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Beefytootz ,

I've said it before, I'll say it again, this is going to be hot garbage on an August afternoon. I'm convinced this is going to be as closely related to the source material as the Wanted movie was.

Tesla Lays Off Entire Team Behind Brakes ( )

AUSTIN, TX—In the latest round of layoffs for the company’s struggling automotive division, electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla fired the entire team behind brakes, sources confirmed Wednesday. “As we continue to rightsize the Tesla workforce, we have come to the decision that stopping the car is no longer a critical...

Beefytootz ,

It's all a conspiracy promoted by big slow to sell less fast!

Beefytootz ,

I'm gonna be honest with you, Linux is so much more simple than people make it out to be. If it's your first time dipping into that world, you can grab Ubuntu, KDE neon, or Linux Mint, all of which are very stable and beginner friendly. Ubuntu has a more unique look to it, and neon/mint looks more like windows. You can run and manage both without ever having to open a terminal or dive into any code, just use it like a normal computer and you'll be fine. I've been using Linux since about '08, I'm not a sysadmin or coder or anything like that. I play most of my games in Linux with no problem

Beefytootz ,

Those are great questions! Dualsense is supported through drivers provided by PlayStation and to my best recollection, most features work out of the box. Last I recall, the adaptive triggers weren't functional outside of normal trigger activity and the audio jack doesn't audio. Proton is a tool that Steam/Valve made to make most windows games work within Linux without needing a lot of tinkering. I've had mostly success with it, however some games still won't work, usually due to anti cheat software. There's a website called that can be used to check the compatibility of most games and it usually offers tips for getting the best performance depending on the game.

As for the GUI vs CLI question, you'll still have full access to the terminal or command line through the terminal emulator. Think of it like the cmd prompt in Windows. You sacrifice nothing by using a graphical interface and can still do all your terminal work without a GUI if you'd prefer, that's entirely up to your preference. For example, with Ubuntu, you have your software center, which is essentially an app store that you can use to download different programs and/or utilities. You can use that, or you can open a terminal emulator and type in something like "sudo apt install Firefox" and it will do the same thing.

Linux can be as complicated or simple as you want to make it, as the owner of the computer, everything is entirely up to you. You can rely entirely on GUI based applications and never run into a problem. I do a little of both, but I've also got several years of experience tinkering around with things.

I don't know what your current level of proficiency is outside of webdev, but if you're familiar with virtual machines, like VMware, you can spin up a virtual environment and test drive Linux without having to modify your existing computer at all. With this being a shared computer, you could always dualboot it. That's when you have two different operating systems installed at the same time. When you power on your PC, you'll get a menu to pick windows or Linux and can switch by restarting your PC to get back to that menu. Windows files will be accessible in Linux, however Linux files are usually not accessible in Windows.

Drivers are pretty easy, most are already built into the Linux kernel. For Nvidia drivers, you have open source drivers, or proprietary drivers. The open source ones are readily available in almost every distro, and the propriety (better performing) drivers are a few clicks away. Most times, you'll be asked if you want the proprietary drivers during your installation and won't have to mess with them ever again.

I know I hit you with a full essay and a half, and it may seem like a lot, but I promise you it's really not as complicated as people like to make it seem. My elderly mother ran Linux on a laptop I gave her years ago without even noticing for years. If you have questions, there's a million and a half different places to ask, including my DMs. Feel free to shoot me a question, and I'll do a little digging to see what I can teach you.

Beefytootz ,

that's a fair point. I just think the Linux community does itself a disservice by making things seem way more complicated and techy when it's really not that crazy at all. It can be, sure, but that's entirely up to the user

Beefytootz ,

Lol anytime my dude! There's plenty of options out there for you. I personally use vim for journalling and some other light text stuff, but that's a fairly minimal terminal tool. You can go that route, or you can grab Libre Office (Microsoft office alternative), or whatever else best fits your wants and needs. Like I said, my DMs are open if you have questions, but I do want to reiterate that I am not a professional, I'm just some dude who learned about this junk in highschool and has been using it as your average everyday computer nerd. I hope you not only learn a few things, but I hope you have fun exploring. If it doesn't work out, oh well, nuke it and go back to what works best for you. It's your computer, use it how you want to, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

One last recommendation before I hop off my soapbox, assuming you give Ubuntu a shot, I'd recommend checking out some of their different "flavors". They all work the same under the hood, but give you a different UI to work within. You can swap whenever, or run all of them, it's your call. I prefer Gnome (the G is not silent), it's Ubuntu's default, but there's Mate (pronounced like the tea, mah-tay), Kde (short for Kool desktop environment, no I'm not joking), xfce, unity, and more. Other than that, have fun!

Beefytootz ,

This show feels like a fever dream. I remember being the only person that knew of it at the time in my area. I remember watching it on toonami after school, and I remember it escalating quickly at one point. I'm pretty sure the show doesn't actually end though. It got cancelled or something before the ending so it more or less just stops abruptly.

Beefytootz ,

Fun fact, Lauren was allegedly escorting in Washington DC around the same time ted Cruz allegedly got caught with escorts. Little later she shows up as an elected official. Crazy coincidence

Beefytootz ,

Not me personally, I live in a different state represented by my own set of weirdos and morons. As weird as this may sound, I'd rather she be paid to get fucked instead of being paid to fuck all of us.

Beefytootz ,

I'm planning on continuing with win10/Linux dualboot until I save up enough for a full PC upgrade, then it'll be just Linux with a Windows 10 VM if absolutely needed. I have to use win11 for work and it's absolutely awful. Alt tabbing gets stuck all the time, if I have more than one window open on a shortcut, pressing super+number gets stuck in the little preview window with nothing selectable. Can't move the task bar to the top of the screen, it constantly freezes when logging back in. Just poop all around

Beefytootz ,

Nah, just his career and reputation. The man himself is still alive

Beefytootz ,

2012 Chevy sonic reporting in, you're fucked

Beefytootz ,

Clearly she must be, the alleged tug she gave ted Cruz got her into Congress. She has headshots and more on a website for escorts allegedly she was in DC escorting around the same time ted Cruz got busted using escorts and somehow, little miss "my ex husband flashes his penis at minors, that's what I love him" ended up as a congressperson

Beefytootz ,

I'm so tired of searching for something specific, getting two or three results relevant to my search, then it just goes into my subscriptions and other recommended channels. I'm really really hoping a new video site comes up soon to replace YouTube. You can't even use YouTube as a video host anymore. I tried uploading some gameplay of me and my friends fucking around. Had music in the background. I put the video as unlisted, marked it as mature, I'm not a partner or anything that would get me paid, and YouTube refused to allow me to upload it without first muting the music parts. All I wanted was an easy way to share a personal video with my friends, but no, YouTube needs to make money off of every little thing that gets uploaded so I end up fucked even though I have no intentions of making "content".

Beefytootz ,

She already switched districts for fear of losing in her home district. She's a coward and a moron

Beefytootz ,

They think the embryos used for IVF are the equivalent to children birthed from the womb and therefore it's child abuse. Mind you, these are the same morons who are pushing to remove any recreation from sex. Their goal is for sex to be only for procreation. They're actively trying to push us into their weird world of having sex through a hole in a bedsheet only for the purpose of bearing children. They want to outlaw all forms of contraceptives. Hell, Maggy Taylor Greene wants to push legislation so that women stop tempting Christian men. We're regressing as a country

Beefytootz ,

Are we just going to gloss over the fact that the FBI informant accused of working with the Russians is named Alexander Smirnov?? Like the vodka? I get that this is unfortunately real life, but the script writers are getting lazy

Beefytootz ,

After Roe v. Wade was overturned, there was a lot of speculation Loving V. Virgina would be on the chopping block next. I'd argue that's a strong contender for Irony, wouldn't you agree?

Beefytootz ,

I think the problem is that reddit is suffering the same fate as Facebook. It's no longer a niche Internet community, it's been overrun by people who think it's hip and in. It's been taken over by people who speak some of the language, but don't get the culture. No one knows when the narwhal baconed anymore. Lemmy is exhibiting the earlier stages of reddit. Small groups that are growing, plus a looooot of star trek fans sprinkled throughout.

Beefytootz ,

I think you're absolutely right about the eternal summer. A new demographic of users takes over. The tourists move in. The shame of it is that as noted, it's an inevitability for any social media, it's just a matter of time.

Beefytootz ,

The links in the article point to Twitter, therefore, Twitter is the website as far as I'm concerned

Beefytootz ,

Part of me thinks it would be funny, petty, and smart to debate Haley. It would boost her exposure and show Biden doesn't recognize trump as a legitimate opponent. I'm sure it won't happen, and I'm sure there's smart reasons why it shouldn't. But it'd be funny

Beefytootz ,

I feel like we need a Martin Luther for climate issues. You can't buy your way into heaven and you can't buy imaginary climate credits. Plant a fucking tree or fly commercial.

Trump Judge Spanks Ron DeSantis for Retaliating Against a Democratic Rival ( )

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis faced a sharp, surprising rebuke from a conservative appeals court on Wednesday, which dealt him a major setback in his quest to banish state prosecutor Andrew Warren from office. In fact, “setback” may be too mild a term: DeSantis got smoked at the court, which effectively accused him of abusing...

Beefytootz ,

I prefer "legal daddy" over "judge", much more horny

Beefytootz ,

A lawn care store carefully placed between a sex shop and a crematorium

Trump Privately Grouses He's 'More Popular' Than Taylor Swift ( )

"Behind the scenes, Trump has reacted to the possibility of Biden and Swift teaming up against him this year not with alarm, but with an instant projection of ego. In recent weeks, the former president has told people in his orbit that no amount of A-list celebrity endorsements will save Biden. Trump has also privately claimed...

Beefytootz ,

Didn't the kpop fans get xxxtentacion or juice world or something?

Beefytootz ,

The issue isn't so much the wall, it's that there's no sense of priority. Our immigration system is dog shit and desperately needs to be reformed. Instead of putting any effort into that, we're huffing and puffing about a wall. It's just the wrong focus and we fully understand it's less about immigrants and more about Mexicans. Most illegal aliens are people who arrive by boat or plane, not crossing the southern border. They're people who over stay their visas. We never hear about that, or any plan to combat that. We only ever hear about the stupid border wall

Beefytootz ,

Yep, apparently shit falls from both ends on that one

Beefytootz ,

To add on to the other part, cringe things she's done on college campuses, she routinely goes back to try and debate with college kids about politics using all sorts of weird false dichotomies and shit. She usually gets out debated by the kids she's bothering. She's a crazed religious zealot and a bat shit libertarian fundamentalist.

Beefytootz ,

I remember hearing that the allies had a similar plan. They air dropped a ton of extra large condoms, but labeled them small/medium so the Nazis would think their enemies are packing the meatiest of girthmeisters to ever exist

Beefytootz ,

C'mon man, that rug really tied the room together!

Beefytootz ,

Is this satire? Maps help people find places, that's the concern?

Beefytootz ,

Kde neon isn't bad. If I'm remembering right, it's based on Ubuntu and made by the kde team

Man arrested after allegedly planning to bomb Satanic Temple in Salem ( )

According to a Jan. 12 press release by the Salem Police Department, 30-year-old Luke Isaac Terpstra was arrested and charged with possession of bombs with unlawful intent, after an investigation by the Grant Police Department in Michigan....

Beefytootz ,

I tried asking him, but unfortunately, he doesn't recall

Beefytootz ,

I feel you, I'm pro death penalty for shit like this, rapists, and pedos as well. Unfortunately with how broken our system is in the US, somehow the death penalty costs more than just keeping them alive on a life sentence. Unlimited appeals drawing out the court process, which costs money to have everyone involved there. If it were as simple as just taking them out back and blasting them, sure, but that's not what we've put in place

Beefytootz ,

Not at all, but it's cute that you tried to project that shit opinion onto me. I think murderers, rapists, and pedophiles are a waste of air and resources and need to be put down like a rabid dog. I don't agree with putting your trust into a government authority to make that call. I understand that not every case is going to be open/shut and that human error exists and people like to lie about things. I don't have an answer for a perfect solution to remove those types of people from society. Some people can't be rehabilitated and the loss needs to be cut before it impacts anyone else. Our current system is fucked entirely. Cops are fucked, politicians are fucked, and now we have people advocating for rapists, murders, and pedophiles as if they're capable of being human. I'm not calling for the death penalty for stealing or public disturbance. I'm specifically saying for those three things, murder, rape, and the abuse of children, should be punishable by death. You seem to disagree with that and would prefer that those types of people continue living and breathing our air. What a shame.

Beefytootz ,

Problem is, we can't currently trust the people that are making those decisions. Cops, courts, and politicians have proven time and time again that they can't be trusted. The other thing I'd like to touch on, why would it need to be humane? It's a punishment, a deterrent. It should be reserved for the worst crimes imaginable, and it should be scary and awful to go through. Let them starve, deprive them of oxygen, drown them, light them on fire, let the victims/survivors go at the perpetrator with a clawed hammer. Punishments are meant to be awful, it's to keep people from doing it in the first place.

Beefytootz ,

I don't understand why they think we care if we're stealing content regardless. I pirate movies and TV shows, but they don't whine about that, in fact, most will approve of it. Why draw the line at YouTubers?

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