tomiahonen , avatar

SPOT ON by DC Deejay

The press's political hit job on Biden, spearheaded by CNN & NYT, is not intended to make anyone vote for Trump

Is intended to fracture DEM party & suppress DEM vote. Will work, if voters don't understand that are being played & see this election as binary choice for democracy

PandaChronicle , avatar

I think about the pure technical choices CNN made: camera angles on tfg vs Biden, lighting. tfg always appeared to be speaking straight into the camera. Biden’s camera/podium made it look like he was either addressing tfg or no one.
The whole thing was a shit show, even before you get into lack of fact check on tfg.
I fail to see what media gains if the entire country collapses into dystopia. Do they think tfg as dictator will allow them to continue to exist except as puppets?

tomiahonen OP , avatar

@PandaChronicle first, you are correct, I noted the bad camera angle too. That did seem like it was deliberate, but I cannot 'blame this' on CNN. Nobody is going to vote against Biden because he was seen in profile haha. I DO agree, it seemed like deliberate effort to make Biden seem worse (and Trump better) where CNN anticipated thus that Biden will destroy Trump in the debate (so assumed beforehand)..

Now as to dystopia

bronakins , avatar


The debate “production values” sucked as far as Biden was concerned — lighting, makeup, and camera angles seemed to be designed to make him look as old as possible — “death warmed over” captures it. Also, his mic probably could’ve been adjusted to make him more audible, and at times it looked like he was straining to hear.
CNN must’ve done this purposely for just the reasons you said— keep the “race” close. Haha! They musta been ecstatic when Biden showed up hoarse from a cold— the cherry on top.

But one thing I’ve been meaning to ask you. It’s my understanding that the Biden camp offered these two debates— take it or leave it. So why do you think they wanted one to be so early before the conventions?


eilonwy , avatar

@bronakins @Npars01 @tomiahonen @PandaChronicle Trump was making a big deal about how Joe Biden was afraid to debate him. So then Biden called his bluff and said OK I’ll debate you. These were the dates they came up with that work for everyone’s schedule. So then Trump had no choice, but to accept into accept some limitations and so forth. Otherwise he would’ve looked to be afraid to debate Biden. So that’s just how that worked out. (1/2)

tomiahonen OP , avatar

@PandaChronicle The media obviously has no gain out of dystopia. The media would be first killed once the Trump dictatorship gets to the stage of 'getting rid of the enemies of the state'. They know this from all dictatorships, and their various foreign correspondents there. That is pretty obvious. BUT they do not think it is in any way in the cards (for 2024). They want a tight race narrative, and they know it is a blowout race with Trump losing massively in November. So they distort the race

randahl , avatar

@tomiahonen I find your theory interesting. But how do you explain Trump polling +1.1 over Biden on the 538 average?

That does not indicate a Biden landslide victory too me.

Joe_Hill , avatar

@randahl @tomiahonen See: Nate Silver’s Red Wave.

Beachbum , avatar

@PandaChronicle @tomiahonen Dana Bash and Jake Tapper don’t want to be on tfg’s hit list. They are just cowards.

otownKim , avatar
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