blenderdumbass , to random avatar
wdlindsy , to random avatar

"Former President Donald Trump’s political operation has routed more than $3 million so far this year through a Delaware limited liability company whose owners are not publicly disclosed, according to campaign finance records — a strategy that mirrors past efforts to mask exactly how his campaign is spending donor cash."

~ Matt Dixon


wdlindsy OP , avatar

@royterdw Yes, seemingly benign, but sinister underneath it all.

wdlindsy OP , avatar

@Martin I suspect so, too.

NanoBookReview , to random avatar

Any business folks know anything about Aptera and their market potential? I believe they can make it to production at this point, and I believe their car can meet their claims (or get close enough). What I'm concerned about is that I think the 2-seater eco-tech car market is tiny. I don't know if it's big enough to sustain the company long term. But they also have side projects going on, so....

NanoBookReview OP , avatar

@alexisdyslexic Sure, and I would be ecstatic to buy an Aptera. But would a regular person? I'm coming to the conclusion that my enthusiasm for the company is high enough to invest, but maybe not pre-IPO.

alexisdyslexic , avatar

@NanoBookReview that makes sense. I think they're going to be the new Prius or Tesla. Popular in blue cities and states for virtue signalling. Also just a cool new weird vehicle

dcjohnson , to random avatar

I wish medieval gold-standard economics would finally disappear. We no longer have to round up or borrow gold to pay for things.

But we still have people believing in witches, etc. So I guess superstitions do hang on.

But if you're still stuck on "taxes are revenue" & "printing money is borrowing" then:

Top tax rates used to be 90%. Top corp rates used to be much higher as well.

If you restore those tax rates you can "pay for" healthcare, military, social programs, pensions.

dlakelan , to economics-that-works group avatar


Steve Keen discusses the money creation mechanisms here

A thing I think he doesn't give enough attention to is the role the Fed DOES play. The Fed indirectly controls bank lending rate through a couple mechanisms. The first is whatever rules it has for declaring a bank solvent. They've eliminated reserve requirements but now it's something like a stress test or whatever. A bank can't keep lending

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

@dlakelan @economics-that-works

Also, they can borrow money to buy the bonds.. from the Fed, IRRC.

We all need to incorporate as banks. License to print money. Really!

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar

@dlakelan @economics-that-works

I keep harping on him to spend less time in debunk and bomb the area with all the math.

He’s stripping his models down to the basics because, well, the mainstream and those under its influence are durably resistant to it. I’d rather get Principia and not 95 thesis.

He’s handicapping what he could (should) be saying.

ChrisMayLA6 , to random avatar

When the UK’s deputy foreign secretary has to admit that around 40% of all money laundered globally likely flows through London & the Crown Dependencies, you can bet that such an estimate will be on the low side.

There are many reasons that the UK's global reputation is increasingly tarnished & the work in financial services to hide & process criminal/illegal funds is contributing to that malaise.

So much for the value of financial services to the UK

dlakelan , to economics-that-works group avatar

Further continuation of the discussion of economic theory and how it failed over the last 20-30 years at Gelmans blog

I link to a dimensionless ratio that is basically "velocity of M2 money" and argue why its strong trend downwards since 2000 was part of essentially a financial scheme to rob the avg person and make the ultra wealthy even more ultra wealthy.


dlakelan OP , avatar


There's also a post waiting in moderation where I link to this dimensionless version of the housing longevity graph:

This is Population / (k * housing_starts * house_longevity) where k = 2.5 people/house and house_longevity is a number near 80 years... The steady state was probably about right at just below 1.0 and the entire time since 2006 or so it's been above 1.0 up to about 3.0 meaning we are losing houses per person on net.

ChrisMayLA6 , to random avatar

Forced cashless society.

Our nearby small market town used to have 3 banks; they're all closed (taking their cash machines with them), and this week one of the two remaining cash machines was removed from the supermarket where it was located.

So, we're down to a single cash machine in an area with a radius (I'm guessing) of around 20 miles.

The cashless society doesn't represent consumer choice, its pace is being forced by financial institutions keen to charge fees on transactions!

appassionato , to bookstodon group avatar

How Much is Enough? Money and the Good Life by Robert Skidelsky, 2012

What constitutes the good life? What is the true value of money? Why do we work such long hours merely to acquire greater wealth? These are some of the questions that many asked themselves when the financial system crashed in 2008. This book tackles such questions head-on.


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  • Smalltofeds , avatar
    Nonilex , to random avatar

    from George F. Will:

    “…The was instrumental in igniting w/too-cheap for too long, & then was serene about inflation’s supposedly ‘transitory’ nature. In 2012, announced its hubristic plan to achieve its aspiration of exactly 2% inflation.

    havvyhh2 , avatar

    @Nonilex just read all your out-takes....which suggest strongly the Will has gone completely bonkers and the two experts are mad because people serving on theFed haven't got what they apparently must think they should be naturally imbued with...namely ability to 100% accurately predict the future. I am reluctant to read that posted article for fear my head may explode......

    havvyhh2 , avatar

    @Nonilex read it twice, it is, as a commenter observed, a whiny diatribe with little that's helpful and much that is in complete, out of context observations. Raving that no Fed official can perfectly predict the future so they're absolutely ahead of economic curve? Oh dear. Mr. Will may be onto something, though...we as a country haven't managed FISCAL policy to support the needs of policy excusing the wealthy, corporations, via gaping loopholes and in your face cuts....

    Nonilex , to random avatar

    #Trump sues #TrumpMedia co-founders, seeking to void their #stock in the company

    Trump's #lawsuit claims that Litinsky & Moss, who were both contestants on Trump’s reality-TV show “The Apprentice,” mishandled an attempt to take Trump Media public several years ago, allegedly putting the whole project “on ice” for >1½ yrs.

    [how much you wanna bet he trying to find a way around the 6 month lock up provision?]

    #law #money

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    @MaggyWells that’s a ridiculously cute dog

    MaggyWells , avatar

    @Nonilex it’s a corgi puppy at 6 weeks.

    wdlindsy , (edited ) to random avatar

    "Trump is spending a good chunk of his donations on his legal bills. The Times ran an amazing report about this on Wednesday. Of nearly $85 million in donations, almost a third, $27 million, has gone to legal bills. Hey, at least this time around, he’s apparently actually paying them.

    Trump will have money. There’s no use pretending he won’t."

    ~ Michael Tomasky


    humanhorseshoes , avatar

    @wdlindsy Wait until he gets elected and then you'll see weakness like you've never seen

    wdlindsy OP , avatar

    @humanhorseshoes Indeed. It's all he has.

    masterdon1312 , to random avatar
    wdlindsy , to random avatar

    “'I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money. I’m really rich,' he boasted in 2015. ...

    Here’s the real story of what’s going on. Trump is burning through cash and paying his mounting legal bills with money from donors. Federal Election Commission filings reveal just how bad it is for Team Trump."

    ~ Dan Rather

    CindyS , avatar


    I have always had a real problem that "being able to afford to run for president" is a thing. The fact that you have to be wealthy to run goes a long way towards explaining why we have a long long long list of terrible Presidents.

    wdlindsy OP , avatar

    @CindyS Yes, of course. Having lots of money is an absurd requirement for running for the presidency. Trump raises some special problems by his claims that he's super-rich and people should vote for him for that reason, and then, when he's in serious financial trouble due to crime and it turns out he seems not to have the money he claimed he had, the problem becomes that he's up for sale.

    masterdon1312 , to random avatar
    Smootnyclown , avatar

    @masterdon1312 add alt

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