strypey , to random avatar

" the beginning of this century , the Australian media was one of the most concentrated on Earth."

, 2024

"Exactly. We shouldn't romanticise. The media that we had before FaceBook, in the noughties, had huge problems and we shouldn't be trying to recreate that."

, 2024

to RNZ MediaWatch for featuring this in their own podcast feed.

dbattistella , to random avatar

Today the NYTimes asked to interview Maryam Jamshidi about the ICJ’s ceasefire order for Rafah. This was her classy reply👇


Nonilex , to random avatar

Probably won’t cover as extensively unless things get interesting, but ’s / trial is back on today w/ continued selection.

A was quickly dismissed at the start. She was among the 7 already selected, she said she was very worried that despite the fact the court ruled to keep jurors’ name secret, she would still be exposed & targeted.

Nonilex OP , avatar

We are down to 6 jurors, & apparently waiting to hear from another, juror 4. The judge is addressing the , saying there is a reason are taking measures to keep the .

It “kind of defeats the purpose of that" when so much information is about them.

dbattistella , to random avatar

With the and the trending today for censoring words and facts about Israel's genocide in Gaza, it's a good time to remind ourselves that mainstream media only offers one perspective, the one that power elites want us to believe.

When you watch it with that in mind, it's very revealing.

oatmeal , to israel group avatar

#Palestine / This is what ethnocide looks like: Israel's deliberate destruction of Palestinian academia

Edit: fixed typo should be al-Isra not al-aqsa

On January 17th, the last remaining intact university in Gaza, al-Isra University, was bombed and completely destroyed by the Israeli military. The bombing of #Gaza's universities is not collateral damage, but part of Israel's deliberate policy to destroy Palestinian academic and cultural life.

Israeli academic institutions have not spoken out against this destruction and its consequences.

Over the past 40 years, Palestinian universities have faced systematic harassment by #Israel, including campus closures and restrictions on faculty, students and academic cooperation.

Since October 7, the situation has severely intensified. In the occupied West Bank, most studies are online due to restrictions. In Gaza, all academic institutions have been destroyed, along with schools, libraries, archives and other educational sites.

Hundreds of students and faculty members have been killed in the bombings. At least 94 university staff members in Gaza are reported dead. Prominent academics have been specifically targeted and killed.

This represents an almost complete destruction of Palestinian academic life that will take years to rebuild. Surviving students and staff are traumatized, grieving and displaced.

Palestinian intellectual life is critical for society. Israel's systematic targeting of #academia is aimed at erasing not just physical infrastructure but Palestinian cultural and spiritual life.

Dr. Anat Matar (ענת מטר): "As Israeli academics, we must raise our voices against the killing of students and colleagues, mass arrests, and the annihilation of education in Gaza."

#Haaretz [Hebrew] or


dbattistella , avatar

@oatmeal @academicchatter @palestine @israel The outrage from academics in the West is staggering in its silence. The same silence that has been heard from Western medical associations and press unions. Silence can be very loud in its complicity, and in times of genocides and massacres, silence is utterly depraved and shameful.

milkman , to random avatar

Still wondering just how supporters can possibly justify their beliefs?

Distressed about the poor media coverage of the movement?

Don't miss this extremely important and enlightening article by Dan Froomkin:

mnutty , to random avatar
  1. How much legal jeopardy is in?

The classified documents case will make use of a recording which indicates that had a highly sensitive document which he knew was NOT declassified.

The chain of evidence looks strong and while there is much news media spinning, a court of law is more rigorous environment where focus on fact is primary

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Things are not going well in the campaign.

One wonders whether his call for "throat slitting" directed at members of the Federal Government and invocations of the mystical and mythical Deep State were designed to make seem tougher than ?

General reaction across the seems to be one of disgust. There doesn't seem to be major fist bumping going on within the faithful

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Much has been made of ’s verbal gaffes and supposed age related confusion in the

Given ’s rambling, non sequitor style of speaking, he appears to have been given a free pass

Today, the decided to call attention to Trump’s recent confusions


mnutty OP , avatar
  1. File this one under remedial geographic education needed for presidential candidate

In 1976, Gerald Ford got slated for an absurd statement on the nature of of Soviet influence in Eastern Block countries. The response was appropriate. Expectations for a president should be higher.

Yet when gaffes on the location of , it is mostly unnoticed.

What does that say about the ecosystem in the United States?

mnutty OP , avatar
mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Excellent piece from on the , Pres is losing it campaign. Required reading for thoughtful types

Let’s be clear, there is a perverse incentive faced by many for-profit outfits. A close race, increases clicks, reads, views, listens.

The owners of many of these corporations are also likely fond of billionaire friendly tax policies that will support

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Nobody was surprised by the outcome of the primary.

The word “trounce” is being used by the in describing ’s victory, but 40% of ’s voters preferred which in land ain’t exactly a glowing endorsement

Will these disgruntled voters show up for in November? What does that presage for Independent voters?

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. Good piece this morning on the recent rally. Much has been made of the use of that word which was used in reference to the auto industry. A case could be made that many orgs ran with stories without context

Far more important was the bizarre lionization of insurrectionists. Give this story a listen

mnutty OP , avatar
  1. The Blueprint poll reported on by Semaphore below focuses on young people and gathers data via an online poll and should be treated cautiously.

I’m not surprised by the poll sentiment. Since the Reagan era, the has sewed distrust in government and been aided and abetted by a ecoystem.

All this to insure lower their tax bill, if is sacrificed, so be it

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