
Jgbird , to random avatar

Played a gig today. The weather was too hot but it was still fun. The red-tailed hawks (video from previous post) were flying all around.

wdlindsy , to random avatar

"A telling thing happened yesterday. Donald Trump figured out that Project 2025 was toxic. So he’s trying to distance himself. But as numerous commentators noted, that’s an impossible task. He’s inextricably linked to the plan.

Trump IS Project 2025!"

~ David Pepper


shaulawalko , avatar

Also, how do you describe their plan as abysmal and then wish them luck?

xs4me2 , avatar


Bunch of losers…

jef , to random avatar

Like clockwork.

cindyyusa , avatar

@mattblaze @jef
I think I'm good with Biden Harris😎


DemocracyMattersALot , avatar


This is who sources opinion pieces from. The Hill is a disinformation rag. Douglas MacKinnon is an insane, racist hate-mongering idiot.

Tampa Tribune fires conservative columnist Douglas MacKinnon

xs4me2 , to random avatar

Liar, liar, pants on fire…

Biden assails Project 2025, a plan to transform government, and Trump's claim to be unaware of it

GottaLaff , to random avatar

“So, say stepped aside in favor of tomorrow. How long until the vapid gossips we call political reporters find something wrong with her, some alleged flaw they just have to write 192 stories about? How long until the hopped-up mediocrities we call pundits find some "counter-intuitive" reason that the new Dem ticket is flawed after all? How long before the ambient racism & misogyny…?”

pers1stence , avatar

@GottaLaff it would certainly include another xhorus of "I'd vote for a woman but not THAT woman" which is a song I am sick of

artisanrox , avatar


I'd half expect Trump to refuse to even debate her for "sharing a stage" with her.

(She'd annihilate him.)

DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar

This is who sources opinion pieces from. The Hill is a disinformation rag.

Author Douglas MacKinnon Wants Southern States To Secede Over Gay Rights, Name New Country ‘Reagan’

Tbsa , avatar

@DemocracyMattersALot They keep their tax base, we keep ours. Go ahead you breathtaking stupid mother fuckers. Choose wisely, we won’t ever save them.

vampiress , to random avatar
abstractcode , avatar

@vampiress It’s my favourite lens, sharp and fast focusing. I just want ALL THE PHOTONS in cases where fewer photons might be just as good.

Affekt , avatar

@vampiress 99/100 times autofocus is good enough these days. Just kind of annoying when trying to get the quick shot and it focuses ten feet behind where you were intending.

bdiss , to random avatar

This is in a nutshell. This must be shared to as many folks as possible.

Even some evangelicals I know personally don't want all this to happen at all.

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  • DemocracyMattersALot , to random avatar
    FredKiesche , to random
    SJohnRoss , avatar

    @FredKiesche I enjoyed all the Ogre-universe wargames ... even Battlesuit, though Battlesuit was probably the poor cousin of the bunch. 😅

    FredKiesche OP ,

    @SJohnRoss A fan since the original bagged edition. A friend of mine and I even tried selling them a supplement once.

    rbreich , to random avatar

    Project 2025 is a nearly 1000-page step-by-step playbook that would turn America into an authoritarian nightmare and shred our freedoms.

    Trump can try to distance himself from it but it was put together by more than 20 officials he appointed in his first term.

    Don't be fooled.

    piratero ,
    felichsdakatze , avatar


    How long until the penny drops that if he wins, his purpose will be mostly served?

    Wouldn't be long before there'd be a need for more stability,and he can't offer that.

    jpanzer , to random avatar
    selzero , to random avatar

    Have you seen Trump's "Project 2025"?

    • Puts Christian Nationalism at the center of government.

    • Criminalises sending abortion medication and removes the word "abortion" out of laws.

    • Criminalises production and consumption of pornographic material.

    • Removes environmental protections.

    • Eliminates the Department of Education(!)

    • Fires government employees deemed "unloyal"

    • Use the DOJ against critics.

    essjayjay , avatar


    Good catch, thanks. 😀

    The Heritage Foundation are the main drivers and co-ordinators of Project 2025, but yes others are involved.

    "Led by the right-wing think tank the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 is a presidential transition operation—basically a government-in-waiting if former President Donald Trump returns to office on Jan. 20, 2025. The $22 million effort does not say it is specifically intended for Trump, but that it wants a conservative as the next commander-in-chief."


    selzero OP , avatar

    @essjayjay @iaruffell

    It is Trump's people.

    Don't let him distance himself from it.

    jerry , to random avatar

    Great game for the Braves!

    I hope you’re all having a good weekend!

    rbreich , to random avatar

    Trump’s tax law cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.

    What did corporations do with the money saved?

    They didn’t invest it or raise wages.

    They spent a record $1 trillion on stock buybacks the year after the law went into effect.

    Nothing trickled down to workers.

    JNSLCT , avatar


    Worse: those missing taxes translate to public debt.
    Public bonds which the rich buy and get interest for.
    So the rich are taxed less and on top receive extra,
    with austerity policy (= trickle up).

    Public debt is too low taxation of the rich.
    And those who elect this policy are ripped.

    As can be seen, trump needs fear to be elected
    (that's why he blocked border plan of Biden)
    because nobody would elect being ripped
    unless emotionally being tricked into it.

    davidhmccoy , avatar

    @rbreich @binaryphile

    Trickle down is an utter scam. Reagan using that term was my first experience with it and now, years later, we KNOW it for the lie that it is.

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