Nonilex , to random avatar

is expected to hand down more rulings Wednesday. There are 10 more cases to be decided this term, including some of the court’s most politically salient ones. Those cases address topics such as whether is immune from prosecution for all acts during his presidency, whether the admin violated the in asking companies to take down posts, & whether a federal means ER doctors can perform in states where they are restricted or banned.

Nonilex OP , avatar

rejected a effort to sharply limit ofcls & other federal employees from asking companies to remove posts from their platforms that the US govt deems .
& , & individual social media users, filed a lawsuit accusing the admin of violating the by operating a federal “ enterprise” to platforms to modify or remove posts related to & .

wdlindsy , to random avatar

Jess Piper takes readers on a tour of a "Trump Store" in ticky-tacky Branson, Missouri, Trump country if there ever was such a place, and boy howdy, the discoveries she makes. For one thing, far from making America great, the store is peddling merch made in China and Mexico, while claiming Mexican workers sew "made in Mexico" tags on American goods.

The whole essay deserves a read.

Nonilex , to random avatar

Courts grant injunctions against Biden’s student loan repayment plan

The future of President #Biden’s new #StudentLoan repayment plan is in doubt after a pair of federal judges issued separate #injunctions Mon preventing the govt from fully implementing & forgiving any more loans through the program while they consider lawsuits to end the #policy.
#law #StudentLoanForgiveness #StudentDebt #SAVE #debt #poverty

Nonilex OP , avatar

In a separate ruling in , US Dist Judge John A. Ross the Dept from forgiving more thru . The decision is a win for MO AG , who led 6 states in filing the lawsuit….

Bailey argued the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority, a quasi-state agency that services federal & funds state , loses revenue from servicing direct loans — those made & owned by the federal govt — when loans are wiped away.

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar

It’s hard to imagine anything more un-American than voting for Josh Hawley.


Nonilex , to random avatar

Conservative attacks on could threaten
are sowing that falsely characterizes IUDs, , even as “” — something used to cause .
in ≥17 states have blocked largely Democratic-led attempts to pass assuring the right to birth control since 2022.

Nonilex OP , avatar

lawmakers in blocked a bill to widen to by falsely claiming they induce . An antiabortion group in killed to enshrine a right to by inaccurately equating w/ drugs. An think tank focused on “” is pushing state legislators to access to emergency contraception & intrauterine devices (IUDs) by mislabeling them as “.”

GottaLaff , to random avatar

Via Taniel:

BFD in : GOP tried to rush a constitutional change to crack down on future ballot initiatives. Anticipated an rights measure this fall.

But Democrats triggered the longest filibuster in state history to sink it in final days of session.

990000 , to random avatar

How do people get to be this horrible?

“Outrage after Republican candidate tells voters ‘don’t be weak and gay’“

#ValentinaGomez #Hate #Republicans #Missouri

flexghost , to random avatar

Auntie Flex,

What’s the most American headline you’ve read this week?

peteorrall , avatar

@flexghost "stalls amid resistance"

Damn, that's certainly one way of euphemizing it. Resistance....really?! More like opposition.

The uncensored reality is these red states are exhibiting a level of fucked up that is previously unmeasured by the world's foremost elite social neuroscientists and trauma therapists.

Pepper , to random avatar

It’s hard work to get ballot measures going and especially hard in a state controlled by Republicans. The organizers doing this are trying as hard as they can to protect the right to an abortion.

Here’s their website:

Consider getting involved or supporting them, especially if things are safe in your state.

organizers submit signatures for ballot measure to legalize abortion:

wdlindsy , to random avatar

Jess Piper reports – from the ground in rural Missouri and Arkansas – about how, since it knows it cannot win fair and square, the Republican party is resorting to tricks, subterfuge, and outright lies to try to impose its minority position on abortion on the majority who believe that abortion should not be made illegal.

She recently went to a Democratic rally in Arkansas, and encountered a woman handing out cards with QR code.


boulder , avatar
User47 , to random avatar

Cat birds! More first time IRL specimens for me this week. The super dark one is super unique, and was the first to show up. They seem to enjoy the cuties I put out for the Oriels. They only hung out for a day or so.

#GrayCatbird #backyardbirding #BackyardBirds #Birdstodon #birding #naturalist #Ornithology #nature #wildlifephotography #Missouri #KC

A more typical grey catbird perched on a shallow cup containing oranges. Its under tail orange can be seen.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

"I live in a red state [Missouri], and I hope you will listen to my warning. Those who want to demolish democracy won’t stop with my state, or any of the other GOP-dominated states. They are rolling over our rights to get to yours.

I know you’ve heard of it, and may be sick of reading posts about it, but Project 2025 will introduce the entire nation to red-state rule if Trump is elected."

~ Jess Piper

wdlindsy OP , avatar

"Some will say an easy fix is to move. But, that’s my entire point. There is nowhere to move. There is not one state that won’t be impacted if we don’t stop the billionaire-inspired plans that have already been implemented in Missouri.

The answer is to stand up in every state with the backing of those of you in less regressive states. Please, stand with us."


User47 , to random avatar

Today is the most ridiculous day for #BackyardBirding! First a rose-breasted grosbeak at our feeder (first time we’ve seen one IRL), then a full-color goldfinch, and just now a Baltimore oriole showed up at the hummingbird feeder. First time getting photos of a BO. YAYYY 🤩

Also, Mr and Mrs Bluey (our eastern bluebird couple) have been hanging out, too.

#BaltimoreOriole #BackyardBirds #Birdstodon #birding #naturalist #Ornithology #nature #wildlifephotography #Missouri

User47 , to random avatar

First time seeing a Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher with my own eyes. I managed two photos, this one and a super blurry one. I’m A-OK with this for a first photo.

#BlueGrayGnatcatcher #Missouri #ArrowRock #Birdstodon #birding #naturalist #Ornithology #nature #wildlifephotography #Missouri

wdlindsy , to random avatar

Jess Piper on how right-wing trolls taunt her when she speaks out about the shortcomings of her home state of Missouri by telling her just to move to New York or California.

But it's not just right-wing trolls: as she reports, she also routinely gets the very same advice from leftist allies who appear to think they're entitled to judge her for living where her family lives, a state that's her state, too.


wdlindsy OP , avatar

Her response to these privileged and supercilious folks who seem to imagine they're protected, by living in protected places different from Missouri:

"None of us is safe so long as there are folks living in states that are unsafe. They will roll over us first, and you next."

Stop telling those of us living in deep-red states because we have family ties and obligations and roots there to move. Start building solidarity with us and helping us fight.


User47 , to random avatar

What a wonderful day! We just watched an #EasternBluebird couple discover the box we put up in the backyard.

Now @Jillianmarisa and I are narrating for them. It’s like house hunters bird edition back here. 🥰

Will they pick the new-build roomy mansion in the bad part of town? Stay tuned!

#househunters #naturalist #backyardbirding #naturalist #birding

Mr bluebird perched on our power line keeping watch

User47 OP , avatar

Long awaited #EasternBluebird update (haha)

Monday they spent most of the morning perched or nest building. By afternoon they were gone and didn’t come back.

Yesterday I didn’t see them at all.

Today they are back but not working on their nest or even going into the box that often. They are just hanging out in the area. If prior experience holds, I’m guessing they will be gone in a few hours. #birding #Missouri #backyardbirding

User47 OP , avatar

As predicted, our #EasternBluebird couple abandoned their house in the afternoon like they have been doing.

A few hours later, a dumb house sparrow moved in. So I plugged one of the holes, setup the van ert trap, and within 30 mins caught the little bugger.

Suddenly the bluebird couple wants the house. I’m pretty sure they are spending their first night tonight. VICTORY! (Maybe)

#birding #Missouri #backyardbirding

User47 OP , avatar

Time for another #EasternBluebird update: I was away from home for a few days, but @Jillianmarisa says she saw the couple periodically.

Last night I checked the box and there is a nice, deep and clean nest. They were around most of the evening.

I have been watching them all morning. They are quite active today. YAY!

#birding #Missouri #backyardbirding

A female eastern bluebird perched on their favorite timber

RealJournalism , to random avatar

Failing Twitter CEO Elon Musk is now crying to Republican attorney generals, including the one from , begging them to censor speech he doesn't like. So much for the bird site being a haven of free speech. If you haven't left already, it's time to consider leaving.

Nonilex , to random avatar
Nonilex OP , avatar

It was 2014, & was fighting against the egg-laying hens of . Specifically, a new req that chicken cages have enough space for the hens to stand up, turn around & stretch out. []

A prof rom 5 generations of ranchers & the wife of Sen , Ms. Hawley joined a challenge to , which req more spacious enclosures for hens laying eggs to be sold there.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The state where she taught, , sold ⅓ of its eggs to , & believed that a had no to impose its & rules on MO’s farmers. Apparently, Missourians should be allowed to [ but no one in the nation should be allowed to save a from a life-threatening nonviable pregnancy]

She joined in a against Cali’s AG at the time, . A judge found that the challengers could show no direct injury & dismissed the case.

Nonilex , to random avatar

seemed prepared Mon to reject a -led effort to limit the from pressuring companies to remove harmful posts & .
A majority of justices from across the ideological spectrum expressed concern about hamstringing WH ofcls & other employees from communicating w/ giants about posts re , & that the government deems problematic.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The case involves a lawsuit initiated by… & & individual users. They accuse the admin of violating the by operating a sprawling federal “censorship enterprise” to platforms…. Justices & , who previously worked in Democratic & Republican admins, respectively, suggested that such exchanges were routine occurrences & did not amount to or in violation of the constitutional right to .

wdlindsy , to random avatar

Did you know that child marriage is still legal in much of the US? …

Did you know that, until quite recently, Missouri was a 'destination wedding spot' for children who wanted to tie the knot? …

Did you know that many school districts in Missouri still authorize corporal punishment? "
~ Arwa Mahdawi


wdlindsy OP , avatar

Arwa Mahdawi notes these points (see /1) as she points to a bill introduced by MO Republican rep Jamie Gragg which will force teachers to register as sex offenders if they use a child's preferred pronoun in the classroom.

It's all about "protecting" children in Missouri, you see — for Republicans.


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