
maniacalmanicmania OP , in 'Thrown to the wind' -- are wind farms really killing whales? avatar

It would be good to know why this is being downvoted.

maniacalmanicmania OP , avatar

Now the comment is being downvoted. Oh well.

Linkerbaan , (edited ) in Murtaza Hussain & Yair Rosenberg — Israel-Palestine Paths to Peace | The Daily Show avatar

Well that was a boatload of Hasbara whenever the israeli guy opened his mouth. Even Jon doesn't seem to be very educated on this trying to "both sides" it.

Arab nations are willing to normalize relations with israel since 2002 if the Palestinians get a state according to 1967 borders.

Israel refuses to respond because they want to Genocide all Palestinians and just steal their land. This deal is still on the table.

Yet what we hear in this video is the Arabs just don't want peace, there's just no deal!

jeena , in Pig Butchering Scams: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) avatar

I heard about it 2 years agi from

Fizz , in Is the New York Times losing its credibility on Israel-Palestine? | The Listening Post [24:51 | Mar 02 2024 | Al Jazeera English] avatar

Very rich coming from al Jazeera

Fizz , avatar

But yeah, there has been many instances where journalists were way to quick to jump on story and they got it completely wrong.

There is so much chaos on the Palestinian side so I can understand when reporting gets facts wrong on that side. But you would expect easy the isreali side to be able to provide reliable info but they blatantly lie.

Botzo ,
scrubbles , in How the Fed keeps you poor avatar

Anytime a clickbait image shows the red eyes I know it's safe to downvote and ignore.

Annoyed_Crabby ,

Not the "The most important economic video you'll ever seen" title and then went straight to begging for money in the description?

dual_sport_dork , in Technology Connections: Old HVAC industry practices are holding us back and costing us money. But we can fix it. avatar

I am a simple bird; I see a Technology Connections video and I click.

I in fact have already replaced my fossil fuel heating system with a heat pump, as of last year. When I called to fire my oil delivery company -- who last quoted me $4.14 per gallon for the first 150 gallons, and then "variable market rate" after that -- the CSR told me in dire tones that if I installed a heat pump "my electric would go up real high."

And it did. About $27 per month. Which is about $273 less per month than I was paying these dickheads before, in the coldest couple of months of winter. My mini-split system also cools the house, and does it way better and more efficiently than the selection of rattletrap window units I used to have. And this is in my poorly insulated, ramshackle 1920's redneck wind tunnel of a house. As I improve the insulation in here over time I expect matters to improve even more. Climate benefits notwithstanding, just by doing this I cut like $1400 of yearly expenses between burning oil and running the air conditioners.

cabron_offsets , in Russians pretending to be Americans

219 of them in the House of Representatives.

can Mod , in Russians pretending to be Americans

Love gattsu.

shalafi , in Russians pretending to be Americans

Got a new gif out of this. Loving it.

TropicalDingdong , in Biden discussing the border during the SOTU

This the most exercise most of these geriatrics get in a year.

I counted 3 standings.

ObviouslyNotBanana , (edited ) in Biden discussing the border during the SOTU avatar

I know you know how to read

Don't be so sure, Joe.

Excrubulent , in Biden discussing the border during the SOTU avatar

Oh no, did pandering to republicans not make them your friends, Joe? Were you really psyched to be the tough border president? Did you actually think they gave a shit about the issues they use as cudgels in the culture wars? Maybe you should sponsor more genocides, maybe that will finally make them like you.

Who cares about actually doing the right thing, or even the popular thing? It's all about sucking up to the worst bullies in the room, that's the best strategy, apparently. It's not like it matters, anybody who's paying attention already knows who and what you are: the guy whose supporters can only endorse as marginally, strategically better than overt fascists, and the guy who most people will only vote for because they have no other realistic option, and who absolutely nobody who wants a "tough border president" will vote for, because they know it's a team sport.

We all remember how those border agents talk about immigrants, calling them "floaters" and sharing photos of their corpses on facebook. They didn't go anywhere just because the president stopped going on TV calling Mexicans rapists.

mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

Maybe you should sponsor more genocides, maybe that will finally make them like you.

Biden seems to be doing more to reign in Israel's 75-year project than any US president since the 1980s. I agree, it's nowhere near enough, and he should stop sending them aid, because that's accessory to mass murder. But I'm also pretty sure the war in Gaza was not his plan for what should happen in the middle east.

the guy whose supporters can only endorse as marginally, strategically better

This is so far off base I'm having trouble coming up with something.

Let's pick out just one issue: Gaza. Biden is giving aid, giving audiences to Netanyahu's political opponent, talking about "cease-fire," is slowly turning away from the US's default position of "yeah kill 'em all it's all good," all while sending weapons for some fuckin' reason. That's not ideal, no. Meanwhile Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and said of the recent war Israel has to "finish the problem." So you're fine with the guy who wants to finish the problem being in charge, because there's not much difference?

Excrubulent , (edited ) avatar

So let me get this straight... Biden is slowly moving away from his sponsoring of genocide, which you have acknowledged he is doing, in a moment of unprecedented public pressure against said genocide, and your only real defense of him is that he is marginally, strategically better than the other guy?

It sounds like you agree with what I'm saying because you just restated it, except with the addition that you somehow psychically determined that I am fine with Trump, even though I explicitly said he was an overt fascist and even worse, and that people ought to vote for Biden strategically.

Did you think that was an argument? Or did you just read my comment and think, "Hey, that's describing me! It's my time to shine!"

mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

So let me get this straight... Biden is slowly moving away from his sponsoring of genocide, which you have acknowledged he is doing, in a moment of unprecedented public pressure against said genocide, and your only real defense of him is that he is marginally, strategically better than the other guy?

Did you read someone else's comment and mistakenly think it was mine? No. Biden is orders of magnitude better than Trump. If I didn't make that clear enough in what I said, then a quick recap:

  • Biden: Student loan forgiveness, way-too-slow revision of our longstanding Israel policy, aid for Ukraine, climate bill, investment in infrastructure / working class, marijuana pardons
  • Trump: Put political opponents in prison, "finish the problem" in Gaza, friends with dictators, murder of American CIA assets, project 2025, rapist, murdering Washington Post journalists is ok, 91 felonies, military seize the voting machines, IDK etc etc I can go on

No, he's not marginally better. I actually am irritated that the magnitude of absolutely bonkers attacks on Biden is making me come to his defense, because I don't really like the establishment Democrats all that much, but in case it wasn't clear, no the difference is fucking anything but marginal.

Excrubulent , avatar

If you don't like defending them, then fucking don't. It doesn't take much to admit that you should probably vote for them, and that's all you really need to do with them. They're not your friends, stop acting like anything they do is good. He is literally boasting about his tough border policy, which by the way has some absolutely horrific ongoing consequences to this day at the border. The gross mistreatment of legal asylum seekers goes on to this day, you just don't hear about it because the republicans don't give a shit and the dems know it would look bad to yell about it when it's their guy in office.

Everything you named has a nice-sounding marketable title, but on closer inspection to just about anything they do I've found it's always bare-minimum perfomative change at the absolute best. It is pure spin.

I do not understand why you would agree that they suck but not want anybody to criticise them. Biden could end military support for Israel tomorrow and basically cinch the election. He won't do it, and maybe that means Trump will win. I don't know why you wouldn't want people to talk about that.

mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

Quick question: What's eighteen plus thirty-six? How many letter "i"s were there in my previous sentence? Please, I am doing my homework, and I thought maybe you could help me with it a little.

I am eager to talk more about how much I agree that "they" suck but I just need to know that first.

Excrubulent , avatar

Holy shit, you think I'm a bot because obviously this must be russian disinfo right? 54, and 5. Fuck you and your bullshit bubble. Goddamnit you have fucking brainworms.

Calling the other person a bot is the ultimate admission that you have nothing to say. "They". Fucking hell, the "they" is pretty clearly fucking defined, asshole. Stop talking to me.

mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

Just curious, that's all. I do something like that whenever I notice that the answers I'm getting have a notable disconnect as compared with the things they're answering.

In multiple messages now you've told me that I "agree that they suck" when I keep telling you, no, they don't (at least the Biden administration doesn't), and listing extensive reasons why. That to me is sort of bot like behavior, and I was curious. Sorry if I gave offense with it, but out of four times I've asked that sort of thing, you are literally the first one who answered the question; some continued talking to me without responding to the fact that I was asking math questions.

Anyway. Picking out one example of the ones I gave: Can you share with me what your estimate is of the total reduction in emissions as a result of the climate bill? Or some estimate of what its ultimate results will be? I've looked into it a little bit, but I'm interested to know what you've found out on closer inspection.

Excrubulent , avatar

some continued talking to me without responding to the fact that I was asking math questions.

Because it's weird and condescending, and the kind of thing people will just ignore. A bot would try to answer everything and fail. They'll try to solve the reimann hypothesis if you ask.

What these people - and they were almost certainly people - were doing is likely "blanking" you. They noticed an inappropriate social behaviour and ignored it in the hopes that you would get the hint that it was inappropriate without any need for a confrontation.

Frankly I don't have any patience for that. Have you ever asked that question and gotten a wrong answer? That would be a bot. If the answer is no, that's because you haven't found any bots. I answered to prove to you that you're a paranoid weirdo, and also because fuck you.

I'll also note that you ignored me telling you to stop talking to me. Does that make you a bot?

Don't answer, I certainly won't any more.

mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

I figured you probably wouldn't be excited to be able to tell me all the details of how Biden's climate agenda isn't real when I specifically asked for them. Oh well. I'll have to go on having my weird mistaken beliefs on it. If only I'd been more polite, maybe you'd have been open to share your wisdom.

Have a good one. I will aspire to be more socially skilled in the future. God bless.

Sweetpeaches69 , in Biden discussing the border during the SOTU

I always forget Kamala exists.

deranger , in Small time music engineer breaks down how sound is made in guitar music and which parts actually produce the sound you hear

This was great, I’m not a musician but I enjoy a good debunking.

The_Tired_Horizon OP , avatar

As the guy said in the video ...people tend to waste money because of all this marketing nonsense

some_guy , in Small time music engineer breaks down how sound is made in guitar music and which parts actually produce the sound you hear

Enjoyed. I like people doing actual work to accurately compare things. Quantification, folks. It's a thing.

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