy on the first page of the "Statement of Facts," filed on April 4, 2023. The specific nature of these tax crimes — and other crimes that could elevate the falsification of business records to a felony — were discussed in great detail in a November 9, 2023 filing by the prosecution.

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar
breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

I found this truck parked on the street in my neighborhood. Notice that the life-threatening bumper is actually labeled ROAD ARMOR.

We sometimes talk about a #WarOnCars. But what's really happening is a war BY cars on pedestrians and cyclists.

CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar


I wrote this piece back in 2013:
Why are Pickup Trucks so Anti-Pedestrian?

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

How Donald Trump is making America stupid
Recent polls suggest half the country may vote against their own self-interests in November.

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

This morning, Time magazine published a cover story by Eric Cortellessa about what Trump is planning for a second term. Trump intends to establish “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.”

If Trump wins, “he could replace [Supreme Court justices Clarence] Thomas, [Samuel] Alito, and 40+ federal judges over 75 with young zealots.”

Strandjunker , to random
@Strandjunker@mstdn.social avatar

2 died of Ebola: They said Obama should resign.

4 died in Benghazi: They had Hillary testify for 11 hours, held 33 hearings, and launched a 4-year probe.

891,488 Covid deaths, an armed insurrection & theft of classified documents: They cheered, and worship Trump as God-King.

CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

But a god-king who farts.

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

The Truth About…: Gas Prices In Canada.
Oil company profits have been accompanied by massive stock buy backs that reward investors. In either case that’s money coming out of your pocket into someone else’s. Unlike various taxes none of that money has any interest in giving back to the community.

Leaving us with more humble actions for positive change- Don’t elect Conservative politicians. Don’t follow corrupt right-wing news sources.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Andrew Whitehead on how the worldview he was taught growing up in white evangelical Indiana was about "saving" the country by forcing the country to be like "us":

"Much of what I had been taught of how to be Christian in America was predicated on the intertwining of a particular expression of Christianity with American identity, and the accompanying desire to see this fusion elevated throughout our society to 'save' our country."



CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

They have never been about faith: just about power, greed, and controlling others. They are pseudo-Christians better labelled as Talibangelists or Christofascists.
Calling them Christian helps them hide among people who actually care about their faith.

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar


Trump’s Lead-Off Trial Will Determine If He Illegally Cheated To Win In 2016

The first criminal trial of an ex-president in U.S. history will decide whether his scheme to pay off a porn star was a crime designed to thwart election laws.

Anyone doubt he's guilty? Me, either.

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

No, it isn't Trudeau's fault. PoiLIEvre is lying to you. It's capitalist and corporate greed that's making things too expensive. Change the system, rein in the CEO pay and bonuses, pay workers fairly, and tax the f*cking rich properly.

oatmeal , to israel group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ The Arab Hunting Season [Amal Oraby, أمل عرابي]

Since the start of the war, every few days right-wing elements identify an Arab of the day, usually well-known figures in their fields, place them in the public spotlight due to a few carefully plucked words, and label them as enemies. The goal is clear: instilling fear and a reminder of whom the masters of this house are.

Since the beginning of the war, the name of an Arab citizen, often a prominent figure in fields such as culture, academia, or medicine, appreciated by the professional community and the Arab public, has been making headlines every week.

Their name does not come up in the context of an article about the beautiful, diverse, and egalitarian Israel, content aimed primarily at audiences abroad for propaganda and public relations purposes. Instead, they find themselves at the center of a media storm, earning them the new title of "terrorist in a suit," "supporter of terrorism," "denier of rape," "anti-Semite," or all of the above.

The circumstances of the events and statements for which these individuals are put on public trial teach us about a recurring and organized strategy of action, which, beyond silencing and persecuting that person, is also intended to send a clear message to Palestinian citizens in Israel.

The campaign of persecution begins in the offices of fascist right-wing organizations, which maintain a target bank that includes the names of Arab researchers, academics, politicians, artists, and opinion leaders. They employ a series of "investigators," "activists," and "coordinators," whose sole purpose is to monitor the target bank, aiming to capture a few seconds of recorded footage, a statement of a few words, or a like that can be latched onto to continue the production line.

At this stage, ordinary Jewish citizens are also involved, voluntarily taking on the task of monitoring every Arab in their vicinity, lying in wait for them with a camera or a finger ready on the screenshot button. Thanks to the public atmosphere, these citizens feel that they are contributing to the home front, strengthening the Jewish nation-state, and may even be entitled to light a torch.

As soon as they manage to find a "suspicious" statement or expression, fascist right-wing organizations, along with fictitious "public organizations" and a series of Knesset members, unleash a flood of inquiries and complaints to a range of official institutions, including employers, law enforcement authorities, official oversight bodies, labor unions, and any entity somehow related to that person. The stated purpose of these letters is to complain about that statement made by the man or woman, but the hidden goal is to intimidate those institutions and exploit the war to redraw the boundaries of who is allowed to speak and what they are allowed to say.

In the days of "together we will win," official and ostensibly state institutions fall into the trap laid for them. At that moment, all principles of proper administration, democratic values, and with them, the rights of that "accused," chief among them the right to defend oneself, evaporate. In an instant, those "prestigious" institutions that boast to the world about values of inclusion and diversity react hysterically like the last talkbaker and rush to dissociate themselves from that person, their words, and their deeds, nullifying their contribution and sending them far away from the public eye.

The Perfect Storm

With the release of the first response from an official body that fell into the trap, the decisive stage of the process begins: the public lynching. On ordinary days, such a lynching would start and end on the accounts of a few nationalist right-wing influencers on social media and an item on Channel 14. However, today, senior journalists and sane opinion leaders with a reputation seek to take part in the fray, and in an act of self-purification, participate in the lynching, fully adopting the fascist narrative and refraining from investigating the facts.

Thus, the perfect storm is created, in which an Arab citizen who turns out to be Palestinian, or simply a person unwilling to accept an ongoing campaign of revenge against everything living and inanimate in Gaza, or the tens of thousands of children starving for bread just beyond the fence, is brought forward. This victim is carefully chosen from among the finest sons and daughters of Arab society because, beyond punishment, this act is intended to deter all others and reward those who pass the Israeli patriotism test.

It is no coincidence that the ever-expanding target bank mostly includes Arabs active in the realms of academia, medicine, law, and the spirit. Because in these spheres, many Arabs manage to excel despite the obstacles in their way, and even surpass their Jewish counterparts who, while running on the paved road, their Arab peers leap over the partition wall to take part in shaping the space. These fields also have the power to shape consciousness, and on the way to establishing a regime of Jewish supremacy, a clear line must be drawn between superiors and inferiors, lest any Arab be confused and think that being a successful doctor, judge, or senior researcher guarantees them equality or protection.

This campaign of persecution has been enjoying dizzying success these days, managing to make significant strides toward purging the public sphere, drawing new ghetto boundaries, and shaping the image of state institutions. This is also due to the resounding public silence from those who, just a moment ago, vehemently opposed any infringement on democracy, individual freedom, and freedom of expression, alongside a growing stream in Israeli society that sees the hunting of Arabs as a national mission and a contribution to the public good.

The next time you hear an Arab's name under the title "supporter of terrorism" or "anti-Semite," try to listen to the hidden message behind the story and ask yourself, "Whose side am I on?" Because in the end, this campaign of persecution is destined to pollute your living environment as well.

[Hebrew] https://www.mekomit.co.il/%D7%A2%D7%95%D7%A0%D7%AA-%D7%A6%D7%99%D7%93-%D7%94%D7%A2%D7%A8%D7%91%D7%99%D7%9D/

See also:

Right-Wing students protest Hebrew University's minimal disciplinary action against Prof. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian https://kolektiva.social/@oatmeal/112111360405362117

The Faculty of Oppression Studies: The Hebrew University is Silencing Palestinian Voices and Embracing the Israeli Right-Wing [Orly Noy] https://kolektiva.social/@oatmeal/112088808500432184


CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

@oatmeal @israel @palestine
And in the USA:
These claims were distorted further by a right-wing dark money group, the Judicial Crisis Network, which produced ads blasting "antisemite Adeel Mangi" and falsely implied that Mangi "blamed America for the September 11 terrorist attacks."

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

Canada’s Right Is Moving Further Right—And Closer to the U.S.

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

"Let them eat cereal": How accusations of "greedflation" fueled consumer ire against Kellogg's
“There’s no reason for you to jack up your prices the way you did, except to screw us"

CdnCurmudgeon , to random
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

The chances of holding former President Trump accountable in the 2016 campaign corruption and cover up case election case plus at least one of these three possible prosecutions still look good. Polling indicates that Americans would take the conviction and sentencing of Trump seriously.

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

Strange, isn't it, that the values of real people — the things most of us truly care about — are not reflected at ALL in the values of our hegemonic capitalist consumerist culture...

CdnCurmudgeon ,
@CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

... plus a dog and a glass of wine...

philip_cardella , to random
@philip_cardella@historians.social avatar

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  • CdnCurmudgeon ,
    @CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

    Well, history also shows there can be a cult formed around a fascist leader... which has happened today among CONservatives and Repugnicans (cough cough Donald Trump cough cough) as well as in totalitarian states like Russia and North Korea.
    Both of which are, of course, the political models our own conservative parties envy and want to emulate.

    CdnCurmudgeon , to random
    @CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

    Trump was ordered to pay $355 million US. What happens if he doesn't?

    That's not all Trump owes. He's currently trying to pay off another $110,000 for refusing to comply with a subpoena in the civil fraud case and $15,000 for repeatedly disparaging the judge's law clerk in violation of a gag order.

    Last month, he was ordered to pay nearly $400,000 in legal fees to The New York Times after suing the newspaper unsuccessfully.

    CdnCurmudgeon OP ,
    @CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

    Well, I don't support abolishing the police, not in Canada anyway. Reforms, yes, refocus, yes, but I believe that organized crime, human traffickers, drug dealers, insurrectionists, car thieves, and other criminals would be doing a lot worse to the rest of us without police.

    CdnCurmudgeon , to random
    @CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar

    Montage of 33 clips of the stupidest, most vile, insane, weirdest, addled dementia-ridden, psychotic statements made by Trump over the past two weeks.

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    I am trying to think of sleep as kind of medicine, one with side effects and it’s slow acting in some ways. You need to take sleep for a few weeks before the benefits really start to show. The side effects are a kind of greedy grogginess— the body gets the idea that you can rest after all and —being starved for rest tries to get gluttonous. The bright side is that my leg feels much better. Maybe some kinds of healing can only happen when asleep?

    CdnCurmudgeon ,
    @CdnCurmudgeon@mastodon.social avatar


    The brains of people who napped several times a week were more than 15 cubic cm (0.9 cubic inches) larger than the brains of people who never had a daytime nap.
    This equates to delaying ageing of the brain by between three to six years, says lead author Victoria Garfield, a senior research fellow at the MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at UCL.
    The big finding was that daytime napping is, quite robustly, causally linked to having a larger brain volume.

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