BeAware , (edited ) avatar

So, I'm curious about exactly how much of Fedi is blocking threads.

Boost for reach please. So the poll gets good info.

PS. This isn't a debate post or anything. Just want info if you're willing to share. Thanks!

Edit: The poll is officially over (editing reactivates it but I'm not acknowledging it). The estimated counts are as follows:

Around 740 users AREN'T blocking Threads from this sample size.

Around 415 users ARE blocking Threads from this sample size.

In hindsight, I should have made the poll longer so it could spread around more.

I will do another poll when Threads updates their code to allow replies. That poll will be longer and I will re-edit this post again with the link to that post, so you can re-vote at that time, if you'd all be so kind. 😅

Thanks again, have a good day.

staringatclouds , avatar

@BeAware I've just found this out & am not very happy about it

Anyone who personally blocked hasn't actually blocked it, they've muted it

Only instance admins can block another instance (defederation)

Muting stops posts appearing in your federated (world) timeline, but you can still see them if you look& afaik your public posts will appear in the world tl

So if your instance admin hasn't defederated their users can see your posts

staringatclouds , avatar
BeAware OP , avatar

@staringatclouds Yep. I've been saying this for a few months now.🤷‍♂️ Sorry, friend. Your only true way is to migrate to an instance that blocks them.

staringatclouds , avatar

@BeAware It doesn't help when the web interface calls it a block when it manifestly isn't

ChildlessBambino , avatar

@BeAware My instance is allowing Threads. I hate Zuck but i am not stupid. Most big accounts that find Mastodon too confusing will move there. So it is nice to be able to interact with them. I like that my server lets me still choose to do that.

Raccoon , avatar

Something I want to point out, this poll is giving an incomplete picture. The majority of people are on servers that aren't blocking threads, because most of mainstream Fedi isn't blocking threads. The majority of servers, from what I can tell though, are blocking Threads.

This is because the vast majority of the servers which are blocking threads are the smaller more niche servers, the queer/black/female/jewish/muslim hangouts and safe spaces.

This goes down to this concept I keep saying that different instances have different goals and strategies: the instances that set themselves up for massive userbases are the instances that are less likely to block a server the size of Threads.

BeAware OP , avatar

@Raccoon Tell me you didn't read the post without telling me you didn't read the post.👍

"In hindsight, I should have made the poll longer. When threads starts federating replies, I will make a new poll and edit this with that link so you can all vote again"

BeAware OP , avatar

@Raccoon Also, no, there's only 700+ instances blocking threads. That's 5-7% of all instances.🤷‍♂️

Raccoon , avatar

Interesting... That is far lower than the amount I've been seeing... If that is the case, perhaps it would be good if more servers blocked them, to give more users that option.

BeAware OP , avatar

@Raccoon This parses every known instances blocklist. The instances are pulled from which is pretty up to date.

It only can parse public blocklists but any instance that is worth moving to, has a public blocklist.🤷‍♂️

Raccoon , avatar

Actually, a lot of the smaller, more insular instances, don't have public blocklists. They also don't have public signups.

BeAware OP , avatar

@Raccoon that's my can someone who wants to block Threads realistically migrate to an instance that it doesn't know blocks threads and doesn't have open sign ups? Those instances aren't relevant for this kinda thing as nobody would know or want to go there.

Raccoon , avatar

Agreed, but they are legitimate and real instances. The fact that people can't find and move to them makes me second guess the idea that not blocking Threads is giving users options, as they don't seem to have many options to avoid it.

Just the other day, I was looking through the other North American tech servers, and very few are blocking Threads.

BeAware OP , avatar

@Raccoon yea, but there ARE instances that block them that can handle the extra traffic. There really doesn't need to be a TON of servers that block them, as long as the ones that do, can reasonably handle an influx of users.🤷‍♂️

Raccoon , avatar

I'm not referring to whether server staff can handle them, I'm referring to giving users a choice as to whether they are on a server that blocks Threads: some users would rather the Facebook company have zero access to them. That's a legitimate desire, and requires the server to do a full block.

Maybe this is something that needs to be looked into.

BeAware OP , (edited ) avatar

@Raccoon There's 700+ instances fully blocking threads, that link I sent, lists all the publically available ones...🤷‍♂️I'm sure they can handle new users. The users will be fully safe from threads if they migrate to any of the 700+ instances on that list.👍

To be clear, I didn't mention "staff" anywhere...😬if the actual server infrastructure can't handle new a lot of new users, I'd be hesitant to tell anyone to migrate.

BeAware OP , avatar

Less than an hour left on this poll!

If you don't mind answering an anonymous poll about your Threads Federation opinion, please do so before the time runs out!

eatyourglory , avatar

@BeAware just voted.

BeAware OP , avatar

@eatyourglory Thanks, friend. Appreciate it. Unfortunately, in hindsight, I should have made the expiration longer so it could spread around more. Therefore, this sample size doesn't really mean anything since it's so small. Maybe once they turn on replies, I'll do a longer one and maybe get a better sample size.

eatyourglory , avatar

@BeAware you totally should do that! will you block threads?

BeAware OP , avatar

@eatyourglory I will not.

I am of a different mindset than most here.

I did come here to get away from Musk and Meta originally, but I don't have any false sense of privacy on the internet like some seem to have here. Then, there's those that just don't understand exactly what data Meta can get from federating, which has been where at least a bit of the fearmongering has come from.

People seem to think that they'll be able to "sell your data" the same way they do if you were using their platform and that's just absolutely not the case. There ARE some nuances about what they can do and will probably do, but I see those as the trade-off of being able to have access to so many users while I'm in my own little safe space.
One of these things is simply stuff like ads being shown next to my posts on Threads for threads users to see. This doesn't bother me because if Fedi is successful, this has to be okay. People and companies need to make money and ads are just the most "known" way to do that.🤷‍♂️

eatyourglory , avatar

@BeAware Totally agree with you. If I wanted, I could spin up my own instance and start storing millions of fediverse posts, and then sell the data in them. We can't actually know if people are already doing that.

BeAware OP , avatar

@eatyourglory Facts. There ARE those that are doing that or planting the seeds to do that and the Fediverse has already accepted them (see NewsMast)🤷‍♂️ it's weird as hell.

eatyourglory , avatar

@BeAware I don't know much about NewsMast. Could you clue me in?

BeAware OP , avatar

@eatyourglory So, they currently are an "organization" that is "backed by a UK nonprofit" (citation needed🙄) that have a mastodon app and instance that has curated lists based on topics. These lists are just content from other users getting boosted to them. All this is fine and dandy....

Except for the fact that when it was first starting, they admitted that their goal is to have an app that is basically a "news" site/app with no need for login or user interaction strictly using the content from these lists. So basically, they're making their own app that uses Fedi content without your approval and you will like it, because they're being shady and making it seem like that's not what they're doing now.

I was completely blocked from them when they admitted this because I immediately started brigading against this because I HATE double standards...

Yet here we are, their plan probably hasn't changed and they most likely deleted that admission post.🤦‍♂️🤬

eatyourglory , avatar

@BeAware I didn't even know they had an app. That's... at the least, concerning.

BeAware OP , avatar

@eatyourglory Yep... the app is pretty "front and center" 🤦‍♂️ (technically on the left if you're on PC, but you get the point...)

Raccoon , avatar

@BeAware Going to point out, you only ran this for a couple days, during which a lot of us were focused on the eclipse.

Raccoon , avatar

@BeAware Going to point out, you only ran this for a couple days, during which a lot of us were focused on the eclipse. That might skew your numbers.

BeAware OP , avatar

@Raccoon I already pointed that out myself in the post.👍

tchambers , avatar

@BeAware Hope my boosting this helped! .....But I would note not statistically a random sample of fediverse users... I think to really do this one would literally need to do a true intentionally randomized sample across the whole fedi, and do all the things real world pollsters do to avoid sampling bias...

BeAware OP , avatar

@tchambers It totally DID help a ton! Yea, I do get that though. I was hoping for at least double the votes honestly, but it is what it is. I really wanted to see the "user intention" part of it, because no matter what the admins choose or think, everyone has their own opinions and that's the important part. We may see 700 instances "blocking threads", but that's not a user number of how many actually agree with those decisions and such.

Unfortunately, as you said, the sample size is too small and niche for it to have any meaning. But it was a good attempt and interesting nonetheless.🤷‍♂️

tchambers , avatar

@BeAware Indeed. It does give a snapshot of a slice of the Fediverse: those that follow folks that boosted it - and those that follow hashtags like and those that are willing to opt in to a poll on blocking threads... That is a thing.

BeAware OP , avatar

@tchambers All we can do is wait and see, when replies are turned on, really how much cross interaction there will be. It'll be interesting to say the least...I have hopes. I don't know if they're high hopes or low hopes, but hopes are there. 🤣

BeAware OP , avatar

@tchambers also, in hindsight. I should have set it for a longer time. Either you or I can do another poll when replies are enabled and make it for a week or something, that way it has more time to spread around. Bad decision on my part. That might help to get a better sample size.

dipolecat , avatar

@BeAware I... didn't know threads already launched

BeAware OP , avatar

@dipolecat Haha! About 9 months ago now!🤣😅

NiemPseu , avatar

@BeAware Seems I did block it long ago

NiemPseu , avatar

@BeAware How to block threads server on personal account?

nlupo , avatar

@BeAware I still have not, because I haven't met anyone from there or at least I'm not aware of any.

kyonshi , avatar

@BeAware well, I'm not personally blocking threads because my instance is doing it for me

BeAware OP , avatar

@kyonshi This is an intention thing really, do you intend to switch to a different instance to interact with them or are you okay with them being blocked?

kyonshi , avatar

@BeAware well I do already have a secondary account on to check on discussions that have blocked participants. So it's not like I will have to do anything.

Unless blocks them, which I don't think because their track record for moderation is... kinda shitty

BeAware OP , avatar

@kyonshi they're not going to block something they are explicitly the cause of...🤣 Mastodon is the reason Threads is federating and .social is owned by Mastodon Gmbh officially.🤷‍♂️

kyonshi , avatar

@BeAware yeah I know, and thanks to the design on their website a lot of people who join the fedi join first, and then get the whole stream of manure that comes with that instead of the nicer local social club feel of other instances.

I think instances should advertise themselves a bit more for their actual clientele, and focus on the local aspect of their instances instead of the interoperability with everything else

publicvoit , avatar

@BeAware There is not just blocked/unblocked. Our instance is muting it.

BeAware OP , avatar

@publicvoit Then it's okay to vote "I currently don't block Threads" because you can still interact if you want. It's an intention vote.🤷‍♂️

darklyadapted , avatar

@BeAware haven't worked out how to block it but when I do I will

BeAware OP , avatar

@darklyadapted here's zucks account, @zuck, you can click on his profile then click "..." and block this domain. This is all you can do as a normal user. Depending on some situations, it could be functionally a mute and they'd still be able to comment and interact with your posts, but you won't be able to see them.🤷‍♂️

Tattooed_mummy , avatar

@BeAware on my other account I also mute all mention of threads so I didn't see this poll there! 😄
People who hate threads, really hate threads

geco_de , avatar

@BeAware Blocked by my instance otherwise by me.

dpnash , avatar

@BeAware @_L1vY_ I am blocking the domain individually; the server I am currently on is not blocking it server-wide (and likely won’t, but not clear long term).

maddad , avatar


I'm blocking it because meta sux.
And they can keep their ads, cp, and influencers on their own side of the internet.
Has anyone looked at that cesspool lately?

BeAware OP , avatar

@maddad Well, Fedi has its FAIR share of CP, but yeah, this isn't meant to be a morality war or anything. I was just wondering🤷‍♂️

maddad , avatar


Ik, sorry, didn't want it to seem that way too. This last week I had opened a fake account because there was something on there I needed to check out. I couldn't believe what it has sunk too. I opened it out of SE Asia and there was an awful lot of crap.

maddad , avatar


oh, and it took less than a week for it to get suspended lol

BeAware OP , avatar

@maddad I can beat that! I registered and was suspended when I logged in :kek: then I was able to login 25 hours later, messed around for 30 minutes and suspended again🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

maddad , avatar


mine is unsuspended this morning. I still have no idea why it was suspended as no one replied to my enquiries.
It is such a gong show there.
Today I might open another account using my laptop, diff vpn and email and have a big argument with myself about trump and the magats haha

mw , avatar

@BeAware can you add an option for "I don't know"?

BeAware OP , avatar

@mw Well, this is meant for people who are currently decided if they want to or not. Not for situations that may sway your choice in the future.🤷‍♂️

pixelworld_ai , avatar

@BeAware I am not and probably wont, only whole instances I suspend are made up of illegal content, I can't see Threads fitting into that category with who runs it.

MikeImBack , avatar

@BeAware I'm on 3 different instances and all 3 have banned threads, otherwise I would have myself

BeAware OP , avatar

@MikeImBack Then vote "I currently block Threads" 🤷‍♂️

bob , avatar


Beamship hasn't started yet but we haven't seen any garbage from there yet. Our group has talked about blocking and agreed that we will if the GIGO starts (old computer term: Garbage In, Garbage Out) 😂

jm101 , avatar


It’s bewildering that Blocking became a thing

I guess it’s today’s shunning 🤷‍♂️❓

wernerprise , avatar


It is not actually me who is blocking, but my whole Mastodon instance, for reasons of “Self-protection” — which I appreciate a lot!

BeAware OP , avatar

@wernerprise Then I would say it's okay to vote that you are blocking threads. I meant this to be a vote for intention. I misworded it unfortunately.

wernerprise , avatar


I did vote as such, just wanted to add this information. I believe a server block has more reach than an individual one.

johnlogic , avatar


The instance I use does not appear to block Threads.

I was able to search, find, and click through the link to it on this page:

BeAware OP , avatar

@johnlogic Are you against this decision? If so, you can "mute" them by clicking "..." And clicking "block this domain". This is the only way users can actually decide for themselves. Do note that depending on "authorized fetch", it might be just a mute. If you do this I'd recommend voting "I currently block Threads"🤷‍♂️

Rob200 , avatar

@BeAware I can see why people would think they'd want to block Threads, I would even want to block Threads.

Some popular figures have Threads accounts that people would want to follow. Many could care less and block threads and say, "eh." Others might want to be permitted by their server to follow them.

The data collection, the monopoly and more are strong reasons to block Threads, yet Threads is most likely to capture the big stars that people "care about."

LinuxAndYarn , avatar

@BeAware I'm blocking threads but following one account there. They don't post frequently enough to be sure yet whether their posts are actually going into my timeline.

BeAware OP , avatar

@LinuxAndYarn If you're actively blocking them like this, I don't think it will come through on your timeline as it's basically a mute function.

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