GottaLaff , avatar

But sure, let's talk about political hit jobs on Biden's memory.🤦🏻‍♀️

Via Acyn:

Trump: One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, Well, sir, if we don't pay and were attacked by Russia, will you protect us? I said.. No I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay your bill!

aliza , avatar

@GottaLaff well its now the next day and my feed is full of crap about biden and almost nothing about what trump said... @RexHuppke had a short thread about the press that @atrupar reposted. Makes my blood boil...

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@aliza I know!!! It’s insane!!

Thumper1964 , avatar

@GottaLaff For some reason it really gets on my last nerve when he relays conversations he’s had with others and they always, always call him sir. I’m not buying it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Thumper1964 Oh, that goes without saying. He’s a liar.

E_Nonymouse ,

@GottaLaff Not a fan of either. Both are ethically, legally and morally compromised in various ways.

At the moment, Trump is competing with himself on how much more he can double down on that theme and still get his base to elect him anyway.
It's like a twisted version of a former DC mayor (Marion Barry) who kept getting arrested by his own cops for breaking the law(s). They re-elected him anyway, several times, despite being a felon busted for drugs and trafficking charges.

joeinwynnewood , avatar


I hope everyone is clear that this never actually happened.

No national leader is going to address a peer as "sir" (and of course that word is the loser's tell that he is lying).

mogul , avatar

@GottaLaff Mobsters gotta mob

Twitter_expat , avatar

I am sure Europe’s politicians are watching Trump are taking serious considerations whether he wins or not. Considerations and decisions that are not good for America and America’s interests in the world. So even as just a candidate is harming America and Americans. Europe is set to not depend on America the same way they don’t want to depend of Russia. And that is bad for America.

dsmdexter , avatar

For trump they're not allies, they're customers.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@dsmdexter Yes.

dsmdexter , avatar

He wanted to sell our military to saudi arabia while he was in office.

binaryequation , avatar

@GottaLaff All of Trump's relationships are transactional, so it's no surprise that he equates an international alliance with a neighborhood protection racket.

SpookieRobieTheCat , avatar

@GottaLaff The guy who doesn't pay any of his bills, hence he still has money, demanding that members pay. He thinks its his bill, his money. He thinks being equals owning everything. Its why he thinks the classified docs are his to do with whatever he wants because its, "All mine!".

marcfranz8 , avatar

@GottaLaff As a former defense contractor engineer and child of the Cold War, the fact that Republicans now support this traitor makes my head explode. Even terrible old racist Ronnie Reagan would be rolling over in his grave seeing what they have become.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@marcfranz8 No kidding. I wasn't, and I'm boiling.

petep44 , avatar

@marcfranz8 @GottaLaff Laffy, do you have a $$ Go-Fund-Me or Patreon $$ set up so your people can contribute to costs incurred by your eventual need for serious sabbatical/relaxation time?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@petep44 People ask me that a lot. No. I want nothing from anyone except civility, kindness, and support for Dems. Thank you! @marcfranz8

petep44 , avatar

@GottaLaff 😘

axeshun , avatar

@GottaLaff from the guy who notoriously, NEVER pays his bills 🤔

Atticus1956 , avatar


The real surprise, if one can call it that, is his staunch supporters at all levels believe they are safe! My God, how stupid can you be?

KayseeColorado , avatar


Don't call people or places by their names . My dad started doing this at about stage 5 dementia. The other stage followed swiftly.

sepfeiffer , avatar

@GottaLaff also… like he should talk about paying anyone… the great grifter he is?

iuculano , avatar



The is actually informing the world that he's a , telegraphing to his Master, , that he will stand by and do nothing as invades

Wait wait...
actually said "you gotta pay your bill"?
Donald Trump??

shaking my head again

stephanie , avatar

@GottaLaff Are people actually saying that Trump is more mentally stable and aware?

I do think Biden is like all our parents who mess up our name every time they see us.

I know it's not possible in this election, but I would love to see younger candidates next time

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@stephanie Yes, people are. Then again, people are also voting for Trump, so there's that.

And yes, Dems are saying a few things that they shouldn't too, about Biden. As you said, too late for that now. He's our guy. He must win.

stephanie , avatar

@GottaLaff Yeah, some people are definitely delusional if they can say that Trump is more well-spoken than Biden!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@stephanie I'll say!

br00t4c , avatar

@GottaLaff JFC when will the Dem Gerontocracy learn that there is zero currency in appeasing the lunatics of the American reich-wing? I think they need to have their heads examined. Biden got caught trying to play the idiotic Both Sides game. Even in good faith and to show the strength of The System they are just giving them clubs to bludgeon us all with. Just crush the damn fascists. Stop trying to make it look pretty and maintain "decorum". Roll up your sleeves and fight. This. Is. War.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@br00t4c Beats me.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

2/ Via @lolgop:

He's saying he'd encourage World War III in the middle of Europe with us on the side of the fascist aggressor.


Trump says he would encourage Russia to attack NATO allies: I said I would not protect our NATO allies. In fact, I would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell they want

mentallyalex , avatar

@GottaLaff Trump is a terrifyingly weakminded and unserious person and should absolutely not be allowed to run for office.


GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mentallyalex We can keep saying that all day every day, but he is running, he is unfit. @lolgop

mentallyalex , avatar

To be honest, I look forward to reading (hopefully from you) that he is 'running' from the authorities. 😆


GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mentallyalex How I wish

mentallyalex , avatar

@GottaLaff if it would work, I'd update a vision board.

Honestly, I don't care what it takes. That man will ruin what is left of this country.

Atticus1956 , avatar

@GottaLaff @mentallyalex @lolgop

And he has the power-mongers in the GOP & DOJ supporting him as well as a delusional, star-struck female judge protecting him. Be worried, be active! As Liz Cheney has said...we can no longer be bystanders!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Atticus1956 Exactly. It's the Trump Party now. @mentallyalex @lolgop

Wileymiller , avatar

@GottaLaff @lolgop

Oh, don't worry. He was just joking...right?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Wileymiller The stuff he's saying.. I'm not even posting most of it. @lolgop

Wileymiller , avatar

@GottaLaff @lolgop

When they tell you who they are...

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Wileymiller Well, people ARE listening and believing. The problem is, HIS people don't care. In fact, they crave more. @lolgop

Wileymiller , avatar

@GottaLaff @lolgop

Oh, I know. Ever since came down the escalator, his rallies grew more and more to resemble Nazi rallies in the early 30's.
Now they're don't just resemble, they're a complete reincarnation.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
darthstar , avatar

@GottaLaff @Wileymiller @lolgop
Don't forget he has the full endorsement of the Republican party and Republican members of Congress for this position.

MsMissy , avatar

@GottaLaff @lolgop

Sucking up to Russia to help him pay for his legal judgments?

customer228 , avatar

@GottaLaff The more Trump (AKA: Piece of sh*t) is allowed to speak, the more outrageous BS he'll talk. Trump's mere existence has been about being a predator. And now he's either rooting for the defiled, or encouraging the mentally stupid (red supporters) to do his dirty work, while he sits on his derrière... I hope one day we'll find out why Trump is so loyal to the dictator... Then again, he wants more than anything to be one...

Have a great weekend!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@customer228 You too

themamiyaman , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

3/ Via Rep. Sean Casten:

A convicted tax dodger asserts that you should not be entitled to the protection of the state if you don't pay your fair share.

That's not the case. But for a guy who sponges a lot of resources off the state that's a hell of a thing to believe.

mkoek , avatar

@GottaLaff also still misrepresenting this as if there are NATO bills that countries don’t pay

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mkoek Exactly

GottaLaff OP , avatar
Snowshadow , avatar

@GottaLaff We live in interesting times.
😲 😬

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Snowshadow Insane times is more like it. But I know that's what you meant, lol

Snowshadow , avatar

@GottaLaff I deleted that one and rewrote what you read😆

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Snowshadow LOL!!

leslier , avatar

The media should press every Republican lawmaker to say whether they agree.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@leslier We know they agree. They support him. And it will change nobody's mind.

TomShafShafer , avatar

@GottaLaff I honestly don't believe that conversation took place. But like Trump's stream-of-consciousness speeches, it clearly signals intent. Like many have speculated, Trump would gladly see the US pull out of NATO, which is exactly what Putin wants him to do.

KayseeColorado , avatar


Wow. Not only, what he said makes me sick, but then people cheered.🤢 So I watched with the sound off the 2nd time.

Did anyone notice the people in the background! They have to have been paid suckers. I doubt they even hear what he is saying. It would be really sad if it wasn't so scary!

Lizette603_23 , avatar

@GottaLaff who's going to tell the nyt? Oh no, that's right, they love this guy

marnet , avatar

@GottaLaff Protection Rackets 101

dbc3 , avatar

So his unpaid lawyers should do whatever the hell they want.

Atticus1956 , avatar


The DHS still has the 'If You See Something, Say Something Campaign'.

Here's the link:


I recommend (IMHO) we all begin reporting the Trump terrorist threats being made at all of his Campaign Rallies. Perhaps, just perhaps someone in a position of authority will realize the seriousness of the situation.

DavidPenington , avatar

@GottaLaff Trump only understands protection rackets.

axeshun , avatar

@GottaLaff @lolgop no. F*cking. Way.
Did he actually say this out loud?

Lazarou , avatar

@GottaLaff it hurts my brain just trying to read his bibble. 🤦‍♂️

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Lazarou And I'm leaving TONS out.

sepfeiffer , avatar
PamelaBarroway , avatar

@GottaLaff @Lazarou 🤦🏻‍♀️😡

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