lolgop , avatar

Reminder: The press doesn't care about Biden's age or experience.

They care about making 2024 seem like a normal election and Donald Trump a normal candidate. Because they can't comprehend not buying into Republican BS.

mastodonmigration , avatar


Great article!

"So the question is: what do we do about this?

You don’t have to play."

Instead of getting sucked into the Republican frames, pivot to the horror of an impending Trump dictatorship.

'Are you so concerned about [whatever it is] that your prefer a criminal rapist lunatic hell bent on destroying democracy.'

noyes , avatar


That hostage narrative isn't working. Try something else, like finding a candidate that doesn't spread Covid and give creepy hugs to fascists.



mastodonmigration , avatar

@noyes @lolgop

So, are you saying you really do prefer a criminal rapist lunatic hell bent on destroying democracy?

Very sorry, and clearly you don't like Biden and have plenty of reasons, but these are your two choices. That's not going to change.

noyes , avatar

When there's a monster at the gates and a con man telling you to need to surrender that which is yours, you feed the con man to the monster to gain time to regroup.

Democrats do not have to go with Biden. If they make that choice and Biden ends up losing--he will if Trump is the nominee--I won't caucus with them. Like Trump, Biden is a moral anathema. But I will make sure the Biden supporters get fed to Trump first. They deserve it for all the evil they've enabled.

mastodonmigration , avatar

@noyes @lolgop

So indeed a yes then? You pick the monster, and would feed fellow peasants who don't agree with you to the monster. That's an answer anyway.

noyes , avatar


I just watched the 'peasants' feed their peers to an artificial plague for the past 3 years. Don't even try to pretend you're decent people. Joe Biden's capitulation to COVID has cost humanity more life years than Genghis Khan. He sees that plague as an ally. The man is fucking disgusting.


mastodonmigration , avatar

@noyes @lolgop

Understood. You are so upset with the current administration that you are willing to support the criminal rapist dictator wannabe. Trump is your guy. That's a clear choice. Hope your candidate does not win, because as bad as you think things are now, if he wins (with your support) it will get infinitely worse.

MikeBon , avatar
noyes , avatar


Biden is already in the process of abandoning Ukraine. He wouldn't be entertaining fever dreams at the border or hugging fascists if he weren't. And when he does, you'll make excuses for that too.

@mastodonmigration @lolgop

MikeBon , avatar
noyes , avatar


Don't you have something better to do? You could go to the grocery store and help trunts reach herd immunity by spitting on the vegetables, or maybe help the police evict some Long Covid victims forced from their homes after Biden's disease spreading policies cost them everything. They might even let you sell some of their fentanyl to kids--Biden isn't going to stop them.

Your willingness to accept these evils is exactly why you should be fed to Trump.

@mastodonmigration @lolgop

mastodonmigration , avatar

@noyes @MikeBon @lolgop

Is that a yes? Understand this is hard, and your reasons for disliking Biden are truly held. Not disputing any of that. But the thing about voting in this country is you get two choices, and that's it. This time you get to choose between Biden, with all his faults and deficiencies, and a criminal lunatic who will end democracy. Is your hatred of Biden so great that you would prefer an unhinged dictator. Not trying to piss you off, but it's really that simple.

SabiLewSounds , avatar

@mastodonmigration @noyes @MikeBon @lolgop

Both sides are awful and clearly they're winning by dividing an conquering

Voting upholds either way

These "elections" don't help anyone in this system

mastodonmigration , avatar

@SabiLewSounds @noyes @MikeBon @lolgop

Don't think "both sides" are remotely the same. One side wants to have mass incarceration and dismantle democracy. Understand being upset with things as they are, but the path forward is not to embrace fascism.

SabiLewSounds , avatar

@mastodonmigration @noyes @MikeBon @lolgop both left and right are fascism

mastodonmigration , avatar

@SabiLewSounds @noyes @MikeBon @lolgop

Suppose it depends on your definition, but they are not the same. If you want to live in a Russia style fascism where opponents are murdered, protestors are beaten, jailed and killed, and opposition speech is illegal and dangerous, then go right ahead. Again, do we have huge problems? Yes we do. Would it be good to have better choices? Of course. But the solution is not to elect a criminal, rapist, lunatic, dictator wannabe, and kiss democracy goodbye.

SabiLewSounds , avatar

@mastodonmigration @noyes @MikeBon @lolgop

News flash, that's already happening

SabiLewSounds , avatar

@mastodonmigration @noyes @MikeBon @lolgop

The are dying - me right here and MANY more in the US, now with your or without your left wing president

The humans in the US are attacked by (placed by Obama) cops and the general population daily

There are active now on US soil disguised as "deportation camps" and etc

The are being starved and killed by diseases

Both sides are the same

noyes , avatar

Not quite. One side is much more honest about what they're doing.
@mastodonmigration @MikeBon @lolgop

mastodonmigration , avatar

@noyes @SabiLewSounds @MikeBon @lolgop

For goodness sakes, come on. "Both sides are the same." That's simply not true. Understand that you are passionate about these things, but this type of rhetoric is just delusional.

noyes , avatar


There are bottom lines. Biden spreads defiling diseases. He used false assurances of safety and technical competence to weaponize schools and workplaces against their communities. He tricked parents into killing their children, and children into killing their parents. He's a fucking monster.

@SabiLewSounds @MikeBon @lolgop

noyes , avatar


There are bottom lines. Biden spreads defiling diseases. He used false assurances of safety and technical competence to weaponize schools and workplaces against their communities. He tricked parents into killing their children, and children into killing their parents. He's a fucking monster.

@SabiLewSounds @MikeBon @lolgop

mastodonmigration , avatar

@noyes @SabiLewSounds @MikeBon @lolgop

That's enough. Put up with a lot of your increasing deranged nonsense for a while here but this is just ridiculous. Have a good life. You are blocked.

mastodonmigration , avatar

@noyes @MikeBon @lolgop

Disagree, but that's another pivot. Are you saying you support the criminal rapist conman wannabe dictator over Biden? That's the question.

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