Conservatives Quickly Turn Against “Idiot” Marjorie Taylor Greene ( )

The Georgia Republican is fast falling out of favor for her opposition to the Ukraine aid bill.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene’s failed fight to end aid to Ukraine, and her sort-of-serious crusade against House Speaker Mike Johnson, has cost her the support of right-wing media.

The Sunday front page of the New York Post, owned by the conservative Murdoch family, was the latest outlet to attack Greene, invoking the “Moscow Marjorie” nickname coined by former representative Ken Buck.

Fox News, another arm of the Murdoch media empire, had already taken aim at the Georgia Republican last week, with columnist Liz Peek calling her an “idiot” and saying she needs to “turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats.” This follows an editorial last month from The Wall Street Journal, also in the Murdoch portfolio, that called Greene “Rep. Mayhem Taylor Greene” and accused her and her allies of being “most interested in TV hits and internet donors.” 

Even a non-Murdoch outlet is on the attack, as conservative Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Debra Saunders demanded to know “who put Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge?”

xc2215x ,

Good to see from conservatives.

kikutwo ,

She sure is.

Asafum ,

I think I'm actually more mad about "Murdock owned media outlet, Murdock owned, also Murdock owned outlet oh and Murdock owned media. By the way, Murdock owned media outlet. Would you believe it, also Murdock owned outlet."

Ffs... Right wingers go on and on about the "deep state." How about how all of your goddamn brain rotting anti-reality "news" is coming from ONE GODDAMN ASSHOLE.

unreasonabro ,

but if they absorb his identity into themselves, maybe they'll finally get some money

whostosay ,

But not yet!

CharlesDarwin , avatar

Even if everything Murdoch-owned dried up and blew away, they have other parts of their complete media system that would fill in - think of it - these people can live their entire lives, going from website to radio show to podcast to TV stations and never hear/see anything but that which will reinforce their worldview.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

FOX is in deep with the Pentagon and has been since its inception. So I'm not shocked to see them find issue with MTG for failing to be hawkish enough (on Russia). But I think TNR underestimates how much Murdoch This and Murdoch That is, itself, falling out of favor with mainstream conservatives.

We played this game back in 2008, when the Murdoch Press went hard in the paint for Rudy Giuliani and he couldn't break double digits in his "strong" state of Florida. Same thing happened to Marco Rubio and Ron DeSantis and Nicki Hailey.

Wingers love FOX when its slinging the red meat - criminal drug using migrant caravans and hordes of anti-semitic Columbia students and black teenager shoplifting rampage - but they fall out fast when Greg Gutfeld and Dana Perino aren't screaming about how Woke Swifties Are Ruining Football.

How about how all of your goddamn brain rotting anti-reality “news” is coming from ONE GODDAMN ASSHOLE.

The QAnon Crowd has largely walked away from FOX and moved on to harder stuff - OAN, Alex Jones, 4chan/Truth Social, etc. Go check out "QAnon Anonymous", a great source for monitoring and cataloguing the sheer depth of the crazy going on in the danker corners of the internet.

FOX has an average audience measured in the 1-2 million views. Compare that to Joe Rogan's podcast, which regularly hits above the 10M listener mark.

acockworkorange ,

FOX has an average audience measured in the 1-2 million views. Compare that to Joe Rogan's podcast, which regularly hits above the 10M listener mark.

Wait, really?

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Network ratings peak with Jesse Watters, at around 2.5M views.

The Joe Rogan Experience, which has an exclusive deal with Spotify, sat comfortably on top of Spotify’s U.S. podcast charts as of the end of June, and had the biggest weekly audience in the U.S. so far this year, according to Edison Research—the show, which has a loyal fanbase, is widely estimated to bring in 11 million listeners per episode.

Rogan also dominates in the coveted 25-45 demographic, where FOX is lucky to break six-digit ratings.

sramder , avatar

She’s demonstrably heterosexual.

[But in your thickest Russian accent… try it, it’s fun.]

RIPandTERROR , avatar

demonstrably heterosexual

Like... Willing to demonstrate? 🤮


Who put her in charge? Easy y'all had a a maga Kool aid chugging contest. Her and boebert tied.

Simple as that

RIPandTERROR , avatar

Orange semen flavored

Zink ,

Cursed orange creamsicle

Beefytootz ,

Fun fact, Lauren was allegedly escorting in Washington DC around the same time ted Cruz allegedly got caught with escorts. Little later she shows up as an elected official. Crazy coincidence

unreasonabro ,

you have a hooker for a congressman? lmfao land of the free baby

Beefytootz ,

Not me personally, I live in a different state represented by my own set of weirdos and morons. As weird as this may sound, I'd rather she be paid to get fucked instead of being paid to fuck all of us.

skulblaka , avatar

I've known a couple sex workers I'd much rather put in congress than some of the ghouls we have there now

exanime ,

Quickly? this idiot has been propped up and waved around for what feels like 4 years...

ilinamorato ,

They aren't only just now realizing that she's an idiot; even they have known that for a while. She's just not useful to them anymore, so they have no need to keep her around.

lewdian69 ,

Apparently 3 years is "quickly"

CharlesDarwin , avatar

turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats.

Huh, saying the quiet part out loud.

thesporkeffect ,

Oh so NOW idiots are a problem for them?

Jaysyn , avatar

Eventually they might even realize that MTG works for Putin, not Georgia.

Treczoks ,

They all do, they all do...

athos77 , (edited )

“who put Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge?”

You guys did, your entire right-wing mediasphere and political manipulation machine. Funny try to get out of it, you conceived and birthed that baby, you're stuck with her now.

All that said: I wonder how much misogyny is a factor here. It seems like they're getting rid of their firebrand women a helluva lot faster than they're getting rid of their firebrand men.

Edit: additional thought: they're turning against her (and calling her Moscow Marge) for her position on Ukraine aid. But they've been anti-Ukraine-aid for a while, following orders from Moscow. Is this just a ploy to make Republicans less distasteful in the fall elections, or is there some geopolitical calculus the Kochs and their ilk are seeing?

djsoren19 ,

Yeah, the geopolitical calculus of "Americans are dumb and have the memory of a goldfish, if we look hard on Russia now they'll remember it for the election." I don't think there's anything beyond that.

deft ,

It is that this shit ain't working.

Media and people try very hard but take a look, anyone supporting the Trump bs moscow adjacent shit doesn't do well in polls Americans don't like it. Best get on the right side quick. I wonder if Gaetz will pivot or die

stoly ,

IRT your edit, I don't see this being a way that they thought about it. This is more them feeling silly now that the stupid is so out of the bag. They wanted all this hate energy, but with the ability to control it themselves. They've lost control, so the elite are now working to put control back into place.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

You guys did, your entire right-wing mediasphere and political manipulation machine.

MTG was never a FOX favorite. They tend to prefer the more domesticated breed of business conservatives.

elliot_crane ,

Couldn’t be happening to a nicer person.

(/s if it wasn’t obvious)

carl_dungeon ,

I got perma-banned from Reddit for saying that I wished she’d trip and swallow her own head. That’s inciting violence apparently.

Z3k3 ,

I got a warning for saying I wished tory voters get to experience the policies they voted for. Same reason

doublejay1999 , avatar

Uk subreddit ?

davepleasebehave ,

so right wing these days.

doublejay1999 , avatar

I used to be able to write it off as misguided young men…but there is a bit of a cabal of mods than run lots of the UK subs. I’ve had multiple accounts banned.

empireOfLove2 , avatar

That's all subreddits. The kind of people willing to do the unpaid labor of moderating Reddit are not the stable or rational types.

doublejay1999 , avatar

The thing reddit should have clamped down on, was the careers mods - there are a dozen or more people, modding 80 plus sub. That’s never going to be healthy.

stoly ,

Spez only cares about revenue. Hurting people and enabling genocides is just fine.

empireOfLove2 , avatar

Why would they clamp down on the free, unpaid labor that is the only reason their site still functions?

doublejay1999 , avatar

That’s a huge lie by the way.

Reddit is built on content supplied for free by users, not the work of overseer mods.

Z3k3 ,


doublejay1999 , avatar

What a surprise.

I don’t have evidence- but I strongly suspect not everyone there is quite who they purport to be.

It’s just a feeling, based on similar experiences, but I suspect some people are there in a professional capacity.

usualsuspect191 ,

Oh wow, that's a pretty damning reaction on their part

Son_of_dad ,

I got banned for commenting "guillotine". Nothing else. If that word is all around banned they should say so

RvTV95XBeo ,

I mean, context does matter. If you're replying to a post or comment about a person or group of people, "guillotine" comes with a pretty clear implication: "they should be sent to the..."

If you were responding to a question like, "What tool did Mel Brooks' character use to provide circumcisions in Robin Hood Men in Tights?" "Guillotine" may be an acceptable response. Again, context matters.

Saying they can't ban a word is the same excuse white supremacists use when they coopt shit like the "OK" gesture to symbolize white power.

A very thin veneer of plausible deniability doesn't somehow make a call for violent executions align with policies against violent rhetoric.

Son_of_dad ,

Even if I say "we should guillotine the billionaires" why is that wrong? I fully believe we should, and literally eat one as a message. Why would some low wage mod care that I'm calling for the death of billionaires? Billionaires aren't people.

RvTV95XBeo ,

Look, billionaires are bad for society, but normalizing this kind of dehumanizing violent rhetoric is how we get violent extremists.

When someone finally decides to act in this language and mails a bomb or goes to Tesla HQ with a gun, guess who is probably not going to be there

The mailroom worker or the receptionist are going to be in the line of fire while Elon probably isn't even in the same state.

3.5 million people died during the French Revolution, only a tiny fraction of them were actually part of the ruling class. Acting like this is some ideal to strive for is childish. The "joke" stopped being funny the 27-millionth time it came up in the comments of a "Billionaire Bad" article.

At best, you're distracting from people discussing real solutions to wealth inequity, at worst you're promoting violent extremism. If I were moderating a community I'd probably boot you as well to make room for more productive conversations.

Son_of_dad ,

Let's cry liberal tears for the poor billionaires while they continue to fuck us. Nobody has balls, that's why we keep getting fucked

Delusional ,

I got all my accounts permabanned just because I commented in a sub that one of my other accounts was banned in. And they kept banning any account I made afterwards. Of course we all know reddit turned to shit and that's why we're here.

TheOctonaut ,

Yeah that's ban evasion dude, that's on you. Not sure sure why you'd engage with people who have explicitly said they don't want to hear it. Think of the spam/trolling possible if that wasn't enforced.

Delusional , (edited )

Wasn't like I did it on purpose. I had like 3 accounts and switch between them all the time. Just because some idiot conservative mods banned me for telling the truth in their shitty sub a few times, I get permabanned from reddit. Never had any issue with it before they banned third party apps and forced me to use their shit app.

Also so my accounts are banned so what I can just make another yet they keep fucking banning every account I make before I even make any comments. One butthurt trump mod is all it takes to get permabanned from reddit.

TheOctonaut ,

No, you are banned because you broke a reddit-wide rule, don't use a second account to get around a subreddit ban. One butthurt trump mod can only ban you from their subreddit. Without that rule there would be no way whatsoever to stop people from flooding subreddits they don't like because "so what I can make another".

stoly ,

You are being seen on the same devices and from the same range of IP addresses. They were always going to fingerprint and catch you. Now they are actively watching for you.

Should have used an agent switcher and a VPN.

stoly ,

That's because the politics sub was long ago taken over by people who wish to abuse the system for their personal gain. Amongst them are some right-wing trolls who have no problem with abusing their power.

ConfusedPossum ,

She is such an idiot, I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't also a completely insufferable person

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