flexghost ,
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

A president is now a dictator.

One who can murder at will to retain power. This, thanks to the illegitimate Supreme Court

"With fear for our democracy, I dissent."
Justice Sotomayor's scathing remarks:

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  • Ted_Cville ,
    @Ted_Cville@ohai.social avatar

    @flexghost more horrible than I could have imagined..!

    trumpmagacool ,

    @flexghost Hail Trump!

    Blanco ,
    @Blanco@c.im avatar

    @flexghost No, it is now a king. And kings govern til death.

    TAI ,
    @TAI@mstdn.social avatar

    @flexghost Not to worry folks. democrats have the answer to the biggest threat to democracy in our lifetimes; roll the debate

    TAI ,
    @TAI@mstdn.social avatar

    @flexghost does anybody else think the only intelligent response is to embrace this horrible reality, not denial, and prepare

    rowlandm ,
    @rowlandm@disabled.social avatar
    nancylwayne ,
    @nancylwayne@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost TFG's 2016 campaign boast that he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters" takes on new significance.

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @nancylwayne I guess he actually meant he would gain some Supreme Court justices?

    nancylwayne ,
    @nancylwayne@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost Sure seems that way.

    inkyframe ,

    Just reading the CNN's "key takeaways" and it actually looks bad. "Conversations between Trump and the Department of Justice: Official act. Trump is immune from prosecution."

    BUT this is a double-edged sword that the Supreme Court is openly handing over to Biden. Biden can (and should before it's too late) use the free ticket he is given and utilize the full might of the American state to not let Trump win this election. It might be the last chance.

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @inkyframe interesting

    galad ,
    @galad@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost All six of them need to be removed for the sake of the country. Either by impeachment or Presidential act. hell, they should be removed for acting unconstitutionally. Anyone with a half decent education would tell you that this sort of thing is EXACTLY what the Founders feared.

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @galad 🔥

    oscarfalcon ,
    @oscarfalcon@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost Feels like this....

    RinostarGames ,
    @RinostarGames@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @flexghost Only a Republican president, because it is ultimately the Supreme Court who get to decide which acts are "official" and which aren't.

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar


    Official business means republican according the George Washington and the current SCOTUS

    UlrikNyman ,
    @UlrikNyman@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost why wouldn't Biden not just call Seal Team 6 on Trump now‽

    scottytrees ,
    @scottytrees@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost soooo we’re fucked then???

    LordCaramac ,
    @LordCaramac@discordian.social avatar

    @flexghost Maybe Biden should have Trump assassinated now.

    18+ flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    Team Trump and Project 2025 knew this ruling was coming. They had a statement ready to go: blame the other side for exactly what you're doing

    Trump, with his fugu fat cheeks, spewing nonsense into the camera

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    Adam Schiff's take on SCOTUS giving immunity to a president, setting the stage for a dictatorship

    Schiff Being milquetoast and semi useless talking to camera

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    AOC's take on the Supreme Court

    “The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control.

    "Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture.

    "I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.”

    That's a little better than "vote harder" don't you agree?

    femme_mal ,
    @femme_mal@mstdn.social avatar

    @flexghost We have to do both AND MORE.

    AOC only told us what she's going to do.

    What we should be doing in addition to organizing massive turnout: contacting our senators and representatives and demanding they support AOC's articles of impeachment to remove corrupt justices.

    FURTHER, we should demand senators and representatives draft a bill to enlarge SCOTUS to match the number of appeals court districts.

    Kierkegaanks ,
    @Kierkegaanks@beige.party avatar

    @flexghost her no bullshit, i’m not taking prisoners-voice is hot

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @Kierkegaanks It isn't not hot

    rberger ,
    @rberger@hachyderm.io avatar

    @flexghost We need to “Make them Do It “ https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2011/06/evolving/240972/

    How do we demonstrate that the Majoirty of Americans won’t stand for what the Supreme Court has wrought? https://hachyderm.io/@rberger/112712605150782920

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    Pelosi's take:

    "Some people died because of him...and people died again because of his delay and denial about COVID.

    "The Supreme Court would say that a person is above the law?

    "And they waited months to make a conclusion about it?"

    Pelosi and Psaki on MSNBC

    18+ PetterOfCats ,
    @PetterOfCats@mastodon.world avatar

    @flexghost they waited to go on their vacations on their “friends” yachts before lighting the Molotov cocktail and throwing it at the gas station with the fireworks stand in the parking lot is what they did.

    Osteopenia_Powers ,
    @Osteopenia_Powers@newsie.social avatar

    Of course they waited until the last day to release this indefensible decision.

    Tattered ,
    @Tattered@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost “Denial about COVID” rings a bit hollow now. Unless Pelosi intends to hit Biden with the same stick.

    flexghost OP , (edited )
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    Biden on SCOTUS granting the president unlimited power:

    "I'm powerless. Vote harder."

    argv_minus_one ,
    @argv_minus_one@mstdn.party avatar


    You misunderstand. SCOTUS granted Trump unlimited power. Not Biden. You see, whether or not the president is immune depends on whether the act in question was official, and guess who gets to answer that question? Yep, SCOTUS.

    hllizi ,
    @hllizi@hespere.de avatar

    @flexghost Are you certain that Scotus would eeem any of Biden's actions official?

    martinlentink ,
    @martinlentink@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost No, not better. Voting is necessary, but not sufficient. Just like filing Articles Of Impeachment is necessary, but no sufficient.

    Give_A_Damn ,
    @Give_A_Damn@newsie.social avatar


    Has she introduced (or cosponsored legislation) to reverse Snyder v U.S.?


    When will the Democrats take a serious stand against corruption?

    @CREW @pogowatchdog

    bitcodavid ,
    @bitcodavid@hachyderm.io avatar

    @flexghost Yes, but vote harder anyway.

    mycotropic ,
    @mycotropic@beige.party avatar


    100% this, try those lying assholes that trump appointed
    They lied under oath to Congress.

    scentedmeat ,
    @scentedmeat@norcal.social avatar

    @flexghost 🔥🔥🔥

    ChrisHolladay ,
    @ChrisHolladay@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost AOC on the ball

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar
    galad ,
    @galad@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost Biden should just have Trump arrested already. The Supreme Court practically said he could.

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @galad that’s as far as you’d go? The other team wouldn’t be so generous. Think of why they wanted this immunity

    nedhamson1 ,
    @nedhamson1@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost Go Get them!!!

    mister_shade02X2 ,
    @mister_shade02X2@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost It’s theater unless there’s votes to back it up.

    I know that’s cynical. But filing articles of impeachment that everyone knows won’t go anywhere is what we make fun of Margie Three Names for doing.

    Hopefully enough people understand they need to vote straight Democratic this year if they want Court expansion or impeachment articles to have a chance of becoming reality.

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @mister_shade02X2 you’re not wrong

    argv_minus_one ,
    @argv_minus_one@mstdn.party avatar


    That alt text though. 😂

    hybridhavoc ,
    @hybridhavoc@darkfriend.social avatar

    @argv_minus_one @flexghost Yeah, it does nothing to actually describe the image (the purpose of alt text)

    argv_minus_one ,
    @argv_minus_one@mstdn.party avatar


    The alt text is not wrong. It is, in fact, an image of AOC.


    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @argv_minus_one @hybridhavoc

    My discord server is basically custom emojis and stickers of AOC

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @hybridhavoc @argv_minus_one

    Jesus there’s like one of you a day. Engage with the substance if you are able to.

    signalthirteen ,
    @signalthirteen@universeodon.com avatar

    @flexghost I'm gonna go out on a load-bearing limb here and forecast that 90% of the people who were saying she was too radical when she got elected will have practically lionized her in less than a few weeks.

    Beachbum ,
    @Beachbum@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    @flexghost you probably won’t be successful until after the election and we have 218 house members and 67 senators. Go for it, though there may be some moral characters in the House who will side with you and maybe a few in the Senate.

    shanecelis ,
    @shanecelis@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @flexghost @VeroniqueB99 She's the only one I've seen with a serious and reasonable response that I've seen so far.

    Sh4d0w_H34rt ,
    @Sh4d0w_H34rt@cyberpunk.lol avatar

    @flexghost if this action gets support, then yeah, sadly, all Dems do is bluster in fake outrage and fail to take substantive actions on anything. And they wonder why voters aren't enthusiastic about supporting their party.

    dogzilla ,
    @dogzilla@masto.deluma.biz avatar

    @flexghost @WashRinseRepeat Not sure if it makes a difference now. The damage has already been done, and the GOP still holds the House, so these are going nowhere. And while it’s possible, it takes a lot to reverse a SCOTUS ruling.

    steter ,
    @steter@mastodon.stevesworld.co avatar

    @flexghost We must do both. If we did not vote at all, there would be no AOC in power to file articles of impeachment.

    We can't remove a SCOTUS ass because we don't like their politics. They actually must decide something far outside the norm. They finally did it. Now, if people HAD VOTED, we'd have a majority to oust them, but HALF OF US stayed home & played video games or watched Survivor, or griped the other side is mean & we should fight 1000's of machine guns in the streets.

    Greengordon ,
    @Greengordon@spore.social avatar


    AOC might be one of the few who realizes what life will be like for all opponents of Trump. She's quite likely to get locked up or killed by a Trump mob.

    "I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.”

    "That's a little better than "vote harder" don't you agree?"

    littleEva ,

    @flexghost yes AOC

    hmelman ,
    @hmelman@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost yes “a little” since it won’t pass the House let alone the Senate. But at least it will feel good.

    LazaroDTormes ,
    @LazaroDTormes@mastodon.social avatar


    My president 😍

    Jon_Kramer ,
    @Jon_Kramer@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost I just wish she had done this when her party had control of Congress. Now it's an empty threat.

    1dalm ,
    @1dalm@deacon.social avatar


    It's really not. There is 0% chance the articles go anywhere, and even if they did, there is a 0% chance the senate would convict and send a SCOTUS judge packing.

    BlackDogActual ,
    @BlackDogActual@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

    I dont often agree with AOC. but Ma'am you have thos one correct.

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar
    AlgoCompSynth ,
    @AlgoCompSynth@universeodon.com avatar

    @flexghost Can she just have a staffer write up Articles of Impeachment and file them, or is there some process she has to follow?

    forthy42 ,
    @forthy42@mastodon.net2o.de avatar

    @flexghost The right answer is really to cold-blood murder these judges by a navy seals unit, on explicit command by the president “to rescue democracy”. They really called for it.

    rlstone4dems ,
    @rlstone4dems@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost Perfectly said by Congressman Schiff.

    TAI ,
    @TAI@mstdn.social avatar

    @flexghost could've tried to pack the court has some who foresaw this suggested!!!!! just furious with fools thiking they could depend on democrats, all reactive, never proactive. always incompetent in the face of the GOP.

    Shivadam ,
    @Shivadam@veganism.social avatar

    @flexghost So will have this power now! Maybe he can do something with that power!

    flexghost OP ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    @Shivadam spoilers: he won't

    Sameagle ,
    @Sameagle@federated.press avatar

    @flexghost This the end for our Democracy.

    xs4me2 ,
    @xs4me2@mastodon.social avatar


    Bought and paid for… this is not justice at all. It is political bias…

    peteorrall ,
    @peteorrall@universeodon.com avatar

    @flexghost Absolutely disgusting.

    rvinson ,
    @rvinson@liberdon.com avatar
    jenzi ,
    @jenzi@mastodon.social avatar

    @flexghost let's hope then this president learns a lesson here...

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