
KeenFlame , in Breathtaking colorized video from 1896 of around the world

You know, now that someone lifted their hat at me for real I can totally see that it's a cool way of greeting that makes people feel a little special for a second

Bring back hats?

jamyang ,

Seconded duly.

lvxferre , in "Learned Helplessness" & the Tech Literacy Crisis | Internet Analysis by TiffanyFerg [25:54] avatar

This is just a hypothesis, but I believe that one of the roots of the problem is a lower ability to retrieve information, caused by increased exposure to advertisement.

Regardless of the above, the problem is actually a big deal, once you consider things like meta-information (such as truth value and reliability of a claim) being also information; so if people don't get info on their own, it's easy to misinform them. So it isn't the muppet failing to see "this is a Lebbit story" and screeching at the "actress" of that video, it's also a similar muppet saying shit like "ivermectin cures covid" or "jet fuel is making the frogs gay".

jimmydoreisalefty , in How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook | Robert Reich avatar

Short Summary

  1. Discusses how Trump or someone like him could potentially turn America into a fascist state in five steps.
  2. The first step involves using threats of violence to gain power, as seen with Trump's attempts to intimidate voters and election officials in 2020.
  3. The second step is to consolidate power by turning every arm of government into a tool of the party, similar to Hitler's actions in purging non-Nazis from the civil service.
  4. The third step is to establish a police state, with Trump planning to deploy troops for immigration raids and crackdowns on crime.
  5. The fourth step is to jail the opposition, with Trump openly threatening to prosecute his opponents and remake the Justice Department for personal vendettas.
  6. The final step is to undermine the free press, as a fascist regime needs to control the flow of information, which Trump has been attacking and threatening to punish news outlets.
  7. The video emphasizes the importance of recognizing the threat of fascism and taking action to prevent it from taking hold.
kautau ,

I too, dropped it into to glean what it was saying haha

Edit: for reference, a really excellent tool to figure out the content of a video is without watching is

This is the AI summary

jimmydoreisalefty , avatar


Next time post an interesting sentence from summary!

kautau ,

I was planning on it, you beat me there. But I wanted to make sure that people know that the summary was AI generated and they could use that same tool

jimmydoreisalefty , avatar

Ah, so summary and sentences were similar to quoted post.

Thanks for sharing and explaining!

jimmydoreisalefty , in Robin D. G. Kelley: Working-Class Democracy and the Question of Palestine avatar

edit: fixed format error


  1. In the "Robin D.G. Kelley: Working-Class Democracy and the Question of Palestine" YouTube video, historian and journalist Robin D.G. Kelley pays tribute to the late historian and activist Bob Fitch, discussing the importance of working-class democracy and solidarity in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Kelley highlights the historical connections between the struggles of black Americans and Palestinians, drawing on Fitch's critique of the labor left's focus on union democracy at the expense of working-class democracy. The speaker also discusses the role of labor unions in Palestine during the Israeli occupation, criticizing the exploitation of Palestinian workers and the suppression of labor democracy. Kelley emphasizes the need for international solidarity and nonviolent tactics like boycotts and general strikes to challenge Israel's settler colonialism. The video also touches on the historical context of Israel's founding and its impact on Palestinians, as well as the role of organized labor in Palestine before and after the Nakba.

Short Summary

  1. Karen Miller welcomes the audience to the 13th annual Robert Fitch Memorial lecture, live-streamed by Boston Review.
  2. Karen introduces the speaker, Robin G. Kelly, and mentions previous speakers of the lecture series.
  3. Doug Henwood will introduce Robin G. Kelly, providing background information about Doug and his work.
  4. Doug talks about his friendship with Bob Fitch and reflects on Bob's work, including his analysis of New York City in his book "The Assassination of New York."
  5. Doug describes Bob as warm and generous, expressing his feelings of missing him as a friend and thinker.
  6. The video transcript discusses the analysis of Eric Adams, the cop and austerity mayor of New York City, criticized for shady company dealings despite his love for law enforcement.
  7. The speaker points out the absence of a crime wave in the city contrary to what figures like Donald Trump and Adams suggest.
  8. The speaker highlights the history of solidarity between Palestinians and Black Americans, critiquing the labor left's focus on union democracy over working-class democracy.
  9. Robin G. Kelly emphasizes the importance of thinking with Bob Fitch and addressing the situation in Palestine through a labor or working-class lens.
  10. The transcript delves into the exploitation of Palestinian labor by Israel, particularly focusing on the period between 1970 and 1994, highlighting challenges faced by Palestinian workers in terms of wages, working conditions, and lack of services.
Sunforged , in How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook | Robert Reich

This isn’t a straight political community so I'm gonna derail just a bit. But it's wild to me that Robert Reich is making this content, meanwhile his son is over here doing this, he also showed a naked picture of his father playing the flute in this episode.

The internet is wild yall.

rigatti , in Ketanji Brown Jackson Misses Entire Point Of The First Amendment: Matt Taibbi On SCOTUS Case [19:13 | Mar 19 2024 | The Hill] avatar


jimmydoreisalefty OP , avatar

Not too sure what you meant...

Katangi is a city and a municipal council, near the city of Balaghat in Balaghat District in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.

In Filipino it means 'unique'

rigatti , avatar

Liberal Justice Katangi Brown Jackson expressed concerns that the First Amendment limits government actions during critical times and questioned what actions the government should take to protect citizens.

You spelled her name wrong.

jimmydoreisalefty OP , avatar

Thanks, I missed that one!

I will edit to fix, thank you for letting me know!

Mrkawfee , in James Elder (UNICFEF) showing a line of trucks blocked by Israel at Rafah

They are starving people to death. It was stated from the outset by Zionist politicians that no food would be allowed in. We are watching a genocide happen and the West is complicit.

ech , in Crow searching for a nut I'd hidden and then making very cool woo sound

That's awesome. Corvids are such cool birds.

Also, just an fyi (if it was unintentional), the link you posted opens the video at the 2:15 mark, not the beginning.

silverchase OP , avatar

2:15 is when the wooing starts

ech ,

Gotcha. I thought that may have been the intent, but wanted to make sure. Thanks for the post!

snausagesinablanket , in Crow searching for a nut I'd hidden and then making very cool woo sound avatar
just_another_person ,

If you've not seen the American Dad episode, go do yourself a favor.

puntyyoke , in Matt Taibbi on How “Free Speech” Turned Into a “Far Right” Slogan [50:56 | Mar 19 2024 | Glenn Greenwald]

Great to see Greenwald continuing to platform grifters that spread disinformation.

jimmydoreisalefty OP , avatar

I disagree, but people can just look at the extensive work they do to see that you are incorrect in your assumptions.

asdfasdfasdf , in Gwyneth Paltrow Is Full of Regret While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

Disappointed in Hot Ones for hosting this psycho

sgibson5150 OP , avatar

Psycho? Really? Isn't that a little harsh my friend?

Edit: Don't downvote me. Use your words! I'm curious.

Edit #2: OK it's on me. Saying "Don't downvote me" is like wearing a "kick me" sign. I don't care about the karma. I'd prefer comments. Or downvote and then comment. 😆

asdfasdfasdf ,

Not harsh enough. I originally called her something different but wasn't sure if I was breaking any rules and didn't want to get banned.

sgibson5150 OP , avatar

Yes yes it's snake oil, obviously. But why go after her? People have been selling snake oil for a bajillion years.

asdfasdfasdf ,

LMAO WTF is wrong with you. People have murdered each other for a bajillion years too, I guess that means you're okay with them?

HessiaNerd ,

I'm not a fan of Paltro, but... Really?

Do you honestly expect a YouTube channel that makes mid to moderately famous people eat spicy food to be a paragon of journalistic integrity? That's just silly.

Also, yes she is parody of herself, but personally I reserve that level of vitriol for the Bezeoss and Rumsfelds of the world.

asdfasdfasdf ,

Scamming people who need real medical help into thinking bullshit products will cure them of issues, when in reality they could even cause them harm, is definitely deserving of vitriol.

CTDummy , in Gwyneth Paltrow Is Full of Regret While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

Why even have her on hot wings? She doesn’t act, is barely in the Hollywood/pop culture landscape and now runs a company selling bullshit to people. Is old mate that hard up for people to go on the show?

sgibson5150 OP , avatar

Sure, but everybody is hustling somebody. That's the world we live in. What about her hustle makes her worse than others?

asdfasdfasdf ,

No, not everyone is hustling someone. What a wrong, depressing view of the world. I don't think even the majority are.

sgibson5150 OP , avatar

Not saying it's right. Just asking how it makes her Space Hitler.

awwwyissss ,

everybody is hustling somebody

Sounds like an excuse for acting like an asshole.

sgibson5150 OP , avatar

Admitting you have a problem is the first step. 👍

willya , avatar

On hot wings? Are you 65 years old by chance?

CTDummy ,

Old for mistyping wings instead of ones. Not old, replying to a two day old post. Totally checks out.

willya , avatar

What? Only old people reply to old posts? You have absolutely no logic. I was already in here when it was first posted. I always come back to these buzzword hive mind lemmy hatred posts to observe the ignorance. Did you forget the E in CTE in your username?

CTDummy ,

Oof what a retort. What? Only old people misspell things? I’ve been on reddit for longer than I care to admit and almost never has anyone replied after 24 hours. That and you opening with an age based sting just led me to guess you were projecting. The username zinger certainly didn’t help either.

Rai ,

Some of us reply to month-old posts

sgibson5150 OP , in Gwyneth Paltrow Is Full of Regret While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones avatar

Interesting how the reaction is split so far. It occurs to me that lots of celebrities have sold sketchy shit, but female celebrities get grief over it. Did Matt Damon get cancelled over his crypto Superbowl ad? Food for thought, guys.

Ashyr ,

I strongly dislike Matt Damon now, so for me, this has nothing to do with gender.

sgibson5150 OP , avatar

I'm sure that's true. Can you see my point, though? How'd Gwyneth Paltrow get to be Super Hitler? 😆

willya , avatar

You’ve just tapped into the lemmyverse hatred hive mind. It’s easy to do. Other than a vagina candle I don’t know a whole lot about her. Hating someone for being a hustler and making $$$ is wild.

sgibson5150 OP , avatar

My man/woman/person! 🫸🫷

bostonbananarama ,

Interesting how the reaction is split so far. It occurs to me that lots of celebrities have sold sketchy shit, but female celebrities get grief over it.

Dr. Oz seems like a great example in line with her. They both made bogus claims about snake oil products that don't provide the benefits claimed.

Did Matt Damon get cancelled over his crypto Superbowl ad? Food for thought, guys.

Damon did an ad as a spokesperson. Crypto is inherently risky; it's a currency based on nothing that people just made up. Unless I'm missing something, I don't even know how they're comparable.

sin_free_for_00_days , in Gwyneth Paltrow Is Full of Regret While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

Hot Ones used to have interesting guests and interesting, deep dive, questions. This season really feels like it jumped the shark. Just PR for people who don't need it or deserve it.

MyPornViewingAccount , in Gwyneth Paltrow Is Full of Regret While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones
LaserTurboShark69 ,

What's wrong with dating a porn star?

MyPornViewingAccount ,

Nothing, thats my point that he's a jackass for dumping her when their relationship went public

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