BrianJopek , avatar

One of the funnier things I’ve seen today.

ntnsndr , avatar

@BrianJopek As a college teacher, I beg beg beg all high school teachers, please ban all screens in class so by the time they get to me doing so doesn't feel like an authoritarian imposition.

A_bee , avatar

@ntnsndr @BrianJopek as a college teacher I expect students to use whatever they feel comfortable with, and to occasionally interrogate that choice.

akamran , avatar

@A_bee @ntnsndr @BrianJopek I agree with this. However, I also agree that the chances of attempted indoctrination would fall flat because I would drop dead of shock if they actually read the syllabus.

futurebird , avatar

@akamran @A_bee @ntnsndr @BrianJopek

Had a sentence buried in mine when I taught college about if you told me about it I'd give you two free points on the next quiz.

Took TWO YEARS before they found it.

They all came in so sad because it was almost the end of the semester and there were no more quizzes but I was a softie and let it go retro.

Then a student from the previous term tried to show up and get his grade changed.

"I've never seen you angry before ..."

Bet. OMG.

DocBohn , avatar

@futurebird @akamran @A_bee @ntnsndr @BrianJopek

Heck, I've done this in an assignment. About a fifth of the class got the exam's bonus question correct.

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  • DocBohn , avatar

    @futurebird @akamran @A_bee @ntnsndr @BrianJopek There is some hope. This semester (as in many semesters) students would ask me a question on the course's discussion board, and before I could reply, other students would reply, quoting some portion of the syllabus.

    gwcoffey , avatar

    @ntnsndr @BrianJopek Haha I came here to say "is this a good time to say phones should be banned in school?" but you said it better.

    My daughter's school disallowed all phone use except in the courtyard from 7th grade through high school and it seemed so sensible to me.

    futurebird , avatar

    @gwcoffey @ntnsndr @BrianJopek

    We don't ban them at our school. Students may use phones in certain hallways and spaces. Phones should not be visible or heard in classrooms except during club hours.

    The middle school kids struggle a little to adapt, but I think that's part of what we are teaching them eg. when it is rude to have your phone out. Middle school students can lose the privilege of having their phone in their bag for a week if they mess up. Then it goes in the phone cubby.

    futurebird , avatar

    @gwcoffey @ntnsndr @BrianJopek

    I guess, in theory, an upper school kid could also loose their phone privileges but that's never happened.

    I want to put the phones of some of my coworkers in the cubby some of the time and maybe I will.

    futurebird , avatar

    @gwcoffey @ntnsndr @BrianJopek

    Maybe I'll just put name labels on some of the slots with the worst offenders among the faculty as a little hint... heh heh heh.

    "Mr. J...'s phone cubby slot" LOL

    llewelly , avatar

    @futurebird @gwcoffey @ntnsndr @BrianJopek
    when I worked in Silly Con Valley, I'd put my phones in airplane mode when I was in meetings. Then I got in trouble for putting my work phone in airplane mode "too much".

    BrianJopek OP , avatar

    @futurebird @gwcoffey @ntnsndr It remains to be seen here how it will go over at the high school here - it’s something administration went over with the school board at one of its recent meetings.

    futurebird , avatar

    @BrianJopek @gwcoffey @ntnsndr

    I think it's important to, when possible, give young people the opportunity to learn how to manage temptations properly rather than just banning them totally. Phones are important socially, and frankly it keeps the parents more calm when they know they can call their kids. This does mean we have to manage the phone cubby for the middle school kids, but they like their phones and in four years I've only had to put like six students on the week long punishment.

    humanhorseshoes , avatar

    @futurebird @BrianJopek @gwcoffey @ntnsndr the more entitled the parents the harder it is to teach their kids

    futurebird , (edited ) avatar

    @humanhorseshoes @BrianJopek @gwcoffey @ntnsndr

    Is more like with entitled parents the kids are lovely and the parents are the ones with the behavior issues. With kids who get less attention because their parents are busy/overworked it's the other way around.

    Choose your poison.

    BrianJopek OP , avatar

    @futurebird @humanhorseshoes @gwcoffey @ntnsndr Had a discussion recently with an older, retired guy - a Marine Corps veteran

    • who drives school bus here. From what he told me, the lack of school bus drivers here these days isn’t because of COVID or anything like that. Those people just want to do one thing and that’s drive the bus. They don’t want to babysit what’s become with time, he said, an increase in student misbehavior on buses that apparently doesn’t get addressed by parents.
    futurebird , avatar

    @humanhorseshoes @BrianJopek @gwcoffey @ntnsndr

    I have literally had to have more "conversations with the dean" about parent behavior issues than kids. LMAO.

    futurebird , avatar

    @BrianJopek @gwcoffey @ntnsndr

    As far as I can tell they regard having to put their phone in the cubby at the start of each day as a fate worse than death.

    And given that so much of a young person't social life is on that phone, and they COULD HAVE been checking messages between class and using the phone in ways that aren't rude and distracting ... maybe it is. I feel sorry for them.

    I don't think I could survive a week like that.

    aintist , avatar

    @futurebird @BrianJopek @gwcoffey @ntnsndr

    This is why my kids have been allowed to curse at home since 2nd grade or so, they’ve never been in trouble for cursing at school except when Angie said damn instead of darn because she forgot which was allowed.

    We told them they would get punished at school, might not get invited back to friends house if they cursed at the wrong time.

    They curse plenty at home but control their language elsewhere, teachers consider them incredible polite.

    rlstone4dems , avatar

    @futurebird I totally agree myrmepropagandist. I think back to what happens when you ban children from doing something... They'll become drawn to do it... And in regards to phones, while it may be a nuisance at times, it's very beneficial, especially to children.

    thomastraynor , avatar

    @futurebird Our daughter carried her phone all the time and never used it in class. It came in handy when her mother had a stroke. I let the school know what was going on and the fact if I called she was to immediately answer as I was going to pick her up ASAP. The school didn't have a problem with that.

    StephanieMoore , avatar

    @futurebird @BrianJopek @gwcoffey @ntnsndr thank you for sharing this experience and recommendation. I’m concerned that, too often, our approach to technologies in school focuses around banning or policing use, not on helping students develop tools for managing and decision making around their use of technologies. I’m very keen on the idea of “autonomy support” for technology use.

    Theriac , avatar

    @futurebird @gwcoffey @ntnsndr @BrianJopek
    Upper secondary or Lower secondary?

    futurebird , avatar

    @Theriac @ntnsndr @gwcoffey @BrianJopek

    12-14 year olds in year 7 up are allowed to have their phone in their bag, but this can be revoked if they can't manage it properly.

    10-12 year olds in year 5 and 6 must use the cubbies if parents insist they have a phone at school.

    Below that they can't bring a phone to school at all. And really WHY an 8 year old will just lose it they are still struggling with "having a pencil" and need to concentrate on that.

    bruce , avatar

    @futurebird @Theriac @ntnsndr @gwcoffey @BrianJopek

    I still sometimes struggle with "having a pencil"

    justafrog , avatar


    This made me check where my pencil is.

    @Theriac @ntnsndr @gwcoffey @BrianJopek

    aintist , avatar

    @futurebird @gwcoffey @ntnsndr @BrianJopek

    My kid is allowed to have her phone on her desk as an accommodation for dyslexia, she almost never uses it because she uses her computer for most writing assignments, and hates using voice typing in class.

    Most of the time she bugs a kid sitting next to her for spelling help.

    gwcoffey , avatar

    @futurebird @ntnsndr @BrianJopek This sounds very similar to what my daughter’s school did. As their campus was a collection of buildings the “certain hallway spaces” was easy to define as “outside”.

    I can say for certain that if I had had free access to something like an iPhone (or a laptop for that matter) while I was in school it would have been really difficult for me. Probably honestly impossible.

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