Miro_Collas , to palestine group
@Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

Israel’s war on Gaza live: US vows to veto new UNSC truce resolution | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

  • Settlers set vehicles on fire, spray-paint hateful graffiti in West Bank town: Reports
  • Infections on the rise as garbage, sewage overflows onto Gaza’s streets

#Plaestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #ApartheidIsrael
#Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Liquidation

appassionato , to palestine group
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

World Court to Review 57-Year Israeli Occupation

52 Countries to Take Part in Hearings on Occupied Palestinian Territory



abdullah_nimer , to random

A circulating picture allegedly taken at an Israeli training base shows a soldier with a Nazi symbol tattooed on his hand.

susurros , to palestine group
@susurros@kolektiva.social avatar

"Although cities like Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarem have emerged as hubs for armed resistance and Israeli repression over the past two years, since October 7, a new resistance landscape is emerging outside of these hubs. As Israel moves towards a more aggressive military approach in an attempt to quash armed resistance, the resistance is adapting and changing with it."



argumento , to palestine group
@argumento@hispagatos.space avatar

From Quds News Network: Under protection by Israeli forces, Israeli mobs storm Salfit in the West Bank to perform rituals.

Source and video: https://t.me/QudsNen/96157


It keeps getting creepier. Heavy levels of WTF here.

appassionato , to palestine group
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

Israel used Gaza war to prevent almost all of West Bank olive harvest in 2023

“The systemic obstruction of the olive harvest, augmented by organised settler violence against harvesters and their property is … part of Israel’s longstanding violent policy, which aims to cement the apartheid regime in the West Bank and allow continued expansion of settlements.”

Israeli rights group B’Tselem



jiujensu , to random
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    appassionato , to palestine group
    @appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

    Israel holds female Palestinian rights lawyer without trial or charge

    On January 17, Israeli forces arrested Ayesh at a checkpoint near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank at about 2pm. One week later, Israeli authorities issued an “administrative detention” order against her, meaning she will be held without trial or charge for four months.



    susurros , to palestine group
    @susurros@kolektiva.social avatar

    "An Israeli security official reported Tuesday that a group of some 15 Jewish settlers arrived from the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar to the village of Asira al-Qibliya, setting a car on fire and attempting to set a building ablaze.

    "The source added that settlers also threw rocks at Palestinians near the village of Madama, adjacent to the Yitzhar settlement, and that another group of settlers later set vehicles on fire in the West Bank town of Hawara on Monday.

    "During the attack, the settlers attempted to set fire to a house in which six children and a father, mother, and grandmother were located, the council said. While the house was not set ablaze, it sustained severe damage, and the windows of four other houses and one car were broken.

    "The army arrived relatively quickly to Asira al-Qibliya and opened fire at residents who were attempting to defend their homes."



    oatmeal , to israel group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / France to impose travel bans on violent Israeli settlers

    France taking concrete action to ban violent settlers from the country in response to escalating attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank. Other countries are noted to be considering similar sanctions.

    France will ban 28 Israeli settlers from entering the country, accusing them of attacking Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. This comes amidst rising violence against Palestinians by settlers in recent months.


    The statement https://archive.is/DndqR

    […] La colonisation est illégale en droit international et doit cesser. Sa poursuite est incompatible avec la création d’un État palestinien viable, qui est la seule solution pour qu’Israéliens et Palestiniens puissent vivre, côte à côte, en paix et en sécurité.

    [trans] Colonization is illegal under international law and must stop. Its continuation is incompatible with the creation of a viable Palestinian state, which is the only solution for Israelis and Palestinians to be able to live side by side in peace and security.


    oatmeal , to israel group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Report: how IDF and the settlers blocking entrance to Palestinian towns in the West Bank (Yuval Avraham)

    According to protocols, closures and movement restrictions can only be imposed when there is a concrete security need, not as punitive or deterrent measures. Closures are supposed to be time-limited with orders, and sweeping restrictions avoided, allowing exceptions for urgent humanitarian needs.

    This is a long, detailed and well documented report of daily abuse of Palestinian residents in the West Bank by settlers.

    Some of the events reported:

    In the village of Khirbet Sarra, residents must call the nearby settlement to get permission every time they want to leave on foot, as the village entrance has been blocked by a stone barricade.

    In Beit Jala, a young man was shot dead by soldiers when he tried to open a gate to help an elderly woman exit in her car.

    Ambulance drivers reported being prevented from using main roads to reach cities like Nablus and Hebron quickly, forcing them to take long detours on poor roads while patients suffer.

    In multiple cases, roads were closed by settlers putting up barricades, with the army later adopting the closures rather than removing them. The settlements of Ma'ale Amos and Avni Hefetz blocked the main road to Palestinians for a month before the army intervened.

    Entire villages like Susya and Sa'ir have had all roads leading in and out blocked by a combination of army and settler actions, leaving them isolated.

    Refugee camps like Al-Fawwar have had main entrances blocked, with residents reporting they will be shot if they try to leave at night.

    Roads have been closed as "punishment" after stone throwing incidents, with the army acknowledging this despite it being against protocol.

    IDF spokesperson response:

    The IDF spokesperson said roadblocks and traffic monitoring are being used in the West Bank according to security assessments to protect all residents in the area. Some road closures and traffic checks are therefore in place in various locations.

    The IDF acknowledged forces exceeded their approved mission by blocking roads in the village of Susya without coordination. That blockade has since been removed. The closure in Khirbet Sarra is under review by security forces.

    Overall, the IDF states it is acting based on security assessments to provide safety, and claims blockades and traffic monitoring serve this purpose even though humanitarian concerns and protocol violations have been raised.

    [Hebrew] https://www.mekomit.co.il/%D7%94%D7%A6%D7%91%D7%90-%D7%95%D7%94%D7%9E%D7%AA%D7%A0%D7%97%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%9D-%D7%9E%D7%A6%D7%99%D7%92%D7%99%D7%9D-%D7%9B%D7%9A-%D7%97%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%9D-%D7%9B%D7%A0%D7%99%D7%A1%D7%94/


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  • Miro_Collas , to palestine group
    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    Israel’s war on Gaza live: CIA chief in Egypt as Rafah attacks intensify | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

    • Israeli settlers destroy Palestinian property in occupied West Bank
    • More Israeli settler attacks on Nablus villages
    • Two injured as Israeli settlers, soldiers attack villages near Nablus
    • Palestinian dies as medical teams prevented from reaching him


    appassionato , to palestine group
    @appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

    Settler action

    Israeli settlers have shot two Palestinians during an attack on Monday night in the village of Asira al-Qabliya, located south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency reports.

    The attackers, who came from the Israeli settlement of Yitzhar, also set a car on fire and attacked a home with a Molotov cocktail.


    Miro_Collas , to palestine group
    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    UK places sanctions on Israeli settlers for ‘forcing’ Palestinians from their land | Palestinian territories | The Guardian

    All very nice, but too little!


    oatmeal , to israel group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    / Sanctions against extremist Israeli settlers in West Bank

    Britain imposed sanctions on four Israeli settlers for involvement in violent attacks against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. The sanctions include financial and travel restrictions, with Britain urging to take stronger action to stop settler violence, which has reached unprecedented levels over the past year.



    oatmeal , to palestine group
    @oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

    Watch and talk on February 18, 2024:

    Also Happening: Oppression and Violence in the West Bank

    From VFHL's site:

    With the world’s attention focused on Israel’s “War on Gaza” it is easy to overlook increased Israeli military actions and growing settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. More than 700,000 Israeli settlers live in 279 illegal settlements across the occupied West Bank, including 14 in the occupied East Jerusalem. Since October 7, 2023, Israeli military and settler attacks have killed more than 320 Palestinians. Both the United States and the United Kingdom have announced visa bans on violent settlers due to this flare-up.

    VFHL offers four short videos revealing what it's like for Palestinians to live under occupation in the West Bank, the plight of families who have fled, the arguments of Israelis who want to empty this occupied land of Palestinians, and what the international community might do to stem the violence.

    WARNING: Trailer contains very disturbing images of violence towards civilians


    Registration for the talk is required https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rf-morD0pHdVkrlEENlWBM4mONdiR0uZt

    Event's official site: https://www.voicesfromtheholyland.org/events/sun-02182024-1200/also-happening-oppression-and-violence-west-bank


    ZhiZhu , to random
    @ZhiZhu@newsie.social avatar

    " #Netanyahu has angered #US officials...

    He publicly denounced a hostage deal while Secretary of State Antony #Blinken was in the region trying to broker an agreement. He announced the Israeli military would be moving into the southern #Gaza city of Rafah, a move US officials have publicly opposed, since #Rafah is packed with about 1.4 million #Palestinians living in squalid conditions who fled there under #Israeli orders."

    #Israel #Palestine #War #News #WorldNews

    ZhiZhu OP ,
    @ZhiZhu@newsie.social avatar

    "Biden issued a national security memorandum aimed at ensuring that countries receiving weaponry abide by certain guidelines, including not obstructing assistance.

    also issued an executive order earlier this month sanctioning four settlers for against , a move griped about"

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  • susurros , to palestine group
    @susurros@kolektiva.social avatar

    "Jewish settlers placed six trailer homes over the past few days in the southern West Bank and cleared lots for future homes...Defense sources are doubtful that the government will evacuate the outpost.

    "In a separate incident, some 15 Israelis hurled rocks at Palestinians near the Bazariya junction in the West Bank according to a defense source. He added that Israeli citizens pulled a Palestinian from his car, sprayed him with tear gas, and smashed his car's windows. He required medical treatment."



    appassionato , to palestine group
    @appassionato@mastodon.social avatar
    Miro_Collas , to palestine group
    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    Israeli Settlers Are Terrorizing Palestinians In Record Numbers - YouTube

    The west has long enabled this with complacency, not caring, and yes not knowing, due to media silence. Until now.


    appassionato , to palestine group
    @appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

    What is UNRWA and why is it important for Palestinians?

    The UN agency, which supports six million Palestinian refugees, is the main humanitarian provider in Gaza under Israeli bombardment.



    Miro_Collas , to palestine group
    @Miro_Collas@masto.ai avatar

    Biden urged to include politicians in sanctions on violent Israeli settlers | Biden administration | The Guardian


    appassionato , to palestine group
    @appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

    Latest casualty figures


    banned_tweets_of_john_cusack , to palestine group
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    appassionato , to palestine group
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    Latest casualty figures


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